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Both US and European policymakers have misdiagnosed what ails the global economy. It is not a short-run, cyclical problem curable with textbook Keynesian stimuli (and exotics like quantitative easing). Rather, it is a long-term structural disequilibrium caused by chronic trade imbalances — the result, in turn, of manipulated currencies, mercantilist practices and poorly negotiated trade deals. Enter, stage centre, Donald Trump.

美國和歐洲的政策制定者都錯判了全球經(jīng)濟(jì)的困境。它并非一個通過教科書般的凱恩斯式經(jīng)濟(jì)刺激(以及量化寬松等不尋常舉措)就能解決的短期周期性問題,而是一個因長期貿(mào)易失衡導(dǎo)致的長期結(jié)構(gòu)性失衡,而長期貿(mào)易失衡是匯率操縱、重商主義慣例和談判糟糕的貿(mào)易協(xié)議的結(jié)果。唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)站到了舞臺中央。

Before the era of globalisation, which began in earnest in the 1980s, US managers improved efficiency by substituting capital for labour in domestic factories. As globalisation has taken hold, executives have offshored entire factories as a more effective means of maximising profits.


This offshoring trend is mirrored in statistics that reveal a rapid narrowing of the US manufacturing sector. In the 1970s, manufacturing employed 20 per cent of the workforce. Today, that number has dropped to a mere 8 per cent — with more than 5m manufacturing jobs lost since 2000 alone.


To those who would blame this decline primarily on automation, one need only point to Germany and Japan, which retain almost 20 per cent and 17 per cent of their labour force in manufacturing, respectively. These countries are worldwide leaders in robotics.


As the US manufacturing base has narrowed, the rate of productivity has fallen. During the 1970s growth in US unit labour costs was 6.8 per cent a year but it dropped to 3.6 per cent in the 1980s, 1.6 per cent in the 1990s and to 1.2 per cent so far this century.


This productivity decline is likewise mirrored in the rise of outward foreign direct investment. During the 1970s, total US FDI was a mere $109.2bn. With globalisation, FDI grew 59.2 per cent to $174.8bn in the 1980s, $1.1tn in the 1990s and $3tn in the first decade of this century. Today, FDI is sprinting ahead at a $4tn rate.


Of course, not all outbound FDI has been due to offshoring. The decline in US manufacturing employment and the fall in US productivity — and associated slower US growth rates and stagnant wages — have, however, been greatly accelerated and amplified by a series of bad trade deals and chronic currency misalignments that prevent trade from coming back into balance.


This is hardly the conventional wisdom — whence the continued tilting at Keynesian windmills in both the US and Europe. New studies have, however, cast increasing doubt on the standard “gains from trade” arguments that have both justified and propelled globalisation. A joint study by Justin Pierce of the Federal Reserve and Yale School of Management’s Peter Schott attributes most of the 18 per cent decline in US manufacturing jobs from 2001 to 2007 to President Bill Clinton’s decision to grant China permanent normal trade relations status as part of Beijing’s accession to theWorld Trade Organisation in 2001. Other studies have concluded the “China trade shock” to be more of a zero-sum game, with American workers and the US economy on the minus side.

這很難說是傳統(tǒng)觀點。歐美的傳統(tǒng)觀點都繼續(xù)傾向凱恩斯式的刺激。然而,新研究越來越讓人質(zhì)疑標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的“貿(mào)易利得”說法,這種說法既合理化又推動了全球化。美聯(lián)儲(Fed)的賈斯汀•皮爾斯(Justin Pierce)和耶魯大學(xué)管理學(xué)院(Yale School of Management)的彼得•斯科特(Peter Schott)聯(lián)合開展的研究,將2001年至2007年美國制造業(yè)就業(yè)減少18%的多數(shù)原因歸為美國前總統(tǒng)比爾•克林頓(Bill Clinton)的一項決定:作為中國在2001年加入世界貿(mào)易組織(WTO)的一部分,美國賦予了中國永久性正常貿(mào)易關(guān)系待遇。其他一些研究總結(jié)稱,“中國貿(mào)易沖擊”更多的是一種零和游戲,美國勞動者和美國經(jīng)濟(jì)處于不利地位。

The broader lesson here is that while exports do indeed create jobs, it is net exports that ultimately matter. When countries like the US and continents like Europe run massive and chronic trade deficits and countries like China do not allow freely floating currency movements to balance trade, bad things will eventually happen in the forms of accelerated offshoring, slower growth, falling productivity and stagnant wages.


This is the economic and political landscape that the US now finds itself in, and it is no wonder that Mr Trump is so popular. Like Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, the Republican nominee understands America’s economic woes can only be addressed through comprehensive structural reforms, particularly in the areas of trade and tax policy.

這是美國現(xiàn)在所處的經(jīng)濟(jì)和政治情況,特朗普如此受歡迎也就不足為奇了。與上世紀(jì)80年代的羅納德•里根(Ronald Reagan)一樣,這位共和黨總統(tǒng)提名人選明白,美國的經(jīng)濟(jì)困境只能通過全面結(jié)構(gòu)性改革化解,尤其是在貿(mào)易和稅收政策領(lǐng)域。

For example, America’s 35 per cent corporate tax rate means businesses carry down only 65 per cent of pre-tax earnings to their post-tax net. Mr Trump’s proposed 15 per cent rate promises a 30 per cent higher earnings return than at present, and would thereby greatly improve the attractiveness of domestic investment.


Mr Trump’s broader mission is to reinvigorate the US economy and restore faith in the global free trade order by ridding it of cheating and structural misalignments. Europe may want to take a page out of his playbook. This is particularly true when it comes to China. Here, Europe has lagged behind the US in imposing countervailing tariffs against dumping, and is now paying a very heavy price.


The writer, a private international equity investor, is a senior policy adviser to the Trump campaign. Peter Navarro, business professor at the University of California, Irvine, contributed to this article

本文作者是一位私人國際股權(quán)投資者,是特朗普競選團(tuán)隊的高級政策顧問。加州大學(xué)歐文分校(University of California, Irvine)商學(xué)教授彼得•納瓦羅(Peter Navarro)對此文亦有貢獻(xiàn)。


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