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近日,英國女王伊麗莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)迎來了自己九十歲的生日。

伊麗莎白女王的一舉一動萬眾矚目, 但她其實很少在公開場所表達自己的見解或接受采訪,所以對于大多數人來說,她還是一個“謎一樣的女子”。




Many people are impressed by the Queen's longevity as the UK celebrates the 90th birthday of itslongest-serving monarch. She has reigned for 64 years, last year overtaking her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.


She has seen 12 prime ministers serve her, from Britain's great wartime leader Sir WinstonChurchill through to the present incumbent, David Cameron.

在位六十余載, “超長待機”的女王已經經歷了12位英國首相,從二戰(zhàn)時期任職的丘吉爾到今天的卡梅倫。正所謂“流水的首相, 鐵打的女王”。



The Queen celebrates two birthdays each year: her actual birthday on 21 April and her officialbirthday on a Saturday in June. England has so few nice sunny days, the monarchy decided that“official” birthday celebrations be held during the summer when the weather is more likely to bepleasant.

女王的出生日期是1926年4月21日。但是因為英格蘭晴天實在太少了, 四月的英國更是陰雨連綿,于是皇室就“任性”地把女王的官方生日定在了六月。

其實這也不是沒道理的, 每逢女王生日,倫敦各處都會有大型的游行和放禮炮等慶?;顒印G绾玫奶鞖獗WC了這些活動的順利進行,也讓參與的人們心情愉悅。之前英國的君主也有為此把官方生日定在夏天的類似做法。 而四月的生日, 女王大多數時候選擇和家人一起度過。




The Queen’s nickname was "Lilybet" when she was a little girl.


Long before she was the queen, she was a cover girl. She graced the cover of Time Magazinewhen she was 3 years old.

在成為女王之前,伊麗莎白就是封面女孩了。 3歲時,她就登上了《時代》雜志的封面。



The queen met her future husband, Prince Philip, when she was just 13. They got married in 1947and they have four children, Prince Charles, who is heir to the throne, Princess Anne, PrinceAndrew and Prince Edward.


Grandsons Prince William and Prince Harry don't call the queen "Your Majesty." To them, she'sjust "Granny."


Filial duty


"She adored her father. He was her hero. And when he died so suddenly so young, she made apromise to the British and to the world in general that she would be the servant of the people." -Martin Palmer, an adviser to Prince Philip, in an interview with China Daily.

“她崇拜自己的父親。在她眼中,他就是英雄。當父親正值壯年卻突然辭世的時候,她向國家和全世界做出了一個承諾,那就是她將永遠為人民服務。” ——馬丁•帕米爾,菲利普親王的顧問,在最近接受中國日報的采訪時候談到。

Animal lover


擁有自己的專屬菜單, 享受眾人的矚目和媒體的聚光燈,甚至還在倫敦開幕式上閃亮登場……我說的是女王的柯基。

The Queen has owned more than 30 corgis, with many of them direct descendants from her firstone, Susan. Now she has only two - Holly and Willow - and does not plan to get any more.

女王一生中養(yǎng)過30多只柯基犬,其中很多是她的第一只柯基“蘇珊”的后代。 不過因為不想在過世后留下幼犬,女王現在只養(yǎng)了兩只,“霍利”和“威洛”,并且以后也不會再養(yǎng)新的狗狗了。

She is also very passionate about horses. She rides, breeds, and races them, and once held aprivate audience with the Horse Whisperer.

除了柯基犬, 女王還對馬情有獨鐘,她不僅愛騎馬,還愛賽馬、培育種馬。女王的御馬師漢農說,女王對馬匹培育很有研究,甚至可以記得她的一匹種馬前5-6代的血脈。

Chinese links


The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh have both shown enormous interest in Chinese religion,especially Taoism, according to Martin Palmer, an adviser to Prince Philip, who has worked withthe Taoists of China for over 20 years.


"I remember taking a group of Chinese for a meeting with the Queen and she was just veryintrigued with how these different traditions: Taoism, less so Buddhism, and Confucianism, howdid they work side by side? How is it that China has never had a religious war? "




She likes to wear brightly-colored dresses and large hats, to stand out from the crowd.


But royals can recycle. The Queen sometimes wears her outfit more than once in public. On a tripto Australia, she was spotted wearing the same dress she wore months earlier to wedding ofPrince William and Kate Middleton.


No passport


As a British passport is issued on the authority of Her Majesty, it is unnecessary for The Queen tohave one of her own. All other members of the Royal Family, including The Duke of Edinburgh andThe Prince of Wales, have passports.

作為英國的國家首領, 女王陛下其實并沒有這個國家的護照。 因為這些旅行文件和護照都是以她的名義發(fā)布的,所以也沒必要自己給自己發(fā)一本了,出國旅行全靠刷臉,是不是很霸氣側漏?不過這項特權除了女王別的皇室成員都不能享受,各位王子公主們依舊還是要用護照的。

No license


Driving licenses are issued in the Queen's name, yet she is the only person in the United Kingdomwho doesn't legally need a license to drive or a to have number plate on her cars.

和護照一樣, 英國的駕駛執(zhí)照和車牌也都是以女王的名義發(fā)放的。故而,在英國她是唯一一個不需要駕照就可以駕駛的人,當然,她的車也不需要車牌號。

Despite not being required to have a license, the Queen is comfortable behind the wheel, havinglearned to drive during World War II when she operated a first-aid truck for the Women's AuxiliaryTerritorial Service.

盡管不需要駕照, 女王的駕駛技能可是一點都不遜色。 二戰(zhàn)期間, 她加入了女子輔助服務團,成為了一名司機和機械師,不僅能開急救車,還能及時維修, 成為工科女漢子的最佳代言人。

Queen Elizabeth II isn't afraid to show off her driving skills, either. In 1998, she surprised KingAbdullah of Saudi Arabia (then still a prince) by driving him around in her country seat of Balmoral.




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