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On many levels Susan Hart is a surprising businessschool dean. She is one of the few women to havemade it to the top of a business school, to be sure,but the dean of the University of StrathclydeBusiness School, in Glasgow, also unashamedlypursues the practical alongside the academic.

從許多方面來看,位于格拉斯哥的斯特拉思克萊德大學(xué)商學(xué)院(University of Strathclyde Business School)的院長蘇珊•哈特(Susan Hart)都是一位令人驚訝的商學(xué)院院長。無可否認(rèn),她是為數(shù)不多的成功升任一家商學(xué)院院長的女性之一,但在追求學(xué)術(shù)成就的同時(shí),她也問心無愧地講求實(shí)際。

“We have a very clear policy that everything has to link with the world of practice,” says theebullient marketing professor, now six years a dean. “If you are not connecting your studentsto the world of practice, you are doing something wrong.”




The approach is perhaps unsurprising for a university in Scotland’s industrial heartland thathas built its reputation on strengths in technology as well as entrepreneurship, and which alsoespouses the notion of “useful learning”.


In practical terms this means Prof Hart spends time courting the support of a cadre of businessexecutives to be academic fellows at the school. “We can’t make it the way business wants itto be unless they come and help us,” she reasons.


Given that Prof Hart’s education and career have taken place almost entirely within the Scottishhigher education system, she has an additional role that is perhaps unusual too – she isleader of international activities for the whole of Strathclyde University.


However, even a rudimentary perusal of the business school’s teaching and research showswhy. To begin with, the school runs programmes in nine countries. But more significantly,everything taught there is designed around an international agenda. This is as much anecessity for those entrepreneurs setting up their own businesses in Scotland’s largest city asis it for those who join the corporate world, says the garrulous dean.


“We have students who have gone on to create small businesses, but the market is global,especially if the company is selling luxury and niche products,” she says. “If you’re a fashiondesigner, where do your fabrics come from? Even local companies will have influences anddependencies internationally.”


When quizzed about what she would nominate as the school’s flagship programme, the deanis pensive and equivocal. Certainly the school has a strong undergraduate programme, shesays, and it is increasingly successful in introducing specialised master’s degrees – Strathclydewill launch a global energy management degree in Abu Dhabi in 2015, and an MSc in leadershipin sustainable cities next year as well.

當(dāng)被追問她認(rèn)為學(xué)院的旗艦項(xiàng)目是什么時(shí),這位院長沉思了一會(huì)兒,然后做出了模棱兩可的回答。她表示,學(xué)院擁有實(shí)力很強(qiáng)的本科教育項(xiàng)目,推出的專業(yè)碩士學(xué)位教育項(xiàng)目也越來越成功——斯特拉思克萊德商學(xué)院將于2015年在阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi)推出一項(xiàng)全球能源管理學(xué)位教育項(xiàng)目,下一年還將推出一項(xiàng)可持續(xù)城市領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力方面的理科碩士(MS)項(xiàng)目。

The MBA has also been revamped and has changed dramatically in the past four years,according to the dean. General management has been updated with a technology focus and thecareers office has moved up a gear.


But the biggest change has been the increased flexibility that has enabled MBA students tostudy in any of the nine countries where the school operates. The school is particularly strongin the Middle East, teaching in Bahrain, Oman, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but also has facilities inGreece, Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia.


“A part-time student in Glasgow can study a module in any of the other centres,” says Prof Hart– for example, learning about logistics in Dubai or Singapore. Online learning is also beingintroduced on all campuses.


This increased flexibility has been one of the hallmarks of Prof Hart’s tenure as dean, but sheis swift to point out that an increased focus on research has also been central to herdevelopment of the school. Indeed, she was appointed dean in 2008 following a very successfulstint as vice-dean for research at the business school. She insists, though, that it is academicresearch with a practical application.



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