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Turkey hit out at Belgium and the Netherlands overfailures in security that preceded this week’s deadlyBrussels attacks as two Belgian ministers offered toresign over the matter.


Koen Geens, justice minister, and Jan Jambon,interior minister, offered to step down from theirposts amid recriminations over the country’shandling of the terrorist network that killed 31people and wounded as many as 300 in Brussels this week.

在比利時處理恐怖分子網絡的方式遭受強烈指責的背景下,比利時司法部長科恩•海因斯(Koen Geens)和內政部長讓•讓邦(Jan Jambon)提交辭呈。這個恐怖分子網絡本周在布魯塞爾造成31人遇難、300人受傷。

But their requests were turned down by Charles Michel, prime minister, at a cabinet meetingthat discussed revelations that Turkey warned both Belgium and the Netherlands last yearabout one of the suicide bombers.

但是,比利時總理夏爾•米歇爾(Charles Michel)在內閣會議上拒絕了他們的辭職請求。此次會議討論了去年土耳其就其中一名自殺式炸彈襲擊者警告比利時和荷蘭的事。

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish president, has said that Ibrahim El Bakraoui, one of the menwho attacked Zaventem airport on Tuesday, was deported by Ankara in July 2015.

土耳其總統雷杰普•塔伊普•埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)稱,周二襲擊扎芬特姆機場(Zaventem)的恐怖分子之一Ibrahim El Bakraoui曾在2015年7月被安卡拉驅逐出境。

Mr Erdogan said Belgian and Dutch authorities were notified that El Bakraoui was a militantduring his subsequent deportation to the Netherlands. Ankara says he was a suspected foreignfighter trying to enter Syria.

埃爾多安稱,在El Bakraoui隨后被遞解至荷蘭的過程中,比利時和荷蘭有關部門接到通報:他是一名激進分子。安卡拉方面稱,他被懷疑是一名試圖進入敘利亞的外籍作戰(zhàn)人員。

“This was a textbook case and we did the most we could do,” said a Turkish official, highlightingthe extent of what Ankara depicts as a European security failure.


Mr Jambon acknowledged that mistakes had been made in the handling of the informationprovided by Turkey. “Two kinds of error were made: one at the level of the justice ministry andone at the level of the liaison officer with Turkey,” he told Le Soir newspaper.

比利時內政部長讓邦承認,在處理土耳其提供的情報上犯了錯誤。“(我們)犯了兩類錯誤:一個錯誤在司法部層面,另一個是在負責土耳其的聯絡官層面,”他向比利時《晚報》(Le Soir)表示。

The Turkish official said El Bakraoui had been detained on his sixth day in Turkey in Gaziantep,a southern Turkish city known as a transit point for Syria. As a citizen of an EU country, he hada choice as to where to be deported within the EU and apparently selected the Netherlands.

土耳其官員稱,El Bakraoui在抵達土耳其南部城市加濟安泰普(Gaziantep)后的第六天便被拘留。該市是已知的通往敘利亞的中轉站。作為歐盟國家公民,El Bakraoui可以選擇被遣返至歐盟某個國家,顯然他選擇了荷蘭。

“We have a set of examples where these people were able to come back, even after we put themon our no-entry lists, because they are able to find other passports in places like Europe,” theofficial said. “We would like for these radicalised people to be stopped at their own houses, sothat Turkey can deal with its own problems.”



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