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Chapter II;
Part 11: Apologizing;第11部分: 道歉
Also a very important part.;也是很重要的一部分.
Because many times we hurt people spiellings or do the wrong thing without meaning to.;因為我們常因言辭或不當(dāng) 行為無意傷害到別人.
Therefore apologizing is very important.;因此道歉很重要.
76.A:I'm sorry.;對不起。
B:It's doesn't matter./That's OK/ That's all right.;沒關(guān)系。
77.A:Sorry to keep you waiting. B:No problem.;很抱歉讓你久等。 沒問題。
78.A:Sorry,I didn't hear what you said.;對不起,我沒聽見你 說什么。
B:I said:"Do you want me to help you?" (OK.Yes,I do.);我說:“你需要我?guī)湍?嗎?”
Part 12: Hobbies/Leisure;第12部分: 愛好/休閑
79.A:What do you do to relax? B:I love travelling;你平時做什么消遣? 我喜歡旅游。
80.A:Do you like sports? B:Yes.Very much.;你喜歡體育嗎? 非常喜歡。
81.A:Would you like to buy anything to take home with you?;你想買一些東西帶 回去嗎?
B:Sure.What do you recommend?;當(dāng)然,有什么可 推薦的嗎?
Part 13: Weather;第13部分: 天氣
Of course the weather in Hainan is beautiful;海南的天氣當(dāng)然很棒.
but it still is worth studing how to talk about in English.;但你還是需要學(xué)習(xí)怎樣 用英語論天氣.
I like the weather in Hainan a little better than I like the weather in Guangzhou.;海南和廣州的天氣中,我 更喜歡海南的天氣.
Me too.;我也是.
82.A:Beautiful day, isn't it? B:Absolutely.;今天天氣不錯,不是嗎? 確實如此。
83.A:What do you think of the weather here?;你認(rèn)為這兒的天氣 怎么樣?
B:It's wonderful,but a little too hot for me.;非常好,就是有點太 熱了。
It can get a little hot,it can,yes.;有點熱,有點,是的.
But it's not too hot for me,I'm from Miami, I love it.;但對我來說不太熱. 我來自邁阿密,我喜歡 天熱.
Oh,that's right,you're used to it. Right.;哦,對,你習(xí)慣了. 對.
84.A:Hainan is a great place to visit in winter. B:It sure is.;冬天來海南旅游是 明智之舉。 當(dāng)然。
Part 14: Business;第14部分: 生意
85.A:You're welcome to invest in Hainan.;歡迎來海南投資。
B:I'm very interested.;我非常感興趣。
86.A:I'm sure you can make money here. B:I hope so too.;我相信你在這兒能賺錢。 我也希望如此。
87.A:How's your business? B:Business is booming.;生意怎樣? 生意可火了。
88.A:Time is money. B:I couldn't agree more.;時間就是金錢。 我完全贊成。
89.A:We enjoy doing business with you. B:We feel the same way.;我們喜歡與你們做 生意。 我們有同感。
Part 15: Hainan Special Sentences;第15部分: 海南專用句
And these sentences are really perfect to show out your English;這些句子真的很能炫耀 你的英語,
and show out your hometown.;炫耀你的家鄉(xiāng).
90.A:How do you like Hainan?;你認(rèn)為海南怎么樣?
B:I think Hainan is very beautiful and the people are so friendly.;我認(rèn)為海南非常美麗, 人民很友善。
Yes,they are. I remember.;是的,我記著呢,他們很 友善.
91.A:There are changes in Hainan everyday. B:It's amazing.;海南每天都在變化。 真是太好了。
92.A:I hope you'll come to Hainan often. B:I plan to.;我希望你能經(jīng)常來海南。 我打算經(jīng)常來。
93.A:There are many investment opportunities in Hainan now.;現(xiàn)在海南有很多投資 機會。
B:Please tell me more about them.;請多告訴我一些。
94.A:Where would you like to visit most?;你最希望去參觀什么 地方?
B:I want to see Tianya Haijiao/the beautiful beaches.;我想去看看天涯海角/ 美麗的海灘。
By the way,I see Tian ya Haijiao everyday. Every time I spend two yuan.;順便說一句,我每天看見 天涯海角,一次花兩元.
I do too.So there's a chance to see it wherever you are.;我也是.所以到哪里都有 機會看見它.
But it's much,much more beautiful in person when it's on back of money.;但如果花錢人們會覺得 更加,更加美.
That's for sure.;當(dāng)然.
95.A:There are many interesting things to see in Hainan.;海南有很多有意思的 地方可看。
B:I hope I have time to see them all.;但愿我有時間一飽眼福。
There's never enough time to see them all, I found that out. There sure is it.;永遠不會有足夠的時間 看全的. 是的.
96.A:The air is clean and the skies are clear in Hainan.;海南的空氣清新, 天空晴朗。
B:I've heard so much about that.;我久仰了。
97.A:Hainan is the Haiwaii of the orient!;海南是東方的夏威夷!
B:You can say that again!;你說得沒錯!
Part 16: Congratulations;第16部分: 祝賀
98.A:We signed the contract. B:Congratulations.;我們已經(jīng)簽了合同。 祝賀你。
99.A:We got the job done! B:Let's celebrate.;我們已經(jīng)完成任務(wù)了! 讓我們慶賀一下。
Part 17: Motivation and Encouragement;第17部分: 激勵和鼓勵
These sentences are for days when you feel that you just can not conquer English,;這些句子是寫給你感覺 就是不能征服英語,
or you have other problems that are getting you down.;或者當(dāng)你簡直要被其他一 些問題擊垮的日子.
If that's the way you're feeling,;當(dāng)你有以上感覺時,
turn to this section and practice these sentences until you feel much better.;聽聽這一部分,練練這些 句子,直到你覺得好得多 了為止.
Good idea.;好主意.
100.If you can dream it,you can do it. 101.Never give up.;只要你能想到,你就能 做到。 永遠都不要放棄。
102.Seeing is believing. 103.You can make it.;眼見為實。 你能行。
104.Honesty is the best policy. 105.Actions speak louder than words.;誠實至上。 事實勝于雄辯。
106.The shortest answer is doing.;最簡短的回答就是 行動。
107.All things are difficult before they are easy.;凡事必先難后易。
Just like studing Chinese for me. And me.;就和我學(xué)中文一樣. 我也一樣.
108.Great hopes make great men.;偉大的理想/希望造就 偉大的人。
(And great women.) (So true!);(也造就偉大的女人. 說得真對.)
109.There's no place like home.;金窩銀窩不如 自己的狗窩。
110.Knowledge is power.;知識就是力量。
111.It's wonderful to have friends visiting from afar.;有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎
And what could be more perfect to end this section and to end 111 sentences for Hainan?;還有什么比這句能更好地 結(jié)束本部分以及 海南英語111呢?
Anytime you're speaking English with someone you could blurt out;當(dāng)你跟別人講英語時, 你可以脫口而出
'It's wonderful to have friends visiting from afar.';有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎
And I'm sure they'll be very touched.;我敢肯定他們一定會非常 感動.
And I hope this friend from afar gets another chance to visit again very soon.;我希望這位遠方來的朋友 能很快就有機會再來.
I hope so,too.;我也希望如此.
Chapter III Top 3 Speeches;第三章 三最演講篇
This part is self-introductions, free passages or short speech.;這部分是自我介紹, 選段或短篇演講.
Self introductions and short passages are a wonderful way to improve your English.;自我介紹和短文是提高 英語的極佳途徑.
If you can introduce yourself with confidence;如果你能自信地作自我 介紹,
or recite a short passage in standard English;或者用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英語背誦一 段小文章,
You will never be shy when meeting a foreign friend.;你在會見外國朋友時就 再也不會膽怯了.
Jim and I will read these passages in different speeds.;吉姆和我將用不同的速度 朗讀這些段落.
So you can understand exactly how to practice to have the best final result.;你們可以很清楚怎樣練 習(xí)以獲得最好效果.
So first Jim and I am going to read it as slowly as possible,;首先吉姆和我用盡量慢的 速度來讀,
exaggerating every words.;夸大每一個單詞.
[1]Hi everybody,I'm Stone Lee.;大家好,各位,我是 李石頭。
[2]Shanghai is my home.I was born and raised there.;上海是我的家,我在那里 出生并長大.
It's a beautiful and modern city.;那是個美麗的、現(xiàn)代化 的城市。
It is also one of the most important international cities in Asia.;它也是亞洲最重要的一個 國際化都市。
You are welcome to visit me anytime.I'd be glad to show you around the town.;歡迎你們隨時來參觀, 我非常樂意做你們的向?qū)?BR>[3]This is the first time I have left my home;這是我第一次遠離家門,
and traveled such a long way to Guang- zhou to study English.;到廣州來學(xué)習(xí)英語。
Everything here is new and exciting to me;這里的每樣?xùn)|西對我來說 都是新奇的、令人激動的
and I'm really impressed with the spirit of initiative;我也深深感受到進取的 精神。
I hope I can get used to it soon with your kind help.;我希望在你們的友好 幫助下,我能很快適應(yīng) 這里的一切。
[4]I'm looking forward to studying with you and becoming friends with you.;我期待著與你們一起學(xué)習(xí) 并和你們成為朋友。
[5]When I was in college;我念大學(xué)的時候
I liked walking around the beautiful campus talking with my friends.;我喜歡在美麗的校園里和 朋友們漫步、談天,
I hope that when we have time I can share the same happy moments with you.;我希望以后有時間和你們 一起分享快樂的時光。
[1]Hi everybody,I'm Stone Lee.;大家好,各位,我是 李石頭。
[2]Shanghai is my home.I was born and raised there.;上海是我的家,我在那里 出生并長大.
It's a beautiful and modern city.;那是個美麗的、現(xiàn)代化 的城市。
It is also one of the most important international cities in Asia.;它也是亞洲最重要的一個 國際化都市。
You are welcome to visit me anytime.I'd be glad to show you around the town.;歡迎你們隨時來參觀, 我非常樂意做你們的向?qū)?BR>[3]This is the first time I have left my home;這是我第一次遠離家門,
and traveled such a long way to Guang- zhou to study English.;到廣州來學(xué)習(xí)英語。
Everything here is new and exciting to me;這里的每樣?xùn)|西對我來說 都是新奇的、令人激動的
and I'm really impressed with the spirit of initiative;我也深深感受到進取的 精神。
I hope I can get used to it soon with your kind help.;我希望在你們的友好 幫助下,我能很快適應(yīng) 這里的一切。
[4]I'm looking forward to studying with you and becoming friends with you.;我期待著與你們一起學(xué)習(xí) 并和你們成為朋友。
[5]When I was in college;我念大學(xué)的時候
I liked walking around the beautiful campus talking with my friends.;我喜歡在美麗的校園里和 朋友們漫步、談天,
I hope that when we have time I can share the same happy moments with you.;我希望以后有時間和你們 一起分享快樂的時光。
Thank you.;謝謝。
Now if you want to practice to the point where you sound like a native speaker,;如果你想練得自己聽起來 跟英語本土人一樣,
you need to do it slowly,quickly and at a normal conversational speed.;你需要用慢,快以及常速 練習(xí).
So Jim,would you read it at a normal speed and I will read it at a normal speed,too.;吉姆,請你用常速讀, 我也用常速來讀.
OK,I sure can't read it that fast.;好的,我可讀不了你那么 快.
[1]Hi everybody,I'm Stone Lee.;大家好,各位,我是 李石頭。
[2]Shanghai is my home.I was born and raised there.;上海是我的家,我在那里 出生并長大.
It's a beautiful and modern city.;那是個美麗的、現(xiàn)代化 的城市。
It is also one of the most important international cities in Asia.;它也是亞洲最重要的一個 國際化都市。
You are welcome to visit me anytime.I'd be glad to show you around the town.;歡迎你們隨時來參觀, 我非常樂意做你們的向?qū)?BR>[3]This is the first time I have left my home;這是我第一次遠離家門,
and traveled such a long way to Guang- zhou to study English.;到廣州來學(xué)習(xí)英語。
Everything here is new and exciting to me;這里的每樣?xùn)|西對我來說 都是新奇的、令人激動的
and I'm really impressed with the spirit of initiative;我也深深感受到進取的 精神。
I hope I can get used to it soon with your kind help.;我希望在你們的友好 幫助下,我能很快適應(yīng) 這里的一切。
[4]I'm looking for- ward to studying with you;我期待著與你們一起學(xué)習(xí)
and becoming friends with you.;并和你們成為朋友。
[5]When I was in college;我念大學(xué)的時候
I liked walking around the beautiful campus talking with my friends.;我喜歡在美麗的校園里和 朋友們漫步、談天,
I hope that when we have time I can share the same happy moments with you.;我希望以后有時間和你們 一起分享快樂的時光。
Thank you.;謝謝。
[1]Hi everybody,I'm Stone Lee.;大家好,各位,我是 李石頭。
[2]Shanghai is my home.I was born and raised there.;上海是我的家,我在那里 出生并長大.
It's a beautiful and modern city.;那是個美麗的、現(xiàn)代化 的城市。
It is also one of the most important international cities in Asia.;它也是亞洲最重要的一個 國際化都市。
You are welcome to visit me anytime.I'd be glad to show you around the town.;歡迎你們隨時來參觀, 我非常樂意做你們的向?qū)?BR>[3]This is the first time I have left my home;這是我第一次遠離家門,
and traveled such a long way to Guang- zhou to study English.;到廣州來學(xué)習(xí)英語。
Everything here is new and exciting to me;這里的每樣?xùn)|西對我來說 都是新奇的、令人激動的
and I'm really impressed with the spirit of initiative;我也深深感受到進取的 精神。
I hope I can get used to it soon with your kind help.;我希望在你們的友好 幫助下,我能很快適應(yīng) 這里的一切。
[4]I'm looking for- ward to studying with you;我期待著與你們一起學(xué)習(xí)
and becoming friends with you.;并和你們成為朋友。
[5]When I was in college;我念大學(xué)的時候
I liked walking around the beautiful campus talking with my friends.;我喜歡在美麗的校園里和 朋友們漫步、談天,
I hope that when we have time I can share the same happy moments with you.;我希望以后有時間和你們 一起分享快樂的時光。
Thank you.;謝謝。
I'm Henry Lee.I am from Beijing,China. I graduated from Beijing University.;我是亨利.李,我來自 中國的北京,畢業(yè)于 北京大學(xué)。
Now I am a system engineer for IBM, working in our New York headquarters.;現(xiàn)在我是IBM的系統(tǒng)工程 師,在紐約的總部工作。
My job is to develop new computer software.;我的工作是開發(fā)新的 電腦軟件。
I enjoy the job very much,;我非常喜歡這個工作,
because software development is very creative and imaginative work.;因為軟件開發(fā)是頗富創(chuàng)造 性和想象力的勞動。
So if anyone here is interested in computer and computer software,;因此如果在場的哪一位 對于電腦和電腦軟件 感興趣的話,
Please let me know. We can spend hours talking about computers.;請告訴我。我們可以花上 幾個小時來暢談有關(guān) 電腦的事情。
Computers are not only my job,they are also my hobby!;軟件開發(fā)不僅是我的 工作,更是我的愛好。
Now as quickly as possible for Henry Lee;下面是享利.李的自我介 紹的快速版.
I'm Henry Lee.I am from Beijing,China. I graduated from Beijing University.;我是亨利.李,我來自 中國的北京,畢業(yè)于 北京大學(xué)。
Now I am a system engineer for IBM, working in our New York headquarters.;現(xiàn)在我是IBM的系統(tǒng)工程 師,在紐約的總部工作。
My job is to develop new computer software.;我的工作是開發(fā)新的 電腦軟件。
I enjoy the job very much,;我非常喜歡這個工作,
because software development is very creative and imaginative work.;因為軟件開發(fā)是頗富創(chuàng)造 性和想象力的勞動。
So if anyone here is interested in computer and computer software,;因此如果在場的哪一位 對于電腦和電腦軟件 感興趣的話,
Please let me know. We can spend hours talking about computers.;請告訴我。我們可以花上 幾個小時來暢談有關(guān) 電腦的事情。
Computers are not only my job,they are also my hobby!;軟件開發(fā)不僅是我的 工作,更是我的愛好。
Now,Jim,would you please read it in normal conversational speed?OK.;吉姆,請你用下常語速 讀好嗎? 好吧.
I'm Henry Lee.I am from Beijing,China. I graduated from Beijing University.;我是亨利.李,我來自 中國的北京,畢業(yè)于 北京大學(xué)。
Now I am a system engineer for IBM, working in our New York headquarters.;現(xiàn)在我是IBM的系統(tǒng)工程 師,在紐約的總部工作。
My job is to develop new computer software.;我的工作是開發(fā)新的 電腦軟件。
I enjoy the job very much,;我非常喜歡這個工作,
because software development is very creative and imagin- ative work.;因為軟件開發(fā)是頗富創(chuàng)造 性和想象力的勞動。
So if anyone here is interested in computer and computer software,;因此如果在場的哪一位 對于電腦和電腦軟件 感興趣的話,
Please let me know. We can spend hours talking about computers.;請告訴我。我們可以花上 幾個小時來暢談有關(guān) 電腦的事情。
Computers are not only my job,they are also my hobby!;軟件開發(fā)不僅是我的 工作,更是我的愛好。
I'm Henry Lee.I am from Beijing,China. I graduated from Beijing University.;我是亨利.李,我來自 中國的北京,畢業(yè)于 北京大學(xué)。
Now I am a system engineer for IBM, working in our New York headquarters.;現(xiàn)在我是IBM的系統(tǒng)工程 師,在紐約的總部工作。
My job is to develop new computer software.;我的工作是開發(fā)新的 電腦軟件。
I enjoy the job very much,;我非常喜歡這個工作,
because software development is very creative and imaginative work.;因為軟件開發(fā)是頗富創(chuàng)造 性和想象力的勞動。
So if anyone here is interested in computer and computer software,;因此如果在場的哪一位 對于電腦和電腦軟件 感興趣的話,
Please let me know. We can spend hours talking about computers.;請告訴我。我們可以花上 幾個小時來暢談有關(guān) 電腦的事情。
Computers are not only my job,they are also my hobby!;軟件開發(fā)不僅是我的 工作,更是我的愛好。
Doing Business in America;在美國做生意
[1]When you have a business meeting in the United States,;當(dāng)你在美國有商務(wù)會晤時
come to the appointment on time.;一定要按時赴約。
[2]Americans consider it extremely bad manners to be late.;美國人認(rèn)為遲到是一種 極不禮貌的做法。
[3]You may be offered coffee;他們會給你沖咖啡,
and then you should immediately announce the reason for your visit.;然后你應(yīng)該盡快說明 來意。
[4]It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject.;直接了當(dāng)且明白清楚地 說明自己的目的是很 重要的。
[5]Be prepared to discuss details and be ready to answer questions.;應(yīng)隨時準(zhǔn)備好討論細節(jié)和 回答對方的疑問。
[6]If your host disagrees with you, he will say so,;如果對方不同意你的看法 他會照實說的。
and you may disagree with him too-- politely,of course!;你也可能會不同意他的 看法--當(dāng)然,你應(yīng)禮貌 地告訴他。
I love this passage, because I think it's useful not only for learning English,;我喜歡這段話,因為我認(rèn) 為它不僅對學(xué)英語有用,
but it's also valuable for offering practical advice;而且也真的是一段在美國 做生意很有價值的經(jīng)驗之 談.
when really doing business in America.;
[1]When you have a business meeting in the United States,;當(dāng)你在美國有商務(wù)會晤時
come to the appoint- ment on time.;一定要按時赴約。
[2]Americans consider it extremely bad manners to be late.;美國人認(rèn)為遲到是一種 極不禮貌的做法。
[3]You may be offered coffee;他們會給你沖咖啡,
and then you should immediately announce the reason for your visit.;然后你應(yīng)該盡快說明 來意。
[4]It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject.;直接了當(dāng)且明白清楚地 說明自己的目的是很 重要的。
[5]Be prepared to discuss details and be ready to answer questions.;應(yīng)隨時準(zhǔn)備好討論細節(jié)和 回答對方的疑問。
[6]If your host dis- agrees with you, he will say so,;如果對方不同意你的看法 他會照實說的。
and you may disagree with him too-- politely,of course!;你也可能會不同意他的 看法--當(dāng)然,你應(yīng)禮貌 地告訴他。
Wow!Now,you can take a breath now. I know this one.;哇!這會兒你可以喘口氣 了. 我知道.
And if you're doing business in America you may have to talk that fast.;如果你在美國做生意, 可能也得用這么快的速 度講話喲.
I hope not. OK.I'll do it this time in natural speed.;希望不會. 好.這次我用常速讀.
[1]When you have a business meeting in the United States,;當(dāng)你在美國有商務(wù)會晤時
come to the appointment on time.;一定要按時赴約。
[2]Americans consider it extremely bad manners to be late.;美國人認(rèn)為遲到是一種 極不禮貌的做法。
[3]You may be offered coffee;他們會給你沖咖啡,
and then you should immediately announce the reason for your visit.;然后你應(yīng)該盡快說明 來意。
[4]It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject.;直接了當(dāng)且明白清楚地 說明自己的目的是很 重要的。
[5]Be prepared to discuss details and be ready to answer questions.;應(yīng)隨時準(zhǔn)備好討論細節(jié)和 回答對方的疑問。
[6]If your host disagrees with you, he will say so,;如果對方不同意你的看法 他會照實說的。
and you may disagree with him too-- politely,of course!;你也可能會不同意他的 看法--當(dāng)然,你應(yīng)禮貌 地告訴他。
You can say that again but,I will. OK.;你說得對極了. 但是我會的. OK.
[1]When you have a business meeting in the United States,;當(dāng)你在美國有商務(wù)會晤時
come to the appointment on time.;一定要按時赴約。
[2]Americans consider it extremely bad manners to be late.;美國人認(rèn)為遲到是一種 極不禮貌的做法。
[3]You may be offered coffee;他們會給你沖咖啡,
and then you should immediately announce the reason for your visit.;然后你應(yīng)該盡快說明 來意。
[4]It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject.;直接了當(dāng)且明白清楚地 說明自己的目的是很 重要的。
[5]Be prepared to discuss details and be ready to answer questions.;應(yīng)隨時準(zhǔn)備好討論細節(jié)和 回答對方的疑問。
[6]If your host disagrees with you, he will say so,;如果對方不同意你的看法 他會照實說的。
and you may disagree with him too-- politely,of course!;你也可能會不同意他的 看法--當(dāng)然,你應(yīng)禮貌 地告訴他。
This passage also has some important words.;這段有幾個重要單詞.
So Jim and I will give you some sentences to go along with them.;吉姆和我會給大家一些 句子來練習(xí)它們.
consider I consider him my best friend.;我將他視為我最好的 朋友。
He considers himself intelligent.;他認(rèn)為自己很聰明。
I consider him to be a genius.;我認(rèn)為他是個天才.
extremely It was an extremely difficult and dangerous task.;這是一項極度困難危險 的工作。
I'm extremely tired today.;今天我非常累。
My mother is extremely angry with me.;我媽媽對我非常生氣.

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