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Explosions were reported in Harare early on Wednesday morning, hours after armoured personnel carriers had been spotted on the outskirts of the Zimbabwean capital and a day after the country’s army chief warned that his forces could step in to settle bitter factional infighting within President Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zanu-PF party.

有報道稱,周三清晨津巴布韋首都哈拉雷傳出了爆炸聲,而在那數小時前裝甲運兵車曾出現在哈拉雷郊區(qū)。一天前,津巴布韋軍方領導人警告稱,他的部隊可能會介入平息總統(tǒng)羅伯特•穆加貝(Robert Mugabe,見文首圖)領導的執(zhí)政黨非洲民族聯(lián)盟-愛國陣線(Zanu-PF)各派系間的激烈內訌。

Reuters and The Associated Press reported that blasts had been heard and troops had been seen on the streets of Harare. The former also reported that soldiers had overrun the headquarters of the country’s state broadcaster, ZBC.

路透社(Reuters)和美聯(lián)社(The Associated Press)報道稱,哈拉雷街頭傳出了爆炸聲并且出現了軍隊。路透社還報道稱,士兵已占領了該國國家廣播公司“津巴布韋廣播公司”(ZBC)的總部。

Although the military vehicles seen earlier in the day had not moved into the centre of the Zimbabwean capital, the unusual display was seen as a show of force under the guise of a training drill.


Witnesses said the APCs moved from the Inkomo barracks north of Harare toward the headquarters of Mr Mugabe’s presidential guard. Infrastructure in the capital, including phones and power lines, remained working as normal and state broadcasting was unaffected.


A day earlier, General Constantino Chiwenga, the head of the armed forces, held a rare press conference in which he said the military would not “hesitate to step in” to “protect the revolution”. Many interpreted his statement as a warning against Mr Mugabe, who has ruled the southern African nation with an iron grip since independence from Britain in 1980.

一天前,該國軍方領導人康斯坦丁諾•奇文加將軍(General Constantino Chiwenga)舉行了一次罕見的新聞發(fā)布會,他表示軍方會“毫不猶豫地介入”以“保護革命”。很多人將此解讀為他對穆加貝的警告。自1980年津巴布韋擺脫英國統(tǒng)治獨立以來,穆加貝一直以鐵腕手段統(tǒng)治著這個非洲南部國家。

Tensions have been high since last week when Mr Mugabe, at 93 the world’s oldest national leader, fired his deputy Emmerson Mnangagwa, who subsequently fled into exile claiming threats against his life. The sacking of Mr Mugabe’s presumed successor has triggered fears of a purge of his supporters and has raised concern among some in the military that Grace Mugabe, the president’s wife, is seeking to manoeuvre herself into pole position to succeed her husband.

穆加貝今年93歲,是目前世界上年齡最大的國家領導人。自他上周將自己的副手埃默森•姆南加古瓦(Emmerson Mnangagwa)解職以來,津巴布韋的局勢持續(xù)緊張。姆南加古瓦遭解職后逃往海外,自稱生命受到了威脅。穆加貝的這位假定接班人遭到解職,令其支持者擔心遭到清洗,并讓一些軍方人士擔心“第一夫人”格雷絲•穆加貝(Grace Mugabe)正施展手段使她自己成為接替其夫的第一人選。

Mr Mnangagwa is a veteran of Zimbabwe’s liberation war and a close ally of Gen. Chiwenga.


Many in Zimbabwe’s military view Mrs Mugabe, 40 years her husband’s junior and the president’s former secretary, as an interloper lacking in the political acumen to lead the party or the country.


Mr Mugabe has not responded to Gen Chiwenga’s apparent threat.


But on Tuesday, his Zanu-PF party accused Gen Chiwenga of “treasonous conduct” over his statement, saying it was “clearly calculated to disturb national peace and stability” and “meant to incite insurrection and violent challenge to the constitutional order”, Zanu-PF “will never succumb to any threats”, the spokesperson added.


Additional reporting by Hudson Lockett

康河信(Hudson Lockett)補充報道


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