任何人只要看一下長期的全球貿易和經濟繁榮數據, 都很難不得出它們是完美伙伴的結論。當貿易增長疲軟時,全球經濟也疲軟;在過去一代人時間里, 貿易增長帶動了經濟增長。在從1960年到2010年的50年間,全球經濟平均年增速約3.5%,而進口年增速為6.8%,幾乎是經濟增速的一倍。
With such a record of success, trade liberalisation, globalisation and openness has traditionally been a core ingredient of advice to rich and poor countries alike. With trade growing twice as fast as an economy, increasing trade growth by 1 per cent was thought to be linked to 0.5 per cent of economic growth.
Although there were always disputes about the direction of causation, international organisations have bemoaned the more recent slowing of trade growth because it became associated with a long mediocre spell in the global economy.
In its September economic outlook, for example, the OECD urged countries to accelerate trade expansion to deepen global value chains and boost productivity growth. “Restoring trade intensity to its pre-crisis path, including through easing trade restrictions, would help close the shortfall of productivity growth compared with pre-crisis trends,” it said.
例如, 經合組織(OECD)在今年9月的經濟展望中敦促各國加快貿易擴張,以深化全球價值鏈和促進生產率增長。經合組織表示:“采用放松貿易限制等措施,讓貿易強度回到危機前的軌道上,將有助于縮小現(xiàn)在的生產率增長與危機前趨勢的差距。”
The International Monetary Fund last month issued one of its regular warnings that “a shift toward protectionism would reduce trade and cross-border investment flows, harming global growth”.
But this consensus around the benefits of trade are not universally held and have been challenged in recent years. Populist politicians, Donald Trump in the US and the Leave campaign in the UK, have won elections by pledging to restrict the movement of goods and people. And even among economists, trade’s natural champions, some doubt has also crept in.
但是,這種關于貿易益處的結論并未得到普遍認同,而且在近幾年還受到挑戰(zhàn)。民粹主義政客、美國的唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)和英國退歐派通過承諾限制商品和人員流動贏得了選舉。經濟學家是貿易的天然捍衛(wèi)者,然而即便在經濟學家當中,也有人漸漸產生了一些懷疑。
Foremost among the critics has been Dani Rodrik, professor of international political economy at the Harvard Kennedy School. “The real case for trade is subtle and therefore depends heavily on context,” Prof Rodrik says. Noting that public opinion strongly leans towards protecting jobs and the economy through trade restrictions, he questions whether the public is really naive in its protectionist views and whether simple economics has oversold the ideas surrounding the benefits of trade liberalisation.
最主要的批評者是哈佛大學肯尼迪學院(Harvard Kennedy School)的國際政治經濟學教授達尼•羅德里克(Dani Rodrik)。羅德里克表示:“倡導貿易的真正理由很微妙, 因此在很大程度上取決于環(huán)境。”他指出,輿論強烈傾向于通過貿易限制來保護就業(yè)和經濟,他質疑公眾的保護主義觀點是否真的幼稚, 以及簡單經濟學是否過分吹噓了貿易自由化的益處。
While simple economics expounds the benefits of trade, in more advanced theories, the seemingly unquestionable benefits of trade become transformed into a statement adorned by all kinds of ifs and buts, Prof Rodrik says. “This disconnect has always bothered me,” he adds.
羅德里克說,雖然簡單經濟學闡述了貿易的好處, 但在更高級的理論中,貿易的看似不容置疑的好處卻變成了由各種“如果”和“但是”修飾的敘述。他補充稱,“這種脫節(jié)始終困擾著我。”
He worries about losers from trade liberalisation, the fact that these losers are rarely offered compensation within a nation and the tendency of economics to ignore these difficult issues when advocating free trade to policymakers. “Why do economists’ analytical minds turn into mush when they talk about trade policy in the real world?” Prof Rodrik asks.
讓他憂心的有如下幾點:貿易自由化制造輸家; 這些輸家在一個國家里很少會得到補償;在向政策制定者鼓吹自由貿易時, 經濟學傾向于忽視這些困難問題。羅德里克問道:“為什么經濟學家們在談論現(xiàn)實世界中的貿易政策時,他們擅于分析的頭腦就混亂了?”
But critics of the effect of trade, particularly on certain communities, hit hard by the entry of China into the global trading system are now extremely influential in the debate. David Autor, professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has made his name by describing the effect of the “China shock” on parts of the US economy, particularly the textile industries of the old South.
但是, 批評貿易的影響的人士(尤其是在某些因中國進入全球貿易體系而遭受嚴重沖擊的社會當中)現(xiàn)在在辯論中極具影響力。麻省理工學院(MIT)經濟學教授戴維•奧特爾(David Autor)因描述 “中國沖擊”對美國部分經濟領域(特別是舊南方的紡織業(yè)——舊南方指美國內戰(zhàn)之前的南方)的影響而聲名鵲起。
His research shows that the adjustment in local labour markets is glacial with wages, worker numbers and unemployment rates continuing to be affected at least a full decade after the China trade shock commences.
他的研究表明, 當地勞動力市場出現(xiàn)深幅調整,而且至少在中國貿易沖擊開始整整十年后,工資、工人數量和失業(yè)率還在受影響。
More mainstream trade economists are not impressed by suggestions these criticisms are new. Speaking at a World Trade Organization forum in September, Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize-winning trade economist hit back.
有人認為這些批評是新事物,更主流的貿易經濟學家對這種看法不為所動。諾貝爾獎得主、貿易經濟學家保羅•克魯格曼(Paul Krugman)在今年9月的世界貿易組織(WTO)論壇上發(fā)表演講時進行了反擊。
“Textbook economics never said that growth in international trade was painless,” he said. “I wrote the textbooks so I know we always said there were distributional effects, there were losers, not countries, but people within countries.” He admitted that losers were never adequately compensated even though the textbooks said this was possible.
But Prof Krugman wanted to extinguish any idea that the solution to trade’s downsides was a return to protectionism and trade barriers. “Turn our back on trade now, that would be highly disruptive,” he said.
“There is an old joke about the motorist who runs over a pedestrian and says, ‘I’m sorry, let me fix that and so he backs up and runs over him again.’ That’s what a move to protectionism would do.”
For the future, most economists agree that there is a need to defend economies against populist political forces suggesting an easy answer in protectionism, whether it is building a wall to keep Mexicans out of the US or dismantling the North American Free Trade Agreement. But they also think that over are the days of simply saying trade liberalisation is good for you and you should take more of the medicine.
就未來而言,大多數經濟學家認為有必要保護經濟,反對民粹主義政治力量提出的保護主義的簡單化答案——無論是建造隔離墻以阻止墨西哥人進入美國,還是廢除《北美自由貿易協(xié)定》(North American Free Trade Agreement)。 但他們也認為,簡單地說貿易自由化有好處、你應該多推行這種政策的日子已經一去不復返了。
US textile factories are not coming back, but as trade and technology threaten to disrupt many industries, there is likely to be less of a knee-jerk reaction in favour of creative destruction. Trade is still likely to grow faster than global output, but the go-go days of globalisation are probably over and substituting foreign for domestic production is unlikely to be the engine of future growth.
Economics is up for the challenge, according to Prof Rodrik. Calling for close and empirical analysis of the problem, he says: “The economics we need is of the “seminar room” variety, not the “rule-of-thumb” kind”.