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A recently formed South Korean hit squad tasked with eliminating Kim Jong Un in the event of war has been slammed by military analysts as inadequate and likely to be “wiped out” if deployed in the North.

韓國(guó)新近成立的一支肩負(fù)著在戰(zhàn)時(shí)除掉金正恩(Kim Jong Un)任務(wù)的打擊小分隊(duì)遭到軍事分析人士的抨擊,這些分析人士認(rèn)為它無(wú)法勝任這項(xiàng)任務(wù),如果部署到朝鮮很可能會(huì)被“殲滅”。

As Pyongyang ratcheted up its missile tests in 2017, Seoul responded by fast-tracking the creation of a 2,000-strong team of commandos with a mission to eliminate North Korea’s supreme leader and his top aides upon the outbreak of hostilities.


South Korean intelligence officials say that the move has stoked Mr Kim’s fears that he will meet his early demise in a “decapitation strike”. They told lawmakers that the North Korean leader began rotating his vehicles and minimising outdoor activities in a bid to avoid detection.


But military analysts in Seoul have cast doubt on the much-vaunted unit, saying it lacks proper weaponry, equipment and support and would be incapable of fulfilling its mission.


“The Korean army doesn’t have any low-altitude infiltration transportation like the US has, although it plans to remodel four ordinary transport planes by the end of the next year,” said Lee Il-woo, secretary-general of the Korea Defence Network, a group of Seoul-based defence experts.

“韓軍缺少美國(guó)那種低空滲透運(yùn)輸能力,盡管它有計(jì)劃到明年年底前改造4架普通運(yùn)輸機(jī),”由常駐首爾的防務(wù)專家組成的韓國(guó)防衛(wèi)網(wǎng)(Korea Defence Network)的總干事Lee Il-woo說(shuō)。

“But they can still only accommodate about 300 troops, so even if the unit goes to Pyongyang, it is highly likely it will be wiped out by the heavily-armed units of North Korea’s guard command.”


Mr Lee added that the unit was being equipped with standard weaponry, such as K2 assault rifles — a contrast with the US where SEAL teams are given state of the art equipment.

Lee Il-woo補(bǔ)充稱,該部隊(duì)配備的是制式武器,比如K2突擊步槍——這與美國(guó)的情況形成鮮明反差,美國(guó)海豹突擊隊(duì)(SEAL)配備的是最先進(jìn)的裝備。

“The unit falls short of being equipped with the necessary equipment to carry out actual operations,” added Mr Lee.

“該部隊(duì)沒(méi)有配備展開(kāi)實(shí)際行動(dòng)所必需的裝備,”Lee Il-woo接著說(shuō)。

The Ministry of Defence declined to comment on the criticism, but said it was “working to establish combat capability at the earliest time”.


The team — officially called the “special mission brigade” — is also likely to suffer from South Korea’s lack of reconnaissance assets, such as satellites and advanced drones.


Shin Jong-woo, a researcher at the Korea Defence and Security Forum, said: “South Korea falls far short of being properly equipped with reconnaissance assets . . . we are heavily dependent on the US.”

韓國(guó)國(guó)防與安全論壇(Korea Defence and Security Forum)研究員Shin Jong-woo表示:“韓國(guó)遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)沒(méi)有配備好適當(dāng)?shù)膫刹煅b備……我們非常依賴美國(guó)。”

Seoul said in December it would create a special drone unit that could swarm into North Korea in the event of a conflict. The drones would be used primarily for reconnaissance of Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile sites, but could also be used for offensive purposes.


“Utmost priority should be placed on the acquisition of surveillance and reconnaissance assets, so we can get information about the movements of North Korea’s leaders in real time,” said Jang Young-geun, an adviser to the Defence Ministry.

“重中之重應(yīng)當(dāng)是購(gòu)置監(jiān)視和偵察裝備,這樣我們就能實(shí)時(shí)獲得朝鮮領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的行跡情報(bào),”韓國(guó)國(guó)防部顧問(wèn)Jang Young-geun說(shuō)。

South Korea does not operate a dedicated military satellite and often relies on the US, a key ally, to provide information.


In addition to military adversaries, the South Korea team would also face difficulties navigating North Korea’s rugged terrain and multitude of hidden bunkers and tunnels.


“We don’t have human intelligence inside North Korea, so it will be difficult to penetrate the country, particularly Kim’s palaces,” said Bong Young-shik, a North Korea expert at Yonsei University.

“我們?cè)诔r內(nèi)部缺少線報(bào),所以將難以對(duì)該國(guó)、尤其是金正恩的官邸實(shí)施滲透,”延世大學(xué)(Yonsei University)朝鮮問(wèn)題專家奉英植(Bong Young-shik)說(shuō)。

“Finding Kim Jong Un would be very difficult,” added Mr Jang. “Even with the US’s capabilities, it still took them 11 years to find Osama bin Laden.”

“找到金正恩將非常困難,”Jang Young-geun補(bǔ)充說(shuō),“即使是美國(guó)那樣的能力,他們也仍花了11年才找到奧薩馬•本•拉登(Osama bin Laden)。”


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