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  Saturate 使充滿,飽和,浸濕

  The market has been saturated with paintings like that. 那種畫充斥了市場。

  Saturated steam 飽和水蒸氣

  Saturated solution 飽和溶液

  Abundant 豐富的;大量的

  Rainfall is abundant in the region. 該地區(qū)降雨量充沛。

  Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources. 我國土地遼闊,資源豐富。

  Soak 滲透

  Let the clothes soak for a few hours in soapy water. 讓衣服在肥皂水里泡幾個小時。

  Before planting the bushes, soak the ground with water. 種這種灌木之前先把地面澆透。

  Incredible 難以置信的;不可信的

  Some planets run at incredible speed. 某些星球以難以置信的速度運行著。

  The plot of this book is incredible. 這本書的情節(jié)不可信。

  Unconsolidated 松散的;疏松的

  Unconsolidated soil松散的土壤

  Coarse 粗糙的;粗俗的

  His coarse habits have gradually fined away. 他粗俗的習(xí)慣漸漸變得文雅起來。

  She never wears clothes made of coarse material. 她從來不穿粗布衣服。

  Coarse bran 粗糠

  Coarse adjustment 粗調(diào)

  Pore 細(xì)孔

  He was sweating through every pore. 他的每個毛孔都在冒汗。

  Cement 黏結(jié),鞏固;水泥

  Let's cement the parts together. 咱們來把這些部件粘接在一起吧。

  Our holiday together cemented our friendship. 共度假日使我們的友誼更加牢固。

  The president’s visit was intended to cement the alliance between the two countries.總統(tǒng)的訪問是為了加強(qiáng)兩國的聯(lián)盟。

  Values which are the cement of society使社會具有凝聚力的價值觀

  A cement floor水泥地板

  Dissolve 溶解;結(jié)束

  The sun dissolves snow. 太陽使雪融化。

  Salt dissolves in water.鹽溶于水。

  The campaign dissolved. 這場運動結(jié)束了。

  Percolate 過濾出;滲透;煮

  The rain will percolate through the soil. 雨水滲入土中。

  I'll percolate some coffee for you. 我給你煮一些咖啡。

  Porous 能滲透的;多孔的

  He added sand to the soil to make it more porous. 他往土里加沙子以提高滲水性能。

  The local limestone is very porous. 當(dāng)?shù)厥規(guī)r滲透性很好。

  Crystalline 結(jié)晶的;似水晶的;結(jié)晶性

  Carbon steels exist in three stable crystalline phases. 碳素鋼含有3種穩(wěn)定的結(jié)晶狀態(tài)。

  Diamond is the crystalline form of the element carbon. 鉆石是碳元素的晶體結(jié)構(gòu)。

  Sugar is crystalline.糖是結(jié)晶體。

  The crystalline sky澄澈的天空


  These measures are calculated to solidify and stabilize his rule.這些措施旨在鞏固和穩(wěn)定他的統(tǒng)治。

  Any liquid could be solidified under the certain conditions. 任何液體在一定條件下都能固化。

  Solidify one’s knowledge充實自己的知識

  Cavity 洞;蛀牙

  There's a cavity in the boy's tooth. 這個男孩的牙上有一個洞。

  The dentist carefully located the filling in the cavity. 牙醫(yī)小心地把填塞的東西放進(jìn)牙洞里。

  Cavity bubble 空泡

  Cavity brick 空心磚

  Crevice 裂縫

  He edged the tool into the crevice. 他把刀具插進(jìn)裂縫里。

  I saw a plant growing out of a crevice in the wall.我看到墻縫里長出一棵草來。

  Meteoric 極速的(成功);流星的;大氣的

  His early career had been meteoric. 他的早期生涯平步青云。

  Hail is a meteoric phenomenon. 冰雹是一種大氣現(xiàn)象。

  Precipitation陡然下落; 沉淀;降雨量

  The tragic precipitation of the climbers over the side of the mountain登山者從崖壁上悲劇性的墜落

  Deserts have little or no precipitation.沙漠地區(qū)降水極少或不降水。

  Pebble 卵石;小圓石

  She moaned as a sharp pebble cut into her blistered foot. 一個尖石子扎破了她腳上的血泡,她痛得叫了一聲。(blister水皰)

  Gravel 沙礫;碎石

  We bought six bags of gravel for the garden path. 我們購買了六袋碎石用來鋪花園的小路。

  Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water. 混凝土由水泥、沙、石子和水混合而成。

  Sandbar 沙洲

  A storm grounded the ship on a sandbar. 一場風(fēng)暴使船擱淺在了沙洲上。

  The ship was hung up on a sandbar three hours. 那船在沙洲上擱淺了3個小時。

  Basalt 玄武巖

  Basalt is the commonest volcanic rock. 玄武巖是最普通的火山巖。

  Porosity 孔隙度;多孔性

  Seismic velocity can occasionally be affected by porosity and temperature. 孔隙和溫度有時也能影響地震波速。

  Permeability 滲透;滲透性

  The water vapour permeability of leather皮革的透水汽性


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