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讀美句 學雅思:單身更要愛自己!




1. You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. The single relationship that is truly central and crucial in a life is the relationship to see the self. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never lose. (Jo Coudert, Author of Seven Cats and the Art of Living)

你不需要以自己為代價去換取愛情。一生中唯一真正重要的感情,是能清醒認識自己的感情。你這一輩子會遇到形形色色的人,但可以相伴走到最后的,只有自己。 (喬·柯德爾,繪本作家,代表作《七只貓的生活主張》)

【詞語點睛】at the cost of, “以……為代價”,“犧牲……”。如: There is no sense developing industry at the cost of the environment. (以環(huán)境為代價換取工業(yè)發(fā)展是毫無道理的。)

the single relationship = the only relationship;口語寫作時可以用的單詞替換哦! 另外還要注意這里的relationship強調(diào)的是“愛情關(guān)系”,所以理解時最好用“感情”替換“關(guān)系”。

2. I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude. (Henry David Thoreau, American philosophy)

我從未發(fā)現(xiàn)比獨處更好交往的伴侶。 (亨利·戴維·梭羅,美國哲學家)

【詞語點睛】a companion that was so companionable:companionable companion,同根詞的妙用。英語中有許多單詞都有相近形態(tài),表示的意義也大致相關(guān)。寫作時可以使用一二,增加趣味性。


3. When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere. (Francois de la Rochefoucauld)


【詞語點睛】tranquility,寧靜、平靜;英文解釋是“an untroubled state; free from disturbances”不受外界干擾,無憂無慮,寧靜祥和的狀態(tài)。是比quiet更內(nèi)在、更深層的“安靜”。

【亮點解析】注意句型“When sb. is unable to do A, it is useless to do B.”;“當某人無法完成A時,做B也沒有用。”意為A事情是B事情的前提,即A比B更重要??谡Z和寫作中都可以用到這個句型,如: When you are not able to use the basic words, it is useless to try to make a dialogue. (當你還沒學會使用基本詞語時,嘗試進行對話只是白費力。)

4. Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.


【亮點解析】stand alone:獨自站著;stand:站立,也有“直立蓬勃生長”的含義,如:Some big trees at the top of the hill stand into the sky. (山頂上有幾棵參天的大樹。) 這兩個本是描述動作的客觀表達,但放在句子中,卻被賦予很鮮明的情感色彩。stand alone營造出了被眾人隔離的孤獨感,可是這又怎樣?So what?! 沒有依靠,正好可以證明一個人同樣可以活得精彩!

5. Waiting for someone else to make you happy is the best way to be sad.


【亮點解析】這句話的妙處是將happy和sad放在一起形成的對比。而V-ing + is the (best/worst) way to do sth. 也是寫作的常見用法,“做某事是達到……的(最佳/最壞)方法”,如: Planning for the worst when everything goes on well is the best way to survive in this industry. (在一切順利時仍為最壞情況做打算,是在這個行業(yè)中生存的最佳方式。)

看了上面的句子,你是否已經(jīng)意識到,即使一個人,也要幸??鞓纺?在此教研君再分享一句《欲望都市》中Carrie Bradshaw說的一句話,與單身同胞們共勉!

Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first, because the most profound relationship we’ll ever have is the one with ourselves.



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