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新視野大學(xué)英語讀寫教程第一冊u(píng)nit8-b Ways of Increasing Creativity




Section B

Ways of Increasing Creativity

My guests had arrived, but once again, I'd forgotten to put the wine in the fridge. "Don't worry, " a friend said, "I can chill it for you right away. "
Five minutes later she emerged from the kitchen with the wine perfectly cooled. Asked to reveal her secret, she said, "I poured it in a plastic bag and dipped it in ice water. "
My guests applauded. "How wonderful if we could all be that clever, " one remarked.
A decade of enquiry has convinced me we can. What separates the average person from Edison, Picasso or even Shakespeare isn't creative capacity. It's the ability to use that capacity by encouraging creative impulses and then acting upon them. Most of us seldom achieve our creative potential but the reservoir of ideas hiding within every one of us can be unlocked.
The following techniques suggest concrete ways of increasing creativity:
Capture the fleeting . A good idea is like a rabbit. It runs by so fast, sometimes you see only its ears or tail. To capture it, you must be ready. Creative people are always ready to act — possibly the only difference between us and them.
In a letter to a friend in 1821, Ludwig van Beethoven wrote about thinking of a beautiful tune while half asleep in a carriage: "But scarcely did 1 awake when away flew the tune and I could not recall any part of it." Fortunately, for Beethoven and for us, the next day in the same carriage, the tune returned to him and he captured it in writing.
When a good idea comes your way, write it down — on your arm if necessary. Not every idea will have value but capture it first and evaluate later.
Daydream, Painter Salvador Dali used to lie on a sofa, holding a spoon. As he began to fall asleep, Dali would drop the spoon onto a plate on the floor. Shocked awake by the sound, he would immediately sketch the images seen in his mind in that fertile world of semi-sleep.
Everyone experiences this strange state and can take advantage of it. Try Dali's trick, or just allow yourself to daydream. Often, the "three bs" — bed, bath and bus — are productive. Anywhere you can be with your thoughts undisturbed, you'll find ideas emerge freely.
Seek challenges. Try inviting friends and business associates from different areas of your life to a party. Bringing people of different ages and social status together may help you think in new ways.
Edwin Land, one of America's most productive inventors, claimed the idea leading to his invention of the Polaroid camera came from his three-year-old daughter. On a visit to Santa Fe in 1943, she asked why she couldn't see the picture he had just taken. During the next hour, as Land walked around Santa Fe, all he had learned about chemistry came together: "The camera and the film became clear to me. In my mind they were so real that I spent several hours describing them. "
Expand your world. Many discoveries in science, engineering and the arts mix ideas from different fields. Consider " The Two-String Problem. " Two widely separated strings hang from a ceiling. Even though you can't reach both at once, is it possible to tie their ends together, using only a pair of pliers ?
One college student tied the pliers to one string and set it in motion like a pendulum. As it swung back and forth, he walked quickly to the other string and drew it as far forward as it would reach. Then he caught the swinging string when it passed near him and tied the two ends.
Asked how he succeeded, the student explained he had just come from a physics class on pendulum motion. What he had learned in one context transferred to a completely different one.
This principle works elsewhere as well. To enhance your creativity, learn some-thing new. If you're a banker, take up tap dancing; if you're a nurse, try a course in vitamin therapy. Read a book on a new subject. Change your daily newspaper. The new will combine with the old in novel and potentially fascinating ways. Becoming more creative means paying attention to that endless flow of ideas you produce, and learning to capture and act upon the new that's within you.

Words: 726

v. make cold; cool 使變冷;使掃興
n. coldness 寒冷,寒氣

a. 塑料的
n. 1. (often pl.) 塑料,塑料制品
2. 信用卡

v. lower or drop (something) into a liquid 蘸;浸

v. express good opinion or favour, especially by clapping the hands 拍手喝彩,稱贊

vi. express a short, relaxed comment 評(píng)論
n. comment, usu. not official 談?wù)?,評(píng)論

n. a period of ten years 十年

enquiry (inquiry)
n. close examination of a matter in a search for information or truth 調(diào)查,探究

vt. bring by the use of arguing or facts to a firm belief or a course of action 使確信,使信服

n. 1. the ability to produce, experience, understand or learn sth. 才能, 能力
2. the ability to hold or contain sth. 容量,容積

n. a sudden wish or urge 沖動(dòng),刺激

n. qualities that exist and can be developed 潛力,潛能
a. that may happen or become so, although not actually existing at present 潛在的

ad. possibly 可能地

n. 1. 水庫,蓄水池
2. a large or extra supply; a nest egg or quantity held back [喻](知識(shí)、精力等的)貯藏;蓄積

a. of or relating to a material thing or group of things rather than to an idea 具體的

v. 1. seize; take violently or with force 捕獲
2. seize; occupy 奪得;占領(lǐng)

a. passing quickly; not lasting long 飛逝的,轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的

n. 兔子

n. a wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of beautiful design 四輪馬車

ad. 1. only just 剛剛……就
2. almost not 幾乎沒有

ad. by good chance; luckily 幸運(yùn)地

v. examine and judge carefully 評(píng)價(jià),估計(jì)

n. a person who paints 畫家

n. a comfortable seat with raised arms and a back and wide enough for usually 2 or 3 people 沙發(fā)

vt. make a quick or simple drawing or painting 勾畫,繪草圖

a. 1. (of a person's mind) inventive; full of new ideas(思想、創(chuàng)意)豐富的
2. (of land) which produces or can produce good crops 富饒的

n. a relatively good or lucky position; exceptional means 優(yōu)勢;有利條件

a. 1. achieving a lot 有收益的,富有成效的
2. producing or able to produce goods or crops, esp. in large quantities 多產(chǎn)的

n. a partner or colleague 合作人,同事

n. a person who invents something 發(fā)明者,發(fā)明家

v. state to be true, especially when open to question 聲言;自稱

n. the science or profession of an engineer 工程(學(xué))

n. a strong, thick thread; anything like this, especially used for tying things up 細(xì)繩

n. a type of small tool made of 2 crossed pieces of metal with long flat jaws at one end, used to hold small things or to bend and cut wire 鉗子

n. the act or process of changing position or place 運(yùn)動(dòng)

n. a weight hanging from a fixed point so as to swing freely 鐘擺

vi. move back and forth or round and round, from a fixed point once or regularly 搖擺

n. 1. the general conditions in which an event, action, etc. takes place (事情發(fā)生的)環(huán)境,背景
2. words that come before and after a word, phrase, statement, etc. helping to show what its meaning is 上下文

v. move from one place or job to another 調(diào)動(dòng),遷移

n. a basic truth, law, or theory 原則,原理

ad. in or to a different or another place 在別處,到別處

vt. make greater, as in value, beauty, or standing; increase 提高,增強(qiáng)

n. natural organic matter used for health or healing 維生素

n. the treatment of illness 治療;理療

v. hold a strong interest or appeal (for) 使著迷

a. being or seeming to be without an end or a limit 無止境的,無窮的


right away
at once; without delay 立刻

act upon
act according to 依照……行動(dòng)

come one's way
occur so that one has it or gets it 發(fā)生在某人身上,可以被某人利用

fall asleep
go into the state of sleeping 睡著

take advantage of
make use of 利用

at once
at the same time; all at one time 同時(shí)

set sth. in motion
cause sth. to start moving 使……運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)起來

back and forth
move back and go ahead or forward 來回,前后

take up
begin to spend time learning or doing (something) 開始,著手做

tap dancing
a style of dancing in which the dancers wear special shoes with pieces of metal on the hells and toes. The shoes make clicking noises as the dancers move their feet 踢踏舞




Ludwig van Beethoven

Salvador Dali

Edwin Land

n. a trademark used for a camera and film that produce instant photographs 寶麗來相機(jī)

Santa Fe

     客人已經(jīng)到了,但我又一次忘了把葡萄酒放進(jìn)冰箱里。 "別擔(dān)心," 一位朋友說,"我馬上就能替你把酒冰好。"
     五分鐘后,她拿著完全冰鎮(zhèn)好的葡萄酒從廚房走出來。 當(dāng)被問道有什么秘訣時(shí),她說:"我把葡萄酒倒進(jìn)塑料袋里,再把袋子浸入冰水中。"
     十年的研究使我確信,我們都能變得那樣聰明。普通人與愛迪生、畢加索或者莎士比亞之間的差別不在于創(chuàng)造力,而在于通過激發(fā)創(chuàng)造性靈感并將這種靈感付諸實(shí)踐來利用創(chuàng)造力的能力。 我們中的大多數(shù)人很少能發(fā)揮自己的創(chuàng)造潛力,可蘊(yùn)藏在我們每個(gè)人大腦里的思想寶庫是能夠被開啟的。
     捕捉稍縱即逝的想法。好的想法就像是只兔子,會(huì)飛快地跑走,有時(shí)我們只能看到它的耳朵或者尾巴。 所以,要抓到它就必須有所準(zhǔn)備。有創(chuàng)造力的人總是隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備采取行動(dòng)——這也許是我們與愛迪生等人之間的惟一差別。
     1821年,路德維格·范·貝多芬在一封給朋友的信中談到他在馬車上打盹時(shí)想到了一首美妙的曲子的情形, "可我一醒來,那首曲子便無影無蹤了,我怎么也記不起來了。 "好在當(dāng)貝多芬第二天乘坐同一輛馬車時(shí),那首曲子又回到了他的腦子里,于是他把它記錄了下來,這對(duì)于貝多芬和我們都可謂是一件幸事。
     當(dāng)你有了一個(gè)好主意的時(shí)候,就要把它寫下來--必要時(shí)就寫在手臂上。 并非所有的想法都有價(jià)值,但先逮住它,以后再作評(píng)價(jià)。
     冥思遐想。畫家薩爾瓦多·達(dá)利經(jīng)常手拿著勺子躺在沙發(fā)上。 當(dāng)他一要入睡時(shí),勺子就會(huì)掉到地板上的盤子里。 響聲就會(huì)將他驚醒,他便立刻把在那個(gè)似睡非睡時(shí)的豐富世界里在腦海中所浮現(xiàn)出來的眾多形象繪成草圖。
     人人都會(huì)經(jīng)歷這種奇怪的狀態(tài),并可以加以利用。 不妨試一試達(dá)利的方法或者干脆讓自己冥思遐想。往往三個(gè)"b"是十分奏效的,即床上、浴室和公共汽車?yán)铩?只要你的思維不受干擾,你就會(huì)思如泉涌。
     尋找挑戰(zhàn)。試一試邀請(qǐng)你生活中不同領(lǐng)域的朋友和商業(yè)伙伴來參加晚會(huì)。 把不同年齡、不同社會(huì)地位的人組合在一起,都會(huì)有助于你用新的方法思考問題。
     美國最具創(chuàng)造力的發(fā)明家之一埃德溫·蘭德說,使他產(chǎn)生發(fā)明寶麗來相機(jī)這一想法的是他三歲的女兒。 1943年在去圣菲游覽時(shí),女兒問他,為什么她無法看到他剛剛拍攝的照片。在接下來的一小時(shí)里,蘭德一邊在圣菲游覽,一邊腦子里卻匯聚著他學(xué)過的所有關(guān)于化學(xué)的知識(shí)。 "照相機(jī)和膠片對(duì)于我變得清晰可見。在我的腦海里,它們?nèi)绱苏鎸?shí),我只用了幾個(gè)小時(shí)就將它們描述了出來。"
     拓展你的視野。許多理工和人文科學(xué)方面的發(fā)現(xiàn)都融合了不同領(lǐng)域中的思想。以"兩繩問題"為例。 兩根相距甚遠(yuǎn)的繩子分別從天花板上垂下來。盡管你無法同時(shí)夠到兩根繩子,但有沒有可能只用一把鉗子就把兩根繩子系到一起呢?
     一位大學(xué)生把鉗子系到一根繩子上,然后讓它像鐘擺那樣擺動(dòng)起來。 在繩子來回?cái)[動(dòng)的時(shí)候,他迅速走到另一根繩子那兒,將其盡量向前拉。當(dāng)擺動(dòng)的繩子靠近他時(shí),他把它抓住,于是將兩根繩子就系到一起。
     這個(gè)道理在其他方面也同樣有效。要提高創(chuàng)造力,就得學(xué)習(xí)新的知識(shí)。如果你是銀行家,就學(xué)一學(xué)跳踢踏舞;如果你是護(hù)士,就學(xué)一學(xué)維他命療法。 讀一本關(guān)于某一門新學(xué)科的書。不要總是讀同一家日?qǐng)?bào)。新的東西與舊的東西會(huì)以全新的、可能是非常誘人的方式結(jié)合起來。 變得更有創(chuàng)造力意味著去留心你那些無窮無盡的想法,學(xué)會(huì)捕捉你腦子里的新東西并將之付諸行動(dòng)。



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