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As athletes and fans gather in the South Korean city of Pyeongchang for the Winter Olympics, the words of Pierre du Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic Games, have a particular resonance that goes far beyond the sporting arena: “L’important, c’est du participer,” — “It’s the taking part that counts.”

在運動員和體育愛好者齊聚韓國平昌參加和觀看冬奧會(Winter Olympics)之際,“現(xiàn)代奧運之父”皮埃爾•顧拜旦(Pierre de Coubertin)的那句名言——“重在參與”——引起了特別的共鳴,包括在競技場以外的地方。

North and South Korean athletes will march together in the opening ceremony under a neutral banner called the Korean Peninsula Flag and a joint women’s ice hockey team will compete in the games. This symbolic gesture of reconciliation and joint teamwork is powerful in itself, but it also offers a unique chance for meaningful progress behind the scenes to help resolve the nuclear tensions on the Korean peninsula.


North Korea’s decision to send Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, to the opening ceremony, together with Kim Yong-nam, the chair of the Supreme People’s Assembly, is encouraging for hopes of diplomatic engagement and rapprochement.

朝鮮決定派出金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的妹妹金與正(Kim Yo Jong)以及朝鮮最高人民會議(Supreme People’s Assembly)常任委員會委員長金永南(Kim Yong Nam)參加冬奧會開幕式,這使人們不由得期待兩國能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)外交接觸與和解。

The need could not be more acute. For the past quarter of a century, the focus of the international community’s efforts has been on preventing North Korea becoming a nuclear-armed state. But it may now be the case that the north has entered the final stage of completing the ICBM technology that can reach and hit the continental US loaded with a miniaturised nuclear warhead.


The objective is unchanged; achieving complete, verifiable, irreversible dismantlement of North Korean nuclear weapons and programmes. But the immediate challenge is to achieve that objective in a way that avoids conflict and further nuclear proliferation in the region and beyond. There is also a longer-term need for a new, regional security framework in North-East Asia to replace the fragile, temporary peacekeeping arrangements that have existed since the end of the Korean war.


Diplomats and security experts worldwide warn that the risk of a devastating war is unprecedented. Last month, the Doomsday Clock was reset at two minutes to midnight — the closest to midnight it has been in 65 years.

全球外交人士和安全專家警告稱,爆發(fā)毀滅性戰(zhàn)爭的風(fēng)險是空前的。上月,末日時鐘(Doomsday Clock)被調(diào)整為距離子夜兩分鐘,是65年來距離子夜最近的時刻。

We know from experience how critical it is to recognise — and then seize — unexpected moments to try and change a dangerous trajectory of events. The Olympic detente could be such a moment. We welcome the gesture of bilateral North-South talks that Kim Jong Un offered in his annual New Year’s Day address. While the three rounds of talks held so far have mainly focused on the modalities of the North’s participation in the Winter Olympics, further talks on security-related confidence-building measures have also been agreed.


All parties must use this Olympic moment to nurture a positive atmosphere that enables a genuine dialogue to continue, including bilateral military talks. We must make sure that after the Paralympics end, in March, the goodwill does not disappear as fast as the winter snow melts.


In this regard, North Korea’s military parade on the eve of the opening ceremony of the Games was provocative, harming the positive mood. At this critical time, all concerned must avoid inflammatory rhetoric and military activities. Patient diplomacy and sustained engagement can yield results, as we have seen with the Iran nuclear agreement, negotiated between Tehran and the P5+1 countries, including, of course, the US.


We continue to believe that the Iran deal is the best way to prevent nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, and that it can serve as an inspiration for developing a comparable diplomatic process to resolve the current tensions on the Korean peninsula.


A permanent peace treaty requiring North Korea to fully comply with UN Security Council Resolution 2397: to “immediately abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner”, beginning with unfettered access of the International Atomic Energy Agency to the nuclear facilities, would be the ideal outcome.

簽署一份要求朝鮮完全遵守聯(lián)合國安理會第2397號決議的永久和平條約將是理想的結(jié)果——根據(jù)決議,“朝鮮應(yīng)立即以完全、可核查和不可逆轉(zhuǎn)的方式放棄所有核武器和現(xiàn)有核計劃”,首先應(yīng)允許國際原子能機(jī)構(gòu)(International Atomic Energy Agency)不受限制地進(jìn)入核設(shè)施。

The path to such an accord will be long and arduous, requiring stamina and discipline from all sides. Let us hope that leaders on both sides of the 38th parallel, as well as the international community, will follow the example of their Olympic athletes in striving for the greatest prize of all: a lasting, not temporary, peace on the Korean peninsula.


The writer was UN Secretary-General from 2007-2016 and is now a member of The Elders. This article was written in consultation with Kofi Annan, winner of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize and chair of The Elders.

本文作者在2007年至2016年間擔(dān)任聯(lián)合國秘書長,現(xiàn)在是元老會(The Elders)成員。本文寫作征詢過2001年諾貝爾和平獎得主、元老會主席科菲•安南(Kofi Annan)的看法


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