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HONG KONG — Charles Kuen Kao, a Nobel laureate in physics whose research in the 1960s revolutionized the field of fiber optics and helped lay the technical groundwork for the information age, died on Sunday in Hong Kong. He was 84.


His was confirmed by the Hong Kong-based Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease, which he and his wife, Gwen Kao, founded in 2010. The foundation declined to specify a cause but said that Dr. Kao learned he had the disease in 2002.


Working in Britain in the late 1960s, Dr. Kao and a colleague played a crucial role in discovering that the fiber optic cables in use at the time were limited by impurities in their glass. They also outlined the cables’ potential capacity for storing information — one that was far superior to that of copper wires or radio waves.


“The word ‘visionary’ is overused, but I think in the case of Charles Kao, it’s entirely appropriate because he really did see a world that was connected, by light, using the medium of optical fiber,” said John Dudley, a researcher in fiber optics based in France and a former president of the European Physical Society. “And I think society today owes him a great deal for that work.”

“‘遠(yuǎn)見卓識(shí)’這個(gè)詞被過度使用,但我認(rèn)為對(duì)于高錕,這個(gè)詞完全合適,因?yàn)樗_實(shí)看到了一個(gè)以光纖為媒介、通過光來連接的世界,”現(xiàn)居法國的光纖研究者、歐洲物理學(xué)會(huì)(European Physical Society)前主席約翰·達(dá)德利(John Dudley)說。“我認(rèn)為今天的社會(huì)拜他的工作所賜良多。”

In the early 1960s, light pulses carrying telephone and television signals could travel only about 20 meters, or about 65 feet, through glass fibers before nearly all the light dissipated. But by 1970, four years after Dr. Kao and the British engineer George Alfred Hockham published a landmark study on the subject, a group of researchers had produced an ultrapure optical fiber more than a half-mile long.

60年代初,移動(dòng)電話和電視信號(hào)使用的光脈沖,通過玻璃纖維只能傳播約20米,之后幾乎所有光線就將耗盡。但到了1970年,在高錕和英國工程師喬治·阿爾弗雷德·霍克漢姆(George Alfred Hockham)發(fā)表關(guān)于這一主題的里程碑研究四年后,一組研究人員生產(chǎn)出超過半英里長的超純光纖。

Fiber optic cables, which look like fishing wire, later enabled the proliferation of broadband communications, biomedical informatics and countless other digital applications. When Dr. Kao shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences estimated that the optical cables in use worldwide, if unraveled, would equal a fiber more than 600 million miles long.

光纜看起來像是釣魚線,后來正是它令寬帶通信、生物醫(yī)學(xué)信息學(xué)和無數(shù)其他數(shù)字應(yīng)用技術(shù)得以普及。當(dāng)高錕于2009年與他人一起獲得諾貝爾物理學(xué)獎(jiǎng)時(shí),據(jù)瑞典皇家科學(xué)院(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)估計(jì),全球使用的光纜如果拆開,相當(dāng)于一根超過6億英里(約合9.7億公里)長的光纖。

“It’s one of these things where, when you study technology, you start working on one thing, and the impact of it just fans out into all sorts of areas,” Dr. Dudley said by telephone.


He added that it might have taken decades for Dr. Kao to receive the Nobel Prize because the importance of his work was not apparent to the general public until the 2000s.


Carrie Lam, the chief executive of Hong Kong, a semiautonomous Chinese territory, said in a statement on Sunday that Dr. Kao’s work on fiber optics had made a “tremendous contribution to Hong Kong, the world and mankind.” She added that he had also played a prominent role in shaping local higher education and scientific research.


“An eminent figure, Professor Kao is the pride of Hong Kong people,” Ms. Lam said.


Charles Kuen Kao was born in Shanghai on Nov. 4, 1933, to a wealthy family, according to an autobiographical sketch published by the Nobel Foundation. His father, Kao Chun Hsin, was a judge, and his grandfather, Kao Hsieh, had been a Confucian scholar active in a movement to bring down the Qing dynasty during the Chinese Revolution of 1911.


Dr. Kao described his early life in Shanghai as “very pampered and protected.” His family moved to Hong Kong when he was 14, on the brink of China’s Communist Revolution of 1949, and at 19 he sailed to England to study electrical engineering at Woolwich Polytechnic, now known as the University of Greenwich.

高錕形容他在上海的早年生活“備受呵護(hù)”。他的家人在他14歲時(shí)移居香港,不久后1949年的中國共產(chǎn)主義革命就到來了,19歲時(shí)他乘船前往英國,在現(xiàn)稱格林尼治大學(xué)(University of Greenwich)的伍利奇理工學(xué)院(Woolwich Polytechnic)學(xué)習(xí)電氣工程。

Dr. Kao would later admit that he had not been the most diligent university student. “In those days the degrees were awarded as a First, Second, Pass or Fail,” he said. “As I spent more time on the tennis court than with my books, my degree was a Second.”


After graduation, he joined a British subsidiary of International Telephone & Telegraph, and spent the next three decades working for the company in Britain, Europe and the United States. It was during his stint in England that he met his future wife, Gwen Wong, a fellow engineer who worked on an upper floor.

畢業(yè)后,他加入了英國國際電話電報(bào)公司(International Telephone & Telegraph)的子公司,并在接下來的30年里,為公司在英國、歐洲和美國工作。他在英格蘭工作期間遇到了未來的妻子黃美蕓,她是在他樓上工作的工程師同事。

In their landmark paper on fiber optics in 1966, “Dielectric-Fiber Surface Waveguides for Optical Frequencies,” Dr. Kao and Dr. Hockham noted in their conclusion that “a fiber of glassy material” and certain dimensions “represents a possible practical optical waveguide with important potential as a new form of communication medium.”


Dr. Kao received a half share of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics; the other half was split between Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith, both affiliated with Bell Laboratories at the time. They had invented a semiconductor sensor known as the charge-coupled device, the device behind digital photos and film.

高錕與人分享了2009年諾貝爾物理學(xué)獎(jiǎng);獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)另一半由威拉德·S·博伊爾(Willard S. Boyle)和喬治·E·史密斯(George E. Smith)獲得,兩人當(dāng)時(shí)都隸屬于貝爾實(shí)驗(yàn)室(Bell Laboratories)。他們發(fā)明了一種稱為電荷耦合元件的半導(dǎo)體傳感器,也就是用于實(shí)現(xiàn)數(shù)碼照片和電影的設(shè)備。

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said that the work by all three men had collectively “built the foundation to our modern information society.”


Dr. Kao was knighted in 2010 and received an honorary degree from Princeton and many awards from engineering associations across the world. He was a professor and later vice chancellor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he founded the department of electronics in 1970.


Dr. Kao is survived by his wife and two children, Amanda and Simon, who live in the United States, a spokeswoman for his Alzheimer’s foundation said.


“As one of the last wishes of Professor Kao, our foundation will keep up our work in supporting people with Alzheimer’s disease and their families,” Mrs. Kao, the foundation’s chairwoman, said in a statement.


Dr. Kao said in the autobiographical sketch that his scientific breakthrough had not resulted from a “eureka” moment but rather from years of trial-and-error experiments. “Transmission of light through glass is an old, old idea,” he wrote.


In a 2004 interview with the IEEE History Center, he was similarly self-effacing.


“I think it was a very respectable bit of detective work as well as good theory and good fundamentals,” he said of his contribution to the fiber optics field. “So there was really nothing spectacular.”



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