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State of Emergency Declared After California Earthquake


NAPA, Calif. — Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency for this region north of San Francisco on Sunday, as emergency workers scrambled to put out fires and treat injuries after a strong earthquake, measured at magnitude 6.0, struck early this morning.

加州納帕——在周日凌晨發(fā)生了一場(chǎng)測(cè)定為6.0級(jí)的強(qiáng)烈地震后,隨著緊急救援人員奮力滅火并救治傷員,加州州長(zhǎng)杰里·布朗(Jerry Brown)周日宣布,位于舊金山北部的這片地區(qū)進(jìn)入緊急狀態(tài)。

Even as the shaking continued — several smaller aftershocks were reported — emergency crews were combing through a number of buildings in downtown Napa, making sure that no one had been trapped inside. Several fires were reported in the area, and a number of homes and buildings, including some in downtown, had structural damage.


At least 90 people had been treated at the emergency room of Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa, according to Vanessa DeGier, a spokeswoman for the hospital. Most injuries were minor cuts or abrasions caused by falling debris. But three patients remained in critical condition, including a child who had been crushed by a falling fireplace.

納帕皇后谷醫(yī)療中心(Queen of the Valley Medical Center)女發(fā)言人瓦妮莎·德吉爾(Vanessa DeGier)表示,至少有90人在該中心的急診室接受治療。大部分傷都是掉落的碎片造成的輕微劃傷和擦傷。但還是有三名病人傷勢(shì)嚴(yán)重,其中包括一名被掉 下來(lái)的壁爐砸到的兒童。

“Right now it’s really about being able to get the fires out, making sure that anyone who could potentially be trapped in a building gets rescued and evacuated,” said Mark S. Ghilarducci, the secretary of the California Emergency Management Agency. “There’s going to be a number of aftershocks afterwards, so people need to be prepared for that.”

“目前最重要的是要撲滅大火,確保營(yíng)救和疏散任何可能被困在建筑內(nèi)的人,”加州緊急事務(wù)管理署(California Emergency Management Agency)的秘書(shū)馬克·S·吉拉爾杜奇(Mark S. Ghilarducci)說(shuō)。“以后會(huì)有大量余震,所以人們必須為此做好準(zhǔn)備。”

The temblor struck about six miles south of Napa around 3:20 a.m., according to the United States Geological Survey. It was the most powerful earthquake to hit the Bay Area since the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, which collapsed a section of the Bay Bridge. The shaking was felt over an area that encompassed hundreds of miles.

美國(guó)地質(zhì)調(diào)查局(United States Geological Survey)表示,凌晨3點(diǎn)20分左右,納帕以南約6英里(約合10公里)的地方發(fā)生地震 。這是自1989年導(dǎo)致海灣大橋(Bay Bridge)部分垮塌的洛馬普列塔地震以來(lái),舊金山灣區(qū)發(fā)生的最強(qiáng)地震。方圓數(shù)百英里內(nèi)都有震感。

The earthquake threw much of the Napa Valley — normally an edenic retreat famed for its wine and fine dining — into chaos of falling glass and collapsing bricks. Dozens of water and gas mains were ruptured, and at least six fires broke out, including one in a mobile home park that destroyed four homes and damaged two others. Thousands remained without power.

納帕谷在平常是一個(gè)伊甸園般的休養(yǎng)勝地,以其葡萄酒和精美飲食而著稱(chēng),但地震讓這里的很多地方陷入了一片混亂,到處是掉落的玻璃和垮塌的磚頭。幾十 處水氣總管道破裂,至少發(fā)生了六起火災(zāi),其中一起發(fā)生在一處活動(dòng)房屋公園。那起大火燒毀了四處房屋,兩處房屋受損。數(shù)千戶(hù)人家依然用不上電。

Two residents of the mobile home park, Lynda and Bob Castell-Blanch, both 60, said they were jarred awake by a loud thump and roll.

活動(dòng)房屋公園的居民、皆為60歲的琳達(dá)·卡斯泰爾-布蘭奇(Lynda Castell-Blanch)和鮑勃·卡斯泰爾-布蘭奇(Bob Castell-Blanch)說(shuō),他們是被砰的一聲巨響震醒的。

“It was violent,” Mr. Castell-Blanch said. “Things were flying all over the place. There was a woman screaming from one of the houses, so loud it was total mayhem.”


The couple said they had enough time to gather their cats and Mr. Castell-Blanch’s vintage guitars before evacuating. “That was all we had time for,” he said, as they tried to buy water at a store near the mobile home park.


The shelves at the store, the Ranch Market, had been emptied into the aisles. The smell of wine wafted throughout.

在這家名為蘭奇市場(chǎng)(Ranch Market)的商店里,貨架倒在了過(guò)道里。葡萄酒的味道四處飄散。

Arik Housley, the store’s owner, estimated at least $100,000 in damage at the two markets he owns in the area. He said that, like many people, he did not carry earthquake insurance because the premium was high.

商店老板阿里克·豪斯利(Arik Housley)估計(jì),他在該地區(qū)的兩家商店遭受的損失至少為10萬(wàn)美元(約合615萬(wàn)元人民幣)。他說(shuō)自己和很多人一樣,沒(méi)有投地震險(xiǎn),因?yàn)楸kU(xiǎn)費(fèi)很高。

Franz Oehler, 44, who lives west of downtown Napa, said: “It was about 10 seconds of total chaos. My girlfriend and I were thrown up in the air, and the window exploded.”

44歲的弗朗茨·厄勒(Franz Oehler)住在納帕中心以西,他說(shuō):“整個(gè)混亂過(guò)程持續(xù)了大約10秒。我和女朋友被拋到空中,窗戶(hù)爆裂。”

His house, he said, suffered cracks and was in danger of sliding down the hill.


More than 25,000 people remained without power Sunday, though many more had had electricity restored.


Janet Upton said the chimneys of several homes in her Napa neighborhood were knocked off, while the front of another home had sheared off. The entire area smelled strongly of gas, she said. Sirens continued unabated for two hours after the earthquake, she added, but it had since quieted down.

珍妮特·厄普頓(Janet Upton)說(shuō),在她位于納帕的家附近,有幾座房子的煙囪已被折斷,還有一座房屋的前部則發(fā)生坍塌。她說(shuō),整個(gè)區(qū)域彌漫著濃烈的燃?xì)馕?。她還說(shuō),地震發(fā)生后,警報(bào)器一直響了兩個(gè)小時(shí),然后便不響了。

“We helped all neighbors turn their gas off,” said Ms. Upton, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Her husband is Scott Upton, the Napa County fire chief. “I’m just grateful my family and neighbors are all O.K.” Buildings across the city were damaged, including the county courthouse and several other historic brick buildings downtown. Though many had been retrofitted to withstand earthquakes in recent years, they did not hold, and large sections of brick and concrete collapsed onto the sidewalks.

“我們幫所有鄰居關(guān)掉了燃?xì)猓?rdquo;加州林業(yè)及消防部(Department of Forestry and Fire Protection)女發(fā)言人厄普頓說(shuō)。她的丈夫斯科特·厄普頓(Scott Upton)是納帕縣消防部門(mén)長(zhǎng)官。“我的家人和鄰居都沒(méi)事,我很感激。”這里的建筑物都遭到了破壞,縣政府和城中心其他幾座歷史悠久的磚頭建筑也在其 中。雖然近年來(lái)為了防御地震,許多建筑物已被翻新,但它們還是未能抵抗住此次地震,有大塊的磚和水泥掉到了人行道上。

“Certainly, a few of the retrofits didn’t fare that well,” a Napa County supervisor, Mark Luce, said. He added that many more buildings, including the county administrative building, had interior damage — broken sprinkler lines and fallen ceilings — which would be costly to repair. “The newer buildings that met current standards fared better, but there’s still a lot of mess to clean up inside.”

“當(dāng)然,有些翻新工作是沒(méi)有起到那么好的作用,”納帕縣長(zhǎng)官馬克·盧斯(Mark Luce)說(shuō)。他還表示,還有更多的建筑物是內(nèi)部受損——其中包括縣政府大樓——出現(xiàn)水管斷裂、屋頂坍塌,維修費(fèi)用會(huì)十分高昂。“符合現(xiàn)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的較新的建 筑物受損較輕,但是內(nèi)部也有許多需要清理的地方。”

Though most of the downtown buildings that had the worst damage were empty when the temblor hit early in the morning, emergency crews were searching for any janitorial or security workers who may have been on site, and roping off the buildings to keep the public away from any more falling concrete.


“We’ll look at what happened with these couple buildings where we saw these failures, and see if there’s anything we missed,” Mr. Luce said. “We’ve had a live test of what a 6.0 earthquake will do.”


While Sunday’s earthquake was the largest to hit the region since 1989, seismologists said it paled in comparison to Loma Prieta, which was 6.9 in magnitude, or the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, which was 7.8.



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