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LONDON — Perceptions of the art market can often be shaped by the huge prices paid for work by the West’s most famous painters and sculptors. But there is another culture that can also inspire spectacular sales.


Last month, at Sotheby’s in Hong Kong, a Chinese 18th-century Imperial porcelain “poppy” bowl sold for $21.6 million. At the same auction, an elaborately decorated “fish” vase, also thought to be of Imperial provenance from the Qianlong era, raised $19 million.


Buoyed by a surging economy, Chinese dealers and collectors have since the mid 2000s been bidding formidable sums for the finest artworks from their country’s past. But in recent years, as China’s economic growth has slowed, the market for its antiques has become less frothy.


Just under half the 299 lots offered in Sotheby’s fall series of Chinese works of art sales in Hong Kong managed to find buyers. The Qianlong “fish” vase was marketed by the auction house as the rediscovered pair of another that was bid to an extraordinary 51.6 million pounds, then about $83 million, at a small auction house in London in 2010. The Beijing-based bidder never paid for that vase, and it was sold privately in 2013 to another buyer for $32 million to $40 million. The $19 million bid in Hong Kong for its supposed partner fell well short of that.


“People are very picky,” said Kate Hunt, a senior specialist in Chinese art at Christie’s in London, which held an auction on Tuesday as part of “Asian Art in London,” an annual series of exhibitions, auctions and lectures.

“人們非常挑剔,”倫敦佳士得(Christie’s)中國藝術(shù)資深專家何玉清(Kate Hunt)說,這家拍賣行周二舉辦了一場(chǎng)拍賣會(huì),屬于名為“亞洲藝術(shù)在倫敦”(Asian Arts in London)的年度系列展覽、拍賣會(huì)與講座中的一部分。

Reflecting the selectivity seen in Hong Kong, the sale at Christie’s raised £8.7 million, selling just over half of the 320 lots.


“Prices stopped bubbling in 2015,” said Ms. Hunt, referring to the year that China’s stock market plunged. She added that Beijing’s recent tightening of money outflows had made it difficult for Chinese buyers to pay for top lots at auctions in Europe and America. “But the market has matured,” Ms. Hunt said. “And the Chinese love old English provenances.”


With their own market awash with forgeries, the Chinese look to Europe for pieces with ownership histories that guarantee authenticity.


Christie’s live sale in London included 24 pieces from the collection of Soame Jenyns, a renowned scholar of Oriental art, who worked as a curator at the British Museum from 1931 to 1968. This was an alluring provenance for the Chinese dealers who crowd these London sales, and there were plenty to be found in town this week, shining flashlights into bowls and vases, and taking photographs with their cellphones.

倫敦佳士得的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)拍賣包括了來自著名東方藝術(shù)學(xué)者詹寧斯(Soame Jenyns)的24件收藏,詹寧斯于1931至1968年擔(dān)任大英博物館(British Museum)策展人。對(duì)于涌入這些倫敦拍賣會(huì)的中國經(jīng)銷商來說,這是一個(gè)誘人的出處,并且,本周在該城有很多拍賣會(huì)有待發(fā)現(xiàn),他們用手電筒照射著瓷碗和花瓶,用手機(jī)拍攝照片。

The star of the collection was undoubtedly a 15th-century gilded bronze seated Buddhist figure, estimated at £150,000 to £200,000. Remarkable for the quality of its casting and for the rare survival of its original sealed base, the piece topped the sale with a price of £1.9 million to an Asian bidder, according to Christie’s.


Roger Keverne, a dealer exhibiting at “Asian Art in London,” was in the salesroom. “Two of my Chinese clients asked about the piece. They’ve been revving up on Buddhism for a while,” Mr. Keverne said. “The Cultural Revolution tried to wipe it all out. Now they want to appreciate that culture. It’s a repatriation thing.”

在“亞洲藝術(shù)在倫敦”布展的經(jīng)銷商羅杰·凱弗恩(Roger Keverne)當(dāng)時(shí)在拍賣現(xiàn)場(chǎng)。“我的兩位中國客戶詢問了這件東西。他們做復(fù)興佛教的事已經(jīng)有一段時(shí)間了,”凱弗恩說。“文化大革命企圖徹底消滅它。但他們現(xiàn)在想要提升這種文化。這是一種回歸。”

Chinese buyers have recently found an appreciation of the rarefied field of Buddhist sculpture, an example of which reached an auction high of $30 million in 2014. The enthusiasm might be viewed as a sign of what Ms. Hunt, the Christie’s specialist, identified as maturity in the market.


Giuseppe Eskenazi, founder of Eskenazi, one of the 43 dealerships participating in “Asian Art in London,” said he had been buying Chinese Buddhist sculpture since 1972.

參加“亞洲藝術(shù)在倫敦”的43家經(jīng)銷商之一埃斯卡納齊(Eskenazi)公司創(chuàng)始人朱塞佩·埃斯卡納齊(Giuseppe Eskenazi)說,他從1972年開始就在購買中國佛教造像了。

“I was selling it mostly to English and American collectors, and to museums,” Mr. Eskenazi said. “There was a lack of appreciation in China. It just didn’t register. But now younger Chinese collectors bow in front of it.”


Eskenazi has recently sold an imposing Song dynasty wooden Buddhist sculpture to the Louvre Abu Dhabi. The piece was priced in a 2014 exhibition in the gallery at $25 million. This week, the gallery was offering works made during China’s fractious “Six Dynasties” period from the third to the sixth centuries, collected over four decades by the Hollywood talent agent Norman Kurland.

埃斯卡納齊最近將一件威嚴(yán)的宋代木刻佛像賣給了阿布扎比盧浮宮。這件文物在畫廊2014年的一次展覽中標(biāo)價(jià)2500萬美元。本周,該畫廊展出了中國歷史上的混亂時(shí)期魏晉南北朝(3世紀(jì)~6世紀(jì))的文物,它們來自好萊塢的藝人經(jīng)紀(jì)人諾曼·庫蘭(Norman Kurland)四十余年的收藏。

With its emphasis on terra cotta tomb figures — which Chinese people traditionally regard as inauspicious to own — and serene stone Buddhist sculpture, the Kurland collection could be viewed as reflecting a scholarly Westerner’s taste, but there were plenty of Chinese admirers at the Monday night viewing. By Wednesday, the gallery said that several of the 38 pieces had sold to Chinese collectors, including three Buddhist objects. Among those was a sixth-century limestone bust of the Buddha, priced at more than $1 million.


Other London dealers held thematic exhibitions. Priestley & Ferraro mounted a show of 20 Chinese artworks featuring elephants. The animals are a protected species in Yunnan Province and have long been revered in Chinese culture for their perceived steadfastness.

倫敦其他的文物經(jīng)銷商也舉辦了各種專題展覽。覺是軒(Priestley & Ferraro)展出了20件以大象為主題的中國藝術(shù)品。在云南,這些動(dòng)物是保護(hù)物種,長期以來,它們因堅(jiān)定穩(wěn)重的品質(zhì)而一直受到中國文化的推崇。

Among the show’s less expensive items, a difficult-to-date but charming inkstone carved with an elephant quickly sold at £15,000.


“The usual dealers are here, but there isn’t as much for them to buy,” said David Priestley, co-founder of Priestley & Ferraro. Mr. Priestley added that the supply of high-quality Chinese artworks was being progressively depleted by the “vacuum cleaner that is China sucking the goods out of Europe.”

覺是軒的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人戴維·普里斯特利(David Priestley)說:“常見的交易商都在這里,但他們可買的東西不多。”他還說,“中國這臺(tái)吸塵器正在把東西從歐洲吸走。”

With the United States no longer threatening to impose a 25 percent import tariff on Chinese antiques — a move that could have benefited Europe’s art trade — London is faced with ever-diminishing supplies of quality pieces.


Repatriated Chinese antiques generally don’t come back. Those pieces that do arrive in Britain from China are often not what they seem, according to John Axford, an Asian art specialist at Woolley & Wallis, a British auction house.

回歸中國的古董通常很難再回來。英國拍賣行威立士(Woolley & Wallis)的亞洲藝術(shù)專家約翰·埃克斯福德(John Axford)說,那些從中國來到英國的文物,往往真假難辨。

“You’ve got to be ever so careful. There are lots of duds out there with ‘old’ labels and receipts,” said Mr. Axford, brandishing a Song dynasty Qingbai porcelain bowl, estimated at £2,000-£3,000, at the London viewing for a coming sale at his auction house. From a Spanish collection, the bowl had a label and receipt from the New York dealer James Lally. Among the many calls and emails he made to verify the authenticity of the objects, Mr. Axford phoned Mr. Lally, who confirmed that the Qingbai bowl was an “old friend” from his stock.

“你必須非常小心才行。有很多贗品都有“古老”的標(biāo)簽和收據(jù),”??怂垢L卦谕⑹坑趥惗嘏e行的拍賣前的預(yù)展上說,他展示了一只宋代青白瓷碗,估價(jià)在2000到3000英鎊之間。這件文物來自一個(gè)西班牙的藏家,帶有紐約交易商詹姆斯·勞利(James Lally)的標(biāo)簽和收據(jù)。為了辨明真?zhèn)?,??怂垢5麓蛄嗽S多電話,發(fā)了許多電子郵件,他給勞利打去電話,對(duì)方證實(shí)了這個(gè)青白瓷碗是其藏品中的“老朋友”。

“ ‘Real’ is the hard part,” Mr. Axford said.



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