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Ayatollah Ali Khamenei blamed Iran’s “enemies” on Tuesday for stoking the biggest protests against the Islamic regime in almost a decade.

阿亞圖拉阿里•哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)周二指責伊朗的“敵人們”引發(fā)了近10年來最大規(guī)模的反對該國伊斯蘭政權的抗議。

In his first comments since the unrest erupted last week, the supreme leader said Iran’s foes had “closed ranks to make problems for the Islamic system”. He said they were using “money, weapons, politics and security apparatuses” to foment the protests.


Mr Khamenei did not identify the “enemies” to whom he was referring. But Ali Shamkhani, the regime’s top security official, said on Monday that the protests were a proxy war through social media guided by the US, the UK and Saudi Arabia against Iran.

哈梅內伊并未言明他所謂的“敵人們”是誰。但伊朗最高安全官員阿里•沙姆哈尼(Ali Shamkhani)周一曾表示,這波抗議活動是美國、英國和沙特阿拉伯通過社交媒體對伊朗發(fā)起的一場代理人戰(zhàn)爭。

Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, said on Tuesday that “the UN must speak” on the issue. She said the US will be calling for emergency sessions of the UN Security Council and the Human Rights Council over the coming days. She added that “nowhere is the urgency of peace, security and freedom being tested more than in Iran,” and that US officials “applaud the tremendous courage of the Iranian people.”

美國駐聯(lián)合國(UN)大使尼基•黑利(Nikki Haley)周二表示,對此事件“聯(lián)合國必須表態(tài)”。她說,美國將在未來幾天呼吁聯(lián)合國安理會(UN Security Council)及人權理事會(Human Rights Council)召開緊急會議。她補充道“沒什么地方比伊朗更迫切需要和平、安全與自由,”而美國官員們“高度贊賞伊朗人民的巨大勇氣”。

More than 20 people, including two teenagers and at least one policemen, are believed to have been killed, and hundreds detained since the demonstrations started in Mashhad, Iran’s second city. Unrest spread to towns and cities across the country, with protesters shouting slogans against Mr Khamenei and Hassan Rouhani, the president, while complaining about rising prices, poor living standards and corruption.

自示威活動于伊朗第二大城市馬什哈德(Mashhad)爆發(fā)以來,據信已有20多人被殺,包括兩名十幾歲的青少年和至少一名警察,另有數百人被拘押。騷亂蔓延至伊朗全國各地的城鎮(zhèn),抗議者們一邊高喊著反對哈梅內伊及總統(tǒng)哈桑•魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)的口號,一邊抱怨著不斷上漲的物價、糟糕的生活水平和貪污腐敗。

Tensions between the US and Iran have escalated as Donald Trump, the US president, has used increasingly belligerent rhetoric against the Islamic republic. He has accused Tehran of fuelling extremism in the Middle East and has threatened to tear up the 2015 nuclear deal Iran signed with world powers. Tehran also accuses Saudi Arabia, its regional rival, of seeking to destabilise the Islamic republic.

由于美國總統(tǒng)唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)對該伊斯蘭共和國使用越發(fā)好戰(zhàn)的言辭,美國和伊朗之間的緊張關系升級。特朗普指責德黑蘭方面在中東助長極端主義,并威脅要撕毀2015年伊朗與世界強國簽署的核協(xié)議。德黑蘭方面也指責其地區(qū)對手沙特阿拉伯試圖破壞這個伊斯蘭共和國的穩(wěn)定。

Mr Trump has been addressing Iranians daily since Friday. In a post on Twitter on Tuesday, he said: “The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime. All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their ‘pockets’. The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!”


Hossein Zolfaghari, Iran’s deputy interior minister, said on Tuesday that the protests had been “curbed” and would soon end. People were co-operating with the police and “did not go along with saboteurs and those who disrupted public order”, local media reported him as saying.

伊朗內政部副部長侯賽因•祖法哈尼(Hossein Zolfaghari)周二表示,抗議已被“遏制”,并將很快平息下來。當地媒體援引他的話稱,人們正在與警方合作,并“沒有與破壞分子及擾亂公共秩序者為伍”。

“Police and security forces practised tolerance as long as state and private properties and military bases were not attacked. But they firmly dealt with those who resorted to violence,” Mr Zolfaghari said.


A Tehran official said that by Tuesday, 450 people had been arrested in the capital during three days of protests. “Some protesters were disturbing citizens, forcing them [to] get out of taxis and buses . . . or setting fire to taxis,” said Ali-Asghar Naser-Bakht, Tehran’s deputy governor. “On Monday, protests were more scattered and there were fewer protesters.”

德黑蘭的一位官員表示,截至周二,在為期三天的抗議中,已有450人在伊朗首都被捕。“一些抗議者騷擾公民,迫使他們從出租車和公交車上下來...或者放火焚燒出租車,”德黑蘭副省長阿里—阿斯哈•納瑟巴克特(Ali-Asghar Naserbakht)稱。“周一抗議活動更加分散了,抗議者也減少了。”

Mousa Ghazanfar-Abadi, head of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, which deals with security threats, said the punishment for demonstrators would be heavier from now on.

負責對付安全威脅的德黑蘭革命法庭的負責人穆薩•加贊法拉巴迪(Mousa Ghazanfar-Abadi)稱,接下來對示威者的懲罰將會加重。


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