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Li Yang Crazy English Crazy English Method Crash Course;李陽瘋狂英語 口語速成系列之 方法速成
I would like to introduce you a very distinguished guest from the United States;很榮幸向各位介紹一位 來自美國的非常尊貴的 佳賓。
Hello,ladies and gentlemen!My name is Lauran Liu.;嗨,女士們,先生們! 我是勞拉。
Since this is my first visist to China,;因為這是我第一次來中 國造訪,
I'm especially lucky to be able to share my language with you.;所以我感到非常幸運能與 各位分享我的語言.
When I was starting to become a professional broadcaster,;當(dāng)初我決定要成為一個 職業(yè)播音員時,
I would listen to other people talk on the radio and television.;我喜歡聽收音機和電視 上其他人的講話.
I would imitate the things that I liked;聽到我喜歡的我就模仿,
and promised to never sound like the people with poor pronunciation.;而有些發(fā)音糟糕的,我會 發(fā)誓自己決不要聽起來也 像他們那般.
And after more than 15 years of being a professional announcer,;經(jīng)過15年多專業(yè)播音員的 生涯,
I still listen and imitate.;我依然喜歡傾聽和模仿.
I encourage you to do the same. Practice really does make perfect.;我鼓勵各位也這樣做. 因為百煉的確能成金.
第一焦點 一切以句子為中心!;
句子就是一切! 句子就是財富!;
1.Long time no see.;好久不見了。
2.How are you doing? 3.How is your business? 4.How's your family?;你過得好嗎? 你的生意如何? 你的家人好嗎?
5.How's everything? 6.Are you as busy as before?;一切都好嗎? 你跟以前一樣忙嗎?
1.You really look sharp! 2.You really did a good job!;你看起來真棒! 你干得太好了!
3.I admire your English very much.;我很佩服你的英文。
1.What do you say? 2.What's your opinion?;你怎么看? 你的意見是什么?
3.What do you think of it?;你如何認(rèn)為?
1.Thanks a million for your help.;多謝你的幫助。
2.Thanks a lot for what you've done for us.;多謝你為我們所做的一切
3.I'm really very grateful to you for your advice.;非常感謝你的忠告。
1.Cheer up. 2.Stick to it! 3.You can do it!;振作起來! 堅持下去! 你一定可以成功!
Jody didn't make enough money on her job,;朱迪的工作掙錢不多,
so she took a part- time job on weekends in order to supple- ment her income.;所以她在周末兼職以補貼 她的收入。
A:Do you own any stock?;你擁有股票嗎?
B:I've invested a lot money in stocks.;我對股票投資很多。
A:How are your stocks doing?;那些股票表現(xiàn)如何?
B:One company's stock is really doing well.;其中有一家公司的股票 表現(xiàn)非常好。
Actually,it's going through the roof.;這家股票的價格飛漲。
第二焦點 三最口腔肌肉訓(xùn)練法;
I can't stand my poor English!I want to improve my situtation!;我不能忍受我的破爛英語 我要改變我的處境!
I want to change my life.I don't want to let my parents down!;我要改變我的生活!我 不要讓我的父母失望!
I don't ever want to let my country down!;我不想讓我的祖國失望!
Most importantly,I don't want to let myself down!;最重要的是,我不想讓 我自己失望!
I want to speak perfect English!;我要說一口純正的英語!
I want to understand all kinds of accents I want to write beautiful articles.;我要聽懂各種口音! 我要寫出漂亮的文章!
I want to read thousands of books!;我要讀成千上萬的書!
I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.;我要在中英文之間自由 轉(zhuǎn)換!
I want to be the master of the world's two most important languages:;我要成為世界上兩門最 重要的語言的主宰和 大師!
Chinese and English.;中文和英文。
Now let Laura to read it as fast as possible as clearly as possible;現(xiàn)在讓勞拉用盡快的速度 最清晰,
and as loudly as possible.;最響亮的聲音來讀.
I can't stand my poor English!I want to improve my situtation!;我不能忍受我的破爛英語 我要改變我的處境!
I want to change my life.I don't want to let my parents down!;我要改變我的生活!我 不要讓我的父母失望!
I don't ever want to let my country down!;我不想讓我的祖國失望!
Most importantly,I don't want to let myself down!;最重要的是,我不想讓 我自己失望!
I want to speak perfect English!;我要說一口純正的英語!
I want to understand all kinds of accents I want to write beautiful articles.;我要聽懂各種口音! 我要寫出漂亮的文章!
I want to read thousands of books!;我要讀成千上萬的書!
I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.;我要在中英文之間自由 轉(zhuǎn)換!
I want to be the master of the world's two most important languages:;我要成為世界上兩門最 重要的語言的主宰和 大師!
Chinese and English.;中文和英文。
Fantastic! Thank you very much!;太棒了!非常感謝!
Please don't care how poorly or how well you speak,;管它說好說壞,
only care about catching the chances to speak!;只要有機會“說”就可以
Enjoy losing face. Just forget about your face.;熱愛丟臉,干脆忘記面子 的存在。
The more you speak, the better your English will become.;你說得越多,你的英語 就越好!
The more mistakes you make,the more progress you will make.;你犯的錯誤越多,你的 英語進步地越快。
You must enjoy speaking poor English,;你必須享受說破爛英語的 快樂,
because speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success.;因為說是通向成功唯一 的法寶。
Don't give up.Just try your best.;別放棄!竭盡全力!
Every time you move your mouth,your memory will deepen,;嘴動一次,記憶就深刻 一次,
your muscles will strengthen.You can make it.;肌肉就發(fā)達一點! 你一定可以成功!
Now,thrilly version again!;再聽瘋狂版!
Please don't care how poorly or how well you speak,;管它說好說壞,
only care about catching the chances to speak!;只要有機會“說”就可以
Enjoy losing face. Just forget about your face.;熱愛丟臉,干脆忘記面子 的存在。
The more you speak, the better your English will become.;你說得越多,你的英語 就越好!
The more mistakes you make,the more progress you will make.;你犯的錯誤越多,你的 英語進步地越快。
You must enjoy speaking poor English,;你必須享受說破爛英語的 快樂,
because speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success.;因為說是通向成功唯一 的法寶。
Don't give up.Just try your best.;別放棄!竭盡全力!
Every time you move your mouth,your memory will deepen,;嘴動一次,記憶就深刻 一次,
your muscles will strengthen.You can make it.;肌肉就發(fā)達一點! 你一定可以成功!
第三焦點 一口氣底氣十足訓(xùn)練法;
A:Mary,this is Stone's brother Jim.;瑪麗,這是世通的兄弟 吉姆。
B:I'm very glad to meet you.;很高興認(rèn)識你。
C:It's a pleasure to meet you./The pleasure is mine.;認(rèn)識你是我的榮幸。
B:How do you like China so far?/;你喜歡中國嗎?
What's your impression of China?/;你對中國的印象如何?
What do you think of China?;你認(rèn)為中國怎么樣?
C:It's really different from what I expected.;這和我想象中的很不一樣
B:Don't worry.You'll get used to it in no time.;別擔(dān)心,你會很快適應(yīng)/ 習(xí)慣的。
A:Mary,this is Stone's brother Jim.;瑪麗,這是世通的兄弟 吉姆。
B:I'm very glad to meet you.;很高興認(rèn)識你。
C:It's a pleasure to meet you./The pleasure is mine.;認(rèn)識你是我的榮幸。
B:How do you like China so far?/ What's your impre- ssion of China?/;你喜歡中國嗎? 你對中國的印象如何?
What do you think of China?;你認(rèn)為中國怎么樣?
C:It's really diffe- rent from what I expected.;這和我想象中的很不一樣
B:Don't worry.You'll get used to it in no time.;別擔(dān)心,你會很快適應(yīng)/ 習(xí)慣的。
A:Mary,this is Stone's brother Jim.;瑪麗,這是世通的兄弟 吉姆。
B:I'm very glad to meet you.;很高興認(rèn)識你。
C:It's a pleasure to meet you./The pleasure is mine.;認(rèn)識你是我的榮幸。
B:How do you like China so far?/ What's your impre- ssion of China?/;你喜歡中國嗎? 你對中國的印象如何?
What do you think of China?;你認(rèn)為中國怎么樣?
C:It's really diffe- rent from what I expected.;
A:Mary,this is Stone's brother Jim.;瑪麗,這是世通的兄弟 吉姆。
B:I'm very glad to meet you.;很高興認(rèn)識你。
C:It's a pleasure to meet you./The pleasure is mine.;認(rèn)識你是我的榮幸。
B:How do you like China so far?/ What's your impre- ssion of China?/;你喜歡中國嗎? 你對中國的印象如何?
What do you think of China?;你認(rèn)為中國怎么樣?
C:It's really diffe- rent from what I expected.;
B:Don't worry.You'll get used to it in no time.;別擔(dān)心,你會很快適應(yīng)/ 習(xí)慣的。
One breath training is the best way to get rid of Chinese accent.;一口氣訓(xùn)練法是消除 中國式口音的最佳辦法.
A:Mary,this is Stone's brother Jim.;瑪麗,這是世通的兄弟 吉姆。
B:I'm very glad to meet you.;很高興認(rèn)識你。
C:It's a pleasure to meet you./The pleasure is mine.;認(rèn)識你是我的榮幸。
B:How do you like China so far?;你喜歡中國嗎?
Hope you persevere with One breath training!!!;堅持一口氣訓(xùn)練法!
第四焦點 五大發(fā)音秘訣;
1.I made a terrible mistake.;我犯了一個嚴(yán)重的錯誤。
2.Mike likes to write letters to his girlfriend;麥克喜歡寫信給他的 女朋友
by the bright moonlight at night.;在夜晚明亮的月光下
3.Seeing is believing.;眼見為實;百聞不如一見
4.You look really nice in white.;你穿白色的衣服很漂亮。
1.Jim really must study his English a little bit more.;吉姆必須再多下一點 功夫?qū)W英文。
2.Let's get together again soon.;讓我們找一天再聚一聚。
1.I'm working on-it. 2.I'll think-it-over;我正在努力。我正在學(xué)習(xí) 我正在處理。我正在改進 我會仔細考慮的。
3.Take-a look-at-it. 4.Take-it-easy.;看一看。 放松!別著急!悠悠閑閑 不要著急!逍遙自在一點
Could you please read in a natural way?;請你用自然速度讀一下 好嗎?
Just like in your country talking to your own people.;就像你在美國跟美國人 講話一樣.
1.I'm working on-it. 2.I'll think-it-over.;我正在努力。我正在學(xué)習(xí) 我正在處理。我正在改進 我會仔細考慮的。
3.Take-a look-at-it. 4.Take-it-easy.;看一看。 放松!別著急!悠悠閑閑 不要著急!逍遙自在一點
1.I don't-know what- to do. 2.I need some-more time.;我不知道該做什么。 我需要更多的時間。
3.Ask-Bob-to sit- behind-me.;讓鮑勃坐在我后面。
Read it naturally.;用自然速度讀.
1.I don't-know what- to do. 2.I need some-more time.;我不知道該做什么。 我需要更多的時間。
3.Ask-Bob-to sit- behind-me.;讓鮑勃坐在我后面。
1.Thursday will be my birthday. 2.It's the same thing.;星期四是我的生日。 都一樣。
3.My father and mother went through thick and thin together.;不管是順境還是逆境, 父母總是同甘共苦。
1.Thursday will be my birthday. 2.It's the same thing.;星期四是我的生日。 都一樣。
3.My father and mother went through thick and thin together.;不管是順境還是逆境, 父母總是同甘共苦。
第五焦點 通過口語突破語法,通過 說實用句子突破語法;
I'm really sorry,but I forgot to bring my wallet.;我非常抱歉,但我忘記 帶錢包了。
I remember seeing it on my desk this morning,;我記得今天早上在我的 桌子上看到它的,
but I didn't remember to bring it with me.;但我不記得帶了。
We stopped to eat our lunch in the park.;我們在公園里停了下來 開始吃午餐。
We stopped eating our lunch when it started to rain.;開始下雨的時候,我們 就停止了吃午餐。
We waited in the restroom until it stopped raining.;我們在休息室里 一直等到雨停了。
初級語法示范1: 一般過去時;
1.We ate Chinese food for lunch yesterday.;我們昨天中午吃了中國菜
2.Last weekend I watched a really good movie.;上個周末,我看了一部 好電影。
3.My girlfriend called me the wrong name last night!;昨晚上我的女朋友叫錯了 我的名字!
中級語法示范: 現(xiàn)在完成進行時;
1.I have been waiting for this opportunity for 10 years.;我等待這個機會已經(jīng)整整 十年了。
2.I have been hoping to see you for a long time.;我一直以來很想見你。
3.I have been dying to go home.;我非常想回家。
高級語法示范: 虛擬語氣;
1.If you were in my position,what would you do?;如果你是我,你會怎么做
2.I wish I had followed your advice.;我真希望我采納了你的 建議。
3.I didn't see you when you walked by me on the street,;當(dāng)你從我身邊走過的時候 我沒有看到你,
so I didn't say hello.;所以我沒有打招呼。
If I had seen you,I definitely would have said hello.;如果當(dāng)時我看到你的話, 我一定會打招呼的。
第六焦點 通過口語突破單詞! 句子量比單詞量更重要!;
1.Stop dreaming and get to work!;別做白日夢了,去工作!
2.You won't get any- where unless you try.;除非你不斷努力,否則你 將一事無成。
3.We must focus our attention on urgent problems.;我們必須把注意力集中在 緊急問題上。
4.There's a lot of pressure and anxiety in this kind of work.;這類工作有很多的壓力和 憂慮。
5.She has made remarkable progress in English.;她的英語進步神速。
6.I think you mis- understood me on this point.;在這一點上,我想你是 誤會我了。
7.I've got a worth- while job,and I enjoy doing it.;我現(xiàn)在有一個值得花時間 去做的工作,而且我很 喜歡。
Money isn't the only reason for working, you know.;你知道,金錢并不是工作 的唯一目的。
8.I assure you of its quality.;我向你保證它的品質(zhì)。
9.I have great determination to master English.;我一定要成功。我一定 要學(xué)好英語。
10.What impressed you the most about Guangzhou?;你對廣州最深的印象是 什么?
第七焦點 口語突破聽力;
W:Are you reading the newspaper, Sandy?;你在看報嗎,桑迪?
M:No,I'm doing my homework now.;沒有,我在做作業(yè).
I'll watch the foot- ball match on TV later on.;待會兒我要看電視上的 足球比賽.
Q:What's the boy doing now? A:He's doing his homework.;這個男孩現(xiàn)在在干什么? 他在做作業(yè).
經(jīng)典高中聽力 W:Tom's mother told me that he was in the hospital.;湯姆的媽媽告訴我說他 住院了.
M:He left the hospital yesterday and he'll go to class tomorrow.;他昨天出院了.明天就 去上課.
Q:Where is Tom now? A:At home.;湯姆現(xiàn)在在哪兒? 在家.
經(jīng)典六級聽力 W:Good morning.I'm here to see Mr. Addison.;早上好.我來拜訪安德森 先生.
M:Mr.Addison went to Washington last Monday for a conference;安德森先生上周一去參加 一個會議,
and he will be back on Thursday night.;周四晚上才回來.
If you like,you may come again on Friday morning.;如果你愿意的話,周五上 午再來吧.
Q:When will Mr. Addison return? A:On Thursday night.;安德森先生何時回來? 周四晚上.
第八焦點 口語突破考試;
1.In the past twenty years there have been great changes in our hometown.;在過去的20年中,我們 的家鄉(xiāng)發(fā)生了翻天覆地 地變化。
2.A:I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,Stone.;我想請你這個星期六吃 飯,石頭.
B:I'm very sorry,but I have other plans. Maybe next time.;很抱歉,我有其他安排. 下次吧.
3.He's watching TV? He's supposed to be cleaning his room.;居然他在看電視? 他理應(yīng)在清掃房間。
4.You were late again this morning;今天早晨你又遲到了。
I think you had better [start being] on time.;我想你最好開始守時,
Otherwise,you're out of here.You're fired;否則,你就離開這里。
You were late again this morning;今天早晨你又遲到了。
I think you had better[start being] on time.;我想你最好開始守時,
Otherwise,you're out of here.You're fired.;否則,你就離開這里。
Thrilly version, please.;瘋狂版,請!
You were late again this morning;今天早晨你又遲到了。
I think you had better[start being] on time.;我想你最好開始守時,
Otherwise,you're out of here.You're fired;否則,你就離開這里。
You were late again this morning;今天早晨你又遲到了。
I think you had better[start being] on time.;我想你最好開始守時,
Otherwise,you're out of here.You're fired;否則,你就離開這里。
第九焦點 學(xué)一句算一句, 是一句頂十句!;
1.You'll never know what you can do till you try.;除非嘗試,否則你永遠 不知道自己能做什么。
2.I think you're making a lot of progress.;我看你進步很快。
3.How long have you been studying English?;你學(xué)習(xí)英語多長時間了?
4.I'm afraid I won't be able to come.;我恐怕不能來。
5.I see your point, but I still can't agree with you.;我明白你的意思,但我 仍然不能同意你。
第十焦點 一年的零碎時間足以 攻克英語!;
1.Don't take it seriously. 2.It doesn't make any difference.;不要當(dāng)真。 那沒有關(guān)系。無所謂。
3.That's the best news I've heard for a long time.;這是我很久以來就聽到 的最好的消息。
4.Great minds think alike.;英雄所見略同。 不謀而合。
5.The way you look at it seems to be so different from the way I look at it.;你的看法和我的似乎很 不一樣。
1.Thanks! 2.I really appreciate it.;謝謝。 我很感謝。
3.You're one in a million. 4.You're the greatest.;你真是大好人。 你最棒了。
5.You saved my life. 6.Thanks to you,we made it on time.;你救了我一命。 多虧了你,我們才能 準(zhǔn)時完成。
7.I couldn't have done it without you.;若是沒有你,我不可能 做到。
8.I'm so grateful for your help. 9.Your help was greatly appreciated.;我非常感激你的幫助。 你的幫助備受感謝。
10.I'd like to express my gratitude.;我要表達我的謝忱。
Sincere words. 真心話。;
My best wishes for a bright and happy future.;真心祝愿各位前程光明 愉快。

瘋狂英語 英語語法 新概念英語 走遍美國 四級聽力 英語音標(biāo) 英語入門 發(fā)音 美語 四級 新東方 七年級 賴世雄 zero是什么意思銅陵市陽光新村(官塘路)英語學(xué)習(xí)交流群



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