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Do cellphones cause cancer?


Despite years of research, there is still no clear answer. But two government studies released Friday, one in rats and one in mice, suggest that if there is any risk, it is small, health officials said.


Safety questions about cellphones have drawn intense interest and debate for years as the devices have become integral to most people’s lives. Even a minute risk could harm millions of people.


These two studies on the effects of the type of radiation the phones emit, conducted over 10 years and costing $25 million, are considered the most extensive to date.


In male rats, the studies linked tumors in the heart to high exposure to radiation from the phones. But that problem did not occur in female rats, or any mice.


The rodents in the studies were exposed to radiation nine hours a day for two years, more than people experience even with a lot of cellphone use, so the results cannot be applied directly to humans, said John Bucher, a senior scientist at the National Toxicology Program, during a telephone news briefing.

美國(guó)國(guó)家毒理學(xué)計(jì)劃(National Toxicology Program)的高級(jí)科學(xué)家約翰·布赫(John Bucher)在一場(chǎng)電話新聞發(fā)布會(huì)上說(shuō),研究中使用的這些嚙齒動(dòng)物連續(xù)兩年每天接受九小時(shí)的輻射,超過(guò)大量使用手機(jī)的人,因此相關(guān)結(jié)果不直接適用于人類。

The results, he said, had not led him to change his own cellphone use or to urge his own family to do so. But he also noted that the heart tumors in rats — called malignant schwannomas — are similar to acoustic neuromas, a benign tumor in people involving the nerve that connects the ear to the brain, which some studies have linked to cellphone use.


He said that nearly 20 animals studies on this subject have been done, “with the vast majority coming up negative with respect to cancer.”


Other agencies are studying cellphone use in people and trying to determine whether it is linked to the incidence of any type of cancer, Bucher said.


The Food and Drug Administration issued a statement saying it respected the research by the toxicology program, had reviewed many other studies on cellphone safety, and had “not found sufficient evidence that there are adverse health effects in humans caused by exposures at or under the current radio-frequency exposure limits.”

美國(guó)食品藥品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,簡(jiǎn)稱FDA)發(fā)表了一份聲明,稱它尊重毒理學(xué)計(jì)劃的研究,并對(duì)其他很多有關(guān)手機(jī)安全的研究進(jìn)行了檢查,“沒(méi)有發(fā)現(xiàn)充分的證據(jù)表明,暴露在當(dāng)前的射頻暴露極限或以下會(huì)對(duì)人的健康產(chǎn)生不良影響”。

The statement, from Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, director of the FDA’s center for devices and radiological health, also said, “Even with frequent daily use by the vast majority of adults, we have not seen an increase in events like brain tumors.”

出自FDA設(shè)備和輻射健康中心主任杰弗里·舒連(Jeffrey Shuren)的這份聲明還寫道,“即使絕大部分成年人每天頻繁使用手機(jī),我們也沒(méi)有看到腦瘤等病例的增加。”

The Federal Communications Commission sets exposure limits for radio-frequency energy from cellphones, but relies on the FDA and other health agencies for scientific advice on determining the limits, the statement said.

聲明說(shuō),美國(guó)聯(lián)邦通信委員會(huì)(Federal Communications Commission)會(huì)對(duì)手機(jī)的射頻能量制定輻射極限,但它依賴FDA和其他衛(wèi)生機(jī)構(gòu)提供科學(xué)的建議來(lái)確定這些極限。

For people who worry about the risk, health officials offer common-sense advice: Spend less time on cellphones, use a headset or speaker mode so that the phone is not pressed up against the head and avoid trying to make calls if the signal is weak. Bucher noted that the radiation emitted increases when users are in spots where the signal is poor or sporadic and the phone has to work harder to connect.


The new studies also found tumors in the brains and some other organs in the animals exposed to the radio-frequency radiation. But Bucher said those findings were “equivocal,” emphasizing that only the heart tumors provided evidence strong enough for the researchers to trust. Other possible effects need more research, he said.


Others felt that even the ambiguous findings were of concern. Joel M. Moskowitz, director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the School of Public Health, at the University of California, Berkeley, said that based on the overall results of the study, the government should reassess and strengthen the limits it imposes on how much and what types of radiation cellphones can emit.

另一些人覺(jué)得,即使是模糊的發(fā)現(xiàn)也值得關(guān)注。加州大學(xué)伯克利分校公共衛(wèi)生學(xué)院家庭和社區(qū)健康中心(Center for Family and Community Health at the School of Public Health)主任喬爾·M·莫斯科維茨(Joel M. Moskowitz)說(shuō),根據(jù)這項(xiàng)研究的總體結(jié)果,政府應(yīng)該重新評(píng)估和加強(qiáng)對(duì)手機(jī)可釋放多少以及什么類型的輻射的限制。

Scientists do not know why only male rats and not females develop the heart tumors, but Bucher said one possibility is simply that the males are bigger and absorb more of the radiation.


The studies also found some DNA damage in the exposed animals, a bit of a surprise because scientists had believed that radio-frequency radiation — unlike the ionizing radiation in X-rays — could not harm DNA.


“We don’t feel like we understand enough about the results to be able to place a huge degree of confidence in the findings,” Bucher said.


A seemingly paradoxical finding that has also puzzled the researchers is that the rats exposed to the cellphone radiation actually lived longer than the controls. One possible explanation, Bucher said, is that the radiation may ease inflammation, and lessen the severity of a chronic kidney disorder that is common in aging rats and can kill them.


Asked if there was any chance that cellphone use could help people live longer, Bucher said: “The extrapolation to humans requires a number of steps that go beyond the realm of what we’re studying here. I don’t think that question is particularly answerable at the moment.”


The reports issued Friday were considered draft versions released for public comment and a review by outside experts on March 26-28 at the environmental health institute in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

周五發(fā)布的報(bào)告被認(rèn)為是草稿,意在征求公眾意見,并于3月26至28日在北卡羅來(lái)納州三角研究園(Research Triangle Park)的環(huán)境衛(wèi)生研究所接受外部專家的檢查。


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