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新視野大學(xué)英語讀寫教程第三冊unit9-a Premarital Agreements





Premarital Agreements

A future husband wanted to be sure that if his marriage didn't work out, he could keep his treasured ice-cream collection safely stored away in a freezer. A woman insisted on verifying who would walk the dog. One man wanted the right to get a divorce if his bride-to-be gained more than 15 pounds once she became his wife.

These are some of the crazier clauses of prenuptial agreements. But make no mistake about it, what most of them are about is money — and how financial assets will be divided up if a couple divorces. And divorce with its accompanying money problems is common in the United States.

Prenuptial agreements — or "prenups" — are designed to address these problems as they arise. Prenups are negotiated by lawyers for the prospective spouses, and signed before a minister binds them in marriage. They have been gaining in acceptance in the United States since the early 1980s, when more states began passing laws that affected the division of financial assets in a divorce. The laws are based either on "community property" (split evenly) or on "reasonable distribution" (whatever a judge thinks is "fair").

The prenups of the famous make the headlines: lawyers for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis contested the prenuptial agreement between her and Aristotle Onassis after his death, reportedly winning $26 million in an out-of-court settlement.

But prenuptial agreements are also for lesser known, although wealthy folks. "It's because divorce has such great economic consequences, and successive marriages have become so common," said a family law lawyer.

A typical candidate for a prenuptial agreement is a man who has accumulated considerable wealth, has already been stung once, and wants to reduce his exposure to future problems. "They want to make their own arrangements, rather than let a court decide," said the president of the New York chapter of the American Academy of Marriage Lawyers.

Protecting children from a previous marriage is a strong reason for prenuptial contracts. "Someone may have an estate of $1 billion and he may not want a second spouse to get a payment of half a billion. He may want more for his children," said a lawyer. The effort to shield assets to be passed on to children and grandchildren is making prenups more common among retired people in their 60s and 70s who are remarrying after a spouse has died.

Another situation that calls for premarital agreements occurs when a potential spouse has, or is in line for, great inherited wealth or a family business, especially if the future partner has little or nothing at all.

But even when both parties have signed such an agreement, it can be impossible to enforce it in court if proper guidelines have not been followed. A lawyer is required to write the document, for mistakes in language — even a misplaced preposition — can be disastrous. But never, ever, warn marriage law consultants, should you use the same lawyer as your future spouse does.

Another problem is a prenuptial agreement signed under pressure. To avoid this, some lawyers will not draw up an agreement once a wedding date has been set. "I figure there's a sword hanging over their head, and that's pressure," they said. Such lawyers counsel their clients never to send out wedding invitations until both signatures are on an agreement.

But not everyone takes this advice. A classic example is cited by lawyers: "An agreement is stuck under somebody's nose on the day of the wedding — and it's usually a 'she' — and she signs, but doesn't even read it." Another lawyer recalled one awkward episode where the two sides were still editing the contract, arguing over what to keep and delete, as 150 wedding guests were arriving for the wedding.

When an agreement could not be forged, the wedding was canceled. A dispute can also break out over prenuptial agreements if a couple decides to divorce while living abroad, or when they have different passports. A lawyer in a London law firm that often handles divorces for British-American couples noted that in Britain, prenuptial agreements were "just about ignored" by the courts because English law says that circumstances of a marriage aren't static, and therefore a judge should decide how financial assets will be divided.

That can lead to "court-shopping", since what matters is the law of the country where the couple is getting divorced. He gave the following example: "A wealthy Mr. Ed Smith gets married to Mrs.Smith, and they enter into a New York prenuptial contract. They live in England, and then decide to get divorced. English lawyers will say to Mrs. Smith, 'No, that contract is not valid,' while Mr.Smith will want it to be an American case. The issue of where it will be held can greatly multiply the amount of time required to reach a settlement."

Romantic love has no bearing on this process, say these lawyers, who consider prenups to be business agreements. Their justification: some 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end up on the trash heap.

Moreover, the discussions for a prenuptial agreement, which involve laying bare all one's finances, sometimes save a couple from a terrible marriage. "It sheds light on issues which could later widen and result in divorce," said a lawyer.

But there is still hope. "Many people sign an agreement, put it in a drawer and never look at it again," the lawyer added.

Words: 902

New Words

■marital a. 婚姻的;夫妻的
 premarital a. 婚前的
 ice-cream n. 冰淇淋
 collection n. 1.收藏品,收集的東西 2.收集,收取
 verify vt. 證明,證實(shí),核實(shí)
 clause n. 1.條款,款項(xiàng) 2.分句,從句
■nuptial a. 婚姻的,結(jié)婚的
◆prenuptial a. 結(jié)婚前的
 bind vt. 1.連結(jié),聯(lián)合,結(jié)合 2.捆綁,捆扎 3.迫使,約束
 acceptance n. 1.接受,接納 2.贊同,承認(rèn)
 division n. 1.分開,劃分 2.分歧 3.部門
 headline n. 標(biāo)題;新聞提要
 contest v. 1.質(zhì)疑,辯駁 2.爭取,爭奪;與……競爭 n. 1.競賽,比賽 2.爭奪,競爭
 candidate n. 候選人;參加考試者
 sting vt. 1.激怒,刺痛 2.刺傷,蟄傷 n. 刺痛,刺傷
 exposure n. 暴露,曝光,揭露
 chapter n. 1.支部,分會(huì) 2.章,回
 payment n. 支付的款項(xiàng)
 shield vt. 防護(hù),保護(hù),庇護(hù) n. 防護(hù)物,護(hù)罩,盾(狀物)
 retire v. 1.(使)退休,(使)退役 2.退下,離開
 retired a. 退休了的
 enforce vt. 1.使生效,實(shí)施,執(zhí)行 2.強(qiáng)迫,迫使
 preposition n. 介詞
 consultant n. 顧問
 sword n. 劍
 invitation n. 1.邀請;邀請信 2.引誘,誘惑
 signature n. 簽名;簽字
 cite vt. 1.引用,引證 2.(軍隊(duì)的)傳令嘉獎(jiǎng)
 awkward a. 1.困窘的,尷尬的 2.難操縱的,使用不便的 3.笨拙的,不靈巧的
 edit vt. 編輯,剪輯,校訂
 delete vt. 刪掉,劃去(文字)
 forge vt. 1.鍛造,錘煉;使形成 2.偽造,假冒,仿造
 dispute n. 爭端,分歧 v. 1.爭論,爭吵,辯論 2.對……表示異議,反對,辯駁
 passport n. 護(hù)照
 circumstance n. 情形,情況,狀況
 static a. 靜止的,不變的
 bearing n. 1.關(guān)系,影響 2.舉止,姿態(tài) 3.方位,方向
▲justification n. 正當(dāng)?shù)睦碛?
 heap n. 1.一堆 2.大量,許多 vt. (使)堆起
 shed vt. 1.流出,流下,發(fā)出 2.去掉,擺脫 3.脫落,脫去 n. 棚,小屋
 drawer n. 抽屜

Phrases and Expressions

 work out 發(fā)展很好;證明是成功的
 store away 收起來,儲(chǔ)存,儲(chǔ)備
 insist on/upon 堅(jiān)決要求 堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為
 make no mistake (about sth.) 別弄錯(cuò)了;毫無疑問
 gain in 得到更多的……
 make/hit the headlines 成為頭條新聞
 call for 需求,要求
 be in line for 即將獲得,很可能得到
 under pressure 在壓力下,在強(qiáng)力下
 draw up 寫出,制定 (使)停住
 send out 發(fā)出,寄出
 take advice 采納某人的意見
 under sb.'s nose 就在... ...面前
 argue over/about 為……爭論,爭吵
 break out 突然開始,爆發(fā) 逃離
 just about 幾乎,非常接近
 lead to 導(dǎo)致
 enter into sth. 開始討論;著手處理
 have no bearing on 與……無關(guān)
 end up 結(jié)束,告終
 lay bare 揭示,說出
 shed/throw/cast light on (使)更容易理解

Proper Names

 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 杰奎琳·肯尼迪·奧納西斯
 Aristotle Onassis 亞里士多德·奧納西斯
 American Academy of Marriage Lawyers 美國婚姻法律師協(xié)會(huì)
 Ed Smith 艾德·史密斯

    一位即將成為丈夫的男人想要確信,如果他的婚姻失敗,他是否仍可以把他珍愛的冰淇淋藏品好好儲(chǔ)存在冰柜里。 一名女子堅(jiān)持要明確婚后由誰來遛狗。 一名男子要求,如果他未來的新娘成為他妻子后胖了15磅以上,他有權(quán)離婚。
    以上這些都是婚前協(xié)議中一些荒唐的條款。 但是不要弄錯(cuò)了,大多數(shù)婚前協(xié)議涉及到的都是錢——以及如果夫妻一旦離婚該怎樣分配財(cái)產(chǎn)。 隨離婚而來的錢財(cái)糾紛在美國是常見的事。
    婚前協(xié)議——簡稱prenups ——就是用來處理這些問題的。 婚前協(xié)議由未來夫婦雙方的律師共同協(xié)定,然后由雙方在牧師宣布他們結(jié)為夫妻之前簽署。 自20世紀(jì)80年代初以來,婚前協(xié)議在美國被越來越多的人接受,因?yàn)楫?dāng)時(shí)越來越多的州開始通過關(guān)于離婚財(cái)產(chǎn)分配的法律。 這些法律要么是基于"共有財(cái)產(chǎn)"(平均分配),要么是基于"合理分配"(法官認(rèn)為怎樣"公平"就怎樣分)。
    名人的婚前協(xié)議總是頭條新聞: 杰奎琳·肯尼迪·奧納西斯的律師在亞里士多德·奧納西斯死后拿出兩人的婚前協(xié)議對簿公堂,據(jù)說后來在庭外和解中贏得了2,600萬美元。
    但婚前協(xié)議也適用于那些不甚有名卻很富有的平民。 "這是因?yàn)殡x婚會(huì)帶來巨大的經(jīng)濟(jì)后果,而再婚又如此常見,"一位家庭法律師說。
    典型的欲簽立婚前協(xié)議的人是那些積存了大量財(cái)富的男性,他們曾吃過苦頭,因而想減少自己日后的麻煩。 "他們想自己安排解決,而不想讓法庭裁決," 美國婚姻法律師協(xié)會(huì)紐約分會(huì)的會(huì)長說。
    保護(hù)前一婚姻的孩子是簽署婚前契約的一個(gè)重要原因。 "有人可能有價(jià)值10億美元的財(cái)產(chǎn),而他又不想讓第二個(gè)配偶分得5億美元。 他可能想多留一點(diǎn)給自己的孩子,"一名律師說。 保護(hù)自己的資產(chǎn),使之能傳到兒子和孫子手中,這種努力使婚前契約在已退休并喪偶、又準(zhǔn)備再婚的六七十歲的老人當(dāng)中更為常見。
    但是,即使雙方簽署了這樣的協(xié)議,如果不遵循正確的指導(dǎo)方針,還是不可能在法院實(shí)施它。 應(yīng)當(dāng)由律師起草文件,因?yàn)槲淖皱e(cuò)誤——哪怕只是介詞放錯(cuò)了位置——也可能是災(zāi)難性的。 但婚姻法顧問警告說,永遠(yuǎn)不要選擇你未來伴侶的律師來做你的律師。
    另一個(gè)問題是出于壓力而簽署的婚前協(xié)議。 為避免這類問題,有些律師不愿在婚期已定之后起草協(xié)議。 "我想他們的頭上懸著一把劍,要承受很大的壓力,"他們說。 這些律師會(huì)建議自己的當(dāng)事人絕不要在雙方簽署協(xié)議之前發(fā)出結(jié)婚請柬。
    但不是每個(gè)人都采納這一建議。 律師們援引的一個(gè)經(jīng)典例子是: "婚禮那天,某人——通常是'她'——面前突然出現(xiàn)了一份協(xié)議,于是,她看都沒看一眼就簽了字。" 還有一位律師回想起一件尷尬事:男女雙方還在修改協(xié)議,爭論哪些該保留,哪些該刪除,此刻卻有150名賓客陸陸續(xù)續(xù)來參加婚禮。 結(jié)果由于協(xié)議無法確定,婚禮被取消了。
    如果夫婦決定離婚時(shí)正住在國外,或兩人擁有不同的護(hù)照,那也可能因婚前協(xié)議產(chǎn)生糾紛。 倫敦一家法律公司的一名律師經(jīng)常為分處英美兩國的夫婦處理離婚事宜。他注意到,在英國,法院"幾乎忽視"婚前協(xié)議,因?yàn)橛姆烧J(rèn)為婚姻狀況不是靜態(tài)的,因此應(yīng)由法官來決定資產(chǎn)怎樣分配。
    這就可能導(dǎo)致 "逛法庭"的現(xiàn)象,因?yàn)閱栴}的關(guān)鍵在于夫婦辦理離婚時(shí)所在國的法律。 他舉了一個(gè)例子:"有位富有的艾德·史密斯先生和史密斯夫人結(jié)了婚,而且在紐約簽訂了婚前契約。 可他們住在英國,后來他們決定離婚。 英國律師會(huì)對史密斯夫人說'不行,那個(gè)契約無效。'而史密斯先生卻想把它當(dāng)作一樁美國案例來處理。 案子將在何處受理的問題有可能大大增加達(dá)成協(xié)議所需的時(shí)間。"
    這些律師認(rèn)為,婚前契約是一個(gè)商業(yè)協(xié)議,浪漫的愛情與此過程無關(guān)。 他們的理由是:在美國,50%的婚姻最終將被扔進(jìn)垃圾堆。
    另外,有關(guān)婚前契約的討論將使兩個(gè)人的錢財(cái)完全公開化,這有時(shí)可以使一對夫婦避免一樁可怕的婚姻。 一個(gè)律師說:"它使人們更能看清一些問題,而這些問題日后可能擴(kuò)大,并導(dǎo)致離婚。"
    然而希望還是有的。 這位律師接著說:"很多人一簽好協(xié)議,就把它扔進(jìn)抽屜,然后再也不看它一眼。"



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