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AS much as we love our digital devices, many of ushave an uneasy sense that they are destroying ourattention spans. We skitter from app to app, seldomalighting for long. Our ability to concentrate is shot,right?




Research shows that our intuition is wrong. We can focus. But our sense that we can’t maynot be a phantom. Paying attention requires not just ability but desire. Technology may snuffout our desire to focus.


The idea that gadgets corrode our attention span sounds logical. Screen-based activities cantake upward of 11 hours of a teenager’s day, and many demand rapid shifts of attention: quickcamera cuts in videos, frenetically paced games, answering questions in multiple apps, not tomention web design that invites skimming. And we often do all this simultaneously, soattention bounces between two (or three or eight) fast-paced tasks. The theory is that thebrain’s plasticity turns this quick mental pivoting into a habit, rendering us unable to sustainattention.


But there’s little evidence that attention spans are shrinking. Scientists use “span” to meantwo separate things: how much we can keep in mind, and how well we can maintain focus. Theymeasure the former by asking people to repeat increasingly long strings of digits in reverseorder. They measure the latter by asking people to monitor visual stimuli for occasional, subtlechanges. Performance on these tests today looks a whole lot as it did 50 years ago.


Scientists also note that although mental tasks can change our brains, the impact is usuallymodest. For example, practice with action video games improves some aspects of vision, butit’s a small boost, not an overhaul of how we see. Attention is so central to our ability to thinkthat a significant deterioration would require a retrofitting of other cognitive functions. Mentalreorganization at that scale happens over evolutionary time, not because you got asmartphone.


But if our attention span is not shrinking, why do we feel it is? Why, in a 2012 Pew survey, didnearly 90 percent of teachers claim that students can’t pay attention the way they could a fewyears ago? It may be that digital devices have not left us unable to pay attention, but havemade us unwilling to do so.


The digital world carries the promise of amusement that is constant, immediate and limitless.If a YouTube video isn’t funny in the first 10 seconds, why watch when I can instantly seeksomething better on BuzzFeed or Spotify? The Internet hasn’t shortened my attention span,but it has fixed a persistent thought in the back of my mind: Isn’t there’s something better todo than what I’m doing?


Are we more easily bored than we were 20 years ago? Researchers don’t know, but recentstudies support the suggestion that our antennas are always up. People’s performance onbasic laboratory tests of attention gets worse if a cellphone is merely visible nearby. Inanother experiment, people using a driving simulator were more likely to hit a pedestrian whentheir cellphone rang, even if they had planned in advance not to answer it.


The direst prediction offered by digital critics — our phones are really pocket-size deep fryersfor the mind — may be untrue, but the alternative I’ve suggested sounds nearly as bad. Theappetite for endless entertainment suggests that worthier activities will be shoved aside. Wemay buy Salman Rushdie’s book, but we’ll end up sucked in by Flappy Bird.

數(shù)碼批評(píng)家做出了可怕的預(yù)測(cè)——手機(jī)就是一口袖珍的心智油炸鍋。事實(shí)可能并非這樣,但我的說法似乎也暗示著同樣糟糕的事情:對(duì)娛樂的無限熱衷,似乎意味著更有價(jià)值的活動(dòng)將被拋到一邊。我們可能會(huì)購買薩爾曼·拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)的書,結(jié)果卻沉迷于玩《像素鳥》(Flappy Bird)游戲。

That doesn’t quite seem to be the case, either. Research shows, for example, that the amountof leisure reading hasn’t changed with the advent of the digital age. Before we congratulateourselves, though, let’s acknowledge that brainier hobbies have never been that popular.There have always been ways to kill time.


Still, digital activities may be different. Over the last decade, neuroscientists distinguished twosystems of attention and associated thought. One is directed outward, as when you scrollthrough your email or play Candy Crush. The other is directed inward, as when you daydream,plan what you’ll do tomorrow, or reflect on the past. Clearly, most digital activities call foroutwardly directed attention. These two modes of attention work like a toggle switch; whenone is on, the other is off. In fact, when attention is outwardly directed, the inwardly directedattention system is somewhat suppressed. Given the amount of time people spend with digitaldevices, that sounds ominous.

但是,數(shù)字活動(dòng)可能還是有所不同。過去十年來,神經(jīng)學(xué)家總結(jié)出兩種有關(guān)注意力和思考的系統(tǒng)。一種是外指向的,出現(xiàn)在你瀏覽電子郵件,或玩《糖果粉碎傳奇》(Candy Crush)的時(shí)候。另一種是內(nèi)指向的,出現(xiàn)在你發(fā)呆,計(jì)劃明天會(huì)做什么,或反思過去的時(shí)候。顯然,大多數(shù)數(shù)字活動(dòng)引發(fā)的都是外指向的注意力。這兩種模式就像按動(dòng)開關(guān);當(dāng)其中一種打開,另一種就關(guān)閉了。事實(shí)上,當(dāng)注意力切換到外指向系統(tǒng)時(shí),內(nèi)指向的系統(tǒng)就遭到了抑制。鑒于我們?cè)跀?shù)碼設(shè)備上花的時(shí)間如此之多,這聽起來有些不妙。

Will we actually lose our ability to daydream? Let’s hope not. Among daydreaming’s manymerits, research shows, is an association with greater creativity. But there is a dark side ofinwardly directed thought, too. Daydreaming often distracts us when we’re trying to getsomething done. And reflection can turn ugly, as when we ruminate about some past insult orerror.


Digital devices are not eating away at our brains. They are, however, luring us toward nearconstant outwardly directed thought, a situation that’s probably unique in human experience.A flat cap on time with devices — the restriction we first think of for ourselves and our kids —might help. So would parking devices in another room for a while. But it would be moreeffective if we could learn to recognize in ourselves when escape from our thoughts is O.K.and when reflection is in order. As a bonus, judgments like that require inwardly directedattention, a mental habit that in our smartphone era, we’d be dumb to lose.



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