The two teens, who were first reported to be a 13-year-old groom and a 16-year-old bride, have madeclarification online that they both reached 16 yearsold, and their marriage has won the blessing andsupport of their parents, despite the legalmarriageable age in China being 22 for males and 20for females.
The couple, from a small town in south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, claimed tohave known each other for over a year. Both have dropped out of school. Aside from clarifyingtheir ages in the online statement, the two also refuted netizens' speculation that themarriage is due to the bride's pregnancy.
"The marriage between us is just inevitable after knowing each other for over a year. So wejust held the ceremony and will get a marriage certificate after we reach our legal age," saidthe 16-year-old bride.
The fact that the groom quit in the second year of junior high school sparked debate.According to Chinese law, a teenager has to receive nine years of compulsory education,namely six years of primary school education and three years in junior high school.
"My parents are farmers, and since I am not good at schooling, why waste the time and tuitionfees? " said the groom. Since two years ago, after he quit school, he has been working inNanning, the capital city of Guangxi.
Some web users questioned the meaning of this wedding, since it is not legal. "Is it possiblethat their families arranged this wedding, invited friends to the wedding banquet so as tocollect gift money? The 'marriage' is not protected by law anyway," Weibo user Ajiaojiao said.