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English 300 for Olympics 2008 ;
Lesson Eighteen At the Bank 在銀行 ;
A:Excuse me,Ma'am. 對(duì)不起,夫人. ;
B:Yes?Is there anything I can do for you? 什么事?要我?guī)兔? ;
A:Eh,yes.Could you tell me where I can change some money?是 的.請(qǐng)問到哪兒可以換錢? ;
B:At the bank over there. 到那邊那家 銀行就可以. ;
See that sign?That's the Bank of China. 看見那個(gè)招牌了嗎? 那是中國(guó)銀行. ;
A:Thank you very much. I hope it's open now. 多謝.但愿它開門了. ;
B:I'm sure it is.The banks usually open at nine.肯定開門了. 通常銀行九點(diǎn)開門. ;
A:Thank you and goodbye. 謝謝,再見. ;
A:Good morning. 早上好. ;
C:Good morning,Sir. What can I do for you?早上好,先生. 您需要什么服務(wù)? ;
A:I'd like to exchange U.S.dollars for RMB. 我想把美元兌換成人民 幣. ;
C:How much do you want to exchange? 您換多少? ;
A:One thousand U.S.dol -lars What's the excha -nge rate today?一千 美元.今天的匯率是多少? ;
C:8.23 yuan RMB to one dollar. 8.23元人民幣 兌一美元 ;
A:That'll be 8.23 yuan RMB. Am I right? 那就是8.23元人民幣, 對(duì)嗎? ;
C:Yes,you are right. 是的,您說(shuō)得對(duì). ;
A:Here you are. 給您. ;
One thousand U.S. dollars in traveller's cheque. 一千美元的旅行支票. ;
C:Thank you,your passport,please. 謝謝,請(qǐng)出示您的護(hù)照. A:Sure.好的. ;
C:Mr.David Slinn... from Canada... 加拿大的.... 大衛(wèi).斯林先生... ;
A:That's right. 對(duì). ;
C:Could you sign here please,Mr.Slinn? 請(qǐng)?jiān)谶@兒簽個(gè)字好嗎, 斯林先生? ;
A:Sure.好的. ;
A:Here you are,Sir. 82 one hundred-yuan bills 您拿好,先生.這是 82張一百元鈔的人民幣. ;
And here's the change,30 yuan. 這是零鈔,30元. ;
A:Thank you very much. 非常感謝. ;
C:Don't you think you should count it? 您不點(diǎn)一下嗎? ;
A:I don't think it's necessary.But since you want me to...我看 用不著.但既然你要我點(diǎn).. ;
C:You'd better,Sir. 最好還是點(diǎn)一下. ;
A:...OK.Not a nickel more,not a nickel less....好極了,一 分不多,一分不少. ;
Thank you very much... 非常感謝... ;
By the way,could I have my passport back, please?啊,想起來(lái)了,我 可以拿回我的護(hù)照嗎? ;
C:Oh,sure. I'm so sorry,Sir 哦,當(dāng)然.非常抱歉, 先生. ;
A:Excuse me,Ma'am. 對(duì)不起,夫人. ;
B:Yes?Is there anything I can do for you? 什么事?要我?guī)兔? ;
A:Eh,yes.Could you tell me where I can change some money?是 的.請(qǐng)問到哪兒可以換錢? ;
B:At the bank over there. 到那邊那家 銀行就可以. ;
See that sign?That's the Bank of China. 看見那個(gè)招牌了嗎? 那是中國(guó)銀行. ;
A:Thank you very much. I hope it's open now. 多謝.但愿它開門了. ;
B:I'm sure it is.The banks usually open at nine.肯定開門了. 通常銀行九點(diǎn)開門. ;
A:Thank you and goodbye. 謝謝,再見. ;
A:Good morning. 早上好. ;
C:Good morning,Sir. What can I do for you?早上好,先生. 您需要什么服務(wù)? ;
A:I'd like to exchange U.S.dollars for RMB. 我想把美元兌換成人民 幣. ;
C:How much do you want to exchange? 您換多少? ;
A:One thousand U.S. dollars What's the exc -hange rate today?一千 美元.今天的匯率是多少? ;
C:8.23 yuan RMB to one dollar. 8.23元人民幣兌 一美元 ;
A:That'll be 8.23 yuan RMB. Am I right? 那就是8.23元人民幣, 對(duì)嗎? ;
C:Yes,you are right. 是的,您說(shuō)得對(duì). ;
A:Here you are. 給您. ;
One thousand U.S. dollars in traveller's cheques. 一千美元的旅行支票. ;
C:Thank you,your passport,please. 謝謝,請(qǐng)出示您的護(hù)照. A:Sure.好的. ;
C:Mr.David Slinn... from Canada... 加拿大的.... 大衛(wèi).斯林先生... ;
A:That's right. 對(duì). ;
C:Could you sign here please,Mr.Slinn? 請(qǐng)?jiān)谶@兒簽個(gè)字 好嗎,斯林先生? ;
A:Sure.好的. ;
A:Here you are,Sir. 82 one hundred-yuan bills 您拿好,先生.這是 82張一百元鈔的人民幣. ;
And here's the change,30 yuan. 這是零鈔,30元. ;
A:Thank you very much. 非常感謝. ;
C:Don't you think you should count it? 您不點(diǎn)一下嗎? ;
A:I don't think it's necessary.But since you want me to...我看 用不著.但既然你要我點(diǎn).. ;
C:You'd better,Sir. 最好還是點(diǎn)一下. ;
A:...OK.Not a nickel more,not a nickel less....好極了,一 分不多,一分不少. ;
Thank you very much... 非常感謝... ;
By the way,could I have my passport back, please?啊,想起來(lái)了,我 可以拿回我的護(hù)照嗎? ;
C:Oh,sure. I'm so sorry,Sir 哦,當(dāng)然.非常抱歉, 先生. ;
Lesson Nineteen To the Hospital 上醫(yī)院 ;
A:Can I help you? Is there something wrong?我能幫你嗎? 是不是哪兒不舒服? ;
B:Yes,please. 是的,勞駕. ;
I feel dizzy,and I have a terrible stomachache.我有點(diǎn) 頭暈,并且胃疼得厲害. ;
A:You'd better go and see a doctor. 你最好還是去看一 下醫(yī)生. ;
Shall I get you a taxi? 我?guī)湍憬休v出租吧? ;
B:Yes,please.But what hospital should I go to?好的,謝謝.但我該去 哪家醫(yī)院呢? ;
A:The Union Hospital. 協(xié)合醫(yī)院. ;
It's a good hospital, specially for foreign visitors那是一家好醫(yī) 院,專門給外國(guó)人看病的. ;
B:OK,maybe that is best! 好吧,那樣最好! ;
A:Let me help you... Mind your head. 我來(lái)扶您... 小心碰頭. ;
I think I'd better come with you. 我看我最好陪您一起去. ;
B:That'll be very kind of you! 那您真是太好了! ;
But you have your work to do! 可是您還有事吧? ;
A:That's OK.It's my day off today.So don't worry. 沒關(guān)系.今天 我休班.您甭?lián)? ;
B:Thank you very much. 多謝您了. ;
A:Don't mention it. I just want to see you get better.別客 氣.我只希望你能沒事 ;
Oh,here we are. ...哦,我們到了. B:How much is it? 多少錢? ;
A:I have got it. 16 yuan. 我這兒有,16塊. ;
You can pay me back later...OK? 你可以改天再還我... 好嗎? ;
A:Can I help you?Is there something wrong? 我能幫你嗎?是不是哪兒 不舒服? ;
B:Yes,please. 是的,勞駕. ;
I feel dizzy,and I have a terrible stomachache.我有點(diǎn) 頭暈,并且胃疼得厲害. ;
A:You'd better go and see a doctor. 你最好還是去看一 下醫(yī)生. ;
Shall I get you a taxi? 我?guī)湍憬休v出 租吧? ;
B:Yes,please.But what hospital should I go to?好的,謝謝.但我該去 哪家醫(yī)院呢? ;
A:The Union Hospital. 協(xié)合醫(yī)院. ;
It's a good hospital, specially for foreign visitors那是一家好醫(yī) 院,專門給外國(guó)人看病的. ;
B:OK,maybe that is best! 好吧,那樣最好! ;
A:Let me help you... Mind your head. 我來(lái)扶您... 小心碰頭. ;
I think I'd better come with you. 我看我最好陪您一 起去. ;
B:That'll be very kind of you! 那您真是太好了! ;
But you have your work to do! 可是您還有事吧? ;
A:That's OK.It's my day off today.So don't worry 沒關(guān)系. 今天我休班.您甭?lián)? ;
B:Thank you very much. 多謝您了. ;
A:Don't mention it. I just want to see you get better別客 氣.我只希望你能沒事. ;
Oh,here we are. ....哦,我們到了. B:How much is it? 多少錢? ;
A:I have got it. 16 yuan. 我這兒有,16塊. ;
You can pay me back later...OK? 你可以改天再還 我...好嗎? ;
Lesson Twenty A Phone Call 打電話 ;
Operator:Rogers Export Company.Can I help you 這是羅杰斯出口公司. 您有什么事? ;
A:Could I speak to Mr.Johnson,please? 我想請(qǐng)約翰遜先生說(shuō) 話, ;
O:Sorry,we have two persons with that name here.對(duì)不起,我們 這兒有兩位叫那個(gè)名字的 ;
A:Oh,Mr.Peter A.Johnson,please. 啊,是彼德.A.約翰遜 先生,謝謝. ;
Operator:Sure.One moment,please. 沒問題,請(qǐng)稍等. ;
Secretary: Mr.Johnson's Office. 約翰遜先生辦公室. ;
Can I help you? 有何貴干? ;
A:I'd like to speak to Mr.Johnson,please. 我想跟約翰遜先生講 話,謝謝. ;
Secretary:May I have your name,please? 您是哪位? ;
A:Sure.This is Sun Ping of Da Dong Import Company.我 是大東進(jìn)口公司的孫平. ;
Secretary:Hold on, please. 請(qǐng)稍候別掛斷. ;
B:Hello,Mr.Sun.Sorry to keep you waiting. How are you?孫先生, 抱歉讓您久等了.您好嗎? ;
A:I'm very well,thank you.How are you? Mr.Johnson?我很好,謝 謝.您好嗎?約翰遜先生? ;
B:I'm just fine, thank you. 我挺好,謝謝. ;
What can I do for you,Mr.Sun? 您有什么事,孫先生? ;
A:Well,it's like this. our general manager Mr.Liu 是這樣. 我們的總經(jīng)理劉先生 ;
would like to meet with you some time next week. 想在下周和您見個(gè)面. ;
B:Sure,I'm anxious to meet with him,too. 沒問題.我也正想和他 見面呢! ;
Did you say next week? 您剛才說(shuō)下周是嗎? ;
A:Yes.Will you be free next Monday or Tuesday 是的. 您下周一或周二有空嗎 ;
B:Let me see. 我看一下. ;
I'll have a meeting the whole day next Monday. 下周一我整天有會(huì). ;
But I'll be free Tuesday afternoon. 但周二下午有空. ;
A:Then shall we make it Tuesday afternoon? 那就定在周二下午怎樣? ;
B:Sure.No problem. 好,沒問題. ;
A:At what time,then? 那幾點(diǎn)呢? ;
B:Any time after two is OK for me. 我這邊兩點(diǎn)以后任何 時(shí)間都行. ;
A:Shall we make it two thirty? 兩點(diǎn)半行嗎? ;
B:Sure.Two thirty is fine with me. 可以.兩點(diǎn)半對(duì)我 正合適. ;
A:So we'll be at your office 在您辦公室見 ;
at two thirty next Tuesday afternoon. 下周二下午兩點(diǎn)半. ;
B:OK!I'll be expecting you. 好的!我將恭候 你們. ;
A:Thank you,good-bye. 謝謝,再見. B:Good-bye. 再見. ;
Operator:Rogers Export Company.Can I help you 這是羅杰斯出口公司. 您有什么事? ;
A:Could I speak to Mr.Johnson,please? 我想請(qǐng)約翰遜先生說(shuō) 話? ;
O:Sorry,we have two persons with that name here.對(duì)不起,我們 這兒有兩位叫那個(gè)名字的 ;
A:Oh,Mr.Peter A.Johnson,please. 啊,是彼德.A.約翰遜 先生,謝謝. ;
Operator:Sure.One moment,please. 沒問題,請(qǐng)稍等. ;
Secretary: Mr.Johnson's Office. 約翰遜先生辦公室. ;
Can I help you? 有何貴干? ;
A:I'd like to speak to Mr.Johnson, please.我想跟約翰 遜先生講話,謝謝. ;
Secretary:May I have your name,please? 您是哪位? ;
A:Sure.This is Sun Ping of Da Dong Import Company.我 是大東進(jìn)口公司的孫平. ;
Secretary:Hold on, please. 請(qǐng)稍候別掛斷. ;
B:Hello,Mr.Sun.Sorry to keep you waiting. How are you?孫先生, 抱歉讓您久等了.您好嗎? ;
A:I'm very well,thank you.How are you? Mr.Johnson.我很好,謝 謝.您好嗎?約翰遜先生. ;
B:I'm just fine, thank you. 我挺好,謝謝. ;
What can I do for you,Mr.Sun? 您有什么事,孫先生? ;
A:Well,it's like this. Our general manager Mr.Liu 是這樣.我們的 總經(jīng)理劉先生 ;
would like to meet with you some time next week. 想在下周和您見個(gè)面. ;
B:Sure,I'm anxious to meet with him,too. 沒問題.我也正想和他 見面呢! ;
Did you say next week? 您剛才說(shuō)下周是嗎? ;
A:Yes.Will you be free next Monday or Tuesday?是的.您 下周一或周二有空嗎? ;
B:Let me see. 我看一下. ;
I'll have a meeting the whole day next Monday. 下周一我整天有會(huì). ;
But I'll be quite free Tuesday afternoon. 但周二下午相當(dāng)空閑. ;
A:Then shall we make it Tuesday afternoon 那就定在周二下午 怎樣? ;
B:Sure.No problem. 好,沒問題. ;
A:At what time,then? 那幾點(diǎn)呢? ;
B:Any time after two is OK for me. 我這邊兩點(diǎn)以后 任何時(shí)間都行. ;
A:Shall we make it two thirty? 兩點(diǎn)半行嗎? ;
B:Sure.Two thirty is fine with me. 可以.兩點(diǎn)半對(duì)我 正合適. ;
A:So we'll be at your office 在您辦公室見 ;
at two thirty next Tuesday afternoon. 下周二下午兩點(diǎn)半. ;
B:OK!I'll be expecting you. 好的!我將恭候 你們. ;
A:Thank you,good-bye. 謝謝,再見. B:Good-bye. 再見. ;
Lesson Twenty-one The Beauty Parlour 美容院 ;
A:Good evening,Ma'am. 晚上好,女士. B:Good evening... 晚上好.... ;
Oh,I can see you have a full house! 哦,你這里都滿座了啊! ;
A:Yes,I'm afraid so. It's Saturday evening, you see.恐怕確實(shí)滿座了 您知道,現(xiàn)在是周六晚上 ;
B:Yes,I know. 是的,我明白. ;
A:But I can be ready for you in half an hour.不過我再有半個(gè) 小時(shí)就可以給您做了. ;
B:Good.Could you reserve the seat for me? 好的.能不能 請(qǐng)你為我預(yù)留這個(gè)位子 ;
I'll go and do some window-shopping 我去逛逛商店 ;
and come back in half an hour. 半小時(shí)后回來(lái). ;
A:No problem,Ma'am. Take your time. 沒問題,夫人. 您慢慢逛吧. ;
A:You are back just in time,Ma'am.Please sit here 您回來(lái)得正是時(shí)候 夫人.請(qǐng)這兒坐. ;
C:Could I have your coat,please? 請(qǐng)把大衣交給 我吧. ;
B:Thank you.謝謝. ;
A:Would you like to have a perm,Ma'am? 您是想燙發(fā)嗎,夫人? B:Yes,I would!是的. ;
A:And then a shampoo? 然后洗發(fā)? B:Sure,that would be nice. 當(dāng)然,那很好. ;
A:Should I trim a little off the back? 后面是不是剪短一點(diǎn)? ;
It seems a little long. 看起來(lái)稍長(zhǎng)了 一些. ;
B:Yes,please. 好的,勞駕. ;
B:Could you get me a mirror,please? 請(qǐng)給我拿面鏡子 好嗎? ;
A:Sure,here you are. How do you like it? 好的,給您.您覺得怎樣? ;
B:Oh,I love it. It's just perfect. 哦,我很喜歡. 真是好極了. ;
A:I'm glad you like it. 很高興您喜歡這發(fā)型. ;
B:I think I look ten years younger. 我好象年輕了十歲. ;
A:Then you are only fifteen,Ma'am. 那您就只有十五歲了, 夫人. ;
B:You are joking!Well, how much do I owe you?你真會(huì)開玩笑!... 我該付你多少錢? ;
A:The perm is 120 yuan,and the shampoo is free.電燙是120塊, 洗發(fā)是免費(fèi)的. ;
B:Oh,that's very nice of you! 噢,那太好了! ;
A:Good evening,Ma'am. 晚上好,女士. B:Good evening... 晚上好.... ;
Oh,I can see you have a full house! 哦,你這里都滿座了啊! ;
A:Yes,I'm afraid so. It's Saturday evening you see.恐怕確實(shí)滿座了. 您知道,現(xiàn)在是周六晚上 ;
B:Yes,I know. 是的,我明白. ;
A:But I can be ready for you in half an hour.不過我再有半個(gè) 小時(shí)就可以給您做了. ;
B:Good.Could you reserve the seat for me? 好的.能不能 請(qǐng)你為我預(yù)留這個(gè)位子 ;
I'll go and do some window-shopping 我去逛逛商店 ;
and come back in half an hour. 半小時(shí)后回來(lái). ;
A:No problem,Ma'am. Take your time. 沒問題,夫人. 您慢慢逛吧. ;
A:You are back just in time,Ma'am.Please sit here您回來(lái)得正是時(shí)候, 夫人.請(qǐng)這兒坐. ;
C:Could I have your coat,please? 請(qǐng)把大衣交給我吧. B:Thank you.謝謝. ;
A:Would you like to have a perm,Ma'am? 您是想燙發(fā)嗎,夫人? B:Yes,I would!是的. ;
A:And then a shampoo? 然后洗發(fā)? B:Sure,that would be nice.當(dāng)然,那很好. ;
A:Should I trim a little off the back? 后面是不是剪短一點(diǎn)? ;
It seems a little long. 看起來(lái)稍長(zhǎng)了 一些. ;
B:Yes,please. 好的,勞駕. ;
B:Could you get me a mirror,please? 請(qǐng)給我拿面鏡子 好嗎? ;
A:Sure,here you are. How do you like it? 好的,給您.您覺得怎樣? ;
B:Oh,I love it. It's just perfect. 哦,我很喜歡. 真是好極了. ;
A:I'm glad you like it. 很高興您喜 歡這發(fā)型. ;
B:I think I look ten years younger. 我好象年輕了十歲. ;
A:Then you are only fifteen,Ma'am. 那您就只有十五 歲了,夫人. ;
B:You are joking!Well, how much do I owe you? 你真會(huì)開玩笑!.... 我該付你多少錢? ;
A:The perm is 120 yuan and the shampoo is free.電燙是120塊, 洗發(fā)是免費(fèi)的. ;
B:Oh,that's very nice of you! 噢,那太好了! ;
Lesson Twenty-two The Barber Shop 理發(fā)店 ;
A:Good morning,Sir. 早上好,先生. ;
I hope you're not in a hurry. 您不著急吧? ;
B:I am,actually. 我確實(shí)很著急. ;
When do you think you can cut my hair? 你看你什么時(shí)候 可以給我理發(fā)? ;
A:I'm just finishing with this gentleman. 我馬上就給這位先生 理好了. ;
I'll be ready for you in about ten minutes.大約十分鐘 后我就能接待您了. ;
Is that OK? 您看行嗎? ;
B:That's OK.I guess I can wait that long. 那行.這時(shí)間我看我能 等。 ;
A:Would you please take a seat over there? 您請(qǐng)?jiān)谀沁呑蛔? ;
There are some interesting magazines on the tea-table 茶幾上有幾本好看的雜志 ;
B:Thank you... 謝謝... ;
I guess I can only look at the pictures. 我看我只能看看畫兒了. ;
I don't read a word of Chinese,you see. 你知道,我一個(gè)漢字也 不認(rèn)得. ;
A:Oh,I'm so sorry for that 啊呀,太抱歉了. ;
Yes,we should have something in English 是,我們應(yīng)當(dāng)準(zhǔn)備些英 文的東西 ;
for our foreign friends. 讓外國(guó)朋友欣賞. ;
I'll certainly see to it.. 我一定會(huì)辦好這件事的.. ;
Well,Sir,I'm at your service.Please sit here.好,先生,我可以為 您服務(wù)了.請(qǐng)這邊坐. ;
B:Thank you. 謝謝. ;
A:How'd you like to have your hair cut, Sir? 您想怎么個(gè)剪法,先生? ;
B:Well,I'd like it short.It's summer, you know.嗯,我想理短 一些.你知道,夏天到了. ;
A:Sure.But not too short,right? 沒問題.可是 不能太短,對(duì)嗎? ;
B:Certainly not. 當(dāng)然不能太短. ;
A:Now,how do you like it? 您看這樣行嗎? ;
B:I like it.You've done a good job. 我很滿意.你的手藝 不錯(cuò). ;
A:How about the sideburns? 鬢角怎么弄? ;
Should I use a razor for them? 是不是用剃刀刮 一下? ;
B:Yes,please. 好的,謝謝. ;
A:Good morning,Sir. 早上好,先生. ;
I hope you're not in a hurry. 您不著急吧? ;
B:I am,actually. 我確實(shí)很著急. ;
When do you think you can cut my hair? 你看你什么時(shí)候 可以給我理發(fā)? ;
A:I'm just finishing with this gentleman. 我馬上就給這位先生 理好了. ;
I'll be ready for you in about ten minutes.大約十分 鐘后我就能接待您了. ;
Is that OK? 您看行嗎? ;
B:That's OK.I guess I can wait that long. 那行.這時(shí)間我看我能等 ;
A:Would you please take a seat over there? 您請(qǐng)?jiān)谀沁呑蛔? ;
There are some interesting magazines on the tea-table 茶幾上有幾本好看的雜志 ;
B:Thank you... 謝謝... ;
I guess I can only look at the pictures. 我看我只能看看畫兒了. ;
I don't read a word of Chinese, you see.你知道,我 一個(gè)漢字也不認(rèn)得. ;
A:Oh,I'm so sorry for that 啊呀,太抱歉了. ;
Yes,we should have something in English 是,我們應(yīng)當(dāng)準(zhǔn)備些英 文的東西. ;
for our foreign friends. 讓外國(guó)朋友欣賞. ;
I'll certainly see to it.. 我一定會(huì)辦好這 件事的.. ;
Well,Sir,I'm at your service.Please sit here.好,先生,我可以 為您服務(wù)了.請(qǐng)這邊坐. ;
B:Thank you. 謝謝. ;
A:How'd you like to have your hair cut,Sir? 您想怎么個(gè)剪法,先生? ;
B:Well,I'd like it short.It's summer, you know.嗯,我想理短 一些.你知道,夏天到了. ;
A:Sure.But not too short,right? 沒問題.可是不 能太短,對(duì)嗎? ;
B:Certainly not. 當(dāng)然不能太短. ;
A:Now,how do you like it? 您看這樣行嗎? ;
B:I like it.You've done a good job. 我很滿意.你的手藝 不錯(cuò). ;
A:How about the sideburns? 鬢角怎么弄? ;
Should I use a razor for them? 是不是用剃刀刮 一下? ;
B:Yes,please. 好的,謝謝. ;
Lesson Twenty-three The Subway Station 地鐵站 ;
A:Excuse me,but do you speak English? 對(duì)不起,你說(shuō)英語(yǔ)嗎? ;
B:Yes,a little. What can I do for you? 會(huì)一點(diǎn).有什么事? ;
A:Could you please tell me 您能告訴我 ;
where the nearest subway station is? 最近的地鐵站在哪兒?jiǎn)? ;
B:Sure,just come with me, 沒問題,跟我一塊 走就行了. ;
I'm going to take the subway too. 我也要去坐地鐵. ;
A:Oh,that's wonderful. Thank you very much. 那太好了.多謝. ;
B:Are you from America? 您是美國(guó)人嗎? ;
A:No,I'm from Australia. 不,我是澳大利亞人. ;
B:Oh,I have a cousin in Australia. 哦,我有一位表弟 在澳大利亞. ;
He's studying at Sydney University. 他在悉尼大學(xué)上學(xué). ;
A:Is he? I'm from Sydney. 是嗎?我就是從悉尼 來(lái)的. ;
I know some Chinese students there. 我認(rèn)識(shí)幾個(gè)那兒的 中國(guó)學(xué)生. ;
What's the name of your cousin? 你表弟叫什么名字? ;
B:His name is Li Ping. He studies law there. 他叫李平.在那兒學(xué)法律. ;
A:Lee Ping...I don't think I know him. 李平...我不認(rèn)識(shí)他. ;
There are two or three hundred Chinese studen -ts in Sydney,you know 悉尼有兩三百位中國(guó)學(xué)生 ;
B:Oh,here we are.The Jianguomen Subway Station. 啊,到了.建國(guó)門地鐵站. ;
A:There are four entrances is that right? 有四個(gè)入口,對(duì)嗎? ;
B:That's right... It's a long way down. 對(duì)...要向下走好遠(yuǎn)呢. ;
There's no escalator downwards,only upwards.沒有向下走的 電扶梯,只有向上的. ;
A:Yes,I can see. 是的,我看到了. ;
A:Excuse me,but do you speak English? 對(duì)不起,你說(shuō)英語(yǔ)嗎? ;
B:Yes,a little. What can I do for you? 會(huì)一點(diǎn).有什么事? ;
A:Could you please tell me 您能告訴我 ;
where the nearest subway station is? 最近的地鐵站 在哪兒?jiǎn)? ;
B:Sure,just come with me, 沒問題,跟我 一塊走就行了. ;
I'm going to take the subway too. 我也要去坐地鐵. ;
A:Oh,that's wonderful. Thank you very much. 那太好了.多謝. ;
B:Are you from America? 您是美國(guó)人嗎? ;
A:No,I'm from Australia. 不,我是澳 大利亞人. ;
B:Oh,I have a cousin in Australia. 哦,我有一位表弟 在澳大利亞. ;
He's studying at Sydney University. 他在悉尼大學(xué)上學(xué). ;
A:Is he? I'm from Sydney. 是嗎?我就是從悉 尼來(lái)的. ;
I know some Chinese students there. 我認(rèn)識(shí)幾個(gè)那兒 的中國(guó)學(xué)生. ;
What's the name of your cousin? 你表弟叫什么名字? ;
B:His name is Li Ping. He studies law there. 他叫李平.在那兒學(xué)法律. ;
A:Lee Ping...I don't think I know him. 李平...我不認(rèn)識(shí)他. ;
There are two or three hundred Chinese studen -ts in Sydney,you know 悉尼有兩三百位中國(guó)學(xué)生 ;
B:Oh,here we are.The Jianguomen Subway Station. 啊,到了.建國(guó)門地鐵站. ;
A:There are four entrances is that right? 有四個(gè)入口,對(duì)嗎? ;
B:That's right... It's a long way down. 對(duì)...要向下走好遠(yuǎn)呢. ;
There's no escalator downwards,only upwards.沒有向下走 的電扶梯,只有向上的. ;
A:Yes,I can see. 是的,我看到了. ;
Lesson Twenty-four On the Subway Train 在地鐵車上 ;
A:The stations are very beautiful,and clean too.地鐵站 很漂亮,也很干凈.. ;
B:Yes,they are. 是的. ;
The Beijing subway is rather new,you know. 北京的地鐵還相當(dāng)新. ;
A:I can see that.And the fare is cheap, too. 我看得出來(lái). 并且票價(jià)也很便宜. ;
B:Yes,it's only 3 yuan per person. 是的,才三塊錢一 個(gè)人. ;
What's the exchange rate of American dollars to RMB 美元 對(duì)人民幣的兌換率是多少 ;
A:I think it's 8 yuan and 30 fen something. 我想是8塊3的樣子. ;
B:So you see,it's only about 30 cents in American dollars. 您看,才合30美分, ;
And you go all round the city! 您就可以轉(zhuǎn)遍全城! ;
A:There are two lines,aren't there? 有兩條線,是嗎? ;
B:Yes,there are. 是的,有兩條. ;
One loop(circle) line.It goes round the city. 一條環(huán)線,繞城開. ;
The other goes through the city. 另一條橫穿全城. ;
A:I see.Oh,such a lot of people! 我知道了.哦,這 么多人! ;
Why is this station so crowded? 為什么這個(gè)車站 這么擠呢? ;
B:This is the Qianmen Station. 這是前門車站. ;
One of the city's bigg -est shopping areas is near here.本市最大的商 業(yè)區(qū)之一就在附近. ;
A:Oh,I must get off here.I want to do some shopping.啊,我得在這兒 下車.我要買些東西. ;
B:Then hurry up. Bye-bye! 那趕快吧.再見! ;
A:Bye-bye.And thank you...Excuse me... Please...再見.謝謝 你...對(duì)不起...請(qǐng)讓讓 ;
A:The stations are very beautiful,and clean too.地鐵站很 漂亮,也很干凈.. ;
B:Yes,they are. 是的. ;
The Beijing subway is rather new,you know.您知道,北京的 地鐵還相當(dāng)新. ;
A:I can see that.And the fare is cheap, too.我看得出來(lái).并 且票價(jià)也很便宜. ;
B:Yes,it's only 3 yuan per person. 是的,才三塊錢一 個(gè)人. ;
What's the exchange rate of American dollars to RMB? 美元 對(duì)人民幣的兌換率是多少 ;
A:I think it's 8 yuan and 30 fen something. 我想是8塊3的樣子. ;
B:So you see,it's only about 30 cents in American dollars. 您看,才合30美分, ;
And you go all round the city! 您就可以走遍全城! ;
A:There are two lines, aren't there? 有兩條線,是嗎? ;
B:Yes,there are. 是的,有兩條. ;
One loop(circle) line.It goes round the city. 一條環(huán)線,繞城開. ;
The other goes through the city. 另一條橫穿全城. ;
A:I see.Oh,such a lot of people! 我知道了.哦, 這么多人! ;
Why is this station so crowded? 為什么這個(gè)車站 這么擠呢? ;
B:This is the Qianmen Station. 這是前門車站. ;
One of the city's bigg -est shopping areas is near here.本市最大的 商業(yè)區(qū)之一就在附近. ;
A:Oh,I must get off here.I want to do some shopping.啊,我得在這兒 下車.我要買些東西. ;
B:Then hurry up. Bye-bye! 那趕快吧.再見! ;
A:Bye-bye.And thank you...Excuse me... Please...再見.謝謝 你...對(duì)不起...請(qǐng)讓讓 ;
Lesson Twenty-five The Fast Food 快餐 ;
A:I'm surprised 我真奇怪 ;
there're so many McDon -ald's restaurants in the city.北京城市有這 么多麥當(dāng)勞快餐店. ;
B:I believe there're several dozens of them if not a hundred.我確信 沒有一百家,也有好幾十家 ;
And there's Kentucky Fried Chicken,Pizza Hut,and...還有肯德 基,比薩餅屋,等等的... ;
A:And they are always so crowded. 而且總是這么擠. ;
B:Yes,it's amazing! 是啊,真是不可思議! ;
A:Do you like western fast food? 你喜歡西式快餐嗎? ;
B:Well,it's good to try it once in a while嗯,偶爾來(lái) 嘗一下還不錯(cuò). ;
But I certainly don't want to have it three meals a day!但我絕對(duì)不 會(huì)一日三餐都吃它! ;
A:Same with me,though I'm an American. 我也一樣,雖說(shuō)我是 美國(guó)人. ;
B:Have you ever tried Chinese fast food? 你吃過中式快餐嗎? ;
A:No,never.What do you usually have for fast food 從來(lái)沒吃過.你們 的快餐一般有什么? ;
B:We have fried dough, dumpling soup,meat buns,porridge,我們把 油條,餛飩,包子,稀飯 ;
and soy milk for breakfast, 以及豆?jié){早餐. ;
and different kinds of noodles,dumplings spring rolls 把各種面條,餃子,春卷 ;
and so on for lunch and supper. 等等.作為午餐和晚餐, ;
And there're all kinds of local delicacies.而且還有 各種各樣的地方小吃. ;
They are delicious! 味道好極了! ;
A:I must try some one day. 哪天我肯定 會(huì)去嘗一嘗 ;

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