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Britain’s Strange Election


LONDON — This is a curious election for anyone who cares about Britain. If David Cameron, the Conservative prime minister, is returned to office, the country will face a referendum in 2017 that could take the United Kingdom out of the European Union and into strategic irrelevance. Two years will be lost to a paralyzing debate in which the worst of anti-European British bigotry will have free rein.

倫敦——對于心系英國的人而言,此次選舉真是非比尋常。假如來自保守黨的現(xiàn)任首相戴維·卡梅倫(David Cameron)得以連任,那么英國將面臨2017年公決的前景,而這次的公決可能會讓聯(lián)合王國退出歐盟,淪落到在戰(zhàn)略上無關(guān)緊要的境地。兩年的時間也將被浪費到毫無成效的辯論上,其間會任由最為極端的英式反歐偏執(zhí)情緒肆虐泛濫。

If Ed Miliband, the Labour Party leader, becomes prime minister, he will have in some form to rely on the support of the surging Scottish National Party (S.N.P.), which wants to break up Britain. Miliband vows that he will not succumb to the whims of Nicola Sturgeon, the S.N.P. leader, but this is a man whose determination to reach Downing Street has already seen the political equivalent of fratricide. His promises should be viewed in that cold light.

假如工黨黨魁埃德·米利班德(Ed Miliband)成為新首相,他將不得不在一定程度上依靠人氣急升的蘇格蘭民族黨(Scottish National Party)的支持,而后者希望英國分裂。米利班德發(fā)誓,自己不會屈從于蘇格蘭民族黨黨魁尼古拉·斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)的奇想。不過,為了入主唐寧街,他可是在政治上不啻于跨過了兄弟的尸體。此人的承諾,當(dāng)以冷眼觀之。

Pay your money and take your pick: a Britain outside Europe or a rump Britain. Of course, it’s not that simple. Cameron could prevail in his muddled attempt to keep the country in Europe while “repatriating” greater, as yet unspecified powers from Brussels. He may control the malign little-England genie he’s let out of the bottle to appease the right of his Tory party. Miliband may be able to make use of the S.N.P. without becoming its hostage. The worst is not inevitable.


Still, these unhappy choices point to an uneasy and divided Britain. Cameron has overseen an economic recovery that is the envy of continental Europe. Unemployment is at its lowest rate in several years. Jobless French and Spanish youths flock to Britain to find work. The prime minister has steadied the ship.


Very few, however, are partying aboard. The recovery has not translated into a sense of well-being or confidence. Income disparity is growing. Booming, purring London, with its glittering central districts full of bivouacked billionaires excavating ever deeper basements for their staff, has left the rest of the country behind and become a resented symbol of division. The S.N.P. has done very well out of its portrayal, however skewed, of a Tory anti-European England given over to ruthless free enterprise and Mammon.


The election on Thursday will be close. A hung parliament, as in 2010, appears likely, with no single party able to command a majority in the 650-seat House of Commons. British politics are taking an Israeli turn. The vote itself is a mere prelude to the real business of coalition building.


Most polls show the Conservatives with a slight lead, gaining about 35 percent of the vote and perhaps 275 seats, with Labour at 34 percent and about 267 seats. The phenomenon of the election seems certain to be a big S.N.P. jump to as many as 50 seats from the party’s current six, as if the rejection in last year’s referendum on Scottish independence merely freed the Scots to vote their heart without suffering the consequences.


Because the S.N.P. might cooperate with Labour but not with the Tories, Miliband may be in a stronger position than Cameron to form a government. The far-right U.K. Independence Party, whose influence on Cameron’s politics has been significant, will not, it seems, get more than four or five seats. The Liberal Democrats, who have governed with the Conservatives without their allegiance becoming irreversible, will take most of the rest, but many fewer than in 2010.

由于蘇格蘭民族黨愿與工黨而非保守黨合作,在組閣問題上,米利班德也許占據(jù)了比卡梅倫更有利的位置。極右翼的英國獨立黨 (U.K.Independence Party)對卡梅倫的政治影響力一直不容小覷,但這次似乎不會得到比四五席更好的成績。目前與保守黨聯(lián)合組閣的自由民主黨(Liberal Democrats)并未讓這一聯(lián)盟變得不可逆轉(zhuǎn),預(yù)計將拿下剩余席位中的大多數(shù),不過成績要比2010年的時候大為遜色。

Cameron has led an odd campaign, so lusterless and absent at times that he could not even remember the name of his own football team. When he has found his voice, it has been in the name of free enterprise, as when he told a gathering of chartered accountants his was the party of the “techies, the roof tilers, the retailers, the plumbers, the builders” and vowed that what pumped him up was “taking a risk, having a punt!”


Beyond that, however, it’s anyone’s guess what Cameron really believes in. His gamble with European Union membership has been reckless and unpardonable. As yet, he has not given a single credible account of what it is he wants from Europe or why he has promised a referendum. In so doing, he has put Britain’s future at risk.


Miliband is a work in progress but his instincts are right. He will not hold a referendum on Europe. Beginning with his determination to abolish the non-domicile rule that, after the payment of an annual fee, permits many of Britain’s richest permanent residents to avoid paying U.K. tax on their worldwide income, he has shown an understanding that something must change to rebalance British society.


He has lambasted the “idea that says anything goes for those at the top, that what is good for the very rich is always good for Britain.” This disquiet over a money-driven culture is shared by a majority of the still-united British people. Miliband may prove the unlikely standard-bearer of that sentiment, all the way to Downing Street.



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