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新視野大學英語讀寫教程第一冊unit10-b Web Site Resources:The Best Aid for Cheating?




Section B

Web Site Resources:
The Best Aid for Cheating?

SAN FRANCISCO (CNN) — For generations of students, writing term papers has been a major source of nerves and frustration, if not the ultimate homework nightmare. But for those with Internet access, illicit resources are just a few links away.
The contemporary student who wants to fake a term paper does not have to search far. All one has to do is to go to the appropriate Web site, where online papers can either be purchased, ordered, or downloaded for free.
Collegiate Care Research Assistance, for instance, may do the job. Do you want to "write" a paper on "Hamlet’s irreconcilable moral dilemmas"? Simply hand over $29.75, and the essay is yours.
For those who find this too great an expense, there is an alternative. Collegiate Care, with its "highest quality papers at the lowest possible prices", offers on-file papers for $5.95 per page. So, a few pages may just do the trick for the cost-conscious students.
Genius Papers, another student assistance site, offers "high-quality" and "low-priced" term papers. "You will be happy and successful," the web site promises potential consumers.
If you are too lazy or simply too busy writing your own term paper, Genius Papers is readily available. For a one-time fee of $9.95, you get access to pre-written papers for an entire semester.
Some sites, such as Term Paper Emporium and Absolutely Free: Online Essays offer course papers for free. Simply press the button and download — if you find the paper you want, that is.
Students are, of course, fully aware of these web site resources, and some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating.
For teachers, the problem is figuring out whether a student’s author-ship is authentic. But, as teaching assistant Jane Morrison explained, the task may not be too difficult for the perceiving teacher.
"Students who have gotten it off the Internet don’t look at me, twitch a little bit and look at their feet. And students who wrote every bit of it can talk about the paper very intelligently and look me in the eye," Morrison said.
Faking term papers is nothing new, and stolen intellectual property has been marketed for years. But the appearance of the Internet raises the issue: Is this new technology making cheating more widespread?
A senior official at Berkeley doubts it. "Students who are inclined to cheat are going to cheat regardless of the technology. I think it’s sort of a cynical notion to think that this new tool is going to spread the incidence of cheating," Gary Handman said.
This view was backed by Berkeley graduate student Arianne Chernock, who says that, after all, students have to decide what’s best for themselves. "It’s a question of honesty. We’re here to learn, so we’ve got to make the most of it ourselves."
And inventive teachers can make their assignments almost cheat-proof.
"If you structure the assignment in a creative way, and if students, for instance, have to transform the information into a hand-out, or do a drama, or write an account in first person narrative, then you may curb illicit work," said library media teacher Leslie Farmer.
That kind of strategy, some experts say, will basically force students to do more than simply download their education.

Words: 571

n. 1. computer network (計算機)網絡
2. a net of thin threads made by a spider 蜘蛛網

v. act in a dishonest way for one's own benefit 欺騙
n. a person who cheats 騙子

n. 1. threadlike part in the body that carries feelings and messages to and from the brain 神經
2. courage; strength or control of mind 勇氣;膽量
3. disrespectful manners 厚顏

a. 1. greatest 最大的
2. at the final or farthest distance; being at the end or happening in the end 最終的;最后的

n. 1. a bad, frightening, or terrible experience or event 恐怖的經歷;可怕的事情
2. an unpleasant and terrible dream 惡夢

a. not allowed; unlawful 非法的

n. tie; connection 紐帶
vt. join or connect 連接
a. 1.modern; of the present 當代的
2.of the same time 同代的
n. a person who belongs to the same period of time 同代人

vt. 1. make a copy in order to trick 偽造;造假
2. pretend 假裝
n. a person or thing that is not what he/she/it looks like; something that is not real 假貨;贗品

a. right for the occasion; proper; suitable; or fitting 合適的,適當的

vt. transfer sth. to or from a computer network 下載

vt. 1. make peace between; make friendly again 和解
2. find agreement between (two actions or ideas) 調和

a. impossible to bring into agreement 不可調和的

n. a difficult choice between two (bad) things; a problem 進退維谷;難處

n. a short piece of writing on a subject; an article 文章;短文

n. cost or charge 花費;費用

a. recorded or kept in a file or in a database of information 存檔的

prep.for each 每

n. a person who buys and uses goods and services 消費者

ad. 1. willingly 甘愿
2. quickly and easily 輕易地

n. money paid for professional services, to join a club, etc. 費;酬勞

n. (AmE) either of the two periods into which a year at universities is divided; (BrE) term 學期

n. a large store selling many different things 商場

vt. 1. recognize (someone) as important by calling out (a name of honour, etc.) 向……歡呼;擁戴(某人)為……
2. call out to (someone) by name or in greeting 招呼

n. the writer 作者

a. known to be real; genuine 真實的

vt. 1. see 看見
2. take in with the mind; understand 理解;明白

v. move with a quick, sharp pull of a muscle 抽動
n. a slight, unconscious movement of a muscle or a quick, sharp movement of some part of the body 抽動

a. 1. showing unusual reasoning powers 有知識的
2. concerning the ability to reason (rather than to feel or act) 理智的;智力的
n. a person who is well-informed and intelligent, and interested in activities involving the intellect 知識分子

n. 1. something owned; possessions 財產
2. (area of) land and/or building(s) 房地產
3. a quality, power, or effect that belongs automatically to something 屬性

n. 1. an important point 要點;問題
2. a single printing of a newspaper or magazine, etc. (書、報等)期、號
vt. 1. send out; put forth 頒布;發(fā)行
2. print; publish 出版;刊行

v. 1. (to) tend to; feel drawn to 傾向;意欲
2. tend to influence or cause (someone) to feel, think, etc. 使傾向;使意欲

a. not believing; doubting or making fun of 玩世不恭的;好挖苦人的

n. 1. idea; understanding 思想;理解
2. an opinion 見解

n. range of happening or influence 發(fā)生率;影響范圍

n. 1. an opinion 觀點
2. what one can see 眼界;視域
vt. 1. consider; regard 考慮
2. see; watch 看;觀察

a. having or giving protection 能防……的
n. way of showing that something is true 證據

a. protected against cheating 能防止受騙的

vt. order so that each part is properly related to others; build; put together 組織;構造;建造

vt. change completely 改變;改造

hand-out (handout)
n. 1. a paper containing a review of information or subjects which will be dealt with in a lecture or talk 印發(fā)的講稿等
2. something given for free 施舍物

n. 1. a play 劇(單個戲?。?br /> 2. plays 戲?。偡Q)

▲ narrative
n. 1. a story or tale 故事
2. the practice or act of telling stories; narration 敘述;講故事
a. that narrates or tells 敘述的

▲ curb
vt. hold in check; restrain 抑制;控制
n. check; limit 抑制;控制

n. television, radio, newspapers, etc. 媒介;媒體

n. 1. able planning and management of anything 策略
2. the art of planning movements of armies or forces in war 戰(zhàn)略;兵法

ad. simply; essentially 基本地

for free
without charge or cost 免費

hand over
give to another; deliver 遞交

do the trick
do what one wants done; accomplish the purpose 達到目的

get/have access to
have the right or permission to approach, enter, or use; have admittance of 有權得到、使用等

hail as
recognize (sth.) as (sth. good) 稱贊……為……

figure out
1.understand (sth. or sb.) with difficulty 理解
2. consciously study; find out by using figures 想出,得出

get off
(cause to) be removed from (sth. or sb.) 搬移;取走

a little bit
to a small range or degree 有點

be inclined to
be likely to; tend to 傾向于;容易(做)

sort of
to some degree; rather 有點;有幾分

make the most of
get the best use or greatest gain from 充分利用

San Francisco

Cable News Network(美國)有線新聞網

Collegiate Care


Jane Morrison


Gary Handman
加里· 漢德曼(人名)

Arianne Chernock
阿里亞尼· 徹諾克(人名)

Leslie Farmer
萊斯利· 法默(人名)


    舊金山(美國有線新聞電視網)--對一代又一代的學生來說,寫學期論文即使不是最可怕的作業(yè),也至少一直是讓他們頭疼和沮喪的主要原因。 但是對于那些可以上網的人來說,借助幾次連接就可以竊取到相關的資料。
    當代學生若想抄襲學期論文,用不著費勁去查找。 他只要找對網址,就可以在那兒購買、預定或免費下載網上的論文。
    例如在"大學關心網助研中心"就能辦到。 你想"寫"一篇關于"哈姆雷特所面臨的不可調和的道德困境"的論文嗎?只要交上29.75美元,文章就歸你了。
    對于那些覺得這還太貴的人來說,可以另覓他法。 "大學保姆網"以每頁5.95美元的價格出售收錄在檔的現成論文,且"論文質優(yōu)價低"。 這樣,對于那些在乎價格的學生來說,買上幾頁就可大功告成了。
    "論文精粹"是另一個學生援助網站,它提供"優(yōu)質"而"價廉"的學期論文。 "讓您稱心、保您成功",這是該網站向潛在客戶夸下的???。
    如果你實在太懶或實在太忙,沒時間寫學期論文,那么"論文精粹"時刻恭候著你。 只要一次性交費9.95美元,你就能看到別人在整個學期里寫的論文。
    有的網址,如"學期論文大賣場"和"絕對免費:網上論文",免費提供課程論文。 你只需按一下鍵鈕,然后下載--只要你找到了想要的文章,也成。
    對于教師來說,他們面對的問題是要分辨學生是否是論文的真正作者。 不過,簡×莫里森助教解釋說,對于眼光敏銳的老師來說,這事兒也許不太難。
    "如果文章是來自因特網,學生會不敢正眼看我,他們會表現出不安,只是低頭看著自己的雙腳。 而如果論文是自己一字一句寫出來的,這樣的學生能就自己的文章侃侃而談,而且敢正視我。"莫里森說。
    抄襲學期論文并不是什么新鮮事,多年來人們一直在用盜來的知識財富做交易。 但是因特網的出現提出了這樣一個問題:這種新技術是否在使作弊變得更為普遍?
    伯克利大學的一位高級管理人員對此表示懷疑。 "對想要作弊的學生,不管技術水平如何,他還是要作弊。 認為因特網這種新工具會提高作弊的發(fā)生率,我覺得這是一種偏激的觀點。"加里×漢德曼說。
    這一觀點得到了伯克利一個名叫阿里亞尼×徹諾克的研究生的支持,他說,學生們最終還是要靠自己來判斷怎樣做對自己最有利。 "這是個關乎誠實與否的問題。我們來這兒是學知識的,所以我們應該充分利用這個學習機會。"


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