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老友記第三季The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel



歡迎各位收看“偉大的發(fā)明”又播出了我們能不能別看了啊?你是否遇過(guò)這種情形?你正打算倒一杯牛奶…但卻搞不開(kāi)蓋子?天啊,你說(shuō)對(duì)了,麥克-的確有,凱文-可不可以別看了?-不行,凱文如果我告訴你有個(gè)新產(chǎn)品能保證…你再也不用費(fèi)力打開(kāi)牛奶紙盒呢?看看2000年的牛奶大師-挑起你的興趣了吧-是啊,挑得我心癢癢的這是他第一次使用,你就知道有多容易了任何牛奶紙盒都適用!真簡(jiǎn)單!這樣我就可以每天喝牛奶了真的沒(méi)有好看的電影那就去看難看的電影然后在那里親熱或許你希望我轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)去你們就可以靠著我的背玩?老兄,怎么了?我的經(jīng)紀(jì)人問(wèn)我為何今天的試演沒(méi)有出席這幾周來(lái)第一個(gè)好機(jī)會(huì)你怎么沒(méi)轉(zhuǎn)告我?告訴你,我雖然喜歡罪惡感…但不是我是的,就是他好吧,是我啦怎么會(huì)是你? 真是瘋狂啊,你知道嗎?錢(qián)德躲在衣櫥里,倒數(shù)十秒…已經(jīng)數(shù)到七了我一直找不到地方躲我一直想告訴你,我寫(xiě)在手上你看,全都在這兒是啊,就是我的試鏡看吧,這就是為何我到處都要放便條紙對(duì),這就是為何我們都不邀你一起玩這樣有什么可憐的?再約一次時(shí)間啊艾斯特試過(guò)了,選角導(dǎo)演說(shuō)我已經(jīng)錯(cuò)過(guò)了機(jī)會(huì)這樣太不公平了我來(lái)打給她我告訴她都是我的錯(cuò)不,選角導(dǎo)演不可能跟演員的朋友談她只跟經(jīng)紀(jì)人談,她的生活層面真狹隘啊我知道啦…我是菲比布菲公司的凱特琳菲比可以和安談一談嗎?她自己明白是什么事快掛斷電話!安妮,你好喬伊崔此亞尼有點(diǎn)小問(wèn)題很顯然地,他錯(cuò)過(guò)了試演,你是轉(zhuǎn)告我們公司的哪一位?艾斯特?我真不知該拿她怎么辦就算丈夫離開(kāi),并放火燒房子,世界依舊照常運(yùn)作還有其它人受到驚嚇嗎?若喬伊錯(cuò)失這次試演那是艾斯特的錯(cuò),我不管安妮,你真善良你何時(shí)能見(jiàn)他?我需要筆快給這個(gè)女人一本便條紙,給她便條紙,快點(diǎn)!現(xiàn)在你就需要便條紙啦我的小男孩呢?我的小男孩在這兒還有他的芭比娃娃我兒子干嘛玩芭比娃娃?他自己在玩具店選的他很喜歡呢他去哪兒都帶著它就像能給他安全感的小毯子這個(gè)卻穿著雪靴和時(shí)髦的法國(guó)帽是啊,很可愛(ài)再說(shuō)一次他為何要玩這個(gè)東西?他有個(gè)洋娃娃,那又怎樣?除非你怕他將來(lái)長(zhǎng)大后變成…演藝圈的人這件事跟他…被兩個(gè)女人扶養(yǎng)長(zhǎng)大有沒(méi)有關(guān)系?好,若你能接受他喜歡芭比那我也可以把芭比給爸爸,芭比給我你要不要玩怪獸車?不要?好吧那要不要恐龍士兵?羅斯,你真可悲為何不讓你的兒子玩芭比?我要去上班了有人看到我左邊的胸部嗎?我喜歡那部電影在這里,你在干嘛?對(duì)不起,這樣很舒服去接電話我只有一只手,你應(yīng)該幫我的。幫我拿件毛衣來(lái)快點(diǎn)接啦!是珍妮絲如果我接了我今晚就得跟她見(jiàn)面那太好了我今晚得跟她見(jiàn)面你為何不想見(jiàn)她?昨晚我們?cè)诔酝聿彤?dāng)餐點(diǎn)送來(lái)時(shí)…她把一半烤雞肉放到我盤(pán)里拿走我所有的西紅柿這樣很不好是因?yàn)椤悴幌矚g烤雞肉嗎?你不想與人分享你的西紅柿西紅柿對(duì)你很重要突然間,我們就是“情侶”了然后我腦袋里的警報(bào)開(kāi)始大響 “為了你的人生,快跑快離開(kāi)這棟大樓!”男人真是令人難以置信你們這些人是怎么回事?心中一旦產(chǎn)生感情就要馬上逃開(kāi)?我知道,那就是…就是我今晚不想去的原因我怕自己說(shuō)出一些蠢話你是說(shuō)男人那一套故意冷漠,保持距離…直到我們跟你們分手?嘿,你知道這事?我能怎么做?我想度過(guò)這個(gè)階段我不想再害怕承諾就像躍過(guò)一個(gè)隧道到達(dá)另一端!就是不再害怕承諾我們有沒(méi)有有沒(méi)有任何想法?我沒(méi)度過(guò)那種隧道啦因?yàn)椤^(guò)隧道的規(guī)定是你車?yán)锊荒芏嘤谝粋€(gè)女生但我想這和戰(zhàn)勝其它恐懼是一個(gè)道理你怕高的話,就到大樓頂端如果你怕蟲(chóng)子就買臺(tái)金龜車吧你的情況是,你害怕承諾…你就到那里去做一個(gè)最勇于承諾的男人令人訝異的是,很有道理呢你這么覺(jué)得?是啊,快去吧,老兄從高處跳下水!用目光擊退槍枝!在風(fēng)中撒尿!若我得用目光擊退槍枝…我大概已經(jīng)尿得到處都是了是你今天早上的試演可以借用你的電話嗎?當(dāng)然,這是緊急事件以及冒牌經(jīng)紀(jì)人專用快,寶貝菲比布菲要回復(fù)呼叫我?guī)湍憬舆^(guò)去演得很好好的接通了恩,嗨,安妮,你好太好了,你成功了你問(wèn)我他是否要最低工資我也不知道除非我知道,而且他也愿意太好了,你人真好我很愿意與你共進(jìn)午餐!不如就下個(gè)…正經(jīng)過(guò)隧道難以置信太感謝你了真有趣,我從未用過(guò)汽車電話你真了不起你能不能幫我個(gè)大忙?還有一個(gè)試演,我很想?yún)⒓拥业慕?jīng)紀(jì)人不愿幫我安排我不知道,一次還很好玩…拜托,再一次就好了其實(shí)是兩次啦兩次?好啦,其實(shí)是三次拜托,你這么厲害我愛(ài)你好,就這三次了,好嗎?不,是四次你今天怎么會(huì)想在家吃?因?yàn)槲蚁胨湍氵@個(gè)東西你真是可愛(ài)呢防塵紙!一個(gè)跟你上床的人…送你防塵紙,該說(shuō)什么?還有呢,你看跟它搭配的…就是你的新抽屜看,其實(shí)這個(gè)抽屜正好與我的梳妝臺(tái)搭配你不用這么做啊對(duì),我要這么做是的,我要這么做因?yàn)槟闶俏业呐笥讯笥丫驮摰玫竭@些我得求救兵了…天啊誰(shuí)會(huì)想的到,有一天…錢(qián)德賓會(huì)買個(gè)抽屜給我?我可想不到但事情既然發(fā)生了就得更進(jìn)一步我們應(yīng)該去旅行我們?cè)撨@么做?我們是情侶,情侶就該這樣我還要去見(jiàn)你爸媽我們應(yīng)該跟你爸媽一起去旅行我想不用了因?yàn)槟阋芽彀盐腋忝院四氵€好嗎?我很好我真的很好真是太不可思議了我一生都在害怕這個(gè)時(shí)刻但事到臨頭好象也沒(méi)什么大不了我可能會(huì)說(shuō)“我們同居吧”卻還是若無(wú)其事你可能想跟我一起住?-我竟不會(huì)因此而害怕!-是啊,但我怕了!我根本還沒(méi)離婚!你只是邀我來(lái)吃義大利面…而現(xiàn)在你就在說(shuō)要住在一起的事…我其實(shí)還不太餓你知道嗎?時(shí)間有點(diǎn)晚了我最好先…別走,我嚇著你了我說(shuō)太多了!對(duì)于愛(ài)情,我是無(wú)藥可救笨拙卻又充滿渴望珍妮絲,是我我只是想在到街上追你前先跟你道歉寶貝,吃點(diǎn)這個(gè),你會(huì)好受點(diǎn)我追上她,然后她說(shuō)…這段感情發(fā)展太快我們得放慢腳步這樣絕不是好現(xiàn)象于是我就變得…很空虛又很黏人等等,或許不算太糟你們?cè)趺唇Y(jié)束的?她說(shuō)她會(huì)再打給我哦天啊恭喜你到我們這一國(guó)來(lái)對(duì)了,這個(gè)冰淇淋味道好爛因?yàn)檫@是低卡無(wú)乳脂豆?jié){制的假冰淇淋我們把真正的留到實(shí)在無(wú)法挽留了才吃若你一直被搞得一團(tuán)糟你就要換成低脂的沒(méi)錯(cuò),你得這么做你不認(rèn)為我已無(wú)法挽留了?不盡然,你并非無(wú)法挽留我們只要防止事情惡化好,我該打電話給她嗎?這段時(shí)間很重要,一旦你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的手又伸向電話…你就去買鞋子不然就洗個(gè)泡泡浴若你希望她回來(lái)你就得開(kāi)始表現(xiàn)冷漠她必須知道你不是那么需要她所以你要做的就是…假裝不經(jīng)意地碰到她…然后表現(xiàn)得很冷漠這樣我就不會(huì)失去她了?甜心,你不是個(gè)弱者啊我是說(shuō)“我就不會(huì)失去她了?”看看誰(shuí)來(lái)了!是玩具王國(guó)里最勇敢的人,班真正的美國(guó)英雄我是美國(guó)大兵!把芭比娃娃放下…美國(guó)大兵?你真的覺(jué)得他會(huì)喜歡那玩意兒?美國(guó)大兵?好棒,我可以玩嗎?班,你看,這個(gè)玩具保護(hù)了美國(guó)海外油股!加油,大兵菲比,你在這兒啊不,我不是,抱歉菲比,等等…喬伊啊,我剛沒(méi)認(rèn)出你來(lái)…因?yàn)槟愦┲@條褲子我參加試演的小型電影有任何回音嗎?我想我應(yīng)該很有機(jī)會(huì)的對(duì),他們打來(lái)了你沒(méi)有人選可以嗎?我是說(shuō)你落選了對(duì)不起…沒(méi)關(guān)系這種事本來(lái)就會(huì)發(fā)生但是不應(yīng)該發(fā)生,你知道嗎?你這行不好混我不想成為那個(gè)讓你難過(guò)的人我沒(méi)事的,你看你看起來(lái)很難過(guò)讓人很害怕我很抱歉,我要辭職不,你不能辭職!你是我遇過(guò)最好的經(jīng)紀(jì)人當(dāng)一個(gè)演員本來(lái)就會(huì)被拒絕你不能過(guò)于自責(zé)他們說(shuō)沒(méi)遇過(guò)一個(gè)義大利演員有這么怪的義大利腔他們真的這么說(shuō)?天啊,又是那種表情你看,我不能做這個(gè)工作這就是為何你得做這份工作經(jīng)紀(jì)人都得說(shuō)謊艾斯特總是說(shuō)“他們要另一種方式”但是這一點(diǎn)嘛,我可以改進(jìn)我可以學(xué)一種新的腔調(diào)好,若對(duì)你有幫助,那就好了你抓不到我,士兵不用了,謝謝你在這里干什么?只是買買東西而已你還好嗎?你在裝英國(guó)腔嗎?再也不會(huì)了你怎么在這里買東西?你又不住在這一帶你是不是在這里等我?我只是…要買一點(diǎn)派對(duì)用的東西大麥?什么樣的派對(duì)會(huì)供應(yīng)大麥?很抱歉,我的朋友不像你朋友那么有水準(zhǔn)派對(duì)在哪里舉行?就在雀兒喜是誰(shuí)辦的派對(duì)一個(gè)女人哪個(gè)女人?雀兒喜你要不是背著我跟別人約會(huì)…然后成了世界第一混蛋…不然就是你假裝跟別人約會(huì)…讓你成為最可悲的人我會(huì)立刻在此為你哭泣這兩種男人,你想當(dāng)哪一種?我可以當(dāng)那個(gè)人嗎?我們收到很多善意的拒絕,有很多地方要改進(jìn)好,說(shuō)吧好,那個(gè)動(dòng)物園廣告我沒(méi)得到那個(gè)角色?他們說(shuō)你簡(jiǎn)直不像個(gè)人類所以你可以針對(duì)這一點(diǎn)改進(jìn)很好還有呢?那些小劇場(chǎng)的人說(shuō)你很好看,可是很笨等等,對(duì)不起他們是說(shuō)你非常笨這沒(méi)關(guān)系真的,聽(tīng)我說(shuō),菲比我很感謝你…但我還是找艾斯特好嗎?別誤會(huì)你當(dāng)經(jīng)紀(jì)人當(dāng)?shù)帽人谩辽傥腋疫@非常笨的腦袋還保得住是的,不,我能了解你可以嗎?謝謝你抱歉等一下什么?你是不是故意編這些出來(lái)就不用當(dāng)我的經(jīng)紀(jì)人了?被你發(fā)現(xiàn)了我完蛋了我早就這么懷疑了然后我只好…把一袋大麥丟到她身上然后逃出那間店天啊,我們叫你表現(xiàn)冷漠不是像個(gè)笨蛋我這次真的搞砸了,對(duì)吧?這次可以吃真正的冰淇淋了嗎?沒(méi)錯(cuò),可以了你知道嗎?一切都沒(méi)問(wèn)題的珍妮絲,你可以等一下嗎?好,我該怎么辦?我不知道,這是史無(wú)前例的若我們做出像你一樣的事男人絕不會(huì)再打來(lái)了我知道了,假裝你剛睡醒這樣就可以擺脫她了睡意惺忪的樣子!對(duì),脾氣暴躁的感覺(jué)你們?cè)趺础?別開(kāi)始數(shù)小矮人的名字我很高興你打來(lái)我知道我最近的表現(xiàn)很怪…那是因?yàn)槲姨珢?ài)你了我就變得很蠢,又很窖十9.,.然后就變得非常笨我很抱歉真的?真的?他真幸運(yùn),若珍妮絲是男的…她現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)跟別人上床了我也愛(ài)你真是太不公平了!美國(guó)大兵…?我不知如何告訴你們但他是追這個(gè)你怎么做的?把玩具沾糖嗎?聽(tīng)著,美國(guó)大兵獲勝芭比娃娃出局了如果你們不能接受那你們就太糟糕了你干嘛這么小家子氣,他有個(gè)芭比,有什么大不了?你以前都打扮得像女生什么?你以前都穿媽的衣服啊你在說(shuō)什么啊?寬帽子、珍珠、粉紅小手提包好,這些都是你編出來(lái)的你怎么可能不記得?你還讓我們叫你“碧兒”天啊我真的從沒(méi)這么快樂(lè)過(guò)不是還有一首歌嗎?拜托,老天,來(lái)一首歌吧根本沒(méi)有什么歌…我是碧兒我喝茶你要不要…夠了你要不要…你要不要在我身旁跳舞?我是碧兒我喝茶你要不要在我身旁跳舞…羅斯?。?!

The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's: everyone is there and they are watching an info-mercial that stars Joey.]

HOST: Welcome everybody, welcome to Amazing Discoveries!

PHOEBE: Oh, oh! It's on again!

JOEY: You guys, can we please not watch this all right.

ALL: Shhhh!

HOST: Folks, has this ever happened to you. You go to the refrigerator to get a nice glass of milk, (Joey is in the background struggling to open a cartoon of milk) and these darn cartons are so flingin'-flangin' hard to open.

JOEY: (on tv) Oh, you said it Mike. (rips open the carton and spills milk on the counter) Aw! There's got to be a better way!

MIKE: And there is Kevin.

JOEY: Can we please turn this off?

RACHEL: Noo way, Kevin.

MIKE: There is a revolutionary new product that guarantees that you'll never have to open up milk cartons again. Meet the Milk Master 2000.

ROSS: (to Chandler) Are you intrigued?

CHANDLER: You're flingin'-flangin' right I am!

MIKE: Keep in mind, he's never used this product before, you're gonna see how easy this is to do. (to Kevin) Go ahead. ('Kevin' starts using the product, it is a spout that you jab into a paper milk carton so that you don't have to rip it open.) This works with any milk carton.

JOEY: (on TV, finishing installing the Milk Master 2000) Wow, it is easy. (starts to poor the milk) Now, I can have milk everyday.

(they all start laughing at him)


[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Monica, Janice are sitting on the couch, and Phoebe is sitting next to them in the chair.]

CHANDLER: Well, it's official there are no good movies.

JANICE: Well, let's go to a bad one and make out. (they start to kiss and lean back into Monica.)

MONICA: Perhaps, you would like me to turn like this, (turns sideways on the couch) so that you can bunny bump against my back.

JOEY: (entering) Hey!


CHANDLER: Hey, man. What's up?

JOEY: Maybe you can tell me. My agent would like to know why I didn't show up at the audition I didn't know I had today. The first good thing she gets me in weeks. How could you not give me the message?!

CHANDLER: Well, I'll tell ya I do enjoy guilt, but, ah, it wasn't me.

PHOEBE: Yes, it was! It was him! Uh huh! (they all stare at her) Okay, it was me!

JOEY: How is it you?

PHOEBE: Well, it was just, it was all so crazy, you know. I mean, Chandler was in the closet, counting to 10, and he was up to 7 and I hadn't found a place to hide yet. I-I-I meant to tell you, and I wrote it all down on my hand. See, all of it. (shows him her hand)

JOEY: Yep, that's my audition.

MONICA: See, now this is why I keep notepads everywhere.

PHOEBE: Yep, and that's why we don't invite you to play.

JANICE: What is the great tragedy here? You go get yourself another appointment.

JOEY: Well, Estelle tried, you know. The casting director told her that I missed my chance.

PHOEBE: That is unfair. I'll call her and tell her it was totally my fault.

JOEY: Pheebs, you can't do that. The casting director doesn't talk to friends, she only talks to agents.

PHOEBE: What a sad little life she must lead. Okay, ooh (starts dialing).

JOEY: What, what are you doing? What are you doing?

PHOEBE: No, no, no, I know, I know, ooh. (on the phone in a different voice) 'Hi, this is Katelynn, from Phoebe Buffay's office. Um, is um, Ann there for Phoebe, she'll know what it's about.'

JOEY: Hang up, hang up. (reaches with his good arm, but Phoebe grabs it and he tries to reach the phone with his other arm but can't because of the sling.)

PHOEBE: (on phone) 'Annie! Hi. Listen we got a problem with Joey Tribbiani, apparently he missed his audition. Who did you speak to in my office? Estelle, no, I don't know what I'm going to do with her. No. All right, so your husband leaves and burns down the apartment, the world does not stop.'

CHANDLER: Is anybody else scared?

PHOEBE: (on phone) 'Right, well look, um, if Joey loses this audition, that is it for Estelle. I don't care! Annie you are a doll, what time can you see him?' (to Monica) I need a pen. (Chandler hands her one, but she needs something to right on, so she tilts Chandler's head over and writes on the back of his neck)

CHANDLER: Get the woman a pad! Get the woman a pad! A pad! A pad!

MONICA: Oh, now you want a pad.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Carol and Susan are dropping off Ben]

CAROL and SUSAN: (entering) Hey!!

ROSS: There's my boy! Here's my boy! And here's his Barbi (Ben is holding a Barbi doll) What's ah, what's my boy doing with a Barbi?

CAROL: He picked it out of the toy store himself, he loves it.

SUSAN: He carries it everywhere, it's like a security blanket, but with ski boots and a kicky beret.

ROSS: Yeah, it's, it's, it's cute. Why, why, why does he have it, again?

SUSAN: So he's got a doll? So what? Unless you're afraid he's gonna grow up and be in show business.

CAROL: This doesn't have anything to do with the fact that he is being raised by two women, does it?

ROSS: You know what it's fine. If you're okay with the Barbi thing, so am I.

(cut to later in the day)

ROSS: Give daddy the Barbi! Ben, give, give me the Barbi. Okay, how 'bout, don't you want to play with the monster truck? (makes a monster truck sound) No. Okay, oh, oh, how about a Dino-soilder? (squawks like a dinosaur)

RACHEL: Ross, you are so pathetic. Why can't your son just play with his doll? (uses the Milk Master 2000 to pour milk into her cereal)

MONICA: (entering from her bedroom) I gotta go to work. Has anybody seen my left boob?

JOEY: I love that movie. (Joey is using it as a pillow)

MONICA: There it is. Joey, what are you doing?

JOEY: I'm sorry, it just felt nice.

CHANDLER: (entering with his ringing phone) Joe. Joe! Answer the phone.

JOEY: Hey, I only got one good arm, you know. You should be doing stuff for me. Go get me a sweater.

CHANDLER: Just do it! Okay, it's Janice and if I get it I'm going to have to see her tonight. (phone stops ringing) Oh, that's great I'm gonna have to see her tonight.

RACHEL: What's the big deal? Why don't you wanna see Janice?

CHANDLER: Okay, last night at dinner, when the meals came, she put half her chicken piccata on my plate and took my tomatoes.

ROSS: And that's bad because..., you hate chicken piccata?


ROSS: You didn't want to share your tomatoes, tomatoes are very important to you.

CHANDLER: No, it's like all of the sudden, we were this couple. And this alarm started going off in my head: 'Run for your life! Get out of the building!'

RACHEL: Men are unbelievable.

MONICA: What is it with you people! I mean, the minute you start to feel something, you have to run away?

CHANDLER: I know, that, (looks at her fake chest, and loses his train of thought, temporarily) that's why I don't want to go tonight, I'm afraid I'm going to say something stupid.

MONICA: Oh, you mean like that guy thing where you act mean and distant until you get us to break up with you.

JOEY: Hey, you know about that?!

CHANDLER: Look what do I do? I wanna get past this, I don't wanna be afraid of the commitment thing. I wanna go through the tunnel, to the other side!

(Joey looks quizzically at Ross)

ROSS: (to Joey) Where there is no fear of commitment.

CHANDLER: Do we have any...(turns around and bumps Monica's fake chest) Do we have any thoughts here?

JOEY: Well, I've never been through the tunnel myself, 'cause as I understand it, you're not allowed to go through with more than one girl in the car, right. But, it seems to me it's pretty much like anything else, you know, face your fear. It have a fear of heights, you go to the top of the building! If you're afraid of bugs.....get a bug. Right. In this case, you have a fear of commitment, so I say you go in there and be the most committed guy there ever was.

RACHEL: Amazingly, that makes sense.

CHANDLER: You think?

JOEY: Oh, yeah. Go for it man, jump off the high dive, stare down the barrel of the gun, pee into the wind!

CHANDLER: Yeah, Joe, I assure you if I'm staring down the barrel of a gun, I'm pretty much peeing every which way.

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe's beeper is going off]

PHOEBE: Oh, it's your audition from this morning. Can I use the phone again?

RACHEL: Sure Pheebs, you know, that's what it's there for, emergencies and pretend agents.

JOEY: Come on baby, come on!

PHOEBE: (on phone, in 'Katelynn's' voice) 'Hi, I have Phoebe Buffay returning a page. Okay, well, um, she's in her car I'll have to patch you through.'

RACHEL: Very nice touch.

PHOEBE: (in voice, on phone) 'Okay, go ahead.' (in normal voice on phone) Um, hi Annie. (listens) Fantastic! (to Joey) You got it. (on phone) Oh, okay, um, 'Will he work for scale?' you ask me. Well, I don't know about that, (Joey clears his throat to signify yes) except that I do and he will. Great, oh you are such a sweetheart. I would love to have lunch with you, how about we have lunch next....(hangs up phone) Op, went through a tunnel.

RACHEL: Unbelievable.

JOEY: Thank you so much.

PHOEBE: It was really fun, I mean I've never talked on a car phone before.

JOEY: You were amazing, could you just do me this huge favor, you see there's this one other audition that I really, really want, and Estelle couldn't get me in.

PHOEBE: Oh, I don't know. I mean it was fun one time.

JOEY: Come on, please, it'll be just this one more, well actually it's two.


JOEY: Yeah! Well, well really it's three. Please. You're so good at it. I love you.

PHOEBE: Okay, I'll do it, but just these three, right

JOEY: Nooo, four.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler and Janice are having dinner]

JANICE: So, how come you wanted to eat in tonight?

CHANDLER: 'Cause, I wanted to uh, give you this. (hands her a present)

JANICE: Ohhh, are you a puppy! (opens it) Contact paper! I never really know what to say when someone you're sleeping with gives you contact paper.

CHANDLER: Well, wait there's, there's more. See the contact paper is to go into your brand new drawer. (gives her a drawer) See, the drawer actually goes in my dresser.

JANICE: Oh, you didn't have to do this.

CHANDLER: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because, you're my girlfriend, and that's what girlfriends should, should get.

JANICE: Well, I gotta buy a vowel. Because, oh my Gawd! Who, would've thought that someday, Chandler Bing would buy me a drawer.

CHANDLER: Well, not me. But that's what's happened, and, ah, and, and there's more. We should take a trip.

JANICE: We should?

CHANDLER: Yep, we're a couple and that's what couples do. And, I wanna meet your parents. We should take a trip with your parents!

JANICE: (laughs) I don't think we need to, because you're tripping me out right now! Are you okay?

CHANDLER: I am, I actually am. I mean this is amazing. My entire life I have feared this place, and now that I'm here it's like what was the big deal. I could probably say 'Let's move in together.' and I'd be okay.

JANICE: You probably want us to move in together?

CHANDLER: It doesn't scare me!

JANICE: Yeah, well, it scares me! I mean I not even divorced yet, Chandler. You know, you just invited me over here for pasta, and all of the sudden you're talking about moving in together. And, and I wasn't even that hungry. You know what, it's getting a little late, and I-I should just, um...(starts to leave)

CHANDLER: Oh, no, no, no, don't go! I've scared ya'! I've said too much! I'm hopeless, and awkward, and desperate for love!! (Janice leaves, Chandler then calls Janice to leave a message on her machine) Hey, Janice! It's me. Um, yeah, I-I-I just wanna apologize in advance for having chased you down the street. (runs out the door)


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Rachel are comforting Chandler]

RACHEL: Honey, this will help. (hands him a tub of ice cream)

CHANDLER: So, I finally catch up to her and she says this relationship is going to fast and we have to slow down.


MONICA: That is never good.

CHANDLER: Then I got all needy and clingy.

RACHEL: Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Maybe it's not so bad. How did you leave it?

CHANDLER: She said she'd call me.

RACHEL and MONICA: Ohh! (both grab there stomachs in pain)


MONICA: Welcome to our side of the tunnel.

CHANDLER: This ice cream tastes like crap by the way.

RACHEL: Yeah, well that's that lo-cal, non dairy, soy milk junk. We sort of, we save the real stuff for those really terminal cases.

MONICA: You know, when you start get screwed over all the time, you gotta switch to low-fat.

RACHEL: Yeah, you do.

CHANDLER: So, you don't think I'm terminal?

MONICA: Well, no, not at all, you're not terminal, you just, you just need some damage control.

CHANDLER: Okay, okay. So, should I call her?


RACHEL: This is a very critical time right now. If you feel yourself reaching for that phone, then you go shoe shopping, you get your butt in a bubble bath. You want her back you have to start acting aloof.

MONICA: She has to know that your not ready.

RACHEL: Right. So, what you have to do is, you have to accidentally run into her on purpose. And then act aloof.

CHANDLER: So I'm not, not gonna lose her?

RACHEL: Oooh, honey, you're not a total loser.

CHANDLER: I said, 'So I'm not gonna lose her?'


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is still trying to get Ben to play with something other than the Barbi doll.]

ROSS: Guess who's here. It's the toughest guy in toy land, Ben. (singing) 'A real American hero. I'm G.I. Joe!' Drop the Barbi, drop the Barbi.

RACHEL: G.I. Joe? Do you really think he's gonna fall for that?

JOEY: (entering) G. I. Joe! Cool! Can I play?

ROSS: Look Ben, it's a toy that protects U.S. oil interests overseas!

JOEY and ROSS: Go Joe!!!

PHOEBE: (entering) Helloo! Oh! (sees Joey and starts to leave)

JOEY: Pheebs! There you are!

PHOEBE: No it's not, sorry.

JOEY: But Phoebe, wait! Wait! Phoebe. Phoebe! (catches her in the hallway)

PHOEBE: Oh, Joey! Oh, okay, see I didn't recognize you wearing, in those....pants.

JOEY: Look listen, that TV movie I went in for? Did you hear anything? I think I got a shot at it.

PHOEBE: Yes! They called and you didn't get it! Okay, I mean you didn't get it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

JOEY: It's okay, these things happen.

PHOEBE: But they shouldn't happen, you know what, you're, you're in a terrible, terrible business. Oh God, I don't wanna be the person who makes your face look like that.

JOEY: I'm, I'm okay. See. (tries to smile, but fails horribly)

PHOEBE: Oh, now you're sad and creepy, oh. You know what, I, I'm sorry I quit, okay, I just quit.

JOEY: No! No, no you can't quit! You're the best agent I ever had! Look Pheebs, rejection is part being an actor, you can't take it personally.

PHOEBE: Not personal, really, well they said that they never met an Italian actor with a worse Italian accent.

JOEY: They actually said that?

PHOEBE: Yeah. Ooh God, there's that face again! See I can't do this job! I...

JOEY: No, no, no, see that's why you have to do this job, agents always lie. You know, Estelle just says stuff like 'They went another way', but this, I can use this. (in a very bad Italian accent) I canna work on a new accent.

PHOEBE: Yeah okay, no if it helps you okay. Yeah.

ROSS: (running into the hall, in slow motion) You'll never get me, Joe!!! (he then pretends that he gets shot repeatedly and falls back against Joey and Chandler's door, dead.)

[Scene: A grocery store that Janice shops in. Chandler is on purpose, accidentally bumping into her.]

JANICE: (to butcher) No, thank you. (Chandler makes a sound and she notices him) Chandler!

CHANDLER: (in a British accent) Hello, Janice.

JANICE: What are you doing here?

CHANDLER: (in accent) Oh, just a bit of shopping. How've you been?

JANICE: Are you being British?!

CHANDLER: (normal voice) No. Not anymore.

JANICE: Why are you shopping here? You don't live in this neighborhood. Were you here waiting for me?

CHANDLER: Yeah, huh. I'm just uh, you know I'm just picking up some things for a party. (grabs a bag off of the shelf)

JANICE: Barley? What kind of party serves barley?

CHANDLER: Well, I'm sorry if my friends aren't as sophisticated as yours.

JANICE: Where is this party?

CHANDLER: Here in Chelsea.

JANICE: Who's party is it?

CHANDLER: A woman's

JANICE: What woman?!

CHANDLER: (shyly) Chelsea.

JANICE: Okay, you know, one of two things is happening here. Either you're seeing somebody behind my back, which would make you the biggest jerk on the planet. Or, else you're pretending that you're seeing somebody, which just makes you so pathetic that I could start crying right here in the cereal aisle. So like which of these two guys do you want to be? (another guy walks by)

CHANDLER: Can I be that guy?

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey and Phoebe are there]

PHOEBE: Okay, so we got some more good rejections, lots of stuff to work on.

JOEY: Okay, shoot.

PHOEBE: Okay, um, oh, the zoo commercial.

JOEY: I didn't get it?

PHOEBE: No. They said you 'Weren't believable as a human being.' So, you can work on that.

JOEY: Okay, what else?

PHOEBE: Um, the off-Broadway play people said 'You were pretty but dumb'.


PHOEBE: Oh no wait, I'm sorry, that's 'pretty dumb.'

JOEY: Look, it's okay, no, no, no, really, look um, I really appreciate this Pheebs, but I think I'm gonna have to go back to Estelle.


JOEY: Yeah, well don't get me wrong, you're a better agent than she is, but at least with her I don't want to blow my pretty dumb brains out.

PHOEBE: Yeah, no, I understand.

JOEY: You do, thanks.

PHOEBE: Yeah. Sorry. (she starts to leave)

JOEY: Wait a minute.


JOEY: Wait a minute, did you just make up all that stuff just to get out of being my agent.

PHOEBE: (in a coy tone) Oh, you caught me. I am so busted.

JOEY: (in a really, really bad Italian accent) That's-ah what I suspected-ah.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is laying on the counter and Rachel and Monica are comforting him again.]

CHANDLER: ....And then I just, you know, threw the bag of barley at her, and ran out of the store.

MONICA: My God! Chandler, we said be 'aloof' not 'a doof'.

CHANDLER: I've actually ruined this haven't I? It's time for the good ice cream now, right?

RACHEL: Yeah, it is.

MONICA: You know what, everything's gonna be okay.

(phone rings)

CHANDLER: (answering phone) Hello. Hi, Janice! Can you hold on for a second? Okay. (to Monica and Rachel) Okay, what do I do?

RACHEL: Shhh...I don't know what to do, this is totally unprecedented.

MONICA: If-if-if we ever did what you did a man would never call.



MONICA: Oh wait, you know what, I got it, I got it, pretend like you just woke up, okay, that will throw her off. Be sleepy.

RACHEL: Yes, and grumpy.

CHANDLER: What are you, stop naming dwarves! (on phone) Hello, Janice. Hi, I'm so glad that you called, I know I've been acting a really weird lately. And, it's just because I'm crazy about you, and I just got...stupid, and, and scared, and....stupid a couple of more times. I'm sorry. (listens) Really?! (listens) Really?!

RACHEL: He's soo lucky, if Janice were a guy, she'd be sleeping with somebody else by now.

CHANDLER: (on phone) I love you too.

MONICA: Aw, it's soo unfair. (they both start digging into the 'good' ice cream)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Carol and Susan are picking up Ben, while Monica is pouring chocolate syrup, lots of it, into her ice cream.]

CAROL: G. I. Joe. G. I. Joe?!

ROSS: Hey, I don't know what to tell you guys that's the doll he chose.

SUSAN: What'd you do, dip it in sugar?

ROSS: Look, G. I. Joe's in, Barbi's out. And if you guys can't deal with it, that's your 'too bad.'

MONICA: What are you being such a weenie for? So he has a Barbi, big deal. You used to dress up like a woman.

ROSS: What?

MONICA: Well, you used to dress up in Mom's clothes all the time.

ROSS: What are you talking about?

MONICA: The big hat, the pearls, the little pick handbag.

ROSS: Okay, you are totally making this up.

MONICA: How can you not remember? You made us call you...Bea.

ROSS: (remembering) Oh God.

SUSAN: I've literally never been this happy.

MONICA: Wasn't there a little song?

CAROL: Oh please God, let there be a song.

ROSS: There was no song. (to Monica) There was no song!

MONICA: (singing) 'I am Bea.'

ROSS: Okay.

MONICA: 'I drink tea.'

ROSS: Okay, that's, that's enough. (retreats to the bathroom)

MONICA: '....Won't you, won't you, won't you.... '

ROSS: (coming out of the bathroom) Won't you dance around with me.

MONICA: A-ha!!! (they all start laughing, as Ross hides in the bathroom)


[Scene: It's an old home movie of the Geller's backyard, young Ross is dressed up as Bea, and pouring himself/herself some tea.]

YOUNG ROSS: (singing) 'I am Bea. I drink tea. Won't you dance around with....' (spills some tea and it drips onto his/her dress) Ohhh! (runs away crying)

YOUNG MONICA: (entering the shot) Ross!!! (starts to wipe up the spill)



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