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[00:00.00]聽力課堂網(wǎng)(tingclass.net)8.沖曬店   C:Could you please have these films developed?
[00:04.99]S:When would you want them back?
[00:08.44]C:Two hours later.Is that alright?
[00:12.70]S:Yes,sure.It's one dollar and fifty cents per photo.
[00:18.65]C:How about the developing charges?
[00:22.31]S:Eight per roll. C:That's fine.
[00:24.39]每卷八元. 那不錯.
[00:26.46]S:Please keep this receipt,sir.
[00:30.12]C:Do you develop black and white films?
[00:34.19]S:Yes,but it takes longer and is more expensive.
[00:39.44]C:I see,thank you.
[00:43.00]Please give me three rolls of colour film.
[00:47.44]S:Twenty-four or thirty-six exposures?  C:Thiry-six please.
[00:50.70]二十四張還是三十六 張的? 三十六張的.
[00:53.97]S:Kodak?  C:Fuji is fine.
[00:56.15]柯達(dá)? 富士就行.
[00:58.33]S:Here you are,sir.Altogether sixty dollars,please. C:Here's the money.
[01:01.75]給您膠卷,先生,共六十元.  給您錢.
[01:05.18]Words 單詞  develop and print
[01:14.03]film   negative
[01:18.11]9.音器材 C:Can you recommend a home audio system to me?
[01:24.45]S:Yes,sir.Would you like this prepackaged system?
[01:30.20]It includes a switching control,a power amplifier,
[01:36.44]a disc player,a cassette deck,a tuner and a pair of speakers.
[01:43.60]C:Can I change the speakers?
[01:47.15]S:I'm afraid not.We cannot alter the components of a pre-packaged system.
[01:54.31]Maybe you could buy them separately.
[01:58.07]C:But are components of different brands compatible with one another?
[02:03.72]S:Most audio components will work just fine with others
[02:09.04]Of course,if you match a one thousand dollar cassette deck
[02:14.82]with sixty thousand dollar speakers,
[02:18.66]you won't be getting maximum benefit out of the speakers. C:I see.
[02:24.43]Then I prefer a re-packaged system.
[02:28.87]But I don't like the one you just recommend.
[02:33.31]It's too big,not suitable for my tiny living room.
[02:38.77]S:Will this mini-system do,sir?
[02:40.95]那這套迷你組合好嗎? 先生?
[02:43.13]It's specially designed to save space.
[02:47.50]C:Yes,but why is it so expensive?
[02:52.04]S:It's of very high quality,even compared with systems of ordinary size.
[02:58.70]C:Do you have a warranty for it?
[03:02.26]I've heard that some shops sell grey-market goods.
[03:07.30]S:Don't worry,sir.See the red junk logo on the door?
[03:13.57]We're member of the Hong Kong Tourist Association.
[03:18.82]We don't sell grey-market goods.
[03:23.08]All products here have warranties.
[03:27.05]Words 單詞  audio equipment
[03:30.00]cassette deck
[03:33.05]CD player
[03:36.01]grey-market goods
[03:42.22]integratd amplifier
[03:45.99]matched component system
[03:55.94]portable system
[03:59.10]power amplifier
[04:02.44]radio  speaker
[04:04.66]收音機(jī)  揚聲器
[04:09.55]10.錄像器材 S:Good afternoon,sir.What can I do for you?
[04:15.61]C:I need a video cassette recorder(VCR).
[04:19.55]S:It is for use in Hong Kong?  C:No,in the Philippines.
[04:22.23]是在香港使用的嗎?  不,在菲律賓.
[04:24.91]S:Then maybe this one will do.It is NTSC system which suits your country.
[04:32.46]C:By the way,
[04:35.20]why are there different VCR systems in different countries or places?
[04:41.97]That's because different countries or places have different broadcast standards
[04:48.34]It relates to the way the picture is transmitted
[04:52.99]and the number of scan lines visible on the screen.
[04:57.67]C:I see,thanks for telling me.
[05:01.92]But is there a multi-standard VCR here?
[05:06.60]S:Yes,we have multi-standard VCR
[05:11.14]S:Generally yes,
[05:14.31]but we have a VCR that can play NTSC standard tape on a PAL only television.
[05:22.14]C:That's great!
[05:24.99]But do you know how much customs duties I will have to pay back home on this?
[05:31.47]S:It varies from country to country,sir.
[05:35.62]I think you better check it out by contacting the consulate
[05:40.77]or trade commission of your country in Hong Kong.
[05:45.73]C:Do you have an international warranty for this?
[05:50.20]S:We can only give you a local warranty,sir.
[05:54.74]But you can exchange it for an international one at the sole agent's office.
[06:01.12]C:That's too much trouble,I'm afraid.
[06:05.06]S:You can also exchange it by mail after you return to your home country.
[06:10.70]C:I see.Let me think it over.Thanks a lot.
[06:16.27]Words 詞匯  consulate
[06:18.91]customs duty
[06:22.15]international warranty
[06:25.70]NTSC  PAL  SECAM
[06:29.52]美國制式  英國制式  法國制式
[06:33.35]trade commission
[06:36.30]video camera
[06:39.46]video cassette recouder(VCR)
[06:44.22]video cassette tape
[06:47.46]laser disc player
[06:50.83]11.紀(jì)念品  S:Can I help you,madam?
[06:55.27]C:I'm looking for some souvenirs for my friends.
[06:59.94]S:Do you like these key-rings?  We have different designs,
[07:02.87]這些鑰匙扣好嗎? 我們有各種不同的設(shè)計,
[07:05.80]some with Chinese characters,some with scenic pictures.
[07:11.96]C:Key rings are too common.I want something special.
[07:17.52]S:How about this pair of chopsticks?
[07:21.47]C:They're beautiful.I'll take them,but I need some other things.
[07:27.53]S:May I suggest this dim sum basket?
[07:32.10]It is made of bamboo and used to steam food stuff.
[07:37.85]There are also some Chinese dim sum recipes inside.
[07:43.80]C:I love it!Give me three,please.Any other suggestions?
[07:50.36]S:Maybe you want to try Chinese tea.
[07:54.41]This elegant brass case contains Jasmine tea leaves.
[08:00.44]C:Good idea!
[08:03.37]My friends told me don't leave Hong Kong without a bag of Chinese tea.
[08:09.74]What do the Chinese characters on the case mean?
[08:14.18]S:They mean "tea" and "Hong Kong".
[08:18.44]C:I see. Give me two,please.
[08:23.01]S:Any other things,madam?
[08:26.36]C:No,thanks.I think that's enough.How much does that come to?
[08:32.73]S:Just a moment,please I'll figure it out.
[08:36.99]The total is four hundred and fifty dollars.
[08:41.64]C:Here's the money.
[08:44.56]S:Thank you,madam.Your change.  C:Keep it,please.
[08:47.35]謝謝,小姐,你的找零. 請你留下吧.
[08:50.13]S:It's very kind of you,but we can't accept tips.
[08:55.09]C:I see.I'll take it back.
[08:59.04]Words  badge   Chinese chess
[09:01.47]襟章,徽章  中國象棋
[09:03.90]Chinese tea
[09:06.95]chopstick    coasters
[09:09.03]筷子  杯墊
[09:11.11]dim sum basket
[09:14.34]key ring   mahjong   postcard
[09:17.18]鑰匙扣  麻將  明信片
[09:20.01]12.陶瓷手工藝  S:May I help you,sir?
[09:24.74]C:It's a traditional Chinese design,isn't it?
[09:29.29]S:Yes.It is made in Jingdezhen,a place famous for porcelain.
[09:36.05]C:It's extremely beautiful.
[09:39.53]I'll take it.Do you have tablecloths to go with it?
[09:42.20]我就買下它吧. 你們有配它的臺布嗎?
[09:44.88]S:A linen one or brocade? C:Brocade,please.
[09:47.45]要亞麻的還是錦緞的? 要錦緞的.
[09:50.03]S:How about this one? It is hand-embroidered with a bamboo design.
[09:53.27]這個怎樣? 這是人工繡制的,圖案為竹子.
[09:56.51]C:(Looks at the price tag)Too expensive.
[09:59.85]You haven't got anything cheaper,have you?
[10:03.82]S:Please consider the fine craftsmanship.They're worth the price.
[10:09.78]C:Can you give me a discount?
[10:13.12]S:I'm afraid not,sir.The prices are fixed.
[10:15.71]恐怕不能,先生. 我們是不還價的.
[10:18.29]C:I see.Then I'll take them.
[10:22.45]S:Shall I wrap it together with the tableware or wrap them separately?
[10:31.82]S:Altogether three thousand five hundred,please.
[10:37.00]C:(Takes out a cheque book)S:I'm sorry,sir.We don't accept personal cheques.
[10:42.14]C:Then I'll pay cash.
[10:45.80]S:Thank you very much,sir.Please come again.
[10:50.66]Words 詞匯  brocade   carpet
[10:52.73]錦緞  地毯
[10:54.81]cloisonne   egg-shell china
[10:57.29]景泰藍(lán)   薄胎瓷器
[10:59.77]embroidery    porcelain
[11:01.90]刺繡  瓷器
[11:04.03]rug   sandal fan
[11:06.21]地毯  檀香扇
[11:08.40]tablecloth   tableware
[11:10.68]桌布  餐具
[11:12.97]tapestry   vase
[11:15.10]掛毯  花瓶
[11:17.22]13.家具 C1:John,the design of this furniture is quite special isn't it?
[11:24.67]C2:Yes,it is.  What is it made of?
[11:29.24]S:It is made of rosewood,sir.
[11:32.90]It's marked by its rose colour and fragrant odour.
[11:37.63]C1:Really,let me smell it.Hm...,there is a light fragrance of rose.
[11:45.57]S:Would you like this chair,madam?
[11:49.02]This is a reproduction of Qing Dynasty furniture,inlaid with mother-of-pearl.
[11:55.99]C2:What does the insurance cover?  S:It covers loss in transit.
[11:58.93]包括哪方面的保障? 只包括運送途中的遺失.
[12:01.87]C2:I want a "all-risk" insurance policy against both loss and damage.
[12:08.71]I'll pay for any extra charges.
[12:12.55]S:Certainly,sir.We'll arrange it for you.
[12:17.23]words 詞匯   camphor wood
[12:20.10]chair   chest
[12:22.02]椅子   大木箱
[12:23.94]pine    rattan
[12:25.91]松木   藤
[12:27.89]rosewood   screen
[12:29.95]花梨木  屏風(fēng)
[12:32.01]table   teakwood
[12:34.00]臺  柚木
[12:35.98]14.玩具 S:Good morning,madam.What can I do for you?
[12:41.55]C:Can you suggest a toy for a two year old boy?
[12:46.41]I've got to buy a birthday present for my friend's son.
[12:51.37]S:Well,how about this wooden rocking horse?
[12:56.23]I'm sure he'll enjoy riding on it.
[13:00.07]C:But it's too heavy to carry.
[13:03.83]S:We can have it delivered,madam.
[13:07.59]C:No,thanks.I need something which can be picked up right away.
[13:13.34]S:Then would you like this model lorry?
[13:17.41]It's operated by batteries and can carry light things such as rubbers and pencils
[13:25.46]C:It's cute,but is it safe?
[13:29.85]S:Sure,madam.It meets international safety standards.
[13:35.41]You can see,the edge is rounded and the car speed is low.
[13:41.16]C:Then I'll take it. Please give me a new one.
[13:43.64]那么我就買這個,請給我 一個新的.
[13:46.12]S:Here you are,madam.
[13:49.05]C:(Examines the toy) There is a scratch on it.
[13:52.42]S:Just a minute,madam. I'll change it for you right away...
[13:55.15]請稍等,小姐. 我立刻給你換另一個...
[13:57.88]Here's a new one. Please double check it
[14:02.92]C:This one is perfect. Where do I pay?
[14:07.78]S:The cashier is over there,madam.
[14:11.54]Words 詞匯  doll   model car
[14:13.88]洋娃娃  模型車
[14:16.22]puzzle  rocking horse
[14:18.40]拼圖  搖動木馬
[14:20.58]safety standard   teddy bear
[14:22.92]安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn)  玩具熊
[14:25.25]15.花卉   C:I want to order a bunch of flowers for next Tuesday.
[14:31.60]S:Is it for Valentine's day?   C:Yes,it's for my girlfriend.
[14:34.58]是為情人節(jié)而送嗎? 對,送給我女朋友的.
[14:37.56]S:What kind of flower do you want,sir?   C:Tulips please.
[14:40.20]你想要什么花呢? 郁金香.
[14:42.83]S:You've got good taste,sir.Which colour do you prefer?
[14:48.08]C:White,please. She loves white.
[14:50.15]白色. 她喜歡白色.
[14:52.21]S:How many do you need?   C:Twelve is fine.
[14:54.55]要多少支呢?  十二支便成了.
[14:56.89]S:May I suggest eleven,sir?The usual practice is an odd number.
[15:03.37]C:I see.Then eleven.Thanks for telling me.  S:You're welcome.
[15:06.79]那就十一枝吧,謝謝你告訴我. 別客氣.
[15:10.21]We also have some chocolates,would you like to send her a box.
[15:15.67]C:That's a good idea! Do you have a card to go with them?
[15:21.03]S:Yes,certainly.Here it is.Please write down anything you want.
[15:28.10]C:(Signs the card) Thank you.
[15:29.42] (填好心意卡) 謝謝你,
[15:30.74]How much are they altogether?
[15:34.09]S:Seven hundred and eighty dollars,including the delivery charge.
[15:39.52]C:Here's the money.
[15:42.37]Please send them to this address before twelve o'clock.
[15:47.33]S:Thank you very much,sir.I hope you have a memorable Valentine's day.
[15:53.39]C:Thank you.
[15:56.06]Words詞匯  carnation
[16:04.73]jasmine    lily
[16:06.75]茉莉花  百合
[16:08.78]narcissus   orchid
[16:11.00]水仙花   蘭花
[16:13.22]peach flower   rose
[16:15.49]桃花  玫瑰
[16:17.76]tulip    water lily
[16:20.00]郁金香  荷花
[16:22.23]16.眼鏡  C:These frames are beautiful.
[16:27.38]S:Yes,they are the latest designs.Would you like to try them on?
[16:33.15]C:I want to try on this pair. S:The oval shape one?
[16:35.77]我想試試這個. 橢圓形那個?
[16:38.40]C:Yes,please.  S:I think it suits you well.
[16:40.93]是的. 我想這很適合你.
[16:43.47]C:(Tries it on)I agree but I like wire frames.
[16:48.43]S:How about this? They're the same shape.
[16:50.95]那這個好嗎? 是同樣形狀的.
[16:53.47]C:(Tries them on) They're much better.
[16:56.42]I want to change the lenses too,but I haven't brought my prescription with me.
[17:03.19]S:Don't worry,madam.We have qualified optometrists here.
[17:08.86]You can do an eye test now.
[17:12.52]C:Wonderful!How much is a pair of antireflection lenses?
[17:19.18]S:It depends.Prices range from two hundred to a thousand.
[17:25.11]C:It's much cheaper than back home.Do you have sunglasses too?
[17:31.14]S:Yes,sure.We have different kinds of sunglasses.
[17:36.57]C:But I want prescription-lens.
[17:40.94]S:They could be ordered,too.It takes just a few days.
[17:46.58]C:You're very efficient.
[17:49.74]S:Thank you.We're glad to hear that.
[17:53.29]Words 詞匯   anti-reflection Lenses
[17:56.95]contact lenses
[18:00.29]frames    optometrist
[18:02.47]鏡框  驗光師
[18:04.66]reading glasses
[18:07.58]spectacles  sunglasses
[18:09.80]眼鏡  太陽鏡
[18:12.02]17.外幣兌換  C:Can I exchange some pounds for HK dollars here?
[18:19.39]S:Yes,sure.Today's exchange rate is twelve HK dollars to one pound.
[18:26.55]C:Well,not bad!Is it the same as the going bank rate?
[18:32.50]S:There is a slight difference,sir.
[18:35.95]C:The bank rate is more favorable.Is that correct?
[18:40.70]S:You're right,sir,but I'm afraid all banks are closed now.
[18:46.16]C:I see.What's their opening hours?
[18:50.74]S:Normally from nine to five,
[18:54.58]However,some open from eight-thirty to four-thirty.
[19:00.35]C:Thanks.I think I better exchange some HK dollars now.
[19:03.77]謝謝你. 我想最好先兌換一點港幣
[19:07.19]and go to a bank tomorrow for the rest.
[19:11.45]S:That's alright,sir. How much do you want?
[19:16.41]C:I want to exchange a hundred pounds now.
[19:21.46]S:Would you please sign this form first?  C:Here you are.
[19:23.87]請先簽下這表格好嗎?  給你.
[19:26.29]S:Here's your money,sir.Please keep the receipt.
[19:31.25]C:Thank you very much. S:You're welcome,sir.
[19:35.80]End of this


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