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The Clinton campaign lashed out at the director of the FBI over the weekend after news that it was investigating a further batch of emails upended the US election campaign as it headed in to its final full week.


FBI director James Comey’s shock disclosure that his agents are seeking court approval to review newly discovered emails from Huma Abedin, one of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, looks set to dominate the final days of the campaign.

聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局局長詹姆斯•科米(James Comey)上周宣布,該局探員正在尋求法庭批準(zhǔn),以審查從希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)的核心幕僚之一胡瑪•阿貝丁(Huma Abedin)新發(fā)現(xiàn)的電子郵件。這個(gè)令人震驚的消息看起來勢(shì)必會(huì)主宰最后幾天的選情。

It comes amid signs the race was already tightening. An ABC News tracking poll released on Sunday showed Mrs Clinton clinging to a one-point lead over Mr Trump, 46-45, in a four-way showdown that included the Libertarian and Green party candidates. The poll, a rolling four-day average, had Mrs Clinton up by a dozen points just one week ago.

這條消息出爐之際,跡象顯示兩名候選人之間的差距正在收窄。美國廣播公司新聞部(ABC News)周日發(fā)布的一項(xiàng)追蹤調(diào)查顯示,希拉里相對(duì)于特朗普勉強(qiáng)保持一個(gè)百分點(diǎn)的領(lǐng)先,二人支持率分別為46%和45%;此次大選最終將是四人角逐,另外兩人分別是自由意志黨和綠黨候選人。追蹤四天平均支持率的這項(xiàng)滾動(dòng)民調(diào),在僅僅一周前顯示希拉里領(lǐng)先12個(gè)百分點(diǎn)。

Separate NBC News polls in a pair of battleground states showed Mrs Clinton maintaining a six-point edge in North Carolina and locked in a dead heat with Mr Trump in Florida.

全國廣播公司新聞部(NBC News)在兩個(gè)關(guān)鍵的戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)州進(jìn)行的民調(diào)顯示,希拉里在北卡羅來納州保持六個(gè)百分點(diǎn)領(lǐng)先優(yōu)勢(shì),在佛羅里達(dá)州與特朗普難分上下。

Kellyanne Conway, the property tycoon’s campaign manager, told ABC News that voters were souring on the “constant cloud of corruption that follows Hillary Clinton around”.

特朗普的競(jìng)選經(jīng)理凱利安妮•康韋(Kellyanne Conway)對(duì)美國廣播公司新聞部表示,選民對(duì)“希拉里•克林頓周圍不斷出現(xiàn)的腐敗烏云”感到惡心。

Robby Mook, Mrs Clinton’s campaign chief, said the Democrat had had her best Saturday fundraising performance this year and was buoyed by early voting turnout in states such as Nevada.

希拉里的競(jìng)選經(jīng)理羅比•穆克(Robby Mook)表示,民主黨總統(tǒng)候選人進(jìn)行了今年以來成果最佳的周六籌款活動(dòng),并受到內(nèi)華達(dá)等州早期投票人數(shù)的鼓舞。

Mr Comey’s public announcement on Friday, made before the FBI had obtained court approval to review the emails, drew fierce criticism from Democrats. “This was a terrible error in judgment by the director,” said Adam Schiff, the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence committee.

科米上周五在法庭批準(zhǔn)聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局審查電子郵件之前作出的宣布,招致民主黨方面的猛烈批評(píng)。“這是聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局局長犯下的一個(gè)可怕的判斷錯(cuò)誤,”眾議院情報(bào)委員會(huì)(House Intelligence committee)資深民主黨人亞當(dāng)•希夫(Adam Schiff)表示。

John Podesta, Mrs Clinton’s campaign chairman, said Mr Comey’s decision was “unprecedented”. “There is no evidence of wrongdoing, no charge of wrongdoing, no indication that this is even about Hillary,” he told CNN’s State of the Union. “Hillary’s not going to be distracted, in the final days of this election, over nothing.”

希拉里競(jìng)選團(tuán)隊(duì)主席約翰•波德斯塔(John Podesta)說,柯米的決定是“史無前例的”。“沒有不當(dāng)行為的證據(jù),沒有針對(duì)不當(dāng)行為的刑事指控,甚至沒有跡象表明這與希拉里有任何關(guān)系,”他在有線電視新聞網(wǎng)(CNN)的《國情》(State of the Union)節(jié)目中表示。“在這場(chǎng)競(jìng)選進(jìn)入最后幾天之際,希拉里不會(huì)為了無中生有的事情分心。”

Mr Comey began briefing lawmakers including the chairman and ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary committee over the weekend.

科米周末開始向立法者通報(bào)情況,包括眾議院司法委員會(huì)(House Judiciary committee)的主席和資深民主黨成員。

Mrs Clinton attacked the FBI chief for his “deeply troubling” handling of the email probe, as Donald Trump seized on the issue to paint his Democratic rival as corrupt.

希拉里抨擊聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局局長,稱他對(duì)電子郵件調(diào)查的處理“令人深感不安”。與此同時(shí)唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)抓住這個(gè)問題,稱他的民主黨競(jìng)選對(duì)手腐敗。

“It is pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election,” Mrs Clinton said at a rally in Florida on Saturday. “In fact, it’s not just strange. It is unprecedented and it is deeply troubling.”


At rallies in Arizona and Colorado, Mr Trump said the email issue was the “biggest political scandal since Watergate”.



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