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China’s tech groups are redefining shopping with stores where you can buy, eat, pick up or take home delivery of, say, Alaskan crab — experimenting with retail in ways that blur the physical and virtual boundaries of shopping.


Ecommerce companies and retailers across the globe are integrating online shopping more deeply into bricks-and-mortar stores. That drive has seen China’s Alibaba buy physical spaces and Amazon offer $13.75bn to acquire Whole Foods. It has also prompted traditional retailers such as Walmart to ramp up their online offerings, and internet groups such as Google to enter the fray.

全球的電商公司和零售商正推動(dòng)線上購(gòu)物與實(shí)體商店更深入地結(jié)合在一起。在這種趨勢(shì)下,中國(guó)的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)購(gòu)買實(shí)體店面,亞馬遜(Amazon)以137.5億美元收購(gòu)Whole Foods。此外,沃爾瑪(Walmart)等傳統(tǒng)零售商加大線上攻勢(shì),谷歌(Google)等互聯(lián)網(wǎng)公司也加入這場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。

But while Amazon’s main move at Whole Foods has been to cut prices and introduce Prime membership — for which subscribers receive perks in exchange for an annual fee — Alibaba, which runs two of China’s biggest ecommerce platforms, has launched a 20-strong chain of Hema hybrid grocery stores. The shops allow customers to take their purchases away with them, have them delivered, or eat them on the premises.

亞馬遜對(duì)Whole Foods采取的主要舉措是降低價(jià)格和引入Prime會(huì)員制度——繳納年費(fèi)的Prime會(huì)員可以獲得各種優(yōu)惠——而運(yùn)營(yíng)中國(guó)最大的兩個(gè)電商平臺(tái)的阿里巴巴開起了盒馬鮮生,目前已有20家門店。在盒馬,顧客可以將購(gòu)買的商品帶走、選擇送貨上門,或者直接在店內(nèi)享用。

Uses of tech include self-scanning tills and an ability to scan products on the shelves rather than pluck them off and put them in a trolley. The final “virtual cart” can be paid for — via mobile payment — at the till and the goods will be delivered to your home.


Alibaba has sought to take the lead in what it calls new retail. It began buying stores in 2014, initially using the blended model to provide warehousing for inventory and cross-fertilising data analytics: items selling well online, for example, can be more prominently displayed in physical stores.


It is also piloting pop-up shops and other stores that allow shoppers to try electronic goods, clothes and cosmetics. The last two can be done purely by mirrors: at a Clinique pop-up in Shanghai, customers select lipstick colours on screen and appear in the mirror wearing their chosen shade.


Ecommerce groups are now focusing their sights on the grocery sector, projected to see $1.3tn in sales in 2017 according to research group IDG, for which only 2-3 per cent of total sales are online. Overall, ecommerce accounts for 18 per cent of retail sales in China.


“The focus for [Chinese] online retail to start with was electronic appliances and fashion. The most recent growth area has been grocery food, and that’s a huge growth area. Supermarkets are really having to work out ecommerce now,” said Matthew Crabbe, an analyst at Mintel, a consultancy.

“(中國(guó))在線零售的重點(diǎn)最開始是電器和時(shí)裝鞋帽。最近的增長(zhǎng)點(diǎn)是生鮮食品,這是一個(gè)增長(zhǎng)潛力巨大的領(lǐng)域?,F(xiàn)在超市真的必須搞定電商。”咨詢公司Mintel的分析師馬修•克拉布(Matthew Crabbe)說(shuō)。

With the grocery market traditionally dominated by “mom and pop” stores and wet markets, online companies are handicapped by low ticket prices and high logistic costs, say analysts at Goldman Sachs, adding that the online-to-offline business model “still heavily relies on subsidies”.

高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析師表示,生鮮雜貨市場(chǎng)傳統(tǒng)上由“夫妻店”和菜市場(chǎng)主導(dǎo),低門檻和高物流成本對(duì)電商不利;此外,線上到線下(O2O)商業(yè)模式“依然嚴(yán)重依賴補(bǔ)貼”。

The latest iteration, however, involves takeaway and delivery options. Alibaba’s 20 Hema stores serve upmarket food and drink from around the world, and include tanks containing live seafood from the US, Australia and Japan. Purchases can be delivered within a 3km radius within half an hour of making a selection.


Meituan-Dianping, an online retailer with platforms offering a range of services from food delivery and travel to beauty and movie tickets, has also moved into the world of bricks and mortar, setting up a pilot store in Beijing.


“Our model is a new way of doing business,” says Shaohui Chen, senior vice-president for corporate development. “We want to test stores purely customised to work with online . . . The fundamental goal is still to bridge the gap between online and offline.”


JD.com is ramping up its co-operation with shareholder Walmart, the US retailer, targeting customers in store and online with promotions.


It is also rolling out a physical presence via franchisees for electronics stores, of which it aims to have 300 this year; franchised convenience stores stocking JD.com products; and staff-free stores such as Amazon Go.

京東也在進(jìn)軍實(shí)體店,開設(shè)了加盟模式的實(shí)體電子產(chǎn)品體驗(yàn)店(目標(biāo)是今年內(nèi)開300家)、從京東線上渠道進(jìn)貨的加盟京東便利店,還有類似Amazon Go的無(wú)人商店。

Everyone is learning from everyone,” says Mr Chen.



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