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大眾英語上 Gateway to English ;
Lesson Twenty Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Are you going to have a medical examination in May or in June? -In June. ;
Drill 2 -Is there going to be an English film this Thursday evening? ;
-Yes,there is. -Are you going? -Yes,all of us. ;
Drill 3 -Do you have a brother Li Ming? -Yes,I do. ;
-Is he older than you? -No,he is younger than me. ;
-He is three years younger than me. -He is shorter than you,isn't he? ;
-No, he is a little taller than me. -Does he have bigger eyes than you? ;
-Yes, his eyes are bigger than mine. -He works as hard as you,doesn't he? ;
-I'm afraid he doesn't work as hard as me. -Who loves sports more you or your brother? ;
-He does.In fact he is the best swimmer,the best runner ;
and the best tennis player in his class. ;
-Would you like to live in the city or in the country? ;
-I like to live in the city. -Why? ;
-Life in the city is easier and more con- venient.There are more schools,more hospitals ;
more parks, more shops more cinemas and thea- tres.The living stan- dards are higher. ;
-But I like living in the country. The air is fresh and there is a lot more space there ;
There are not as many people in the country and there are a lot more fresh vegetables. ;
-Well, I don't think I can convince you. -Neither can I. ;
Text Good News ;
Tom:What do you have there, Dick? Dick: A letter from Uncle James. ;
Harry: What does it say? Is he going to come for a visit? Tom: I don't know. ;
It just arrived five minutes ago.I'm going to read it to you.It's for all of us. ;
It say:"Dear Tom, Dick and Harry, I have some good news for you. ;
I own some land near Washington,D.C. ;
Some government people are going to build hospital there, ;
and they're going to buy my land.They're going to pay $ 150,000 I don't need the money ;
so I'm going to give the one hundred and fifty thousand to you. " ;
Dick: Good old Uncle James! One hundred and fifty thousand dollars ;
What are we going to do with the money? ;
Harry:I'm going to put my fifty thousand into the bank. ;
Tom:I'm not going to save any of my fifty thousand.I'm going to buy a car. ;
Then my family and I are going to get some new cloths. ;
Dick:I'm not going to save my fifty thousand and I'm not going to buy any clothes ;
or cars.My wife and I are going to pay our debts. ;
We owe almost fifty thousand dollars. ;
Lesson Twenty-one Words and Expressions ache /eik/vi.痛,疼痛 ;
across/'krs/ adv.橫切,越過 appointment /'pintmnt/n.約會 ;
bicycle /'baisikl/ n. 自行車 busy /'bizi/ adj.忙,繁忙 ;
camera /'kmr/ n. 照相機 certainly /'s:tnli/ adv.當(dāng)然,一定 ;
chess /tes/ n.棋,國際象棋 Dr.doctor的縮寫 early /':li/adv.早 ;
end /end/n.結(jié)尾 fact/fkt/n.事實,實際 fail /feil/vt.未通過 feel/fi:l/vi.感覺 ;
find/faind/ vt.發(fā)現(xiàn),找到 flu/flu:/ n.流行性感冒 ;
German / 'd:mn/ n.德國人,德語 hand/hnd/n.手vt.交遞 hand in 上交 ;
head /hed/n. 頭 headache/'hedeik/ n.頭痛 ;
hello /h'lu/ interj.(打招呼的用法) horse/h:s/n.馬 ;
Italian/i'tljn/ adj.意大利的, n.意大利語 matter/'mt/ n.物質(zhì) ;
as a matter of fact 實際上 message /'mesid/ n.(口頭或書面的)信息 ;
might /mait/ aux.v. (may的過去式)可以,會 ;
moment /'mumnt/ n.片刻 at the moment現(xiàn)在 pass /pa:s/ vt. 通過 ;
probably /'prbbli/ adv.大概,或許 recorder /ri'k:d/ n.錄音機 ;
ride/raid/vt.騎,乘 river /'riv/n.河 ;
should /ud, Jd/ aux.v.(shall的過去式, 情態(tài)動詞)將,會,應(yīng)該 sign /sain/n.信號 ;
swim /swim/vi. 游泳 terrible /'terbl/ adj.可怕的,糟極了 test/test/ n.考試,測試 ;
true/tru:/adj.真實的 until /n'til/ prep.直到....為止 ;
urgent/':dnt/ adj.緊急的,迫切的 David/'deivid/(男人名) Boyd/bid/(姓) ;
Jack/dk/(男人名) Paul/p:l/(男人名) ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Can you play chess? -No,I can't. -Who can play chess? -David can. ;
Drill 2 -May I borrow your recorder? -Yes,you may. ;
-How long can I keep it? -Two weeks. ;
Drill 3 -Must I hand in my homework on Friday? ;
-No,you needn't.You can hand it in on Saturday. ;
Drill 4 -I can't find my dic- tionary.May I use yours? -Certainly. ;
-I have something ur- gent to do this after- noon.May I come a little late? ;
-That's all right.As a matter of fact,if you're busy,you needn't come. ;
-Hello.May I speak to Mr.Zhang? ;
-Well,he's not here at the moment.Can I take a message? -Yes,please. ;
Text Paul's Headache Jack:Where shall we eat dinner tonight? ;
Shall we try that new Italian restau- rant? ;
Paul:I can't eat any- thing.I feel terrible. My head aches. Jack:You must be sick. ;
You should see a doc- tor.You might have the flu. A headache is one sign of the flu. ;
Paul:l don't know any doctors here. Jack:I have a good doctor. ;
I can make an appoint- ment for you. Shall I call Dr. Boyd? ;
Paul:No, thanks. I'll probably feel all right tomorrow. ;
Jack:Well, go to bed early and get some rest. ;
Paul:I should study. We're going to have a history test tomorrow morning. ;
I failed the last test so I must pass this one. ;
Jack:But you may have the flu. You can't take a test with the flu. ;
And you can't study with a terrible head- ache. ;
Paul:That's true,but I must study or I'll fail that history test ;
Lesson Twenty-two Words and Expressions ;
African /'frikn/ adj.非洲的,非洲人的; n.非洲人 ;
American /'merikn/ adj.美洲的,美國的; n.美國人,美洲人 ;
basket/'ba:skit/ n.籃,筐 ;
beside /bi'said/ prep. 在.....旁邊, 在....附近 ;
box /bks/ n.箱,盒 bring/bri/ vt.拿來,帶來 ;
brought /br:t/ (過去式、過去分詞) care /ke/n.小心 ;
clean/kli:n/ vt.把....收拾干凈,掃除 collect /k'lekt/ vt.收集 ;
country/'kntri/ n.國家 deliver/di'liv/ n.遞送 ;
delivery/di'livri/ n.投遞 equipment/i'kwipmnt/ n. 設(shè)備,裝備 ;
far /fa:/ adj.遠(yuǎn)處的,遠(yuǎn)的 ;
farmer /'fa:m/ n.農(nóng)民,農(nóng)夫,經(jīng)營農(nóng)業(yè)者 農(nóng)場主 farm /fa:m/ n. 農(nóng)場 ;
French /frent/ adj.法國的,法國人的; n.法國人,法語 ;
handle /'hndl/ vt.處理,對待 ;
Japanese /'dp'ni:z/ adj.日本的,日本人的; n.日本人,日語 ;
laboratory /l'brtri/ n.實驗室,化驗室 leave /li:v/vt.留,放 ;
left/left/ (過去式、過去分詞) mail /meil/n.郵件 ;
mailbox/'meilbks/ n.信箱 milk/milk/n.牛奶 ;
opening/'upni/ n.開,口,孔 overall /'uvr:l/ n.工作服 ;
package/'pkid/ n.包,包裹 person/'p:sn/ n.人,個人 ;
picture /'pikt/ n.圖,圖畫 place/pleis/ n.地方,場所 ;
post/pust/n.郵政 vt.郵寄 post office /'pust, fis/n.郵局 ;
push /pu/vt.推 receive /ri'si:v/ vt.接到,收到 road /rud/ n.路,道路 ;
rubbish / 'rbi/ n.垃圾,廢物 rule/ru:l/n.規(guī)則,規(guī)章, 規(guī)程 ;
rural / 'rurl/ adj.農(nóng)村的,鄉(xiāng)下的 service /'s:vis/ n. 服務(wù) ;
shoe /u:/n.鞋 shut/t/vt.關(guān)閉,關(guān)上 ;
Spanish /'spni/ n.西班牙語,西班牙人; adj.西班牙的, 西班牙人的 ;
through /ru:/ prep. 通過,穿過 tidy/'taidi/ adj.整潔的,整齊的 ;
town /taun/ n.鎮(zhèn),城鎮(zhèn) village/'vilid/ n.村莊 window /'windu/ n.窗 ;
Austria /'stri/ 奧地利 Belgium /'beldm/ 比利時 ;
Germany /'d:mni/ 德國 Japan /d'pn/ 日本 ;
Spain /spein/ 西班牙 Switzerland /'switslnd/ 瑞士 ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Where is Japanese spoken? -It is spoken in Japan. ;
Drill 2 ;
-Is your classroom cleaned every day or every other day? -Every other day. ;
Drill 3 ;
Rules to be followed in a laboratory (Put the following into the passive. ) ;
1.overalls and special shoes must be wron. 2.everything must be kept clean and tidy. ;
3.The equipment must be handled with care. ;
4.Everything must be put back in place after it is used. ;
5.The windows must be closed and the door must be shut before you leave. ;
Text Mail Service ;
How are letters deli- vered in your country? Are letters delivered to each person's door? ;
Is mail kept at the post office until someone goes there to get it? ;
If someone lives far from a post office,how does he get his mail? In the United States, ;
most people who live in cities and small towns receive their mail at home. ;
Letters are delivered to the family's door every day. Some people have boxes or basket, ;
for letters beside the front door.If there is no box or basket, ;
the letters are pushed through an opening in the door. ;
Large packages are sometimes left beside the door. ;
Many Americans live on farms which are far from any city, town, ;
or village. Their mail is delivered to boxes like the ones in this picture. ;
Every day the farmers who live near this road come to their mailboxes. ;
Mail is delivered to farmers' mailboxes every day. ;
This mail service is called Rural Free Delivery. ;
Rural Free Delivery is also known as RFD. ;
Lesson Twenty-three Words and Expressions against /'geinst/ prep.對著,反對 ;
along /'l/ prep.沿著 ;
automobile /':tmubi:l/ n.汽車 ball/b:d/n.球 ;
baseball /'beisb:l/ n.捧球 ;
better/'bet/ adj.& adv.較好,好一些, 更好 ;
catch/kt/ vt.接住(球) chance /ta:ns/n.機會 ;
college/'klid/ n.學(xué)院 continue /kn'tinju:/ vt.繼續(xù) ;
current/'krnt/ adj.現(xiàn)在的,當(dāng)時的 exist/ig'zist/ vi.存在,生存 ;
game/geim/ n.比賽,一場比賽 group/gru:p/n.小組 hall /h:l/n.廳 ;
lecture hall 演講廳 hat /ht/n.帽子 high /hai/ adj. 高 hit /hit/n.擊球,打 ;
league /li:g/ n. 同盟,聯(lián)盟 lecture/'lekt/ n. 講痤,報告 ;
manager /'mnid/ n.經(jīng)理,總管 mechanic /mi'knik/ n.機修工,技工 ;
player /plei/ n.球員,選手 policy /'plisi/ n.政策 ;
practice /'prktis/ n.練習(xí) professor /pr'fes/ n.教授 ;
really / 'rili/ adv.真正地 reform /ri'f:m/ n.改革 ;
run /rn/n.(捧球)得分 score /sk:/ vt.取得,得分 ;
season /'si:zn/ n.季,季節(jié) somebody /'smbdi/ n. 某人 ;
start /sta:t/ vt.& n.開始 straw /str:/n.稻草 ;
such /st, st/ adj.那樣的 team /ti:m/ n.隊 ;
together /t'ged/ adv.一起,一同,共同 ;
tourist /'turist/ n.旅游者,觀光者 travel /'trvl/ vi.旅行 ;
trophy/'trufi/ n. 獎杯 win /win/vt.贏得,取得 winner/'win/n.優(yōu)勝者 ;
without /wid'aut/ prep.沒有,不 Billy /'bili/(男人名) Roberts/'rb:ts/(姓) ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Are you free tonight? -Yes,I am. -What are you going to do? ;
-To go to a party with my wife. Are you going? -I'd be glad to. ;
-There's going to be a talk on current reform policies next Thursday ;
-Really?Who's going to speak? -A professor from the People's University. ;
-Where is it going to be? -In the lecture hall on the first floor. ;
Drill 2 -It's going to be a very hot day today. ;
-Is it? I'd better start out early. ;
-Don't forget to take your straw hat along. -No,I won't. ;
-Why is Xiao Zhang in such a hurry? ;
-He is going to meet somebody at the bus stop. ;
-Who is he going to meet? -A group of tourists, I suppose. ;
Text Little League Baseball ;
Tom Roberts is an automobile mechanic, but today he is not working on automobiles ;
It is Saturday, and he is taking his son, Billy, to the ball park. ;
Billy is going to play in a baseball game. ;
He plays on a Little League team called the Pirates. ;
The manager of the team is very proud of Billy ;
because the manager is also his father. There are fourteen boys on the team, ;
but only nine of them play at one time.They are all nine,ten or eleven years old. ;
After two weeks of practice ;
they are now going to play their first game of the season. ;
It is very important to win the first game. ;
The team that wins the most games receives a trophy at the end of the season. ;
Sometimes if they continue to win, they can get many trophies. ;
They can even travel to other states to play against other winners. ;
To win the game the players hit the ball as far as they can. ;
If no one on the other team catches it, they have a chance to score a run. ;
The team with the most runs is the winner. Girls are also in Little League. ;
Sometimes boys and girls play on the same team. ;
Little League baseball teaches boys and girls to work and play together. ;
Tom Roberts is one of many men and women who help with Little League. ;
Parents, high school students and college students also work with teams. ;
Without these people Little League cannot exist. ;
Lesson Twenty-four Words and Expressions ;
active /'ktiv/ adj.有活力的,積極的, 活潑的 ;
alone /'lun/ adv.獨自,單獨地 athlete/'li:t/ n.運動員 ;
believe/bi'li:v/ vt.相信 buyer/bai/ n.采購員 ;
concert /'knst/ n.音樂會 couple/'kpl/ n.一對,一雙 ;
a couple of 幾個 dentist/'dentist/ n.牙醫(yī) ;
department /di'pa:tmnt/ n.部門 ;
department store 百貨公司 eater /'i:t/ n.吃的人,食者 ;
electricity /ilek'trisiti/ n.電 ;
especially /is'peli/ adv.特別,尤其 ;
ever /'ev/ adv.(常用于否定句,疑問 句中)在任何時候;從來 ;
fairly/'feli/ adv.相當(dāng)?shù)?file/fail/ n.文件,檔案,卷宗 ;
graduate /'grdjueit/ vi.畢業(yè) hope/hup/vi.希望 ;
jacket/'dkit/ n. 夾克衫,短上衣 life/laif/n.生活,生命 ;
local/'lukl/ adj.地方的,當(dāng)?shù)氐?lock /lk/ vt.鎖上 ;
number/'nmb/ n.數(shù)目,數(shù)字 a number of很多 off /f/adv.切斷,中止 ;
turn off關(guān)掉 be off 關(guān)掉的 open /'upn/vt.開 ;
outgoing/'au,gui/ adj.開朗的,對人友好的 ;
peaceful /'pi:sful/ adj.安靜的,寧靜的, 平和的 ;
piano /pi'nu/ n.鋼琴 pizza /'pits/ n. 比薩餅(意大利餡餅) ;
possible/'pasbl/ adj.可能的 potato /p'teitu/ n.土豆 ;
quiet/kwait/ adj. 安靜的 salesman/ 'seilzmn/ n.售貨員,推銷員 ;
serious /'siris/ adj.嚴(yán)肅的認(rèn)真的 simple /'simpl/ adj.簡單的,樸素的 ;
socially /'suli/ adv.社會上,社交上 someday /'smdei/ adv.有一天,有朝一日 ;
store /st:/ n.商店 sweep/swi:p/ vt.& vi.打掃,掃地 tennis /'tenis/n.網(wǎng)球 ;
ticket /'tikit/ n. 票 turn/t:n/vt. 轉(zhuǎn)動,轉(zhuǎn) whenever /wen'ev/ conj.無論什么時候 ;
Jeffers/'defz/(姓) John/dn/(男人名) Michaels /'maiklz/ (姓) ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-What is he doing? -He is turning off the computer. ;
-Has he turned off the computer? -Yes,he has.The compu- ter is now off. ;
Drill 2 ;
-Have you read today's evening paper? -No,not yet. ;
-When are you going to read it? -Before I go to bed. ;
Text Tom and John Are Different ;
John Michaels is 24 years old.He works as a waiter in a restau- rant. ;
He has been working there for two years. ;
John is interested in a number of different things.He likes sports especially tennis, ;
swimming and jogging. He also plays the piano and likes to read in his free time. ;
John is a big eater; he loves pizza. He is a fairly quiet and serious person. ;
He has only a couple of friends,but he sees them quite often. ;
John believes that a simple,quiet and peaceful life is the best kind of life. ;
He hopes to get marri- ed and have a family in the near future. ;
He also hopes to open his own restaurant someday. ;
Tom Jeffers is John Michaels' best friend. ;
Tom and John graduated from high school together. ;
Tom is a salesman in a local department store He has been working there for five years. ;
Like John,Tom is interested in sports, but he isn't a very good athlete. ;
He also likes to eat: he's a big steak-and- potatoes man. ;
Tom is more outgoing and socially active than John. He has quite a few friends. ;
He doesn't like to be alone.He feels that it is important to be with, ;
talk with and help other people whenever possible. ;
Tom hopes to be a buyer for the department store in the future. ;
He wants to travel.He often says that he doesn't think he'll ever get married. ;
Lesson Twenty-five Words and Expressions answer /'a:ms/ vt. & n.回答 ;
anybody /'eni,bdi/ pron.任何人 anyone/'eniwn/ pron.任何人 ;
ask /a:sk/vt.問 baby /' beibi/n.嬰兒 board /b:d/ vt.登機,登船 ;
boy /bi/n.男孩 breath /bre/ n.呼吸 out of breath 喘不過氣來 ;
brother /'br/ n.兄弟 centre /'sent/ n.(英拼法)中心 ;
center(美拼法) check /tek/vt.檢查 check in(在機場交付 行李處)驗票 ;
drive /draiv/ vt. & vi.開車 half /ha:f/n. 一半 ;
hotel /hu'tel/ n. 飯店,旅館 hullo /'h'lu/ interj. 喂 ;
knit /nit/ vt.& vi.織毛衣 put up 建造起 phone /fun/n.電話 ;
ring /ri/vi.(鈴)響 rang 過去式 rung 過去分詞 route /ru:t/n.線路 ;
shop /p/op/n. 商店 since /sins/conj. 自從 sister /'sist/n.姐妹 street /stri:t/n.街道 ;
sweat /swet/vi.流汗 take place 發(fā)生 telephone/'telifun/ vt.& vi.打電話 ;
times /taimz/ n.次數(shù)(復(fù)數(shù)) visit /'vizit/ vt.參觀,訪問 ;
want /wnt/vt.要 while /wail/ conj.當(dāng),在......同時 ;
why /wai/ adv. (疑問)為什么 widen /waidn/vt. 加寬 will /wil/aux.v.將要 ;
wish/wi/v.&n.希望 Jimmy/'dimi/(男人名, James的昵稱) Jones/dunz/(姓) ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Has Mr.Smith arrived at the airport? -Yes,he has. ;
-When did he arrive? -An hour ago. ;
Drill 2 -In the past few years our city has changed a lot. ;
-Has it? Tell me what changes have taken place. ;
-We've put up a lot of new buildings. ;
Drill 3 -She teaches English, doesn't she? -Yes, she does. ;
-How long has she been teaching English ? -She has been teaching English for ten years. ;
Drill 4 -What are the children doing? -They are swimming. ;
-How long have they been swimming? -They have been swimm- ing for an hour or so. ;
Drill 5 -Why are you sweating? What have been doing? ;
-I have been playing football. -Come and have a glass of water. ;
Text A Phone Call for Billy ;
Mrs. Jones was waiting for an important telephone call, ;
but she had no bread in the house,so she left the baby at home ;
and said to his four- year-old brother,"I am going to the shops, Jimmy, ;
and I will be back in a few minutes. " While she was out,the telephone rang, ;
and Jimmy answered. "Hullo, "said a man. "Is your mother there?" ;
"No,"answered Jimmy. "Well,when she comes back,say to her, Mr.Baker telephoned." ;
"What?" "Mr. Baker. Write it down. B-A-K-E-R." "How do you make a B?" ;
"How do I make . . . ? Listen,little boy,is there anybody else with you? ;
Any brothers or sisters?" "My brother billy is here." ;
"Good,I want to talk to him,please." "All right." ;
Jimmy took the tele- phone to the baby's bed and gave it to Billy. ;
When their mother came back, she asked, "Did anyone telephone?" "Yes, " said Jimmy, ;
"a man. But he only wanted to talk to Billy. " ;
Lesson Twenty-six Words and Expressions ;
agree /'gri:/ vi.同意,贊成 artist /'a:tist/ n. 藝術(shù)家,美術(shù)家 ;
become /bi'km/ vt.變成 became(過去式) become(過去分詞) ;
believe /bi'li:v/ v. 相信 bottle /'btl/ n. 瓶子 ;
button /'btn/n.鈕扣 coin /kin/ n. 錢幣 collect /k'lekt/ vt. 收集 ;
collection /k'lekn/ n. 收藏品,珍藏 cooking/'kuki/n.烹調(diào) ;
course/k:s/n.課程 difficult/'difiklt/ adj.困難的 ;
discover/dis'kv/ n.發(fā)現(xiàn) discuss/dis'ks/ n.討論 ;
doll/dl/n.玩具娃娃 enjoyable /in'dibl/ adj.快樂的,愉快的 ;
example/ig'za:mpl/ n. 例子 fine /fain/ adj. 好的,精致的 ;
fish /fi/ n. 魚 flag /flg/ n. 旗幟 glass /gla:s/ n. 玻璃 ;
golden /'guldn/ adj.金色的 golf/'glf/n.高爾夫球 ;
hear /hi/ vt.聽見,聽說 heard (過去式、 過去分詞) ;
hobby / 'hbi/ n.業(yè)余愛好,癖好 hobbyist/'hbiist/ n.業(yè)余愛好者 ;
include /in'klu:d/ vt. 包括,包含 lively /'laivli/ adj.活潑的,活躍的 ;
occupation /'kju'pein/ n.職業(yè)的,工作 ;

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