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新視野大學(xué)英語讀寫教程第三冊(cè)u(píng)nit2-b Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits




Section (B)

Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits?

Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain. A succession of scientific studies of animals implies that physical activity has a positive effect on mental functioning. "It's clear that the brain benefits from exercise," says brain scientist William Greenough of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity: vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill-based exercise

increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to the proposals of some scientists, may make the brain better able to process information. In one experiment, laboratory rats were separated into three groups. One group was exercised by running inside an automatic wheel, a second group improved their skills in a complicated obstacle course, and a third group was inactive.

"The animals that learned to go through the obstacle course exhibited a greater number of brain connections than the animals in the exercised or inactive groups," Greenough said. "In contrast, the animals that exercised inside the automatic wheel possessed a greater density of blood vessels in the brain than did either of the other two groups of animals." Learning a new dance step may boost the brain in the same way that learning a language can, he says. And if the dance is a good physical exercise as well, the benefits multiply. Young brains may be especially able to boost brain power through exercise, suggested another of Greenough's experiments that showed the most significant changes in the brain occurred among rats that had been exercised when very young. And while animals aren't people, he says it is logical to make the inference that an effect found in rats may also apply to humans.

Human studies have focused primarily on older adults and suggest that regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information. Measurements made by Arthur Kramer at the University of Illinois demonstrated that inactive adults, aged 63 to 82, could hit buttons faster in response to a tone after they went through a 10-week water exercise course. A corresponding control group that didn't exercise showed no improvement. This boost in reaction time after exercise training may occur because declines associated with getting old could actually stem from declines in physical condition. Some scientists speculate the reduction in mental function often attributed to getting old may really be a penalty of neglecting to stay physically active, in addition to related factors such as medicines and poor diet. "In older people, an exercise program appears important for brain maintenance," says Daniel M.

Landers, professor of exercise science at Arizona State University, who recently published an article reviewing the scientific literature on activity's effect on the brain.
Numerous studies show that children who engage in regular physical activity do better in school than their inactive classmates. But until recently, the academic edge gained by participating in sports was thought to come from the increased self-confidence, the better mood, and the ability to concentrate that comes from burning off steam in exercise. Now, however, some scientists have revised their way of thinking, and point to possible physical connections.

Pierce J. Howard, another expert, says new research indicates that physical exercise increases the amount of certain brain chemicals that stimulate growth of nerve cells. Consequently, the brains of people who exercise may be better equipped to tackle mental challenges. Inactivity may also have negative effects on mind and body alike. "Scientists recognize that mind is body, and body is mind," comments Howard. The most beneficial forms of exercise, he says, engage both.

Words: 602

New Words

 succession n. 1.一連串的事物,一系列 2.連續(xù),接續(xù) 3.繼任(權(quán)),繼承(權(quán))
 imply vt. 暗示,暗指
 rat n. 鼠,大老鼠
 primary a. 1.首要的,基本的,主要的 2.最初的,最早的
 vigorous a. 強(qiáng)壯的,有力的,精力充沛的
 formation n. 1.組成,形成 2.形成物,結(jié)構(gòu) 3.排列,隊(duì)形
 proposal n. 1.建議,計(jì)劃,方案 2.求婚
 laboratory n. 實(shí)驗(yàn)室
 complicated a. 復(fù)雜的,難以理解或解釋的
 obstacle n. 障礙(物)
 exhibit vt. 1.顯示,顯出 2.陳列,展覽 n. 展覽品,陳列品
 possess vt. 擁有,具有
 density n. 密集;密度
 multiply v. 1.(使)增加,(使)繁殖 2.乘
 boost vt. 改善,提高,增強(qiáng),推動(dòng) n. 增加;幫助;鼓舞
 logical a. 合乎邏輯的,條理分明的
 inference n. 1.推斷的結(jié)果,結(jié)論 2.推論,推斷,推知
 primarily ad. 首先,主要地,基本地
 measurement n. 1.測(cè)量,衡量 2.(量得的)尺寸,大小
 corresponding a. 相應(yīng)的,對(duì)應(yīng)的
 stem vi. 源于,由... ...造成 n. (植物、灌木或樹木的)莖,干
 speculate v. 推測(cè),推斷
 reduction n. 1.減少,減低,減縮 2.減少,減低,縮小
 penalty n. 處罰,懲罰;罰金
 neglect vt. 1.忽視,忽略 2.遺忘 n. 疏忽,忽略
 maintenance n. 1.維護(hù),保養(yǎng) 2.保持,維持
 academic a. 1.學(xué)術(shù)的,學(xué)院的 2.純理論的,不切實(shí)際的
 concentrate v. 1.集中,集中精神 2.集中,聚集
 revise vt. 1.修正,修改 2.復(fù)習(xí),溫習(xí)
 cell n. 細(xì)胞
 consequently ad. 因此,所以
 equip vt. 1.使有準(zhǔn)備 2.配備,裝備
 tackle vt. 1.處理,應(yīng)付 2.與... ...交涉
 alike ad. 一樣地,相似地 a. 相同的,相像的
 comment v. 評(píng)論,發(fā)表意見 n. 評(píng)論,意見
 beneficial a. 有助的,有利的,有益的


Phrases and Expressions

 separate… into 將... ...分為
 obstacle course 越障訓(xùn)練;(喻)困難重重的事
 go through 完成,通過
 in contrast 相比之下
 apply to 適用于
 focus on 集中于
 engage (oneself) in 從事,忙于
 point to 表明;表示


Proper Names

 William Greenough 威廉·格里諾
 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 伊利諾伊大學(xué)厄巴納-尚佩恩分校
 Arthur Kramer 阿瑟·克雷默
 Daniel M. Landers 丹尼爾·M. 蘭德斯
 Arizona State University 亞利桑那州立大學(xué)
 Pierce J. Howard 皮爾斯·J. 霍華德

    正如運(yùn)動(dòng)能強(qiáng)心、健肺、固骨、壯肌,運(yùn)動(dòng)也能健腦。 對(duì)動(dòng)物的一系列科學(xué)研究表明,體育活動(dòng)對(duì)智力的發(fā)揮有積極作用。
    伊利諾伊大學(xué)厄巴納-尚佩恩分校的腦科學(xué)家威廉·格里諾說,"很明顯,運(yùn)動(dòng)使大腦受益。" 他對(duì)老鼠的研究已經(jīng)表明運(yùn)動(dòng)具有兩大功效:強(qiáng)力體育運(yùn)動(dòng)給大腦提供更多的燃料,而技巧性的運(yùn)動(dòng)則增強(qiáng)大腦神經(jīng)的聯(lián)結(jié)。依照某些科學(xué)家的見解,這種聯(lián)結(jié)能使大腦更好地處理信息。
    在一個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)中,實(shí)驗(yàn)鼠被分成三組: 第一組在自動(dòng)輪中跑動(dòng),第二組通過一種復(fù)雜的越障訓(xùn)練來提高技能,第三組則不做任何運(yùn)動(dòng)。
    "與跑動(dòng)的和不運(yùn)動(dòng)的老鼠相比,經(jīng)過越障訓(xùn)練的老鼠腦神經(jīng)聯(lián)結(jié)數(shù)更多。" 格里諾說, "相比之下,在自動(dòng)輪中跑動(dòng)的老鼠,較之其他兩組的老鼠,其大腦的血管密度更大。"
    他說,學(xué)習(xí)一種新的舞步和學(xué)習(xí)一種語言一樣,都能促進(jìn)大腦發(fā)展。 如果這種舞蹈還是一種良好的體育運(yùn)動(dòng),則益處加倍。 據(jù)格里諾的另一組實(shí)驗(yàn)顯示,年輕的大腦尤其能夠通過運(yùn)動(dòng)來增強(qiáng)能力。這組實(shí)驗(yàn)表明,從小就鍛煉的老鼠,其大腦的變化最為顯著。 他說盡管動(dòng)物不是人,但依此推斷在老鼠身上發(fā)現(xiàn)的功效同樣適用于人也合乎邏輯。
    對(duì)人類的研究主要集中在老年人身上,其結(jié)果表明,經(jīng)常鍛煉能提高大腦處理信息的速度。 伊利諾伊大學(xué)阿瑟·克雷默測(cè)量的結(jié)果證明,63至82歲的不運(yùn)動(dòng)的成年人,在完成為期十周的水上運(yùn)動(dòng)課程之后,聽音擊鍵的反應(yīng)加快了。 而另一組相應(yīng)的、未經(jīng)鍛煉的受控人群則不見任何提高。
    接受運(yùn)動(dòng)訓(xùn)練之后,人的反應(yīng)速度會(huì)加快,這可能是因?yàn)榕c衰老有關(guān)的機(jī)能衰退實(shí)際上根源于體質(zhì)下降。 一些科學(xué)家推測(cè),除了藥物作用和飲食不當(dāng)?shù)认嚓P(guān)因素外,常常歸咎于衰老的大腦功能下降實(shí)際可能是對(duì)不注意保持體育運(yùn)動(dòng)的一種懲罰。
    亞利桑那州立大學(xué)的運(yùn)動(dòng)學(xué)教授丹尼爾·M. 蘭德斯說,"對(duì)老年人來說,鍛煉計(jì)劃對(duì)維持大腦功能似乎非常重要。" 他最近發(fā)表了一篇文章,評(píng)述有關(guān)運(yùn)動(dòng)對(duì)大腦的影響的科學(xué)文獻(xiàn)。
    許多研究表明,經(jīng)常進(jìn)行體育鍛煉的孩子,在學(xué)業(yè)上比他們那些不活動(dòng)的同學(xué)優(yōu)秀。 但直到最近,人們還認(rèn)為因參加體育運(yùn)動(dòng)而獲得的學(xué)業(yè)優(yōu)勢(shì)來自于增強(qiáng)的自信、更好的心態(tài),以及由運(yùn)動(dòng)時(shí)消耗體力所帶來的集中注意力的能力。 而現(xiàn)在,一些科學(xué)家修正了他們的看法,表示這可能與身體狀況有關(guān)。
    另一名專家皮爾斯·J. 霍華德說,新的研究表明,體育鍛煉提高了大腦中某些激發(fā)神經(jīng)細(xì)胞生長(zhǎng)的腦化學(xué)物質(zhì)的含量。 因此,那些進(jìn)行鍛煉的人的大腦可能更有能力應(yīng)付各種智力挑戰(zhàn)。
    不活動(dòng)對(duì)大腦和身體都可能有負(fù)面影響。 "科學(xué)家們都認(rèn)識(shí)到,心即是身,身即是心,"霍華德評(píng)價(jià)道。 他說,最有益的運(yùn)動(dòng)是身心兼顧。


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