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After years of decline, the situation in Venezuela is becoming desperate. Could the latest fall in the oil prices provide the tipping point that finally brings to an end the unhappy period of Marxist rule begun by Hugo Chavez in 1999?

經(jīng)歷多年衰落后,委內(nèi)瑞拉的形勢正變得令人絕望。最新一輪石油價格下跌會成為轉(zhuǎn)折點、最終結(jié)束烏戈•查韋斯(Hugo Chávez) 1999年開啟的馬克思主義統(tǒng)治不幸時期嗎?

In the last two months the oil price has fallen by 20 per cent, ending the hopes of producers around the world that the downward slide of the last two years is over and that prices will soon return to a level that they used to regard as “normal”. For many, the latest fall will be the last straw. Numerous companies have maintained their dividend payments through borrowing. With prices falling again that looks unsustainable. Many, including the state companies, also face hard investment decisions on projects that need higher prices to be viable. With capex requirements outstripping revenue and little prospect of raising more money through rights issues more projects will be postponed or abandoned.


But perhaps the harshest effects of the fall in prices will be felt in countries that are utterly dependent on oil revenue. There the result will be economic decline, rising unemployment and potentially serious social unrest as expectations in terms of living standards and welfare payments are forced down. That is true across much of Opec but nowhere are the problems greater than in Venezuela.


For years, the situation in the country has been deteriorating. Political decisions have undermined the independence and capability of the state-owned PDVSA, which was once one of the world’s great energy companies. Oil provides 95 per cent of export revenue and Venezuela has never succeeded in diversifying the economy. Falling prices have compounded the problem of falling production. The result is a deep recession with gross domestic product predicted to fall by 10 per cent this year. Unemployment is officially 20 per cent, and probably much more in reality. Inflation is 700 per cent and rising, according to the International Monetary Fund. There are desperate shortages of imports, including of basic foods and medicine.


In recent months the situation has worsened – with the latest price decline hitting oil revenue yet again. Volumes are also down – to 2.1m barrels a day in June with the prospect of a further fall by the end of the year to perhaps as little as 1.7mbd. That would represent a 30-year low. The fall is the result of lack of investment, the chronic shortage of electricity that affects the whole of Venezuela and, most recently, the decision of some of the major international service companies such as Schlumberger and Halliburton to reduce activity in the face of accumulating unpaid debts running into billions of dollars.


This should be a recipe for the long-predicted change of government. President Nicolas Maduro , who succeeded Hugo Chavez in 2013, is clearly well dug in, reinforced by oppressive legislation and corruption and by residual support among sections of Venezuelan society, including some of the military. The defence minister, General Vladimir Padrino López, was recently given powers that come close to martial law but it is not clear how he can turn the economy around. In the end something must give and the point at which the regime will collapse under the weight of economic failure now feels closer than ever.

這應(yīng)當(dāng)成為人們預(yù)計已久的政府更迭的契機。2013年接替查韋斯出任總統(tǒng)的尼古拉斯•馬杜羅(Nicolas Maduro)顯然想要堅守權(quán)力寶座,高壓立法、腐敗以及委內(nèi)瑞拉社會某些部分(包括軍方的一些勢力)殘存的支持強化了他的地位。委內(nèi)瑞拉國防部長弗拉基米爾•帕德里諾•洛佩斯(Vladimir Padrino López)將軍最近被授予近乎軍管的大權(quán),但看不出他有什么辦法扭轉(zhuǎn)經(jīng)濟局面。最終,總會出現(xiàn)變化,在經(jīng)濟失敗的重壓下,委內(nèi)瑞拉政權(quán)似乎比以往任何時候都更加接近崩潰。

At current oil prices, a full-scale default cannot be far away. Until there is a new government both lenders and investors will turn away, adding to the economic problems. The crucial question is what the Chinese will do. They have lent Venezuela about $125bn over the last 15 years but Beijing may well decide enough is enough and that it does not need to lend more to get the access to oil that it wants. At current prices the repayments in kind absorb around 800,000 b/d of Venezuelan crude exports.


The service companies could withdraw altogether or reduce their activity to an absolute minimum and that, in turn, could lead to a collapse in oil output. The Venezuelan military is trying to put together its own oil services company but the effort is laughable.


Behind the immediate flow of events a reassessment of Venezuela’s real potential is taking place. The country claims to have the world’s largest oil reserves – some 298bn barrels. This is not only a suspiciously precise number. It is also grossly inflated. Only a decade ago Venezuelan reserves were just 80bn barrels. The increase is the product of politics and the period of high prices that lasted until 2014. Genuine reserves as opposed to resources should be capable of being developed both technically and commercially. As the oil price sinks towards $40, the amount that is capable of being developed commercially will inevitably fall . Venezuela isn’t the only country facing the challenge but it is probably the most vulnerable to a very sharp downward revision.


Is political change possible? I have always thought so. Venezuela is an open society with great skills and strengths, even if many of the people now with the greatest skills are expatriates. Even if oil volumes are downgraded, the country has a strong untapped base of natural resources and easy access to the markets of North America. Chavez and his successors have damaged Venezuela but they have not completely destroyed the potential of a country that should be one of the most successful in Latin America.


If ever a nation needs and deserves a revolution it is Venezuela.



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