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【世界之大】貓咪市長(zhǎng) 備受肯定





National   poll  s show that voters all over the country are losing faith in their elected leaders. But the 900 residents of Talkeetna, Alaska, say their mayor is doing a great job bringing in tourist dollars and has served in office for over a decade.


"He's good. He's probably the best we've ever had," resident Lauri Stec tells KTUU. "He was just in the Alaska Magazine, and he's been featured in a few different things."

居民Lauri Stec 告訴KTUU 報(bào)記者“他很棒。他也許是我們這里最好的一位市長(zhǎng)。他曾在阿拉斯加州雜志上出現(xiàn)過(guò),他很特別。”

In fact, Stec hangs out with Mayor Stubbs most days at Nagley's General Store, even though she notes, "He's growling at me right now."


That's because the 15-year-old mayor is actually a cat, who was elected to office as a write-in candidate shortly after his birth.


"Their tour guides will trick them [the tourists]," fellow Nagley's employee Skye Farrar tells KTUU. "They'll tell them to go to Nagley's and ask for the mayor."


And with the power of social media, Stubbs is growing in popularity and drawing visitors to Talkeetna, who comes specifically to meet the honorary mayor.


Mayor Stubbs has more than 2,500 Facebook fans on his page, nearly three times as many people who live in the town itself.


"Oh my gosh, we probably have 30 to 40 people a day come in who are tourists wanting to see him," Stec said.


Though residents say he's been taking the newfound fame in stride, with his major indulgence being a daily dose of catnip served from a wine glass.



1. poll [p??l]

· n. 投票;民意測(cè)驗(yàn);投票數(shù);投票所

· vt. 投票;剪短;對(duì)…進(jìn)行民意測(cè)驗(yàn);獲得選票

· vi. 投票

· adj. 無(wú)角的;剪過(guò)毛的;修過(guò)枝的


opinion poll民意測(cè)驗(yàn);輿論調(diào)查;民意調(diào)查;名義調(diào)查民意調(diào)查

Post Poll發(fā)布投票

Poll interval更新間隔;以輪詢間隔;輪詢間隔

poll record輪詢記錄

go to the polls 去投票處投票

public opinion poll 民意測(cè)驗(yàn)

poll tax 人頭稅


Who else do they poll for? 它還為誰(shuí)做民意調(diào)查?

2.decade ['deke?d; d?'ke?d]

n. 十年,十年期;十


Golden Decade黃金十年

past decade過(guò)去的十年

previous decade前一個(gè)十進(jìn)位

resistance decade十進(jìn)電阻器

over the past decade 在過(guò)去的十年里


We hope to have test flights in this decade. 我們希望在這十年進(jìn)行試驗(yàn)飛行。

3.feature ['fi:t??]

· n. 特色,特征;容貌;特寫或?qū)n}節(jié)目

· vi. 起重要作用

· vt. 特寫;以…為特色;由…主演

[ 過(guò)去式featured 過(guò)去分詞featured 現(xiàn)在分詞featuring ]



feat 合適的;靈巧的

featured 特定的;被作為特色的;有…的面貌特征的

featureless 無(wú)特色的

featherweight 極輕的;不重要的


feat 功績(jī),壯舉;技藝表演

featherweight 非常輕的人或物;不重要的人;輕量級(jí)選手


featured 使…有特色;起重要作用(feature的過(guò)去分詞)


FEATURE FILM劇情片;故事片;長(zhǎng)片;正片

Documentary Feature最佳紀(jì)錄片;最佳紀(jì)錄長(zhǎng)片;記錄長(zhǎng)片;最佳紀(jì)錄長(zhǎng)片獎(jiǎng)

clinical feature臨床特征;臨床特點(diǎn);臨床表現(xiàn);結(jié)腸鏡檢查

Best Feature最佳影片;最佳長(zhǎng)片;最佳劇情片;最佳專題節(jié)目

Feature Photography特寫性新聞攝影;特寫攝影獎(jiǎng);專題攝影獎(jiǎng);普利策專題攝影獎(jiǎng)

distinguishing feature 特點(diǎn);特征

main feature 主要特征;主要特點(diǎn);主景;功能特點(diǎn)

basic feature 基本特性

unique feature 特色;特性;獨(dú)到之處

design feature 設(shè)計(jì)特點(diǎn);結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn);設(shè)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù);設(shè)計(jì)形體

common feature 共同特征

prominent feature 突出特征;顯著地物

facial feature 面貌

outstanding feature 顯著特點(diǎn)

surface feature 地貌;地表特征;場(chǎng)地地貌

characteristic feature 性能特點(diǎn)

semantic feature 語(yǔ)義特征;語(yǔ)意特征;語(yǔ)義要素


Do be careful with this feature, however. 但是一定要小心對(duì)待這個(gè)特性。

4.indulgence [?n'd?ld?(?)ns]

n. 嗜好;放縱;縱容;沉溺

[ 過(guò)去式indulgenced 過(guò)去分詞indulgenced 現(xiàn)在分詞indulgencing ]



indulgent 放縱的;寬容的;任性的


indulgently 溺愛地;放任地


indulge 沉溺;滿足;放任


indulge 滿足;縱容;使高興;使沉迷于…


Kindly indulgence溫和地縱容;任性的

Excessive indulgence過(guò)度縱欲


Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin. 經(jīng)常沉溺于惡習(xí)導(dǎo)致了他的毀滅。

With all of our responsibilities, fun seems like an indulgence. 肩負(fù)著身上所有的責(zé)任,娛樂(lè)似乎是一種放縱。


1. hang out 掛出;閑逛


hang it out怠工

Hang-out Buddy玩伴

hang somebody out to dry把晾起來(lái)了

Hang somebody out to try把誰(shuí)晾在一邊

hang out掛出;閑逛

hang out false colours打出騙人的旗號(hào);掛羊頭賣狗肉


· But, as a teenager, I had “better” things to do than hang out at the airport. 但是,作為一名十幾歲的少年,我還有比在機(jī)場(chǎng)閑逛更“好”的事情要做。

2.growl at 咆哮


· If two wolves have a disagreement, they may show their teeth and growl at each other. 一旦兩頭狼不能達(dá)成共識(shí),它們就會(huì)齜牙咧嘴,互相咆哮。

3.be selected to 被選


To Be Selected加以挑選

love face to be selected愛情面臨選擇



· So the duke ordered several old horse to be selected to lead the army. Finally, they found the way back home.

4. FaceBook n. 臉譜網(wǎng)



Twitter Facebook分享

Facebook Followers臉譜追隨者

Facebook Expert臉譜專家

Twitter Facebook書網(wǎng)

Facebook Fan粉絲網(wǎng)頁(yè)


This is not just about a faster internet or being able to friend someone on Facebook. 奧巴馬說(shuō):“這不只是涉及能更快地上網(wǎng)或者在臉譜網(wǎng)站上找到朋友。


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