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The Trump administration has warned China that the US will target Chinese banks unless Beijing takes much stronger measures to impose economic pain on North Korea by reducing trade and financial transactions with Pyongyang.


Marshall Billingslea, a top Treasury official, told Congress on Tuesday that the US had not seen sufficient evidence that China was willing to curb North Korean revenue flows and “expunge North Korean illicit actors” from its banking system. He said the Trump administration would continue to work with China to maximise pressure on North Korea, but stressed that the US “will not hesitate to act unilaterally”.

美國財政部高級官員馬歇爾•比林斯利(Marshall Billingslea)周二告訴國會,美國沒有看到足夠證據(jù)證明,中國愿意限制朝鮮的收入和從中國銀行體系中“剔除朝鮮非法行為者”。他表示,特朗普政府將繼續(xù)與中國合作,最大限度對朝鮮施壓,但他也強調(diào)“美國將毫不猶豫地展開單邊行動”。

His remarks followed the UN Security Council’s vote on Monday to impose another round of sanctions on Pyongyang. China and Russia backed the effort after the US agreed to dilute a proposal to ban all exports of refined petroleum exports to North Korea.

他的發(fā)言是在聯(lián)合國安理會(UN Security Council)周一表決通過對朝實施新一輪制裁之后做出的。在美國同意弱化一項禁止向朝鮮出口一切精煉石油產(chǎn)品的提議之后,制裁贏得了中國和俄羅斯的支持。

Donald Trump on Tuesday described the latest UN sanctions as “a very small step” that were “not a big deal”. He added that while it was nice to get a unanimous vote, “those sanctions are nothing compared to ultimately what will have to happen”.

唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)周二表示,最新一輪聯(lián)合國對朝制裁是“非常小的一步”,“不是什么大不了的事情”。他補充道,盡管制裁獲得全票通過很棒,“這些制裁與最終將要發(fā)生的事情相比不值一提”。

In recent months, the US has pushed through two rounds of tough sanctions on Pyongyang, but also targeted Chinese companies, such as Bank of Dandong, for engaging in actions that help North Korea further its nuclear weapons programme.

近幾個月,美國已推動聯(lián)合國通過了兩輪對朝鮮的嚴(yán)厲制裁,但美國還把矛頭對準(zhǔn)了一些中國公司,比如丹東銀行(Bank of Dandong),理由是這些公司所從事的業(yè)務(wù)會幫助朝鮮進一步推進其核武計劃。

“If China wishes to avoid future measures, such as those imposed on Bank of Dandong or the various companies sanctioned for illegal trade practices . . . it urgently needs to take demonstrable public steps to eliminate North Korea’s trade and financial access,” Mr Billingslea told the House foreign affairs committee.

“如果中國希望避免美國未來再采取措施,比如美國對丹東銀行或各種因非法貿(mào)易行為而遭制裁的公司采取的舉措……中國迫切需要采取可見的公開行動來斷絕朝鮮的貿(mào)易和金融往來渠道,”比林斯利對美國眾議院外交事務(wù)委員會(House foreign affairs committee)說。

While the UN resolution was not as tough as the US wanted following North Korea’s recent nuclear test, Nikki Haley, US ambassador to the UN, said 90 per cent of North Korean exports were now banned. Experts were divided over the impact of the sanctions, with some saying the cumulative measures were tougher than anything before, while others questioned whether they would have the desired impact of convincing Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader, to rein in his nuclear programme.

盡管聯(lián)合國針對朝鮮最新核試驗出臺的決議不如美國所希望的那么強硬,但美國駐聯(lián)合國大使尼基•黑利(Nikki Haley)表示,目前朝鮮90%的出口都遭到禁止。對于制裁的效果,專家們存在意見分歧,一些人表示強度日漸加大的舉措要比以往任何時候都有力,其他人則質(zhì)疑這些舉措是否能達到說服朝鮮領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)停止其核武計劃的預(yù)期效果。

Bruce Klingner, a former CIA North Korea analyst, said the combination of UN and US actions this year showed that Washington was moving away from measures that punished violators and “moving towards economic warfare” in the way Washington had targeted Iran. US officials have argued that such a path is critical to warding off any future pre-emptive strike to knock out a North Korean ICBM, or a broader “preventive” war that would aim to destroy all of North Korea’s nuclear capabilities.

曾任美國中央情報局(CIA)朝鮮事務(wù)分析師的布魯斯•克林納(Bruce Klingner)稱,今年聯(lián)合國與美國采取的行動表明,美國已從對違規(guī)者采取懲罰措施“轉(zhuǎn)向經(jīng)濟戰(zhàn)”,這種戰(zhàn)略美國曾針對伊朗實施過。美國官員稱,采取這條路線意義重大,它可以防止未來需要發(fā)起先發(fā)制人的打擊以搗毀朝鮮某枚洲際彈道導(dǎo)彈,或是需要發(fā)起一場更廣泛的“預(yù)防性戰(zhàn)爭”來摧毀朝鮮所有的核能力。

Evans Revere, a North Korea expert and former US diplomat, welcomed the fact that the UN voted unanimously and included new measures, such as a cap on oil exports, but said they were insufficient. “It is yet another attempt to rely on an incremental approach on sanctions that has been shown over the years to be inadequate,” he said. “Incrementalism won’t convince North Korea to end its nuclear and missile programs. Pyongyang knows well how to contend with such upticks in sanctions.”

朝鮮問題專家、前美國外交官李維亞(Evans Revere)對聯(lián)合國一致通過最新制裁并采取包括限制對朝石油出口等一系列新措施表示歡迎,但稱這些措施仍不充分。“這又是想依賴逐漸加大力度的制裁方法的一個嘗試,這種方法多年來已被證明是不夠的,”李維亞說。“漸進路線不會令朝鮮終止其核武器與導(dǎo)彈計劃。平壤方面很清楚如何應(yīng)對制裁升級。”

Diplomats and experts said the US push for tougher sanctions had been blocked by China and Russia. One diplomat said the discussions were “primarily a China-America negotiation” because China accounts for 90 per cent of trade with North Korea.


While the US circulated the first draft publicly to put pressure on other countries, it ultimately watered down some proposals, such as a ban on all oil exports, a ban on hiring North Korean workers and calls for forced maritime inspections. The first draft designated nine vessels for breaking sanctions but later dropped them in favour of consensual inspections of any vessel suspected of being in breach.


Mr Billingslea said Pyongyang had lessened the impact of sanctions because of weak implementation in the past. The US has become concerned, for example, that North Korean trade with Russia has risen this year, helping to ease the pain from falling trade with China.


“Russian companies continue to provide support to North Korea,” he said, adding that North Korean bank representatives “operate in Russia in flagrant disregard of the very resolutions adopted by Russia at the UN”.


Kent Boydston of the Peterson Institute for International Economics said sanctions had not had a material impact on North Korea. “The big question is how much foreign reserves do they have . . . we don’t know. They have been able to weather sanctions’ storms and there hasn’t been a noticeable effort on the economy.”

彼得森國際經(jīng)濟研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)分析師肯特•博伊茲頓(Kent Boydston)表示,這些制裁對朝鮮沒有實質(zhì)性影響。“重要的問題是他們有多少外匯儲備……我們不清楚。他們已能經(jīng)得住制裁的風(fēng)暴,并且也未見其在經(jīng)濟上采取了任何顯著舉措。”


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