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Cambridge Young Learners English (2) ;
Unit 6 How do you go to school? ;
2.Let's practise. ;
How do you go to the cinema?I go there by bike.When does the film start? ;
It starts at eight o'clock. ;
How often do you go to see films?Twice a month.How much is the ticket?It's 15 Yuan. ;
3.Look and read. ;
Jack lived in a small place.One day his ather said to him. ;
"Jack,I can't go to your grandpa's place. You go there by yourself." ;
Jack got the address and went to London by train. ;
He thought,"This place isn't far.I can find it easily." ;
But an hour later,he was still looking for it.So he stopped and asked an old lady. ;
She said,"Go straight along this street and turn left and then right." ;
Jack went and found it.He was very happy to see his grandpa. ;
He said he would go to see him again. ;
A few days later Jack went to see his grandpa again. ;
Again he could not find the place. So he asked someone on the way, ;
"Excuse me,could you tell me how to get to this place?" ;
The old lady looked at him and said,"Young man,are you still look -ing for that place? ;
It was the same old lady! ;
4.Let's chant. ;
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children; ;
she didn't know what to do She gave them some water without any bread, ;
then cleaned them carefully and sent them to bed. ;
I have ten tiny fingers.I have ten toes. ;
They wear nice hats, they wear nice clothes.They are like sisters. ;
The are very close. They look like brothers.They have big noses. ;
Exercises 6 ;
1.Listen and tick. ;
1.How are they going to the park? ;
Hello,Ted.Are you going to the park with us this afternoon? Yes,Why? ;
How do you go there? I want to go there by bike, ;
but there was something wrong with my bike.So I'm going there by bus. ;
Really?I'm going there by bus,too.We can go there together. ;
When are we going to meet?We are going to meet at 1 o'clock. ;
Where are we going to meet? we are going to meet at the gate. ;
2.When does the bookstore open on Sundays? ;
Excuse me,sir.When does the bookstore open?I'm sorry. I don't know. ;
You can ask the man over there.Excuse me, sir.When does the bookstore open? ;
Oh,it opens at 8:30 and closes at 6:00. ;
Does it open at 8:30 on Sundays?No,it opens at 9:00 on Sunday and closes at 6:00. ;
I see.Thanks very much.You are welcome. ;
3.How much are the sausages per kilo? ;
Can I help you,Mam? What would you like? How much is the fish? ;
It's ten yuan per kilo What about the chicken? ;
It's seven yuan per kilo.How much is the sausage? ;
It's twelve yuan per kilo.Do you want anything? ;
Give me a kilo of sausage,please.OK. Anything else? No,thank you. ;
Unit 7 Let's make fruit salad ;
1.Let's talk. ;
Hello,everyone,have you got any apples? Yes!Have you got any bananas?Yes! ;
Have you got any oranges?Yes! Let's make fruit salad OK?Yes!Let's do it. ;
3.Let's sing. ;
Eat up!Eat up! Everybody,every plate! Eat up!Eat up! Everybody,do it quick! ;
Clean up!Clean up! Everybody,everywhere! Clean up!Clean up! ;
Everybody does his share!Eat up!Eat up! Everybody,every plate! ;
Eat up!Eat up! Everybody,do it quick! Clean up!Clean up! Everybody,everywhere! ;
Clean up!Clean up! Everybody does his share! ;
4.Let's chant. ;
Wash apples,wash apples,everybody washes apples. ;
Peel bananas, peel bananas, everybody peels bananas. ;
Cut apples,cut bananas cut apples and bananas Mix them,mix them, everybody mixes them. ;
Eat it,eat it. Let's share and eat it. ;
Clean it up, and clean it up. Everybody cleans it up. ;
8.Look and read. ;
Mr.and Mrs. Green have five children.They like to eat fruit very much. ;
But each person likes a different fruit. Betty likes apples. ;
Susie likes eating watermelon.Ben enjoys eating bananas. ;
Bill likes coconuts and Ann enjoys mangoes So every day it's hard for Mr.and Mrs.Green ;
to buy fruits for them.One day Mr.and Mrs.Green said to the children. ;
"Now we want to give each person a day to choose hisor her favourite fruit. ;
Then others will eat that fruit too.Do you agree?" ;
"Yes."said Ann."But what about Saturdays and Sundays?" ;
"On Saturday your father chooses his favourite fruit." ;
"So you will choose your favourite fruit on Sunday?""That's right." ;
said the mother." Is that OK?""Yes! Yes!Yes!"everybody shouted. ;
Unit 8 Shopping in the classroom ;
1.Let's talk. ;
Good morning!Can I help you?Yes,I'd like to buy a ruler. How much is the ruler? ;
It's 5 cents.Give me two rulers,please. That's 10 cents. How much is this dog? ;
It's 20 cents.Can I see the dog please? Sure.How much is this bunch of grape? ;
It's 2 cents. How much are the sweets?It's 10 cents a piece. ;
How much is the chocolate? It's 10 cents. ;
This sticker is nice. How much is it? It's 5 cents. ;
Can I have one please? Sure!How much is the pencil?It's 10 cents. ;
3.Let's chant. ;
Shopping,shopping, everybody's shopping. Shopping for Christmas shopping for Easter. ;
Shopping for father and shopping for mother. ;
Shopping for lunch and shopping for supper. Shopping in summer and shopping in winter. ;
4.A short play. Bill,Daisy and Sally ;
Daisy:Hi!Bill,would you like to go shopping with me? ;
Bill:Oh,I'm sorry. I've got a lot of homework. ;
Daisy:Come on.You can do it later. ;
Bill:But I have to play football with my friends ;
Daisy:Don't worry. We'll be back soon. Sally:Hello,what are you doing here? ;
Daisy:I want to go shopping.Would you like to go with me? ;
Sally:What do you want to buy? Daisy:I want to buy some stickers. ;
Sally:I like stickers. Bill:Stickers?Really? Daisy:Yes! ;
Bill:Oh,I like stickers.OK.Let's go and buy stickers. ;
Daisy,Sally:Yes. Let's go. ;
6.Look,read and answer ;
Three months ago,we wanted to move to a new place. ;
So we decided to sell our house. ;
We put a piece of paper on the tree in frnt of our house. ;
It says,"Come,look and buy."Ten minutes later a young man came. ;
He didn't go into the house,but he went to look at the tree. ;
He walked around the tree again and again. Then he asked,"How much is the tree?" ;
We were all surprised. He didn't come to buy the house.He came to buy the tree. ;
Now the tree has gone. But we still live in that house. ;
Exercises 8 ;
1.Listen,draw and colour. ;
Look,who are they?They are Kevin and Mary. What are they doing here?They are shopping ;
Are they going to buy something? Yes,but there are something missing. ;
Right.Let's quickly draw them.OK. Can you see the watermelon? ;
Yes,draw two big watermelons nearby. OK. ;
What about the bananas?There aren't many left.Shall I draw some? ;
No,don't draw any bananas,but draw some grapes and oranges. Yes. ;
Have you seen the coconut?Yes.Please draw some mangoes on the coconuts.All right ;
Quick!Draw two big tomatoes in one empty box. ;
And draw some beans in the other empty box. ;
Are they all green? Yes.Color the beans green,but the tomatoes red.OK. ;
Shall I draw some fruitsbetween the apples? ;
No,but draw pineapples next to the pineapples and make it full. ;
Good.Look,what's in the empty box next to the beef? It's fish. ;
Please draw a fish in it.Good.Oh,they are coming.Let's go into the room.OK.Let's go. ;
3.Let's practise in groups. ;
1.Where are you going? I'm going shopping. What are you going to buy? ;
I'm going to buy a toothbrush.Why? ;
I can't brush my teeth in the morning.Mine is broken. Ah.I see. ;
2.Can I help you? Yes.I'd like to buy some pens and pencils. ;
We have many here. Which one do you like? That blue one please. Here you are. ;
Thank you.How much is it?It's $1.20. Thank you,I'll take the blue one. ;
3.What would you like? I'd like some juice please?Would you like to have some ice? ;
Yes,please.Can I have some water,too?Sure! How much is it? It's 5 Yuan. ;
Unit 9 I like birds but I don't like cats. ;
1.Let's talk. ;
Look,there are many birds and dogs.Do you like them? ;
I like birds but I don't like dogs.Do you like cats? No,I don't. ;
3.Read and answer. ;
Many children like monkeys ;
but they don't like bears or lions because they are dangerous. ;
When they go to the zoo,they often go to see the monkeys first. ;
They like to see baby monkeys sitting on their mother's shoulders. ;
Monkeys are children's best friends. ;
Children like to play with them.Monkeys are very quick. ;
They often run here and there,up and down. Sometimes they make faces. ;
Sometimes they put up their hands and want to get bananas ;
from the people who are watching them in the zoo. ;
5.Say it. ;
Five little monkeys jumped on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head. ;
The mummy called the doctor and the doctor said, ;
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Four little monkeys jumped on the bed. ;
One fell off and bumped his head. ;
The mummy called the doctor and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." ;
Three little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. ;
The mummy called the doctor and the doctor said ;
"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Two little monkeys jumped on the bed. ;
One fell off and bumped his head. ;
The mummy called the doctor and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed." ;
One little monkey jumped on the bed.He fell off and bumped his head. ;
The mummy sat there feeling very sad.Now no more monkeys jumping on the bed." ;
7.Let's sing. ;
I like cats but I don't like mice.We like birds but we don't like flies. ;
You like monkeys but you don't like snakes. ;
They like ducks but they don't like sharks He likes sheep but he doesn't like hippos. ;
She likes pandas but she doesn't like spiders. ;
He likes horses but he doesn't like bears.She likes rabbits but she doesn't like frogs. ;
Exercises 9 ;
2.Listen and tick. ;
1.What does Bob like doing? ;
Hi,Bob,I'm going shopping.Do you like to go with me? ;
I'm sorry.I don't like to go shopping. I'm going to the library. ;
Come on.Shopping is fun.You can see and buy the things you like. ;
But I like reading. Don't you like reading? ;
No,reading is boring. Oh,there comes Jane. ;
Maybe she likes to go shopping with me. Byebye!Bye!. ;
2.What animals does Jane like? ;
Bill,what's your favorite animal?Well, I like animals. ;
But I don't have any favorite animal.Do you like crocodiles or pandas? ;
No,I don't like crocodiles but I like pandas. ;
How about you,Jane? Oh,I like cats.But I don't like crocodiles, either. ;
Oh,tomorrow is Saturday.would you like to go to the zoo with me? ;
Sure.When and where shall we meet? ;
We'll meet at 9:00 a.m.at the gate of the zoo.OK.See you tomorrow then.See you. ;
3.What is the man going to have in the restaurant? ;
Hi,sir.What would you like? We have nice mutton and carrots. ;
I don't like those carrots. Could I have some tomatoes. ;
Oh,I'm sorry.We don't have any tomatoes now. We have beans and peas Would you like some? ;
I don't like beans and peas.And I don't like carrots.I like tomatoes. ;
I'm sorry.How about some potatoes? ;
OK.Potatoes are fine. Would you like some juice or Coca-cola? ;
I don't like Coca-cola,but I like juice. ;
OK.Juice and potatoes will be ready in a minute. ;
Unit 10 What's wrong with you? ;
1.Let's talk. ;
What's wrong with you? I have a headache. What's wrong with you? ;
I have a stomachache. What's the matter? ;
I have a toothache. What's the matter? I have an earache. What's the matter? ;
I have a bad cold.I coughed a lot yesterday. ;
Is there anything wrong with you? I have a temperature. ;
3.A role play. (a doctor,Lin Tao,in the doctor's office) ;
May I come in?Yes, please.Sit down please Thank you.Now tell me, what's the problem? ;
I have a headache, sometimes I feel cold and sometimes I feel hot. ;
Did you take a temperature? Yes,I did. ;
Did you have a bad cough yesterday? Yes,I did. ;
Oh,you have a bad cold.Can I still go out and play football? ;
No,you can't.You should take a good rest. ;
Drink a lot of water and stay in bed for a day or two. ;
I can't play football. That's too bad. ;
Come here again if it gets worse. Thank you,doctor. Bye-bye!Bye-bye. ;
4.Let's chant. ;
Something happened to my brother Jim,when someone threw a tomato at him. ;
Tomatoes are soft and can't hurt people, ;
but this one came in a purple tin.Something was wrong with my pet frog. ;
He walked on the ground but never hopped. ;
He didn't like water and he didn't like rain, ;
but he liked to meet people and travelled by train. ;
5.Look,read and answer. ;
If you go to see a doctor in another country, ;
don't be afraid,even if you don't speak their language. ;
They have got a book for you.When you see the doctor, ;
he will pass you a little book. ;
It has many pictures, but no words.You can look at the pictures and point at them. ;
Then the doctor soon understands what you feel and what you need. ;
The pictures are very easy. ;
For example:If you are tired and you don't want to stay in the hospital, ;
you can point at this picture.It's means,"I want to go home." ;
Exercises 10 ;
3.Listen and tick. ;
1.What did the doctor tell Peter to do? ;
Hi,Peter.What's wrong with you?Eh,I have a bad cold.Yesterday I coughed a lot. ;
Did you take your temperature? Yes,I did. ;
Did you go to see the doctor? Yes,I did. ;
What did the doctors say?He asked me to drink a lot of water and stay in bed. ;
That's right.If you have a cold, ;
you should drink a lot of water and stay in bed.Are you feeling better now? ;
Yes,I am. But you still need to take a rest. Thanks.I will. ;
2.Where was Johnson this morning? ;
Where's Johnson?I don't know.Is he at school?No,he isn't. ;
He didn't come this morning.What's wrong with him?He had a headache. ;
Did he go to see a doctor?No,he didn't. Why not? ;
He said it doesn't matter and he stayed in bed. ;
Is he better now? I don't know. Let's go and see him. OK.Let's go. ;
3.Where is Daisy going? ;
Where are you going, Daisy?I'm going to the hospital.What's wrong with you? ;
I had a bad cough last night and I didn't go to school this morning Oh,sorry to hear that. ;
Where are you going, Bob?I'm going to the bookstore. ;
I want to buy a Chinese-English dictionary. ;
Oh,I want to buy one, too.But I can go there later. ;
Do you want me to buy one for you?That's really very kind of you. ;
Please get one for me. OK.I'll see you later. ;
4.What did the doctor ask Lucy to take? ;
Hi,Lucy.Where were you last night? I went to the hospital ;
What's wrong with you? I didn't feel well. I had a bad stomachache. ;
That's too bad.What did the doctor say? He said maybe I had some bad food. ;
Oh,did he give you some medicine? Yes,he did. ;
Did you take them? Yes. Are you feeling better now?Yes,much better. ;
I hope you'll get well soon. Thanks.Byebye. Bye. ;

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