Dolphins never cease to amaze. As researchers delve into the underwater world of these brilliant cetaceans, we're learning how full of surprises these creatures are, from their intricate social lives to their intelligence. Here are just some of the ways dolphins are exceptional, both physically and mentally.
1. Dolphins evolved from land-based animals
(Photo: Matt9122/Shutterstock)
Dolphins didn't always live in the water. Millions of years ago, the ancestors of dolphins roamed across land. The dolphins we know today are evolved from even-toed ungulates, which had hoof-like toes at the end of each foot. But around 50 million years ago, these ancestor animals decided the ocean was a better place to be. They eventually returned to the water and evolved into the dolphins that we know today.
2. Dolphins stay awake for weeks on end
(Photo: Jman78/iStockPhoto)
Recent research has shown the surprising capabilities of dolphins for staying awake for days or weeks on end — or possibly indefinitely.
On the one hand, the ability makes perfect sense. Dolphins need to go to the ocean's surface to breathe, so they can't simply breathe automatically like humans do. They have to stay constantly awake to take a breath and avoid drowning. How do they do this? By resting just one half of their brain at a time, a process called unihemispheric sleep.
3. Dolphins can't chew
(Photo: Alicia Chelini/Shutterstock)
If you've ever watched a dolphin eat, you've noticed that they seem to gulp down their food. That's because dolphins can't chew. Instead, their teeth are used to grip prey. Sometimes, they'll shake it or rub it on the ocean floor to tear it into more manageable pieces. One theory for why they've evolved to do away with chewing is because they need to quickly consume fish before it can swim away. Skipping the process of chewing ensures their meal doesn't escape.
4. Dolphins have worked for the Navy since the 1960s
(Photo: U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class Brien Aho/Wikimedia Commons)
The idea of dolphins being employed by the military to scan harbors for enemy swimmers or pinpoint the location of underwater mines may seem like the plot of a movie, but it's true and has been for decades.
5. Dolphins teach their young how to use tools
(Photo: Joost van Uffelen/Shutterstock)
A 2005 study by researchers revealed that a population of dolphins living in Shark Bay, Australia, use tools, and they pass that knowledge down from mother to daughter.
6. Dolphins form friendships through shared interests
This particular group of dolphins have been keeping researchers busy over the years, revealing information about group's culture and social habits.
7. Dolphins call each other by name
We've know dolphins communicate, but this is new: Dolphins have names and respond when called. Dolphins within pods have their own "signature whistle," just like a name, and other dolphins can use that special whistle to get the attention of their pod mates. Considering dolphins are a highly social species with the need to stay in touch over distances and coordinate together, it makes sense they would have evolved to use "names" much in the same way people do.
8. Dolphins get high on fish toxins
We know that pufferfish have strong toxins. Apparently dolphins
know this too, and they use this for recreational benefit.