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The US has imposed more sanctions on North Korea as well as Chinese firms that trade with the regime, as part of its campaign to convince Pyongyang to abandon its missile and nuclear weapons programmes.


The Treasury yesterday unveiled sanctions on one Chinese individual, 13 entities that included four Chinese trading companies, and 20 shipping vessels that it says are helping North Korea evade UN sanctions.


Steven Mnuchin, Treasury secretary, said the US was “steadfast in our determination to maximise economic pressure to isolate it from outside sources of trade and revenue’’. He added that the latest sanctions targeted companies that engaged in hundreds of millions of dollars of trade with North Korea.

美國(guó)財(cái)政部長(zhǎng)史蒂文•姆努欽(Steven Mnuchin)表示,美國(guó)“決心施加最大程度的經(jīng)濟(jì)壓力,隔絕朝鮮的外部貿(mào)易和收入來源”。他還表示,最新制裁措施針對(duì)的是與朝鮮進(jìn)行數(shù)億美元貿(mào)易的公司。

Donald Trump on Monday signalled he was preparing to hit North Korea with more sanctions when he announ­ced he was putting it back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. His administration has been leading a global effort — dubbed “maximum pressure” by the president — to encourage countries to halt trade and other financial transactions with the regime of Kim Jong Un.

唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)周一宣布重新將朝鮮列入支持恐怖主義國(guó)家名單,這預(yù)示他已在準(zhǔn)備進(jìn)一步對(duì)朝鮮實(shí)施制裁。特朗普政府一直在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)全球努力——美國(guó)總統(tǒng)稱之為“最大限度壓力”——鼓勵(lì)各國(guó)停止與金正恩(Kim Jong Un)政權(quán)的貿(mào)易和其他金融交易。

The so-called secondary sanctions on Chinese companies were imposed on Dandong Kehua Economic and Trade, Dandong Xianghe Trading, and Dandong Hongda Trade. The Treasury said the firms exported $650m of goods to North Korea from 2013 to the end of this August. It also sanctioned Dandong Dongyuan Industrial Co, and its owner Sun Sidong. The Treasury said the company had expor­ted $28m worth of goods in recent years, including equipment associated with nuclear reactors.

針對(duì)中國(guó)企業(yè)的所謂二次制裁的對(duì)象包括丹東科華經(jīng)貿(mào)有限公司(Dandong Kehua Economic and Trade)、丹東祥和商貿(mào)有限公司(DanDong XiangHe Trading)以及丹東鴻達(dá)貿(mào)易有限公司(Dandong Hongda Trade)。美國(guó)財(cái)政部稱,從2013年至今年8月底,這些公司向朝鮮出口了價(jià)值6.5億美元的貨物。同時(shí)受制裁的還有丹東東源實(shí)業(yè)有限公司(Dandong Dongyuan Industrial Co)及其所有人孫嗣東。美國(guó)財(cái)政部稱,該公司近年向朝鮮出口了價(jià)值2800萬美元的商品,其中包括與核反應(yīng)堆相關(guān)的設(shè)備。

The US also sanctioned six North Korean shipping companies and 20 vessels, in addition to an entity called Korea South-South Co-operation Corporation it said exported North Korean workers to China, Russia, Cambodia and Poland.

美國(guó)還制裁了6家朝鮮航運(yùn)公司和20艘船舶,還有一家名為Korea South-South Co-operation Corporation的實(shí)體,美方稱其負(fù)責(zé)向中國(guó)、俄羅斯、柬埔寨和波蘭輸出朝鮮工人。

“We are also sanctioning the shipping and transportation companies, and their vessels, that facilitate North Korea’s trade and its deceptive manoeuvres,” Mr Mnuchin said.


The US has this year sanctioned a slew of North Korean individuals and entities and has also targeted Chinese and Russian companies Washington accuses of helping to facilitate Pyong­yang’s weapons programmes. The UN has also imposed two sets of sanctions which, when added to previous measures, mean almost 90 per cent of North Korea’s economy has been sanctioned.


North Korea has this year stepped up its pace of missile tests, including launching intercontinental missiles for the first time, and conducted its sixth, and more powerful, nuclear test. But the regime has not tested a missile in more than two months, leading to speculation it was either concerned about a possible US military strike, or wanted to provide an opening to start talks. Rex Tillerson, US secretary of state, on Monday said it was too early to say if the pain had caused North Korea to halt testing.

朝鮮今年加快了導(dǎo)彈試射的步伐(包括首次試射洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈),并進(jìn)行了威力更強(qiáng)大的第六次核試驗(yàn)。但朝鮮政權(quán)已有兩個(gè)多月沒有再試射導(dǎo)彈,外界猜測(cè)其要么擔(dān)心美國(guó)可能發(fā)動(dòng)軍事打擊,要么希望為開啟談判提供一個(gè)契機(jī)。美國(guó)國(guó)務(wù)卿雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)周一表示,現(xiàn)在就說是制裁造成的痛苦導(dǎo)致朝鮮停止相關(guān)試驗(yàn)還為時(shí)過早。


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