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WASHINGTON — The trade war between the United States and China showed no signs of yielding on Thursday, as Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, told lawmakers there was no clear path to resolution and Beijing blasted the administration over its approach.

華盛頓——美中貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)在周四沒有出現(xiàn)任何緩和跡象,與此同時,美國財政部長史蒂芬·馬努欽(Steven Mnuchin)告訴立法者,目前沒有明確的解決途徑,而北京方面則抨擊美國政府的行動。

Mr. Mnuchin, who has tried to avoid calling the trade tensions with China a “war,” said talks with Beijing had “broken down” and suggested it was now up to China to come to the table with concessions. President Trump, speaking in Brussels on Thursday, described the trade talks with China as a “nasty” battle.


The Chinese, meanwhile, accused the United States of “acting erratically” and said the administration had “blatantly abandoned the consensuses that two sides have reached and insisted on fighting a trade war with China.”


Republicans and Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee showed little patience for Mr. Mnuchin’s answers about the lack of progress, repeatedly pressing him about whether there was a strategy to resolve the trade war and expressing concern that it was starting to hurt parts of the economy.

眾議院金融服務(wù)委員會(House Financial Services Committee)的共和黨人和民主黨人對馬努欽關(guān)于沒有進(jìn)展的回答感到很不耐煩,一再追問是否有解決貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)的戰(zhàn)略,并表示擔(dān)心貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)開始傷害部分經(jīng)濟(jì)。

The White House has already hit Beijing with tariffs on $34 billion worth of imports and China has responded with a similar amount of levies on American goods, including soybeans, pork and cars. On Tuesday, the administration outlined tariffs on another $200 billion worth of Chinese products, including many consumer products like furniture, dog leashes and fish.


“Is there a master plan?” asked Representative Mia Love, Republican of Utah. “I implore you to work to end this thing soon.”

“是否有總體規(guī)劃?”猶他州共和黨眾議員米婭·洛夫(Mia Love)問。“我懇請你盡快結(jié)束這件事。”

Lawmakers from both parties have been bombarded with complaints about tariffs from soybean farmers, carmakers, nail manufacturers and other businesses about the fate of their industries as they are starting to face higher steel and aluminum costs and feel the pain of retaliation from Europe and China.


On Thursday they pressed Mr. Mnuchin, who is seen as a voice of moderation on trade in the administration, to persuade Mr. Trump to back away from the trade war.


Representative Jeb Hensarling, Republican of Texas and chairman of the committee, told Mr. Mnuchin that he was deeply concerned about the state of global trade and signs that business optimism was starting to wane. He said that he was not impressed with the lone trade deal that Mr. Trump has struck, with South Korea, and warned that the strong run of economic growth was at risk.

德克薩斯州共和黨眾議員兼委員會主席杰布·亨薩林(Jeb Hensarling)告訴馬努欽,他對全球貿(mào)易狀況以及商業(yè)樂觀情緒開始減弱的跡象深表關(guān)注。他說,特朗普達(dá)成的唯一一項貿(mào)易協(xié)議,即與韓國的協(xié)議,并未給他留下深刻印象;他警告說,強(qiáng)勁的經(jīng)濟(jì)增長面臨風(fēng)險。

“I would just assure you we very much are monitoring the impact on the economy of all these trade issues,” Mr. Mnuchin said in response to questions about the economic effect.


Mr. Mnuchin defended the administration’s approach and insisted that economic growth remained Mr. Trump’s priority, which did nothing to mollify Mr. Hensarling, a close ally of the president.


“I appreciate the words; I am concerned about the deeds,” he said.


Republicans and Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee also repeatedly — and exasperatedly — pushed another Trump administration official to detail a strategy for prevailing in the trade dispute during a hearing on Thursday morning.

參議院外交關(guān)系委員會(Senate Foreign Relations Committee)的共和黨人與民主黨人在周四上午的聽證會上,多次憤怒地要求另一位特朗普政府官員詳細(xì)說明貿(mào)易爭端中的整體戰(zhàn)略。

“The administration needs to explain to Congress where this is all headed,” Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee and the committee’s chairman, told Manisha Singh, an assistant secretary at the State Department, as she prepared to testify.

“政府需要向國會解釋一切是在走向何方,”田納西州共和黨參議員、委員會主席鮑勃·科克爾(Bob Corker)對準(zhǔn)備作證的美國國務(wù)院助理國務(wù)卿馬尼什·辛格(Manisha Singh)說。

“To my knowledge, not a single person is able to articulate where this is headed, nor what the plans are, nor what the strategy is,” Mr. Corker said.


The committee’s top Democrat, Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, told Ms. Singh at another point that “I don’t understand what the pathway is here, at the end of the day.”

該委員會的民主黨領(lǐng)袖、新澤西參議員羅伯特·梅南德茲(Robert Menendez)在不同時間對辛格說,“到頭來,我還是不明白這其中的方法是什么。”

Ms. Singh, who leads the department’s Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, defended the administration’s moves. “Our endgame is for China to change its behavior,” she said.

領(lǐng)導(dǎo)國務(wù)院經(jīng)濟(jì)和商業(yè)事務(wù)局(Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs)的辛格為政府的舉措作出辯護(hù)。“我們的最終目標(biāo)是讓中國改變做法,”她說。

After Ms. Singh tried to explain the administration’s approach, Mr. Corker replied, “That enlightened us in no way.”


While Mr. Trump prizes unpredictability, his approach to trade agreements is sowing uncertainty that many business leaders, officials, lawmakers and others worry could undercut an otherwise booming economy.


In an interview with the radio program “Marketplace” on Thursday, the Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome H. Powell, said that “we don’t know” how the trade dispute will play out, but that it could harm the recovery.

在周四接受電臺節(jié)目“市場”(Marketplace)的訪問中,美聯(lián)儲主席杰羅姆·H·鮑威爾(Jerome H. Powell)表示“我們不知道”貿(mào)易爭端會演變成什么樣,但認(rèn)為可能會對經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇構(gòu)成傷害。

“I wouldn’t want to, you know, dive into a bunch of hypotheticals here,” Mr. Powell said, “but I would say, you can imagine situations which would be very challenging, where inflation is going up and the economy is weakening.”


The Trump administration has asked China to make a wide array of changes, including reducing its trade surplus with the United States, stopping what it described as theft of American intellectual property and opening Chinese markets to American business.


But by giving the Chinese a long list of demands, that has encouraged Beijing to focus on those that are easiest to fulfill, said Jeremie Waterman, president of the China Center at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

但向中國提出一長列的要求,導(dǎo)致北京將重心放在了那些最為容易實現(xiàn)的方面,美國商會大中華地區(qū)高級主任王杰(Jeremie Waterman)表示。

“The administration, to a degree, has given the Chinese an off ramp,” he said. “Giving the Chinese a choice is not an optimal negotiating approach.”


China has also had difficulty figuring out whom to negotiate with, after tentative agreements reached with Mr. Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, fell through.

在與馬努欽及商務(wù)部長威爾伯·羅斯(Wilbur Ross)的臨時性協(xié)議落空后,在搞明白該與誰進(jìn)行談判的方面,中國也遭遇了困難。

“I think they’re coming to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter whether Mnuchin or Ross or anybody is in the front of the line, that it’s really going to be figuring out what Trump wants,” said Claire Reade, senior counsel at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer.

“我認(rèn)為他們得出的結(jié)論是無論是馬努欽、羅斯還是任何人在前方都不重要,它真正應(yīng)該弄清楚的是特朗普想要的是什么,”凱壽律師事務(wù)所(Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer)的高級律師克萊爾·里德(Claire Reade)說。

In a sign of the impasse that the dialogue between China and the United States has reached, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce issued a statement on Thursday arguing that it has been unfairly vilified with false claims about its trade practices.


“This is a distortion of facts, therefore groundless,” the ministry said. “For the purpose of meeting domestic political needs and suppressing China’s development, the U.S. has fabricated a set of policy arguments that distort the truth about Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations.”


Mr. Mnuchin said on Thursday that Mr. Trump would not do anything to jeopardize economic growth. He insisted that he was going to help work with companies to get exemptions from tariffs and that he would try to persuade businesses such as Harley-Davidson, the motorcycle maker, not to move manufacturing abroad to mitigate the pain of retaliatory tariffs.


While Mr. Mnuchin was successful in staving off draconian new Chinese investment restrictions, the tariffs have kept coming and it remains unclear how much influence he really has with Mr. Trump. Despite his private reservations, Mr. Mnuchin continues to defend the administration’s trade policies.


“I can assure you that the president listens to my advice,” Mr. Mnuchin said in response to a question from Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Democrat of New York. “He is the president. Sometimes he follows my advice, and sometimes he doesn’t, which I respect.”

“我能向你保證,總統(tǒng)會聽我的建議,”馬努欽回應(yīng)紐約民主黨眾議員格雷戈里·W·米克斯(Gregory W. Meeks)的問題時說。“他是總統(tǒng)。有時候他會聽從我的建議,有時候他不會,我尊重這一點。”

Unimpressed, Mr. Meeks mocked Mr. Trump for describing himself for the second time on Thursday as a “very stable genius” and asked the Treasury secretary if he saw himself the same way.


“I am stable,” Mr. Mnuchin said with a chuckle.



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