The Ministry of Civil Affairs recently announced it will promote reform of marriage customs in order to curb the excessive spending on dowries and extravagant weddings.
民政部明確提出了一些地方在婚俗方面存在的問題,包括天價彩禮(excessive spending on dowries)、奢侈浪費大操大辦(extravagant and wasteful wedding ceremonies)、人情攀比(peer competition)、低俗鬧婚(vulgar wedding practices)、拜金盛行(rampant money worship)、道德滑坡(moral degradation)等。
The bride prices in rural areas are often dozens of times more than the annual incomes of those paying them. Families of the bride can demand not just cash but jewellery, cars, houses and more.
Bride prices can be very specific. In Shandong province, families in 2016 require a set of gold earrings, and a gold necklace, one house, one car, and 150,050 yuan, paid in 10,000 five-yuan notes and 1,000 one-hundred yuan notes, and one 50-yuan note, according to a CCTV report.
而低俗婚鬧也已被廣泛詬病,有些行為甚至涉嫌性騷擾(sexual harassment)或人身傷害(assault)。
針對這些問題,民政部要求,要鼓勵和推廣傳統(tǒng)婚禮(traditional wedding practice),積極倡導和組織舉辦集體婚禮(group wedding)、紀念婚禮(commemorative wedding)、慈善婚禮(charitable wedding)等格調高雅、內涵豐富、特色突出、文明節(jié)儉的婚禮形式。
民政部社會事務司副巡視員楊宗濤表示,要利用農村基層組織(rural grassroots organizations),把辦婚禮的流程、數額等,通過村民公約的形式固定下來,通過農村的紅白理事會來給予規(guī)范。
This year, starting in December, Huzhu county in Qinghai province, where bride prices can reach more than 100,000 yuan in rural areas, authorities issued a maximum limit of 60,000 yuan.
Last year, Taiqian county in Henan province released a set of restrictions, limiting the number of guests – no more than 10 tables – and the value of wedding gifts – no more than 60,000 yuan.