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WASHINGTON — Riding in a motorcade in Lima, Peru, shortly after the 2016 election, President Barack Obama was struggling to understand Donald J. Trump’s victory.

華盛頓——2016年大選結(jié)束后不久,在行進(jìn)于秘魯利馬街頭的車隊(duì)里,貝拉克·奧巴馬(Barack Obama)總統(tǒng)正在費(fèi)力地思考為什么唐納德·J·特朗普會(huì)獲勝。

“What if we were wrong?” he asked aides riding with him in the armored presidential limousine.


He had read a column asserting that liberals had forgotten how important identity was to people and had promoted an empty cosmopolitan globalism that made many feel left behind. “Maybe we pushed too far,” Mr. Obama said. “Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.”


His aides reassured him that he still would have won had he been able to run for another term and that the next generation had more in common with him than with Mr. Trump. Mr. Obama, the first black man elected president, did not seem convinced. “Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or 20 years too early,” he said.


In the weeks after Mr. Trump’s election, Mr. Obama went through multiple emotional stages, according to a new book by his longtime adviser Benjamin J. Rhodes. At times, the departing president took the long view, at other points, he flashed anger. He called Mr. Trump a “cartoon” figure who cared more about his crowd sizes than any particular policy. And he expressed rare self-doubt, wondering whether he had misjudged his own influence on American history.

據(jù)長期擔(dān)任其顧問的本杰明·J·羅茲(Benjamin J. Rhodes)的新書透露,在特朗普當(dāng)選后的幾周里,奧巴馬的情緒經(jīng)歷了好幾個(gè)階段。有時(shí)候,這位即將離任的總統(tǒng)會(huì)著眼于長遠(yuǎn)。但有時(shí)候他也會(huì)表現(xiàn)出憤怒。他稱特朗普是一個(gè)“卡通”人物,更關(guān)心自己的粉絲規(guī)模,而不是任何具體政策。他還表現(xiàn)出了少有的自我懷疑,想知道他是不是誤判了自己對美國歷史的影響。

Set to be published next week by Random House, Mr. Rhodes’s memoir, “The World as It Is,” offers a peek into Mr. Obama’s tightly sealed inner sanctum from the perspective of one of the few people who saw him up close through all eight years of his presidency. Few moments shook Mr. Obama more than the decision by voters to replace him with a candidate who had questioned his very birth.

羅茲這本回憶錄叫《真實(shí)的世界》(The World as It Is),定于下周由蘭登書屋(Random House)出版。在奧巴馬擔(dān)任總統(tǒng)的八年里,羅茲是少數(shù)幾個(gè)一直能夠近距離接觸到他的人之一。他從自己的視角介紹了奧巴馬緊密戒備的內(nèi)心世界。選民決定讓一個(gè)質(zhì)疑他的出生的候選人接替他,沒有什么比這更讓奧巴馬震驚的了。

Mr. Rhodes served as Mr. Obama’s deputy national security adviser through some of the most consequential points of his presidency, including decisions to authorize the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, send more troops to Afghanistan, pull most troops out of Iraq, restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, seal a nuclear agreement with Iran, intervene militarily in Libya and refuse to intervene militarily in Syria.

羅茲以奧巴馬的副國家安全顧問的身份,經(jīng)歷了他總統(tǒng)任期內(nèi)的一些最重要的時(shí)刻,包括決定批準(zhǔn)殺死奧薩馬·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)的突擊行動(dòng),向阿富汗增兵,把主力部隊(duì)撤出伊拉克,與古巴恢復(fù)外交關(guān)系,同伊朗達(dá)成核協(xié)議,軍事干預(yù)利比亞和拒絕軍事干預(yù)敘利亞。

But his book offers a new window, if only slightly cracked open, into the 44th president’s handling of Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election to help Mr. Trump get elected and the aftermath.


In handing over power to someone determined to tear down all he had accomplished, Mr. Obama alluded to “The Godfather” mafia movie: “I feel like Michael Corleone. I almost got out.”

在把權(quán)力移交給一個(gè)決心廢除他的所有成果的人時(shí),奧巴馬含蓄地提到了黑幫電影《教父》(The Godfather):“我覺得自己像邁克爾·柯里昂(Michael Corleone)一樣。我差一點(diǎn)就逃脫了。”

Mr. Rhodes describes the reaction of foreign leaders. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan apologized for breaching protocol by meeting with Mr. Trump at Trump Tower in Manhattan after the election. Mr. Obama urged Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada to take on a more vocal role defending the values they shared.

羅茲描述了外國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的反應(yīng)。日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)為在大選結(jié)束后違反外交禮節(jié),與特朗普在曼哈頓的特朗普大廈(Trump Tower)會(huì)面而道歉。奧巴馬敦促加拿大總理賈斯汀·特魯多(Justin Trudeau)在捍衛(wèi)他們共同的價(jià)值觀上發(fā)揮更大的作用。

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany told Mr. Obama that she felt more obliged to run for another term because of Mr. Trump’s election to defend the liberal international order. When they parted for the final time, Ms. Merkel had a single tear in her eye. “She’s all alone,” Mr. Obama noted.

德國總理安格拉·默克爾(Angela Merkel)告訴奧巴馬,由于特朗普的當(dāng)選,她覺得更有義務(wù)謀求連任,以捍衛(wèi)自由主義國際秩序。最后一次道別時(shí),默克爾眼里含著淚水。“就剩她一個(gè)人了,”奧巴馬說。

And yet despite criticism even from former advisers to Mr. Obama, Mr. Rhodes offers little sense that the former president thought he could have done more to counter Russian involvement in the election. Mr. Obama had authorized a statement to be issued by intelligence agency leaders a month before the election warning of Russian interference, but was thwarted from doing more because Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, refused to go along with a bipartisan statement.

然而,盡管遭到了甚至是奧巴馬多位前顧問的指責(zé),從羅茲的陳述來看,前總統(tǒng)不覺得在對抗俄羅斯介入一事上自己還能做些什么。奧巴馬曾在大選的一個(gè)月前授權(quán)情報(bào)機(jī)構(gòu)負(fù)責(zé)人發(fā)表一份聲明,提醒選民注意俄羅斯的干預(yù),但由于共和黨領(lǐng)袖、肯塔基州參議員米奇·麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)拒絕發(fā)表兩黨聯(lián)合聲明,奧巴馬未能采取更多行動(dòng)。

Mr. Rhodes called Mr. McConnell’s refusal “staggeringly partisan and unpatriotic.” But Mr. Obama, whose Supreme Court nomination had been blocked by Mr. McConnell for months, seemed less surprised.


“What else did you expect from McConnell?” he asked. “He won’t even give us a hearing on Merrick Garland.”

“還能對麥康奈爾有什么指望?”他問道。“在梅里克·加蘭德(Merrick Garland)的事情上他連聽證會(huì)的機(jī)會(huì)都不給我們。”

Still, in preparatory sessions before meetings with the news media before the election, aides pressed Mr. Obama to respond to criticism that he should speak out more about Russian meddling. “I talk about it every time I’m asked,” he responded. “What else are we going to do? We’ve warned folks.”


He noted that Mr. Trump was already claiming that the election would be manipulated if Hillary Clinton won. “If I speak out more, he’ll just say it’s rigged,” Mr. Obama said.

他指出,特朗普已經(jīng)聲稱如果希拉里·克林頓(Hillary Clinton)獲勝,選舉就是被操縱了。“如果我再說,他只會(huì)說選舉被操縱了,”奧巴馬說。

Mr. Rhodes writes that neither he nor Mr. Obama knew at that time that there was an F.B.I. investigation into contacts between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia, despite Mr. Trump’s recent unsubstantiated claims that the departing president placed a “spy” or multiple spies in his campaign.


Mr. Rhodes writes he did not learn about the F.B.I. investigation until after leaving office, and then from the news media. Mr. Obama did not impose sanctions on Russia in retaliation for the meddling before the election because he believed it might prompt Moscow into hacking into Election Day vote tabulations. Mr. Obama did impose sanctions after the election but Mr. Rhodes’s suggestion that the targets include President Vladimir V. Putin was rebuffed on the theory that such a move would go too far.

羅茲寫道,他直到離任后才得知聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局的調(diào)查一事,之后就是通過新聞媒體解情況。奧巴馬沒有在大選前通過制裁報(bào)復(fù)俄羅斯干預(yù)選舉,因?yàn)樗J(rèn)為這么做可能會(huì)促使莫斯科入侵選舉日的計(jì)票系統(tǒng)。選舉結(jié)束后,奧巴馬的確對俄羅斯實(shí)行了制裁,但羅茲的建議——將俄羅斯總統(tǒng)弗拉基米爾·V·普京(Vladimir V. Putin)列為制裁對象——被以太過分為由拒絕。

Mr. Obama and his team were confident that Mrs. Clinton would win and, like much of the country, were shocked when she did not. “I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should have seen it coming,” Mr. Rhodes writes. “Because when you distilled it, stripped out the racism and misogyny, we’d run against Hillary eight years ago with the same message Trump had used: She’s part of a corrupt establishment that can’t be trusted to bring change.”


On election night, Mr. Obama spoke by telephone with Cody Keenan, his chief speechwriter, and Mr. Rhodes to figure out what he should say. Mr. Rhodes asked if he should offer reassurance to allies. “No, I don’t think that I’m the one to tell them that,” the president said.

競選當(dāng)晚,奧巴馬與他的首席演講撰稿人科迪·基南(Cody Keenan)和羅茲通話討論他該說些什么。羅茲提出他是否該向盟友提供保證。“不,我不認(rèn)為應(yīng)該由我來告訴他們這個(gè),”總統(tǒng)說道。

The next day, Mr. Obama focused on cheering up his despondent staff. At one point, he sent a message to Mr. Rhodes saying, “There are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on the earth.”


But days later, Mr. Obama seemed less sanguine. “I don’t know,” he told aides. “Maybe this is what people want. I’ve got the economy set up well for him. No facts. No consequences. They can just have a cartoon.”


He added that “we’re about to find out just how resilient our institutions are, at home and around the world.”


The day Mr. Obama hosted Mr. Trump at the White House after the election seemed surreal. Mr. Trump kept steering the conversation back to the size of his rallies, noting that he and Mr. Obama could draw big crowds, but Mrs. Clinton could not, Mr. Rhodes writes.


Afterward, Mr. Obama called a few aides to the Oval Office to ruminate on the encounter. “I’m trying to place him in American history,” he said.


“He peddles” bull, Mr. Rhodes answered. “That character has always been part of the American story. You can see it right back to some of the characters in Huckleberry Finn.”


“Maybe,” Mr. Obama answered, “that’s the best we can hope for.”



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