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100 Formulas on English Conversation ;英語會話速成100公式
Unit 51 How come? ;為什么?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:I heard Mary had to stay after class. B:Yeah,she was being disruptive. ;A:我聽說瑪麗放學后必須 留下來. B:是的,她最近很愛搗蛋.
A:Mary had better not yell at her teacher anymore. ;A:瑪麗最好不要再對她的 老師吼叫.
B:It's pretty embarrassing. ;B:那是很令人難堪的.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Those cookies sure look good. Looks like John likes them too. ;A:那些餅干看起來的確很 好.看起來約翰也很喜 歡那些餅干.
B:John had better not eat all of those cookies. ;B:約翰最好不要把那些 餅干通通吃掉.
A:How come? B:I'm supposed to be saving them for a party. ;A:為什么? B:那些餅干,我是留給宴 會時用的.
Practice ;句型練習
Mary had better not yell at her teacher any more. ;瑪麗最好不要再對她的 老師吼叫.
Bill had better not meet treat her that way. ;比爾最好不要那樣子對 待她.
John had better not eat all of those cookies. ;約翰最好不要把那些餅干 通通吃掉.
Mary had better not call me anymore names. ;瑪麗最好不要再用難聽的 話罵我.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
disruptive yell pretty ;搗蛋的;破壞的 吼叫 非常;相當
embarrassing cookie supposed ;難堪的 餅干 (口語)應該
save treat way ;保留 對持 方法
Unit 52 I'll appreciate it. ;我會很感激你這么做.
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:What do you want to do today,go mountain climbing or something? ;A:你今天干什么,去爬山 還是做別的事?
B:I would rather ski than go mountain climbing. ;B:我較喜歡滑雪,不喜歡 爬山.
A:We could do that. B:Good,I'll bring my skis over. ;A:我們可以去滑雪. B:好,我把我的滑雪板 拿過來.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Why are John's grades so bad? ;A:約翰的成績?yōu)槭裁催@么 差?
B:John would rather play basketball than study. ;B:約翰喜歡打籃球, 不喜歡讀書.
A:Do you want me to have a talk with him? B:I'll appreciate it. ;A:你要我跟他談談嗎? B:我會很感激你這么做.
Practice ;句型練習
I would rather ski than go mountain climbing. ;我較喜歡滑雪,不喜歡 爬山.
John would rather stay home than meet people. ;約翰寧愿待在家里也不 喜歡與人見面.
John would rather play basketball than study. ;約翰喜歡打籃球,不喜歡 讀書.
Mary would rather take a 0 than do her homework. ;瑪麗寧愿拿零分,也不 愿意做家庭作業(yè).
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
mountain climb ski ;山 爬 滑雪;滑雪板
bring grade bad ;帶來 成績 不好
basketball study appreciate ;籃球 用功 感激
meet homework ;見面 家庭作業(yè)
Unit 53 Are you hungry? ;你餓了嗎?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Are you hungry? B:Yeah,let's get something to eat. ;A:你餓了嗎? B:餓了,我們去拿點東西 吃.
A:Where do you want to go? B:How about McDonald's ;A:你要去哪里? B:麥當勞怎么樣?
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Can I ride with you to the wedding? B:Sure. Let's leave around noon. ;A:我可以搭你的車去參加 婚禮嗎? B:可以,我們中午離開.
A:Yeah,that will give us plenty of time to get there. ;A:好,那我們會有很多時 間去那里.
B:You don't want to be late for a wedding. ;B:參加婚禮,你絕對不會 想要遲到的.
Practice ;句型練習
Let's get something to eat. Let's go to the mall. ;我們去拿點東西吃. 我們到大型購物中心去.
Let's leave around noon. Let's buy him a gift. ;我們中午離開. 我們買個禮物給他.]
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
ride wedding around ;搭乘 婚禮 (時間)前后;大約
plenty late gift ;很多 遲到 禮物
Unit 54 You've got me. ;那我就不知道了
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:What's John's problem? ;A:約翰的問題出在哪里?
B:He got the room all dirty and then compl- ained about having to clean up the mess. ;B:他把房間弄得很臟,又 抱怨必須清理那亂東西.
A:He should know better by now. B:I would think so. ;A:他現(xiàn)在應該知道了. B:我想是吧.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:What was going on back there? ;A:后面發(fā)生了什么事?
B:Mark complained about being in the back of the line. ;B:馬克抱怨站在隊伍的 后面.
A:What's the big deal about being in the back? B:You've got me. ;A:在后面又有什么大不了 的? B:那我就不知道了.
Practice ;句型練習
David complained about coming home so early. ;大衛(wèi)抱怨這么早回家.
John complained about having to clean up the mess. ;約翰抱怨必須清理那亂 七八糟的東西.
Mark complained about being in the back of the line. ;馬克抱怨站在隊伍后面.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
problem dirty complain ;問題 臟的 抱怨
mess back ;亂七八糟 后面
line early ;排隊 早
Unit 55 Let's catch a movie tonight. ;我們今晚去看場電影
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Let's catch a movie tonight. ;A:我們今晚去看場電影.
B:I'll have to check to see if they have tickets. ;B:我必須先問問他們有沒 有票.
A:You think they might be sold out? B:Yeah,this is a popular flick. ;A:你認為票可能已賣光? B:是啊,這部電影很受歡 迎.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:What time are you coming over? ;A:你什么時候要來?
B:I'll have to eat dinner before I come over,so maybe around 7:00. ;B:我來之前要先吃晚飯, 所以可能是7點左右.
A:That'll work. B:Good,see you then. ;A:可以. B:好,待會兒見.
Practice ;句型練習
I'll have to finish my assignment.I'll have to check to see if they have tickets. ;我必須把我的作業(yè)做完. 我必須先問問他們有沒有 票.
I'll have to eat dinner before I come over.I'll have to watch that show. ;我來之前要先吃晚飯. 我一定要看那場表演.
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
tonight ticket popular ;今晚 票 受歡迎的
flick work finish ;(口語)電影 行得通的 完成
assignment show ;作業(yè) 表演
Unit 56 No way! ;絕不會!
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Do you think you'll buy that one? ;A:你想你會買那一個嗎?
B:No way! That's the ugliest picture I've ever seen! ;B:絕不會!那是我看過的 最難看的圖畫.
A:It's not that bad. B:Are you kidding?I could do better than that. ;A:也沒有那么糟. B:你開什么玩笑?我都 可以畫得比那個更好.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Helen sure was helpful. ;A:海倫真的幫了很多忙.
B:I have to say that she's the nicest lady I've ever met. ;B:我必須承認,她是我見 過的最好的女士.
A:Everyone says that. B:I bet.I wish everyone was as nice as her. ;A:每一個人都這么說. B:是啊.我希望每一個人 都像她那么好.
Practice ;句型練習
That's the ugliest picture I've ever seen That's the prettiest baby ever born. ;那是我看過的最難看的畫 那是最漂亮的一個嬰孩.
She's the nicest lady I've ever met. ;她是我見過的最好的女士
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
ugly picture ever ;丑的 圖畫 曾經
helpful nice ;有幫助的 很好
lady wish born ;女士 希望 出生的
Unit 57 That sounds great. ;聽起來不錯
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:It sure is hot today B:How about a snow cone? ;A:今天真的很熱. B:要不要吃個甜筒?
A:That sounds great. B:Wonderful.I know a great place up the street. ;A:聽起來不錯. B:很棒.我知道這條街過 去一點有個好地方.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:I'm bored.All I ever do is sit around and watch TV. ;A:我很無聊.我所做的就 是坐著看電視.
B:How about a night on the town? ;B:到鎮(zhèn)上玩一晚如何?
A:Tonight? B:Sure,it'll be fun. ;A:今晚嗎? B:是啊,那會很好玩的.
Practice ;句型練習
How about a snow cone? How about a night on the town? ;要不要吃個甜筒? 到鎮(zhèn)上玩一晚如何?
How about a lollipop for your kids? ;要給你的小孩吃一支 棒棒糖嗎?
How about a free ticket to the movies? ;你要不要一張免費的電 影票?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
sure snow cone ;確實的 雪 圓錐筒
wonderful street bored ;絕妙的;好極了 街道 無聊的
town lollipop kid ;城市;城鎮(zhèn) 棒棒糖 小孩子
free ticket movie ;免費的 票 電影
Unit 58 Where were you last night? ;你昨晚在哪里?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Where were you last night? B:I went over to John's. ;A:你昨晚在哪里? B:我去了約翰家.
A:How do you like his house? B:I love it. It's amazing. ;A:你喜歡他的房子嗎? B:我喜歡.那間房子很棒.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Well,thanks for all the information. B:How do you like the car? ;A:謝謝你給我的資訊. B:這部車子你喜歡嗎?
A:Pretty good,but I'm going to look around a little more. ;A:很喜歡,但是我想再多 看看.
B:Sounds good. Give me a call if I can help you with anything. ;B:很好.如果有我?guī)偷蒙? 忙的地方,打個電話給 我.
Practice ;句型練習
How do you like his house? How do you like the car? ;你喜歡他的房子嗎? 你喜歡這部車子嗎?
How do you like her dress? How do you like your new pet? ;你喜歡她的套裝嗎? 你喜歡你的新寵物嗎?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
amazing information dress ;令人驚嘆的 資料;資訊 服裝;女裝
pet new ;寵物 新的
Unit 59 How do you want your burger? ;你的漢堡要幾分熟?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:I'll take a hamburger. B:How do you want your burger? ;A:我要一個漢堡. B:你的漢堡要幾分熟?
A:Medium well. B:Okay,I'll have it right out. ;A:七八分熟. B:好的,我馬上就送來.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Do you want anything to drink? B:Sure,I'll take some tea. ;A:你要喝什么飲料嗎? B:要,我要茶.
A:How do you want your tea? B:With sugar if you have it. ;A:你要什么樣的茶? B:如果你有的話,我要加 糖的.
Practice ;句型練習
How do you want your burger? How do you want the clothes to be washed? ;你的漢堡要幾分熟? 你的衣服要怎樣洗?
How do you want the couch to be fixed? How do you want your tea? ;你的沙發(fā)椅要怎樣修理? 你要什么樣的茶?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
hamburger medium clothes ;漢堡 煮七八分熟 衣物
wash couch fix ;洗 沙發(fā)椅 修理
Unit 60 Check my new car out. ;看看我的新車
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Mary said she hated "Predator".It scared her to death. ;A:瑪麗說她不喜歡<掠奪 者>這部電影.這部電影 把她嚇死了.
B:How did she get into the movie? It's rated R. ;B:那是怎么進去看那部 電影的?那部電影是限 制級的.
A:I guess she sneaked in. B:That'll teach her. ;A:我想她是偷溜進去的. B:那可給她一個教訓.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Check my new car out I bought it today. ;A:看看我的新車. 我今天買的.
B:That's awesome.How did you earn enough money for the car? ;B:好棒.你是怎么賺到足 夠的錢買這部車子的?
A:I've been saving for about 2 years. ;A:我已經攢了兩年了.
B:That's great.I wish I had a car like that. ;B:那好棒.我希望我有一 部像那樣的車子.
Practice ;句型練習
How did she get into the movie? ;她是怎么進去看那部電影 的?
How did you earn enough money for the car? ;你是怎么賺到足夠的錢 買這部車子的?
How did John get down here? How did Mary hurt her foot? ;約翰是怎么來這里的? 瑪麗是怎么弄傷她的腳的
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
hate scare death ;恨;不喜歡 使害怕 死亡
rate guess sneak ;定等級 猜想 偷溜
awesome earn enough ;(口語)很棒的 賺 足夠的
save hurt foot ;節(jié)省 傷害 腳
Unit 61 Are you serious? ;真的?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:I can't believe you had to leave after the 8th inning. ;A:我真不敢相信你得在第 八局之后離開.
B:I know. How did the ball game end? ;B:我知道.比賽結果如何?
A:It was unbelievable! It was down to the last strike and John hit a home run. ;A:很難令人相信.到了最 后一棒,約翰打了個 全壘打.
B:Are yo serious? I can't believe it! ;B:真的?我真不敢相信.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:What's going on? B:I just got back from church. ;A:怎么樣? B:我才剛從教堂回來.
A:How did the service go? B:It was really powerful. ;A:禮拜做得如何? B:講道講得真是有力.
Practice ;句型練習
How did the ball game end? How did the service go ;比賽結果如何? 禮拜做得如何?
How did the burgers turn out? How did the party go? ;漢堡做得如何? 宴會進行得如何?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
serious inning end ;認真的;嚴肅的 (棒球)一局 結束
unbelievable strike hit ;難以置信的;不可相信的 (棒球)打擊 打
home run believe ;全壘打 相信
church service powerful ;教堂 (教堂)做禮拜 強有力的
burger party ;漢堡 宴會;派對
Unit 62 I just got back from my vacation. ;我剛度假回來
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:I'm really glad to have my first semester under my belt. ;A:我真的很高興我成功地 過了第一學期.
B:How was the semester ;B:這學期你念得怎么樣?
A:Great. I made all A's and I made a lot of friends. ;A:很好.我拿到全A的成績 而且我交了很多朋友.
B:That's sounds wonderful. ;B:那聽起來很棒.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:I just got back from my vacation. B:I know. How was the rental car? ;A:我剛度假回來. B:我知道.你租的車子 怎么樣?
A:You're not going to believe this. ;A:你絕對不會相信.
The car stalled out on me four times. I was pretty mad. ;這部車子竟然壞了四次. 我很生氣.
B:I would be too.Don't ever rent from that place again. ;B:如果是我,我也會生氣. 我不會再到那個地方 租車.
Practice ;句型練習
How was this semester? How was your family? ;這學期你念得怎么樣? 你家人怎么樣?
How was the rental car How was the restaurant ;你租的車子怎么樣? 那家餐廳好不好?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
vacation semester sound ;度假;假期 學期 聽起來
wonderful rental stall ;好棒的;絕妙的 出租 (汽車)拋錨
pretty mad restaurant ;非常;相當 生氣 餐館;飯店
Unit 63 What's the problem? ;出了什么問題?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How are you doing in your English class? B:Okay,but it could be better. ;A:你的英文課上得怎樣? B:還好,但是應該可以更 好.
A:What's the problem? B:I'm just not very good at grammar. ;A:出了什么問題? B:我的語法就是不太好.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:How are you doing with your new roommate? ;A:你跟你的新室友處得 如何?
B:Great. She's hilarious. ;B:很好.她很有趣.
A:Is she much like Mary? ;A:她跟瑪麗很像嗎?
B:Not at all,but we seem to be getting along fine. ;B:一點也不像,但是我們 似乎很處得來.
Practice ;句型練習
How are you doing in your English class? How are you doing with your new roommate? ;你的英文課上得怎么樣? 你跟你的新室友處得如何
How are you doing in the big city? How are you doing with your new job? ;你在大都市住得慣嗎? 你的新工作做得怎么樣?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
problem grammar roommate ;問題 語法 室友
hilarious fine class ;好笑的;滑稽的 好的 班級;一門課
roommate city job ;室友 都市 工作;職位
Unit 64 He'll understand. ;他會理解的
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How should I get home from the airport? B:I'll take 360 and I-30. ;A:從機場我要怎么回家? B:我會走高速路360號和 州際公路30號.
A:What about 183? B:Nah,they're doing a bunch of construction now. ;A:走高速公路183號怎樣? B:不好,他們正在大施工.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Have you told your Dad yet? ;A:你告訴你父親了嗎?
B:No,and I'm dreading it. How should I tell him about the wreck? ;B:沒有,我害怕說.我怎么 跟他說車禍的事呢?
A:Just tell him the truth.He'll understand. ;A:就跟他說實話. 他會理解的.
B:I hope so. I just don't want him to be disappointed in me. ;B:但愿如此.我只是不希 望他對我失望.
Practice ;句型練習
How should I cook your burger? How should I get home from the airport? ;你要我怎么做你的漢堡? 從機場我要怎么回家?
How should I tell him about the wreck? How should I break the news to him? ;我怎么跟他說車禍的事呢 我該怎么把消息跟他說?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
understand airport construction ;理解;明白 飛機場 建造
bunch dread wreck ;一串 畏懼 (口語)撞車
truth disappointed cook ;事實 失望的(過去分詞) 煮
break news a bunch of ;透露;說出 消息 許多
Unit 65 Where did you buy the car? ;你的車子在哪里買的?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Do you want to stay for dinner? We're having spaghetti. ;A:你要不要留下來吃晚飯 我們要吃意大利面條.
B:How much spaghetti did you cook? ;B:你煮了多少意大利面條
A:Plenty. ;A:很多.
B:All right.I just want to make sure that everyone else gets enough. ;B:好,我只是要確定其他 的人都夠吃.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Where did you buy the car? ;A:你的車子在哪里買的?
B:At John's Autos.I got a better deal there. ;B:在約翰汽車店.我在那 里買到便宜一點的.
A:How much money did you save? B:I saved an extra $1000. ;A:你省了多少錢? B:我多省了1000美金.
Practice ;句型練習
How much spaghetti did you cook? How much money did you save? ;你煮了多少意大利面條? 你省了多少錢?
How much cleaning did you get done? How much sleeping did you do this week? ;你清理了多少? 這個星期你睡了多少?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
spaghetti deal save ;意大利面 交易 節(jié)省
extra cleaning ;額外的;多余的 打掃;掃除
Unit 66 Give me a ballpark figure. ;給我一個大概的數(shù)字吧
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How much does it cost to rent a car? B:It depends on what type of car you rent. ;A:租一部車要多少錢? B:要看你租什么樣的車子 來決定.
A:Well,give me a ballpark figure. ;A:給我一個大概數(shù)字吧.
B:I don't know. Anywhere from $40 to $100 a day I guess. ;B:我不知道.我想40到100 美元一天.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Let's run to Hollywood video and get a movie. ;A:我們到好萊塢錄像帶店 去租一部電影.
B:How much does it cost to rent a movie ;B:租一部電影要多少錢?
A:About three bucks. B:Okay,that's better than paying $6 at the theater. ;A:大約3美元. B:好,那比付6美元去電影 院好.
Practice ;句型練習
How much does it cost to rent a car?How much does it cost to repair a pair of shoes? ;租一部車要多少錢? 修理一雙鞋子要多少錢?
How much does it cost to rent a movie? How much does it cost to eat at Joe's? ;租一部電影要多少錢? 到喬伊餐廳吃一頓飯要 多少錢?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
ballpark figure cost ;(口語)大致的;差不多的 數(shù)字 花費
depend type guess ;視...而定 種類 猜想
video buck ;錄像帶 (口語)一元
theater repair ;戲院 修理
Unit 67 How long will it take? ;要多久?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How long will it take to wash the comforter? ;A:洗這一條棉被要多久?
B:It's takes me about an hour,but I do it by hand. ;B:我花了一個小時,但我 是用手洗的.
A:Can I do it in the washer? B:Maybe,it depends how big your washer is. ;A:我可以用洗衣機洗嗎? B:或許可以,那要看你的 洗衣機有多大.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:We'll let you know about the job as soon as we process everything. ;A:等我們處理完之后,我 們就會讓你知道這個 工作的結果.
B:How long will it take to process all of the information? ;B:處理所有的資訊需要 多少時間.
A:Usually about a week B:I'll look forward to hearing from you. ;A:通常需要一個星期. B:我會等你的消息.
Practice ;句型練習
How long will it take to get to Dallas? How long will it take to wash the comforter? ;到達拉斯要多久? 洗這一條棉被要多久?
How long will it take to process all of the information? ;處理所有的資訊需要多長 時間?
How long will it take to drive to John's? ;開車到約翰家要多久?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
wash comforter washer ;洗 棉被 洗衣機
job process ;工作;職位 處理
information usually ;資訊;資料 通常
Unit 68 I guess so. ;我猜是吧
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:How long have you been a fireman? B:20 years. ;A:你當消防員幾年了? B:20年.
A:Wow,you've probably seen it all. B:I guess so. ;A:哇,你可能什么事情都 看過. B:我猜是吧.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Are you still working on that dress for the wedding? ;A:你還在為婚禮縫制那件 西裝嗎?
B:Yep.Can you believe it? ;B:是的,你相信嗎?
A:How long have you been working on that dress? ;A:那件西裝你縫制多久了
B:It's been 3 months now. ;B:到現(xiàn)在已經3個月了.
Practice ;句型練習
How long have you been a fireman? How long have you been working on that dress? ;你當消防員幾年了? 那件西裝你縫制多久了?
How long have you been at this job? How long have you been shopping? ;你做這個工作幾年了? 你買東西買多久了?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
fireman probably ;消防隊員 或許;可能的
dress wedding ;西裝 婚禮
Unit 69 That's great. ;那很好
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Do you think I should tell James how I feel? B:What is your goal? ;A:你認為我應該跟詹姆斯 說我的感覺嗎? B:你的目的是什么?
A:Just to be honest. That's the most important thing to me. ;A:只是要誠實而已.那對 我來說是最重要的.
B:Well,it sounds like you should tell him then. ;B:噢,聽起來你是應該 告訴他.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:I'm thinking about applying to graduate school. ;A:我在考慮要申請去研究 所.
B:What is your GPA? A:3.78. ;B:你的學業(yè)成績平均是 多少? A:是3.78.
B:That's great. You shouldn't have any trouble getting in. ;B:那很好.你要進研究所 應該沒有問題.
Practice ;句型練習
What is your goal? What is your GPA? What is your plan for the future? ;你的目標是什么? 你的學業(yè)成績平均是多少 你對未來的計劃是什么?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
feel goal honest ;感覺 目標 誠實的
important apply graduate ;重要的 申請 研究生的
trouble plan future ;麻煩;困難 計劃 未來
Unit 70 Sorry I had to go so early ;很抱歉, 我必須這么早就走
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Sorry I had to go so early. What was for dinner last night? B:Pork chops. ;A:很抱歉,我必須這么早 就走.昨晚晚餐是什么? B:豬排.
A:Oh good.Don't tell John, but I can't stand his pork chops. B:Me neither. ;A:噢,那很好.別告訴約翰 我受不了他的豬排. B:我也受不了.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Mary got mad at me yesterday because my favorite movie wasn't the same as hers. ;A:瑪麗昨天對我很生氣, 因為我最喜歡的電影跟 她最喜歡的不一樣.
B:What was her favorite movie? A:"The Golden Child". ;B:她最喜歡的電影是什么 A:<黃金小孩>.
B:Are you serious?I don't know anyone whose favorite movie is "The Golden Child" ;B:你說真的?我不知道有 哪一個人最喜歡的電影 是<黃金小孩>.
Practice ;句型練習
What was the worst game you ever played? What was for dinner last night? ;你玩過的最糟的游戲是 哪一項? 昨晚的晚餐是什么?
What was his problem? What was her favorite movie? ;他有什么問題? 她最喜歡的電影是什么?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
early stand favorite ;早 忍受 最喜歡的
movie serious ;電影 認真的;嚴肅的
worst problem ;最糟的 問題
Unit 71 Let's get something for lunch. ;我們買一些東西做午餐
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Let's get something for lunch. B:What do you like to eat? ;A:我們買一些東西做午餐 B:你最喜歡吃什么?
A:I don't care today. I'm starving. B:All right then,let's go to McDonald's. ;A:都可以.我餓死了. B:好,那么我們去麥當勞.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:I've had it with my job. B:What do you mean? ;A:我真受不了我的工作. B:你是什么意思?
A:I mean I'm quitting. I'm not going to let Mr. Lee keep treating me like that. ;A:我的意思是我要辭職了 我不會讓他先生繼續(xù)那 樣對我.
B:I don't blame you. He's pretty mean. ;A:我不怪你.他是很刻薄 的.
Practice ;句型練習
What do you think? What do you like to eat? What do you mean? ;你認為怎么樣? 你喜歡吃什么? 你是什么意思?
What do you want for your birthday? ;你想要什么生日禮物?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
care starve mean ;在乎;在意 餓死 意思是
quit treat blame ;辭職 對待 歸罪于
pretty mean birthday ;非常;相當 刻薄的 生日
Unit 72 I think I might get this. ;我想我可能要買這一本
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:I can't decide whether or not to hire Mark. ;A:我還沒決定要不要雇用 馬克.
B:Hmm,what do you think of his attitude? ;B:你認為他的態(tài)度怎樣?
A:That's the problem. ;A:那是問題的所在.
He's qualified,but I don't know if he can treat people with respect. ;他資格是夠,但是我不知 道他會不會尊重別人.
B:That's a pretty big thing for a sales rep. ;B:那對業(yè)務代表來說, 是很重要的一點.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:I think I might get this What do you think of the book? ;A:我想我可能要買這一本 你認為這本書怎么樣?
B:What do you I think? You want to know what I think? ;B:我認為怎么樣? 你想知道我的想法嗎?
A:Yeah,you read it. Come on,tell me. ;A:是,這本書你讀過. 快一點,告訴我你的 想法.
B:Well,I thought it was the worst book I've ever read. ;B:嗯,我認為那是我看過 的最糟的一本書.
I wouldn't pay a nickel for it. ;就是5分錢賣給我, 我都不買.
Practice ;句型練習
What do you think of the dog? What do you think of his attitude? ;你認為這只狗怎么樣? 你認為他的態(tài)度怎么樣?
What do you think of the book? What do you think of her dress? ;你認為這本書怎么樣? 你認為她的西裝怎么樣?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
decide whether hire ;決定 是否 雇用
attitude problem qualified ;態(tài)度 問題 符合資格的
respect sales ;尊重 銷售
rep read ;(商店的)推銷員 讀
Unit 73 What are you eating? ;你在吃什么?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:What are you thinking? B:I'm trying to decide if I should call Mary ;A:你在想什么? B:我在想,我是否該打電 話給瑪麗.
A:Mary Davis? B:Yeah,the one I met last week. ;A:瑪麗.戴維斯? B:是,我上星期遇到的那 位.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:What are you eating? B:Turkey. You want some? ;A:你在吃什么? B:火雞肉.你要吃嗎?
A:No,it makes me sleepy. B:All right. ;A:不要,那會使我想睡覺. B:好吧.
Practice ;句型練習
What are you thinking? What are you eating? ;你在想什么? 你在吃什么?
What are you doing? What are you singing? ;你在做什么? 你在唱什么?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
decide last turkey ;決定 上一次的 火雞
sleepy sing ;欲睡的 唱歌
Unit 74 She just can't take a joke ;她只是不能開玩笑
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Mary said you were mean to her. B:She just can't take a joke. ;A:瑪麗說你對她很壞. B:她只是不能開玩笑.
A:What did you tell her? ;A:你跟她說了什么?
B:She was wearing a fur coat, ;B:她穿了一件毛皮大衣,
so I just asked her if she had killed the animal herself. ;所以我就問她是否自己 殺了那只動物.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Do you want to come over? B:No,I need to take something back to Mark ;A:你要過來玩嗎? B:不行,我需要拿一些東 西回去給馬克.
A:What did you borrow from him? B:This tool set. ;A:你跟他借了什么? B:這一套工具.
Practice ;句型練習
What did you tell her? What did you borrow from him? ;你跟她了什么? 你跟他借了什么?
What did you cook? What did you eat? ;你煮了什么? 你吃了什么?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
joke wear fur ;笑話 穿 皮毛
coat kill animal ;外套 殺 動物
borrow tool set ;借用 工具 一套
cook ;煮
Unit 75 What kind of shows do you watch? ;你都看什么節(jié)目?
Conversation 1 ;對話一
A:Let's turn on the tube,all right? B:Sure.What kind of shows do you watch? ;A:把電視打開,好嗎? B:好.你都看什么節(jié)目?
A:Sports. Anything sports. ;A:體育節(jié)目.什么體育節(jié) 目都行.
B:I can see that we're going to get along just fine. ;B:看得出我們倆處得來.
Conversation 2 ;對話二
A:Let's play something different for once. ;A:我們這次玩些不同的 游戲.
B:Okay,you pick. What kind of games do you play? ;B:好,你來挑.你玩什么游 戲
A:Trivial Pursuit is my favorite. B:Well then,Trivial Pursuit it is. ;A:機智問答是我最喜歡的 B:那好,就玩機智問答.
Practice ;句型練習
What kind of shows do you watch? What kind of sports do you like? ;你都看什么節(jié)目? 你喜歡什么運動?
What kind of people do you dislike? What kind of games do you play? ;你不喜歡什么樣的人? 你都玩什么游戲?
Vocabulary ;單詞短語
kind show tube ;種類 節(jié)目 電視
sports different pick ;跟運動有關的 不同的 挑選
trivial pursuit ;不重要的;瑣碎的 事務
favorite dislike ;最喜歡的 不喜歡

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