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走遍美國Making a Difference 當仁不讓 ACT I






I don't believe it! 我簡直難以相信!
What's wrong? 怎么了?
Carter Boswell! Carter Boswell !
Who's Carter Boswell? 誰是Carter Boswell ?
He's running for the school board. 他正在競選聯(lián)合校董事會董事。
The election's next month. 選舉就在下個月。
What's wrong with wanting to be on the school board? 想進入聯(lián)合校董事會有什么不對?
Nothing. 沒有什么。
But he wants to cut the school budget! 但他想削減學(xué)校的預(yù)算!
Maybe it needs cutting. 也許真需要削減呢。
Cutting the budget is fine, 削減預(yù)算是好的,
but he wants to do it 但他要削減
by cutting all the cultural programs. 是透過取消所有的文化活動。
No music, no dance, 沒有音樂,沒有舞蹈,
no concert, no stage presentations. 沒有音樂會,沒有舞蹈表演。
Why does he want to do that? 為什么他要那么做呢?
He says it's to save the taxpayers' money, 他說這是為了要節(jié)省納稅人的錢,
and I think he believes 而我認為他相信
that the taxpayers will vote for him 納稅人會投他一票
if he spends less on the cultural programs. 假如他在文化活動上減少開支的話。
He's probably right. 他也許是對的。
Lots of people want their taxes 許多人希望他們繳的稅
used for new books 被用來購買新書
and a new paint job in the schoolrooms. 和重新油漆教室。
Maybe some of us would like to pay a little bit more 也許我們之中有一些人愿意多付一點
and keep the cultural programs for our kids. 以便為我們的孩子保存文化活動。
Well, I'm not sure. Ellen. 噢,我無法肯定。Ellen。
I hear it from my patients. 我是從我的病人那兒聽到這些的。
Lots of people are tired of higher taxes. 許多人對于增稅很厭煩。
I know, 我知道,
but if Boswell wins 但是假如Boswell贏了
he'll be an important decision-maker 他將成為一個重要的決策者
on the school board, 在聯(lián)合校董事會中,
and he doesn't know anything 而他一無所知
about our children's education. 對于我們孩子的教育。
Who's running against him? 誰與他競選?
Nobody. That's the problem. 沒有人。這就是問題所在。
Well, it sounds to me like Carter Boswell 噢,聽起來好像Carter Boswell
is going to win this seat on the board. 穩(wěn)登聯(lián)合校董事會董事的寶座了。
Oh, not if I can stop him! 噢,要是我能阻止他,他就甭想!
And how are you going to stop him? 那你怎么去阻止他呢?
I don't know. 我不知道。
Maybe I'll run against him. 也許我與他競選。
Well, you've got my vote. 哦,那我一定投你的票。
I'm serious, Philip. 我是認真的,Philip。
Why shouldn't I run? 為什么我不能競選?
Why shouldn't you run for what, Mom? 為什么你不可以競選什么,媽媽?
Your mother is thinking of 你媽媽正考慮
running for the school board. 競選聯(lián)合校董事會董事。
Hey, that's terrific, Mom! 嗨,太棒了,媽媽!
Against Carter Boswell? 和Carter Boswell競爭?
Great! 太好了!
Well, if I run for office, 嗯,假如我出來競選公職,
the voters will have a clear choice. 投票人可以有明確的選擇。
I stand for everything Boswell doesn't. 我代表Boswell所不贊成的觀點。
I think a lot of people will vote for you 我想很多人會投票支持你的。
against Boswell, Ellen. 和Boswell對抗 Ellen。
I'll vote for you. 我會投你的票。
Will you help me if I do run? 假如我真的競選,你會幫我忙嗎?
Absolutely. 當然。
The trouble is 問題是
it takes a little bit of money to run a campaign. 競選活動需要花一些錢。
I think you can make a difference, Ellen. 我覺得你可以發(fā)揮影響力的,Ellen。
And in a short campaign 而且這一場短暫的競選
you wouldn't need as much money. 不需要花多少錢。
You know something, Ellen? 知道一件事嗎,Ellen?
Why not give the people of Riverdale a clear choice? 為什么不讓Riverdale地區(qū)的人民有一個明確的選擇呢?
I'm with you. 我支持你。
You can make a difference.你會發(fā)揮影響力。
Come in. 請進。
Mr. Maxwell? 您是Maxwell先生嗎?
Yes, Charles Maxwell. 是的,我是Charles Maxwell。
My name is Ellen Stewart. 我叫Ellen Stewart。
Hello. 你好。
Please, sit down. 請坐。
You asked to see me. 你要求見我。
What would you like to see me about? 找我有什么事?
I'd like your help. 我要請你幫忙。
Well, 噢,
I'm editor of the most influential newspaper in Riverdale. 我是Riverdale最有影響力的報紙的編輯。
Actually, it's the only newspaper. 事實上,它是唯一的報紙。
A lot of people would like my help. 許多人要我?guī)椭?br /> Do you have a story? 有什么新聞故事呢?
I'm planning to run for the school board. 我打算競選聯(lián)合校董事會董事。
Against Carter Boswell? 和Carter Boswell打?qū)κ?
Yes. 是的。
Well, that is news. 噢,這可是個新聞。
Will you announce that I'm running? 你會宣布我參加競選的消息嗎?
Sure. 當然。
But I need some information. 但我需要一些資料。
Of course. 那當然。
Why will the voters vote for you against Boswell, 為什么選民會投票支持你,和Boswell對抗,
Mrs. Stewart? Stewart太太?
Because I care. 因為我關(guān)心。
"Vote for Ellen Stewart. She cares." “投Ellen Stewart一票。她關(guān)心。”
Not a bad slogan. 不錯的標語。
But what do you care about? 但你關(guān)心什么呢?
Well, I care about the children of our town. 噢,我關(guān)心我們鎮(zhèn)上的孩子們。
I don't want them to grow up 我不希望在他們成長期
without cultural programs in our school. 我們的學(xué)校沒有文化活動。
Do you have a plan? 有計劃嗎?
I want our children to learn 我要孩子們學(xué)習(xí)到
more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. 比閱讀,寫作,及算術(shù)更多的東西。
I want to keep the after-school programs-- 我要保存這些課外活動
the music, the concerts. 音樂, 音樂會。
It's not a bad plan. 這是個不錯的計劃。
But who's going to pay for all of this? 但誰來為這些付錢呢?
We are. 我們呀。
The citizens of Riverdale, of course. 當然是Riverdale的公民。
I plan to get help 我打算爭取
from the businessmen and the corporations of Riverdale. Riverdale的商人和企業(yè)的支持。
That's fair enough. 這倒很公平。
Exactly what do you want from me, Mrs. Stewart? 究竟對我有什么要求,Stewart太太?
You don't know me. 你不認識我。
I can't expect you to take my side against Boswell. 我不敢期望你站在我這一邊來對抗Boswell。
But I do need some publicity 但我需要一些宣傳
so that the people of our town 好讓我們鎮(zhèn)上的人
know that I'm running for office 知道我正在競選公職
and that I care about our children. 且知道我關(guān)心我們的孩子。
Fair enough. 很公平。
I certainly can print the news. 我當然可以刊出這則新聞
And you are now making news. 而且你現(xiàn)在就是在創(chuàng)造新聞。

Why will the voters vote for you
against Boswell, Mrs. Stewart?
Because I care.
Vote for Ellen Stewart.
She cares.
Not a bad slogan.
"Ellen Stewart. She cares."
It is a good campaign slogan.
People will hear it
and know what I stand for.
I care.
I care about our children's education.
Not just the school buildings themselves,
but the children.
I care about what children study,
what they learn.
I want them to learn
about a variety of subjects,
including music,
and literature and art.
And I care about
our children's activities after school.
I want to keep their music programs,
like the orchestra ... and the chorus.
I want children to experience the joys of music.
I play the piano myself,
and I've taught music
to many children in Riverdale.
I want to keep
the other after-school programs, too.
I have a plan.
I'll get local businesses, bands,
and other companies in the community to help.
We all have children in this town.
And I believe that parents care about education.
And I want to be on the Riverdale school board.
I know it's a big responsibility,
but I know I can make a difference.
Because I care.


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