The measures contained in bipartisan bills presentedin both houses of Congress come amid anescalation in rhetoric in Washington surroundingrecent foreign exchange swings fed by concerns over the impact on Americancompetitiveness and the US recovery of a rising dollar.
“Few actions by foreign governments do more to disrupt free and fair trade and to harm USjob growth than currency manipulation,” said Sander Levin, the veteran Democrat fromMichigan leading the push in the lower House of Representatives.
“外國政府采取的行動中,沒有什么比操縱匯率更容易破壞自由和公平的貿(mào)易,損害美國的就業(yè)增長,”眾議員桑德•萊文(Sander Levin)表示,這位密歇根州民主黨老將在眾議院牽頭這項努力。
“Currency manipulation has had a major impact on millions of American middle-class jobs. Weare sending an unequivocal message today that action is needed to rein in this abuse.”
A majority of both houses of Congress have called for the US to introduce binding currencyprovisions into trade agreements being negotiated by Washington, including the Trans-PacificPartnership with Japan and 10 other countries now nearing completion.
國會兩院的多數(shù)議員都已呼吁美國將具有約束力的匯率條款引入華盛頓正在談判的貿(mào)易協(xié)定,包括與日本和另外10個國家已接近談妥的《跨太平洋伙伴關(guān)系協(xié)定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,簡稱TPP)。
But that push, backed heavily by the US auto industry, has been resisted by the White Houseand the US Treasury in particular, which insists that forums such as the G20 and institutionssuch as the International Monetary Fund are better suited to deal with currency matters thantrade agreements.
If passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama, the new legislation would allowUS industries to lobby Washington to impose countervailing duties on goods from countriesthat met a series of tests for currency manipulation. Similar legislation passed the House ofRepresentatives in 2010 and the Senate in 2011 though it has never become law.
如果國會通過并經(jīng)巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)總統(tǒng)簽署成為法律,新的立法將允許美國各行各業(yè)游說華盛頓,對達到一系列匯率操縱門檻的國家的輸美產(chǎn)品開征反補貼稅。類似的立法曾在2010年得到眾議院通過,2011年得到參議院通過,盡管從未成為法律。
However, Mr Levin, who has spent decades fighting on behalf of the US auto industry againstalleged currency manipulation by countries such as Japan, said the proposed measures wouldapply only to direct intervention in currency markets by governments.
They would explicitly not apply to any currency swings linked to central banks’ decisions onmonetary policy, raising the question of just how relevant the proposed legislation would be.
The recent surge in the dollar and slumps in currencies such as the euro and the yen have beenattributed largely to the introduction of unorthodox monetary measures by central banks.The US faced its own accusations of feeding a “currency war” in the wake of the 2008 globalfinancial crisis as a result of the quantitative easing programme.
The recent moves by some central banks, aimed largely at stimulating domestic growth, havebeen explicitly cheered by some governments eager to see their currencies weaken in order tobenefit exporters. Italy’s prime minister, Matteo Renzi, said last month that he dreamt of“parity” between the US dollar and the euro and the benefits it would provide to Italianexporters.
一些央行近期的舉措主要是為了刺激國內(nèi)經(jīng)濟增長,但這些舉措也受到一些急于看到本幣走低(從而造福出口商)的政府的明確歡呼。意大利總理馬泰奧•倫齊(Matteo Renzi)上月表示,他夢想著美元兌歐元匯率達到1:1、為意大利出口企業(yè)帶來實際好處的那一天。
Fred Bergsten, the former head of the Peterson Institute think-tank, said the proposed USlegislation would probably not apply to any countries today.
智庫彼得森國際經(jīng)濟研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)前負責(zé)人弗雷德•伯格斯滕(Fred Bergsten)表示,從當(dāng)今的情況看,擬議中的美國立法很可能對一個國家也不適用。