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SYDNEY, Australia — Australia approved sweeping national security legislation on Thursday that bans foreign interference in politics, stiffens the punishment for leaking classified information and makes it a crime to damage Australia’s economic relations with another country.


Attorney General Christian Porter told Parliament that the new laws represented the most significant counterintelligence overhaul since the 1970s.

司法部長(zhǎng)克里斯蒂安·波特(Christian Porter)對(duì)議會(huì)說(shuō),新法律代表著20世紀(jì)70年代以來(lái)最重大的反間諜法改革。

“The practices of modern espionage are now being encountered in so many Western democracies around the globe,” Mr. Porter said.


“To counter this threat,” he continued, “Australia must have a robust, modern legislative framework to ensure our law enforcement and national security agencies are sufficiently empowered to investigate and disrupt malicious foreign interference.”


The new laws are similar to but more far-reaching than those passed in Britain and the United States after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. They prioritize an approach favored by security officials and give great discretion to the Australian attorney general, with limited checks and balances.


Though government officials have said they are not aimed at any country, the laws have passed at a moment when Australia is especially anxious about Chinese power. They could further complicate Australia’s relationship with Beijing, which has treated the laws as an insult — especially since China is Australia’s largest trading partner.


The extensive legislation adds 38 new crimes to the record, including stealing trade secrets on behalf of a foreign government, and broaden the definitions of existing crimes like espionage.


The new laws do not ban foreign political donations (a separate law is being drafted for that), but they do require that foreign lobbyists register on a public list, similar to the way it works in the United States.


They also make it illegal to engage in any covert activity on behalf of a foreign government that aims to influence the process of Australian politics — including activities typically protected in a democracy, like organizing a rally.


Punishments for foreign interference crimes range from 10 to 20 years in prison.


Some security experts argue the laws are overdue, and necessary for an age when Russian hackers can undermine American democracy without going near a voting booth, and when China’s mingling of economic and political interests is redefining geopolitics.


“It’s a big deal,” said Peter Jennings, executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. “It modernizes our intelligence laws at a time when the government’s saying that the spying threat is extremely high.”

“這是一件大事,”澳大利亞戰(zhàn)略政策研究所(Australian Strategic Policy Institute)執(zhí)行主任彼得•詹寧斯(Peter Jennings)說(shuō)。“在政府聲稱間諜威脅極高的時(shí)候,立法將我們的情報(bào)法規(guī)現(xiàn)代化了。”

But the laws have met with opposition since they were proposed six months ago.


The Chinese government has responded coolly, canceling visas for Australian business leaders and suggesting that the country’s politicians are motivated by xenophobia and racism.


Lu Kang, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said in response to a question this week about the new Australian laws that China does not interfere in other countries’ affairs.


“We hope that all countries could cast off Cold War mind-set and strengthen exchanges and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and equal treatment,” he said.


Some experts worry that Australia is neglecting or even undermining traditional diplomacy by focusing on covert activity that security officials tend to hint at but do not fully explain.


“No compelling evidence has been offered to show why these laws are really needed,” said Hugh White, a prominent defense strategist. “We have been asked to take that on trust, but there is a risk that we are jumping at shadows.”

“沒有人提供過(guò)令人信服的證據(jù),解釋為什么真正需要這些法律,”著名的國(guó)防策略師休·懷特(Hugh White)說(shuō)。“我們被要求聽信這一點(diǎn),但這里的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)是,我們?cè)诓讹L(fēng)捉影。”

Human rights groups, scholars and journalists have been arguing for months that too much is being given up out of fear. They said first drafts of the laws went too far in restricting democratic rights — making it a crime, for example, to receive something marked “classified” even if its disclosure served the public interest.


Some even said the laws threatened to make Australia more like the authoritarian regimes that it aims to resist.


Amendments to the laws sought to address some of those concerns.


The secrecy offenses have been narrowed. Journalists accused of violating the restrictions on sharing government information can also now claim a “public interest” defense, arguing that the information they disclose has value for democracy.


Beyond journalists and secrecy, though, the laws have few exceptions.


Churches, charities and human rights groups with international interests or funding may still need to be listed on the public register for foreign lobbyists, one of the core tenets of the laws, which aim to make foreign influence on Australian politics more transparent.


David Brophy, a senior lecturer in modern Chinese history at the University of Sydney, said he was worried about the threat to transnational activism.

悉尼大學(xué)(University of Sydney)中國(guó)現(xiàn)代史高級(jí)講師戴維·布羅菲(David Brophy)說(shuō),他擔(dān)心新法律會(huì)威脅跨國(guó)活動(dòng)人士。

“Much of the discussion around the laws has centered on the need to defend our democracy against Chinese influence,” he said. “But ironically, someone collaborating with democracy activists in China to organize rallies in Australia could find themselves facing prosecution for illegal foreign interference.”


Elaine Pearson, Australia director at Human Rights Watch, said the laws also still included severe punishments for sharing classified information, including several years in prison, which “will have a chilling effect on disclosures.”

人權(quán)觀察組織(Human Rights Watch)的澳大利亞負(fù)責(zé)人伊萊恩·皮爾森(Elaine Pearson)說(shuō),這些法律還包括對(duì)分享機(jī)密信息行為的嚴(yán)厲懲罰,包括數(shù)年的監(jiān)禁,這“將對(duì)信息披露產(chǎn)生寒蟬效應(yīng)”。

“The problem remains that the definition of national security is overly broad,” she said, “and includes the political, military and economic interests with other countries.”


The next challenge for Australia will be enforcement. The new laws contain a “notice regime” that allows the attorney general to unilaterally name individuals as foreign agents without due process.


That means Mr. Porter is likely to face pressure to add several wealthy Chinese-born businessmen whose political donations started the Australian debate about Chinese influence last year.


Many of them, including Chau Chak Wing, an Australian citizen and well-known political donor, have denied links to the Communist Party of China.

他們中的許多人,包括澳大利亞公民、有名的政治捐款者周澤榮(Chau Chak Wing)在內(nèi),都否認(rèn)自己與中國(guó)共產(chǎn)黨有關(guān)系。

Will the attorney general add them anyway?


“The first prosecutions under the new anti-interference laws are now keenly anticipated,” said Clive Hamilton, the author of a recent book about Chinese interference, “Silent Invasion.” “I expect we will all be surprised at what the authorities reveal.”

“現(xiàn)在備受期待的是用新的反干涉法提起的首批訴訟,”克萊夫·漢密爾頓(Clive Hamilton)說(shuō),他是最近出版的關(guān)于中國(guó)干涉的書《無(wú)聲的侵略》(Silent Invasion)的作者。“我預(yù)計(jì),當(dāng)局公布的消息將會(huì)讓我們所有的人吃驚。”

Speaking from Germany, one of several countries he has visited to discuss Chinese interference, Mr. Hamilton added: “Australia is now leading the world in measures to respond to foreign interference in democratic processes, and our response is being watched closely by other nations.”


But Stephen FitzGerald, Australia’s first ambassador to China, said that the Australian government may not yet realize the complexity of what it has taken on.

但澳大利亞的首任駐華大使斯蒂芬·菲茨杰拉德(Stephen FitzGerald)說(shuō),澳大利亞政府可能尚未意識(shí)到自己正在采取的措施的復(fù)雜性。

“I think it is going to be tricky,” he said. Policing foreign influence is always complicated, he said, but “we don’t have a bill of rights in Australia. Governments have consistently rejected the idea, saying we have enough checks and balances in the system.”


Australians may soon see, he said, whether those governments were right.



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