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L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon may be the world’s most expensive restaurant chain. Each time I ate in the newest one, which opened across 10th Avenue from Chelsea Market in November, I listened to people around me compare notes on which of the 11 other locations they’d visited. Tokyo was popular, as were Las Vegas and, of course, the original in Paris.

L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon(喬爾·侯布雄法式餐廳)或許是世界上最奢侈的連鎖餐廳。每次去切爾西市場(Chelsea Market)上第十大道對面那間11月份新開張的餐廳用餐,我都會聽周圍的人交流自己對去過的另外11家餐廳中某一家的評論。東京那家很受歡迎,拉斯維加斯那家也是,當(dāng)然了,還有最先在巴黎開的那家。

As they reeled off their Atelier achievements, these people always sounded contented. And it must be soothing to know that as you travel the world you will find an Atelier waiting for you to climb up on a comfortable red leather stool, watch the cooks dressed in what look like black pajamas, admire the slightly supernatural colors of the vegetables and fruits submerged in water inside glass vases, recline into a menu filled with Robuchon classics and small variations on the same key ingredients (eggplant, quail, squab, lobster), all at prices that most people can’t afford, but you can.


Lulling familiarity was not Joël Robuchon’s aim when he built the first Atelier almost 15 years ago. Having won just about every honor the French gastronomic world offers at his first restaurant, he had officially retired, and when he came back it was only to knock the whole system on its side. His idea was a restaurant where the food, made to his excruciatingly precise standards, would be served not at tables but at a U-shaped counter. The format may have been borrowed from Japan or Spain, but in France the effect was radical, as were the late-night closing hours and no-reservations policy.

在15年前創(chuàng)立第一間餐廳的時(shí)候,喬爾·侯布雄(Joël Robuchon)想要的并非平淡無奇的熟悉感。在憑借自己的第一家餐廳贏得法國美食界幾乎所有的獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)后,他本已經(jīng)正式退休了,他的回歸只是想把整個(gè)體系打倒。他設(shè)想的是一家能以他極其精準(zhǔn)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)制作食物的餐廳,并且進(jìn)餐的地方不是餐桌,而是一座U型吧臺。這個(gè)形式或許向日本和西班牙有所借鑒,但在法國有著不同凡響的效果,他們持續(xù)到深夜的營業(yè)時(shí)間和不接受訂位的策略也是這樣。

The proof of L’Atelier’s success is how un-shocking this sounds today.


Early on, as R.W. Apple reported in The New York Times, the prices could be modest “if you avoid caviar and foie gras.” This was less true by the time of L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon’s initial New York run, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Midtown from 2006 to 2012, where Frank Bruni awarded it three stars. I remember feeling distinct pain there each time I paid the check.

不久之前,R·W·艾普爾(R.W. Apple)在《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》上報(bào)道,“如果不點(diǎn)魚子醬和鵝肝的話”,餐廳的價(jià)格還算適中??稍?006年到2012年期間,當(dāng)L’Atelier最初在紐約中城四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotel)開張,獲得弗蘭克·布魯尼(Frank Bruni)的三星評價(jià)的時(shí)候,情況并不是這樣。我還記得每次付錢的時(shí)候那種清晰的心痛感覺。

I also remember a stunned awareness that I’d do it again. I had had no idea anything could taste as good as the simple combination of a langoustine and a basil leaf inside a see-through wrapper of fried brik pastry, or the far more complex glass of sea urchin suspended in lobster jelly under a quarter-inch of cauliflower cream that was like an insanely luxurious Jell-O salad.


Nothing on the menu at the new Atelier spun my senses around like those two dishes, not even the langoustine, which is on the menu there, too, but seems to have lost the juicy sweetness I remembered.


The kitchen, directed by Christophe Bellanca, shows impressive discipline. (It serves not just L’Atelier but a second restaurant, Le Grill de Joël Robuchon, which sits up front overlooking 10th Avenue.) Not one dot of sauce, and there are many, is out of place. But some crucial connection has been lost, the spontaneity and directness that was, I think, the point of the Atelier experiment.

由克里斯托弗·貝蘭卡(Christophe Bellanca)主管的廚房展現(xiàn)出了出色的紀(jì)律性。(這里不止負(fù)責(zé)L’Atelier,俯瞰第十大道的Le Grill de Joël Robuchon燒烤餐廳的菜品也出自這里。)那么多醬汁,每一滴都是規(guī)規(guī)矩矩的。但一些重要聯(lián)系——即興與直接——不見了,而我認(rèn)為那才是L’Atelier實(shí)驗(yàn)的意義。

Out of three dinners, my first was the most patchy. A $44 pair of mini-burgers topped with foie gras were more like an expensive caterer’s trick than a Robuchon brain wave. A vaguely spiced mush of eggplant under a runny boiled egg, for $32, was so unappealing I couldn’t finish it.


Things got better from there, and sometimes much better, though rarely much cheaper. Those two dishes were what the menu calls “small tasting portions,” and as you’d imagine, the appetizers and main courses come with higher prices. Three tasting menus, from $145 to $325, are not particular bargains.

(Taking some of the edge off, service is included.) 之后的體驗(yàn)有所好轉(zhuǎn),有時(shí)還有很大好轉(zhuǎn),雖然在價(jià)錢上難有下降。這兩道菜都是菜單上的“小份品嘗”,可想而知,前菜和主菜的價(jià)格更高。三份價(jià)格從145美元到325美元不等的品嘗菜單算不上特別實(shí)惠。(稍微安慰一點(diǎn)的是,這里面包含服務(wù)費(fèi)了。)

Mr. Bellanca and his crew are at their best with careful refinements of classic French cooking. Slabs of roasted duck breast with cracked pepper and kumquat preserves, which I had in a main-course portion for $64, did everything you’d want canard à l’orange to do, and did it with style and confidence. There was a handsomely improved $42 blanquette of veal cheeks with tender-crisp vegetables and a little disc of buttered rice pilaf.


The beef tartare is chopped to little pieces but not beyond, smoothed with egg yolk, dressed with enough mustard to make it stand out in a crowd, and served with the fries that McDonald’s sells only in my dreams. It comes close to being a model of the form in every way except the price, $52.


The $34 beet salad was full of adventure, starting with a throat-catching scoop of green-mustard sorbet and continuing with some of those famous Robuchon dots, each of which turned out to be a perfectly delicious sauce made from, say, green apples or avocado. But not many other dishes seemed interested in startling anyone.


The most spectacular thing I ate did not come from the kitchen but from the bakery downstairs. Tetsuya Yamaguchi, who has been tending yeast in Mr. Robuchon’s empire for two decades, is now stationed in the basement on 10th Avenue. His masterpiece is called the escargot, a swirl of savory brioche dough with olive oil between its many warm and flaky layers. He also bakes baguettes that seem to be shrunken versions of full-scale ones; at that size they could be all crust, but somehow he keeps the crust in proportion with the rest, and they are a joy to eat.

我吃到的最美味的東西并不是來自廚房,而是來自樓下的面包店。在侯布雄的帝國里負(fù)責(zé)酵母處理已有20年的山口哲也(Tetsuya Yamaguchi,音),現(xiàn)在在第十大道地下室里工作。他的杰作被稱為“蝸牛”,是一種美味的奶油蛋糕卷,許多溫暖而松脆的卷層之間涂著橄欖油。他也烤法棍,但它們看起來像是縮小版的,這個(gè)大小的法棍可以完全是脆皮了,但他以某種方式讓它松脆的部分與其余部分保持合適的比例,吃起來很享受。

Meanwhile the pastry chef, Salvatore Martone, is making some of the finest and airiest chocolate soufflés in the city, like dark-chocolate vapor tricked into solid form. He disguises a tarte Tatin as a shiny red Snow White apple; in another optical illusion, he fashions a replica of a lemon out of blown sugar, then fills it with lemon sorbet, and while I wished it tasted as much like lemon as it looked, it was a good dessert.

與此同時(shí),面點(diǎn)大廚薩爾瓦多·馬托內(nèi)(Salvatore Martone)正在制作城中最好、入口即化的巧克力蘇芙蕾,就像是化為固態(tài)的黑巧克力霧。他將一個(gè)法式蘋果撻偽裝成了閃閃發(fā)亮的白雪公主的蘋果;在另一個(gè)視錯(cuò)覺作品中,他用吹糖做出了一個(gè)檸檬的復(fù)制品,然后將其中填滿檸檬雪葩,我希望它能像看上去那樣足夠有檸檬味,但仍不是為一道上好的甜品。

Those are Mr. Martone’s excellent chocolates that show up around the same time as the check, and his kugelhopf that will be waiting for you in a Robuchon shopping bag by the coat check in case you want to start the next day with a custard cake, and why wouldn’t you?


The service strikes a rare balance of charm and formality that was missing from the uptown location. There will be smiles when you get there, and smiles later when you whisk your kugelhopf off to wherever it is you go with your kugelhopfs.


Whether this is a restaurant for you is first of all a question of money; there is no way to eat a satisfying meal at L’Atelier without spending a lot of it. If the prices don’t bother you, then neither should my nagging sense that the cooking is not as exciting as it could be. Nobody goes to chains, even expensive ones, for new sensations.



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