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新視野大學(xué)英語讀寫教程第二冊unit2-a Environmental Protection Throughout the World




Unit 2

Section A

Pre-reading Activities

First Listening
Please listen to a short passage carefully and prepare to answer some questions.

Second Listening
Listen to the tape again. Then answer the following questions with your own experiences.
1) Why are most countries not concerned about environmental awareness?
2) Which two countries have taken steps to protect their rain forests?
3) Which is the most polluted industrial area in the world? What is the result of this pollution?

Environmental Protection Throughout the World

In most parts of the world, environmental awareness does not exist. The great majority of nations concern themselves with economic development, regardless of its effect on the global ecology. But in recent years, as environmental damage has increased, signs of change have sprung up in various pockets around the world. The following are a few examples of countries undertaking new environmental initiatives.
When European explorers first came to the New World, the fishing grounds off what would become eastern Canada and New England held abundant cod and other species. The area, called the Grand Banks, was the most abundant fishing ground in the world.
Now, 500 years later, excessive fishing has reduced the number of fish to dangerously low levels. In response, Canada has closed the area to cod fishing and set strict limits on catches of other species.
When Canada took similar measures to protect the supply of herring in the 1970s, the fish eventually recovered. But experts say that some species today have been so wasted, they may never recover. The government also faces protests from Canadian fishermen. About 40,000 are now unemployed as a result of the fishing bans and loss of their fish supply.
Costa Rica
This Central American country has one of the most ambitious programs in the world to preserve the ecological diversity of its tropical rain forests. Much of the country has already been clear-cut, and soil erosion has been extensive. But a series of new environmental laws, together with the creation of parks and nature preserves that cover one quarter of the country, are aimed at protecting Costa Rica's remaining forests.
Brazil is home to the world's largest jungle rain forest, the Amazon. For decades, the government sought to colonize and develop the Amazon, bringing severe environmental disaster to the area and its people.
But in 1991, under pressure from environmentalists around the world, Brazil reversed course. It ended tax favors that had encouraged clearing of the Amazon rain forest, and agreed to a plan to finance new forest protection projects.
Cattle farmers, miners, and settlers have protested the move and continue to destroy the forests, although at a slower pace than before. The conflict enlarged last year when miners killed a group of Amazon Indians in order to seize their land. The government promises it will protect the region's native people, but questions remain as to its true level of commitment.
Eastern Europe
The nations of Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, and the Czech and Slovak Republics, are considered the most polluted of all the world's industrialized countries. Heavy metals from coal mining have contaminated much of the area's waters. Rivers, land, and forests are so contaminated that many are now biologically dead.
In a special series of treaties, Eastern European countries and other nations, including the United States, have set up special funds for environmental cleanups and improving the region's power plants. In addition, Germany and the Czech Republic have signed a treaty to protect the Elbe River from further contamination. Experts say the treaty could serve as a model for protecting other rivers in the region, including the Oder and Danube.
Ghana's population has been growing by 3.2 percent a year. This explosive growth has led to removal of forests in much of the country, and excessive use of existing farmland. Forests have been cut down at the rate of 278 square miles a year.
In response, the government has urged local villages to create more shared farmland. It has sponsored the growing of cash crops such as cassava, maize, cotton, and the planting of trees to regenerate waste land. Observers say the program has succeeded in strengthening the country's agricultural base and bringing a new source of wealth to villagers. But it remains to be seen whether these measures will have enough impact to slow the rate of removing the forests.
Indonesians have traditionally favored large families, and their major religion, Islam, frowns on birth control. But with 188 million people, the country is now struggling to provide enough food, shelter, and employment for its people. In recent years, the government has waged a massive ad campaign to encourage birth control, offering inducements such as free trips to Mecca, the birthplace of Islam in Saudi Arabia.
The government has succeeded in increasing use of birth control from 10 percent of the population 20 years ago to 49 percent today. As a result, the average number of births has been cut from 5.6 children per woman to 3. The government hopes to reduce this average to 2.1 children per woman by 2005. But with such a large population base, the country must still convert millions more to the idea of birth control if it is to reach its population targets.
Words: 796


a. 1. covering and affecting the whole world; worldwide 全球的,世界范圍的
2. covering the whole of a group of parts, etc. 包括一切的,總括的

n. [U] (the relationships between) the air, land, water, animals, plants, etc., usu. of a particular area 生態(tài),生態(tài)學(xué)

vt. 1. (start to) make oneself responsible for (sth.) 擔(dān)任,承擔(dān)
2. agree or promise to do sth. 同意做,要做,答應(yīng)

n. 1. [C] action taken to solve a difficulty 解決困難所采取的行動,初步行動
2. (the~) (sing.) power or right to take action 采取行動的能力(權(quán)利或權(quán)力),主動權(quán),優(yōu)先權(quán)
3. [U] ability to see what needs to be done and try to do it, esp. without other's help 主動,進(jìn)取精神(尤指不求助于外力的)

a. 1. more than enough; plenty 很多的,豐富的,充裕的
2. (in/with) having plenty of sth., rich in sth. 富于,富有

n. (pl. unchanged) 鱈魚

n. (pl. unchanged) group of animals and plants only different in little details from the others, and able to breed with each other but not with other groups 物種,種類

n. 鯡魚

n. [C] person who catches fish, as a job or for sport 釣魚者;漁民,漁夫

a. 1. showing or requiring a particular desire of this kind 顯示或需要雄心的
2. full of strong desires, esp. for money or success 充滿野心的,雄心勃勃的(尤指為金錢或功名的)

a. 1. of different kinds; various 種類不同的,多種多樣的
2. different (from each other); not the same 不同的,相異的

n. [U] (sing.) state of being different; variety 差異,多樣,多樣性

a. 熱帶的,(生長在)熱帶的,炎熱的

vt. cut down all the trees in a forest area 砍伐殆盡(一塊林區(qū))

n. 1. [U] process of being worn away or destroyed bit by bit by rain, wind ,etc. 腐蝕,侵蝕
2. [U] reducing; destroying 削弱,減少;損害

a. 1. large in area; extending far (指面積)遼闊的,廣闊的
2. wide-ranging; large in amount 廣泛的,大量的

n. (pl. unchanged) number of things, events, etc. of a similar kind, esp. placed or happening one after another 一連串,一系列,連續(xù)的事物(件)

n. 1. [U, C] area of land, usu. in a tropical country, that is covered with a thick growth of trees and plants 叢林,密林
2. [C] a place of intense or confusing struggle 斗爭激烈的地方

n. 1. [C] a country or area settled or taken over by people from another country and controlled by that country 殖民地
2. [C] a group of people from a foreign country living in a particular city or country 僑民(集合名詞)
3. [C] a group of animals or plants living or growing in the same place【生】群居動物,生長在一地的植物,群體(集合名詞)

vt. establish a colony in (an area); establish (an area) as a colony 在(一個(gè)地區(qū))開拓殖民地,使殖民地化

vt. 1. turn (sth.) the other way round or up, or inside out 反轉(zhuǎn),顛倒,翻轉(zhuǎn)
2. exchange (two functions, positions, etc.) 互換(功能、地位等)
3. remove or wipe out 撤消,取消
n. 1. (sing.) thing that is the contrary or opposite to what is expected 相對,相反
2. [C] other side or back of sth. 背面,反面
3. [C] change for the worse; bad luck or trouble 挫折,不幸
a. contrary or opposite to what is expected 相對的,相反的,顛倒的

n. 1. [C, U] (sum of) money to be paid by people or business to a government for public purpose 稅,稅額
2. [C, U] a stress on sth. 負(fù)擔(dān)
vt. 1. require (sb.) to pay tax 對……征稅,要求……付稅
2. make heavy demands on (sth.) 使負(fù)重?fù)?dān),使受沉重壓力

vt. provide money for (a project, etc.) 為(項(xiàng)目)提供經(jīng)費(fèi),為……提供資金
n. 1. [U] management of (esp. public) money 理財(cái)(尤指公款),金融財(cái)政
2. (pl.) money available to a person, company or country (個(gè)人、公司、政府的)財(cái)源,資金

n. 1. [C, U] (of opinions, desires, etc.) opposing; difference; clash (指意見、欲望)沖突,抵觸
2. [C, U] struggle; fight 斗爭,戰(zhàn)斗
vi. be against or in disagreement; clash 與……相反, 抵觸, 沖突

industrialize (英industrialise)
v. develop (a country or an area) extensively with industries (使)工業(yè)化

vt. make sth./sb. dirty or polluted by adding dangerous or disease-carrying matter 污染,玷污,弄臟,污損

n. [U] contaminating or being contaminated 污染,玷污

n. [U] scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals 生物學(xué)

ad. of or relating to biology 生物學(xué)上

n. 1. [C] an official agreement between two or more countries (國與國之間締結(jié)的)條約
2. [U] official agreement between people, esp. for the buying of property (尤指購置財(cái)產(chǎn)時(shí)人與人之間的)協(xié)約,約定,協(xié)商

n. 1. [C] a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose ???,基金
2. (sing.) stock of supply of sth. 貯藏,儲存
3. (pl.) resources of finance; money 財(cái)源,金錢,現(xiàn)款
vt. provide (an organization, a project, etc.) with money (為公共機(jī)構(gòu)、工程項(xiàng)目)提供資金

a. 1. increasing very quickly 激增的,迅速擴(kuò)大的
2. able to burst suddenly and easily 爆炸的,爆發(fā)的,爆炸性的
n. [C, U] thing which is likely or able to explode 炸藥

n. 1. [U] getting rid of 去除,消除
2. [U] taking sth. away from a place; transfer 挪走,移走,搬遷

vt. 1. support (a person, organization or activity) by giving money, encouragement or other help 贊助,支持
2. start; hold 發(fā)起,舉辦,主辦
n. 1. [C] a person who puts forward or assures an idea 發(fā)起人,保證人
2. [C] a person who pays money to support another person, organization or activity 資助人,贊助人

n. [U] money in coins or notes 現(xiàn)鈔
vt. exchange sth. for cash 兌換現(xiàn)金,兌現(xiàn)

n. [C] 木薯

n. [U] 玉蜀黍,玉米

vt. 1. produce 生成,產(chǎn)生(光、熱、電等)
2. cause to exist; produce 引起,產(chǎn)生

vt. improve (a place or a network), esp. by making it more active or successful 重建,復(fù)興,革新

n. person who watches carefully 觀察家,觀察的人,觀察員

vt. cause sb./sth. to become stronger 使堅(jiān)強(qiáng),使強(qiáng)壯,加固,鞏固,加強(qiáng),增強(qiáng)

n. 1. [C] (usu. sing.) strong impression or effect on sb./sth. 對……的強(qiáng)烈的印象或影響
2. [U] hitting of one object against another 碰撞,撞擊
v. 1. leave a powerful effect on a situation or person 影響,作用
2. strike, hit 碰撞,撞擊

v. 1. (on/upon) disagree; disapproved 不贊成,反對
2. 皺眉,蹙額
n. [C] 皺眉

n. 1. [U] living place 住所,住處
2. [C] a structure built to give protection, esp. from rain, wind or attack 掩蔽部,掩蔽處,躲避處
3. [U] condition of being protected, kept safe, etc. 掩蔽,遮蔽,保護(hù)
vt. give shelter to (sb./sth.); protect (sb./sth.) 掩蔽,遮蔽,庇護(hù)
vi. find a place that gives shelter; take shelter 躲難,避難

vt. begin and carry on (a war, campaign, etc.) 發(fā)起,進(jìn)行(戰(zhàn)爭、運(yùn)動等)
n. (pl.) regular (usu. per week) pay made or received for work or services 工資,報(bào)酬(通常按周計(jì)酬)

a. 1. very large in amount or number 大量的,大規(guī)模的
2. large in size, heavy 大的,大而重的,大塊的

n. [C] 廣告(advertisement的縮略)

vt. 1. persuade or influence sb. to do sth. 引誘,誘導(dǎo)
2. bring sth. about; cause 導(dǎo)致,引起

n. [C, U] (sth. which provides) encouragement to do sth. 誘因,引誘物,動機(jī)

v. 1. change one's belief, attitude, etc. (使)改變(信仰或態(tài)度等)
2. change sth. from one form or use to another 改變,轉(zhuǎn)變

n. 1. [C] a level or situation which one plans to achieve (欲達(dá)到的)目標(biāo),指標(biāo)
2. [C] an object or mark that a person tries to hit in shooting, etc. 目標(biāo),靶
vt. aim at sth.; cause to have an effect on a particular, intentionally limited group 瞄準(zhǔn)……;把……作為目標(biāo)


concern with
be busy with; interest oneself in 忙于,從事,關(guān)心

regardless of
paying no attention to 不顧,不管

spring up
appear, develop, grow, etc. quickly or suddenly 迅速(或突然)的出現(xiàn),發(fā)生,長出

take measures to
take action for a purpose 采取措施,采取辦法

as a result of
because of 因……

aim at
intend or try to do 意欲或試圖做

agree to
say "yes" to (an idea, opinion, suggestion, etc.) 同意,允諾,贊成

set up
establish or create (sth.) 建立,創(chuàng)立

lead to
have sth. as its result 導(dǎo)致

cash crop
a crop that is grown mainly to be sold, rather than used by the farmer or those living in the area it is grown in 經(jīng)濟(jì)作物

birth control
controlling the number of children 節(jié)育



Grand Banks

Costa Rica















Saudi Arabia


    世界上大部分地區(qū)不存在環(huán)保意識。 絕大多數(shù)國家只顧經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展,而不顧經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展對全球生態(tài)環(huán)境的影響。 但近年來,隨著環(huán)境損害的日益嚴(yán)重,世界各地已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了許多變化的跡象。 下面就是幾個(gè)正在采取環(huán)境保護(hù)新舉措的國家的例子。 
    當(dāng)歐洲的探險(xiǎn)者剛踏上新大陸時(shí),后來成為加拿大東部和新英格蘭的沿海漁場盛產(chǎn)鱈魚及其他魚類。 號稱大淺灘的海域是當(dāng)時(shí)世界上產(chǎn)魚最多的漁場。
    500年以后的今天,過度捕撈已使魚的數(shù)量減少到危險(xiǎn)的程度。 針對這一情況,加拿大關(guān)閉了這一捕鱈海域,并對其他魚類的捕撈量也作出嚴(yán)格限制。
    加拿大在20世紀(jì)70年代也曾采過取類似措施來保護(hù)鯡魚的數(shù)量,最終鯡魚的數(shù)量得到了恢復(fù)。 但是專家們說,由于時(shí)下的濫捕,某些魚類可能永遠(yuǎn)也恢復(fù)不到原來的數(shù)量了。 政府也面臨著來自加拿大漁民的抗議。 因?yàn)榻麧O和捕魚數(shù)量的減少,現(xiàn)在己有大約4萬漁民失業(yè)。 
    這個(gè)中美洲國家為保護(hù)其熱帶雨林的生態(tài)多樣性,已制訂出世界上最為雄心勃勃的的規(guī)劃之一。 這個(gè)國家許多地區(qū)的樹木已被砍伐殆盡,而且土地流失范圍十分廣。 但是人們制訂了一系列新的環(huán)境保護(hù)法,還新建了占四分之一國土面積的公園和自然保護(hù)區(qū),目的是要保護(hù)哥斯達(dá)黎加現(xiàn)存的森林。 
    巴西是全世界最大的熱帶叢林 - 亞馬遜雨林的生長地。 幾十年來,巴西政府一直在致力于開拓和開發(fā)亞馬遜雨林,給這個(gè)地區(qū)及其居民帶來了嚴(yán)重的環(huán)境災(zāi)難。
    但在1991年,在世界各地環(huán)境保護(hù)者的壓力下,巴西徹底改弦更張。 它取消了原本旨在鼓勵(lì)砍伐亞馬遜雨林的稅收優(yōu)惠,而且還批準(zhǔn)了給新的森林保護(hù)項(xiàng)目提供資金的計(jì)劃。
    養(yǎng)牛場場主、礦工和移民們反對這個(gè)措施,繼續(xù)破壞森林, 雖然破壞速度比過去已放慢。 去年,礦工們?yōu)榱藸帄Z印第安人的土地而殺死了一群居住在亞馬遜雨林里的印第安人后,沖突擴(kuò)大了。 巴西政府承諾,將保護(hù)該地區(qū)的土著居民,但人們對這個(gè)承諾的可信度仍心存疑慮。 
    東歐各國,包括波蘭、匈牙利、捷克和斯洛伐克共和國,被認(rèn)為是世界上工業(yè)化國家中污染最嚴(yán)重的。 開挖煤礦時(shí)逸出的重金屬已經(jīng)污染了這個(gè)地區(qū)的許多水域。 河流、土地及森林的污染是如此嚴(yán)重,以至現(xiàn)在其中的許多在生物學(xué)上來講已經(jīng)死亡。
    通過簽訂一系列專門性條約,東歐國家已與許多其它國家,包括美國,設(shè)立了用來凈化環(huán)境和改善該地區(qū)發(fā)電廠的特別基金。 此外,德國和捷克共和國已簽訂了一項(xiàng)條約以保護(hù)易北河,使之不再進(jìn)一步被污染。 專家們說該條約可被視為保護(hù)該地區(qū)其它河流,包括奧德河和多瑙河在內(nèi),的典范。 
    加納的人口一直在以每年3.2%的速度增長。 這種人口激增已導(dǎo)致了該國許多地方森林的消失及對現(xiàn)存農(nóng)田過度耕作。 森林正在以每年278平方英里的速度被砍伐。
    針對這一情況,政府鼓勵(lì)當(dāng)?shù)卮迩f建立更多的共有農(nóng)田。 為恢復(fù)荒地的地力,它資助人們種植諸如木薯、玉米、棉花之類的經(jīng)濟(jì)作物和植樹造林。 觀察家們稱該計(jì)劃已成功地鞏固了該國的農(nóng)業(yè)基礎(chǔ),而且還給村民們帶來了新的財(cái)源。 但是要知道這些措施是否會產(chǎn)生足夠的影響來減緩砍伐森林的速度,尚須時(shí)日。 
    印度尼西亞人傳統(tǒng)上偏愛大家庭,他們的主要宗教伊斯蘭教不贊成節(jié)制生育。 但是這個(gè)人口達(dá)1.88億的國家正在為了給其人民提供足夠的食物、住房和工作機(jī)會而苦苦掙扎。 印尼政府近幾年來已發(fā)動了一場大規(guī)模的廣告宣傳運(yùn)動來鼓勵(lì)節(jié)制生育,并提出了鼓勵(lì)措施,如提供免費(fèi)去沙特阿拉伯的麥加-伊斯蘭教的誕生地-的機(jī)會。
    印尼政府已成功地?cái)U(kuò)大了實(shí)行節(jié)制生育的范圍,節(jié)育人口已從20年前的10%增加到今天的49%。 其結(jié)果是每個(gè)婦女從平均生育5.6個(gè)孩子下降到平均生育3個(gè)。 印尼政府希望到2005年的時(shí)候,每個(gè)婦女的平均生育數(shù)可下降到2.1個(gè)。 但是因?yàn)樵搰娜丝诨鶖?shù)十分大,要想達(dá)到政府的人口目標(biāo),印尼還必須再轉(zhuǎn)變幾百萬人的思想,讓他們接受節(jié)制生育的觀念。


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