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走遍美國Parting Friends 餞行聚會 ACT I






Hi, Mom. 嗨, 媽媽。
Hi, Robbie. 嗨,Robbie。
You're home from school early. 你今天從學校回來得很早。
Yeah, they're getting the assembly hall 是啊,他們在布置大禮堂
ready for the graduation ceremony, 為畢業(yè)典禮做準備,
so we all got to go home early. 所以我們都非得早回家不可。
Too noisy to study. 太吵了書看不下去。
Well, now that you're here, 嗯,既然你回來了,
you can help me with dinner. 你就來幫我準備晚餐。
I need those potatoes peeled and sliced. 那些馬鈴薯需要剝皮切片。
Mom, give me a break. 媽,讓我喘口氣。
Alexandra's coming over to help me Alexandra就要來幫我
study for my math final. 溫習數(shù)學準備期末考試。
Well, in that case, 嗯,既然這樣,
you can wash the dishes and clean up after dinner. 你就在晚餐后洗盤子,收拾桌子。
Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner? 我可以請Alexandra留下來吃晚餐嗎?
Of course. 當然可以。
Thanks, Mom. 謝謝,媽。
You and Alexandra 你和Alexandra
have become good friends, haven't you? 成了好朋友,不是嗎?
Yes. I like her. 是的,我喜歡她。
She's a terrific person. 她人很好。
I'm going to miss her 我會想念她
when she goes back to Greece. 當她回去希臘時。
Would you like to give her a little farewell party? 你要不要為她舉行一個餞行派對?
Mom, that would be terrific! 那太棒了,媽!
Maybe we could make it a surprise. 也許我們可以讓它變成一個驚喜。
Oh, I don't know. 噢,這個我就不知道了。
Surprise parties don't always work out. 驚喜派對不是每次都能成功的。
Well, we could tell her 嗯,我們可以告訴她
it's a graduation party for me. 這是為我畢業(yè)所辦的派對。
When Alexandra arrives, 等Alexandra到達時,
we'll surprise her. 我們再讓她驚喜一下。
Well, I suppose that might work. 嗯,我想這樣或許可以奏效。
I'd like to give her a nice going-away present. 我很想送給她一件好的離別禮物。
Fine. 好啊。
There's only one problem. 只有一個問題。
What's that? 什么問題?
I'm broke. 我身無分文。
I should have saved some money. 我早該存些錢。
I'm sure Alexandra 我相信Alexandra
would be happy with something simple, Robbie. 會欣然接受簡單的東西, Robbie。
I know. 我知道。
But, well, 但是,嗯,
I'd like to give her something nice 我想給她一件精美的禮物
to remember me by. 讓她看到東西就想到我。
Maybe I could borrow some money from you and Dad. 也許你從你爸爸那兒可以借點錢。
It's all right with me 我沒有問題
if it's all right with your dad. 假如你爸爸答應的話。
Thanks, Mom. 謝謝,媽。
I'll talk to him. 我會去跟他談談。
Is he still in his office? 他還在辦公室嗎?
I think so. 我想是的。
Thanks, Mom. 謝謝,媽。
Robbie! Good luck! Robbie! 祝你好運!
Here are the X-rays you wanted, Dr. Stewart. 這是你要的X光片, Stewart醫(yī)師。
Oh. Thank you, Molly. 噢, 謝謝你, Molly。
Now, let me check them. 現(xiàn)在,讓我來看一看。
What do you think? 你看怎么樣?
I don't see any breaks or fractures. 我看不出有任何破裂或骨折。
Well, well. Thank you, Molly. 還好,還好。謝謝你,Molly。
Thank you. 謝謝你。
Come in! 進來!
Hi, Son. 嗨,兒子。
Hi, Dad. Am I interrupting you? 嗨,爸爸。我打攪了你?
No, no, no, no. 不,不,不,不。
What's up? 什么事?
Can we talk? 我們能談談嗎?”
Sure. 當然可以。
I need some help. 我需要幫助。
Well, that's what fathers are for. 嗯,父親們的功用正在于此。
Well, before I go to college, 嗯,在我進大學之前,
I have the whole summer ... 我有一整個暑假可以用……
Yes ... 對呀……
And I'm planning to get a job for the summer. 我想在暑假打工。
And what sort of job? 哪一類的工作?
I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool. 我申請了社區(qū)游泳池當救生員工作。
Sounds pretty good. 聽起來不錯。
Yes. I'll be earning pretty good money if I get it. 是的。假如我得到這份工作的話我可以賺不少錢。
But right now, I'm kind of short of cash. 但現(xiàn)在,我手頭很緊。
Who isn't? 有誰不緊?
And my friend Alexandra is going back to Greece ... 我的朋友Alexandra就要回希臘去了…
Nice girl. 好女孩。
We'll all miss her. 我們都會想念她的。
Mom says we can give her a going-away surprise party. 媽媽說我們可以給她舉行一個讓她驚喜的歡送派對。
Good idea. 好主意。
And I'd like to get her a nice gift ... 我還想給她一份精美的禮物……
What'd you have in mind? 你心里有什么計劃?
Well, a wristwatch, 嗯,一個手表,
so she'll think of me when she looks at the time. 這樣當她看時間的時候想起我。
Nothing flashy or expensive. 不是什么俗麗的或貴的。
Something simple--but a good one. 要簡單的---但要精采。
Sounds fine, Robbie. 聽起來不錯, Robbie。
Well, I saw a nice watch. 嗯, 我已看中了一個不錯的手表。
But I'll need a loan. 但我需要借錢。
If you could lend me the money, 假如你能借錢給我的,
I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary. 我可以從我當救生員的收入拿出來還你。
Well, I guess your mother and I can manage it. 嗯,我想你媽和我可以設法幫這個忙。
When do you need the money? 你什么時候需要錢?
Would tomorrow be OK? 明天可以嗎?
You've got it. 沒問題。
Thanks, Dad. 謝謝, 爸爸。
My pleasure, Son. 不客氣, 兒子。
Oh, and, Robbie ... 噢, 還有, Robbie…
Yes? 什么?
You'll probably want the family car 你也許需要用家里的車
so you can drive her home after the party. 在派對結束后送她回家。
Could I? 我可以用嗎?
If you drive carefully. 只要你小心駕駛。
I will. Thanks, Dad. 我會小心的。謝謝你,爸爸。
My pleasure. 不客氣。
You're OK, Dad. 你很好, 爸爸。
You're not so bad yourself, Son. 你自己也不錯, 兒子。

I'd like to give her a nice going-away present.
Robbie wants to buy a gift for Alexandra.
But he doesn't have enough money.
I should have saved some money.
He should have saved some money.
He should have saved some money.
But he didn't do it.
He should have put some money in the bank.
He should have put some money in the bank.
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
Alexandra's coming over to help me,
study for my math final.
Robbie's gonna take a test in math,
but it's hard for him.
He's gonna study today.
But he didn't study yesterday.
He should have studied yesterday.
He should have studied yesterday.
But he didn't do it.
He should have looked in the book.
He should have looked in the book.
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
You and Alexandra
have become good friends, haven't you?
Yes, I like her. She's a terrific person.
I'm going to miss her
when she goes back to Greece.
Robbie never told her that he would miss her
when she goes back home.
Do you think she knows how he feels?
He never told her before.
He should have told her.
He should have told her.
But he didn't do it.
He should have said, "I'll miss you."
He should have said, "I'll miss you."
But he didn't do it.
Too bad.
He didn't do it.
Wait, Robbie, you forgot
to put the milk back in the refrigerator.
He shouldn't have left the milk out.
He shouldn't have left the milk out.
But he did it.
He did it.
He should have saved some money.
He should have studied yesterday.
He should have told her.
But he didn't do it.
And he shouldn't have left the milk out.


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