A study of hundreds of women has revealed thatthose who avoided the sun's rays looked up to 20years younger than they actually are.
However, other supposed rules for a youthful complexion, from drinking lots of water tosleeping well and exercising regularly, failed to hold back the hands of time.
Only keeping out of the sun, and wearing sunscreen when this wasn't possible, made adifference, the American Academy of Dermatology's annual conference will hear today.
The intriguing finding comes from a study of 231 women of all ages who were quizzed abouttheir lives, including whether they were sun-worshippers.
When researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the US—commissioned by skincarefirm Olay - guessed how old the women were, they found those who took care in the suntended to have aged more slowly.
A lucky four had so few wrinkles and age spots, and such a glowing complexion, that theyappeared to be a full two decades younger than they really were.
Researcher Dr Alexa Kimball, a professor of dermatology, said the popular perception thatwe drink lots of water to stay healthy is a myth and the body is 'pretty good' at judging howmuch we need.
Previous research by the British Nutrition Foundation reached a similar conclusion.
Experts there said: 'Just drinking water for the sake of drinking water really has no effect onimproving the appearance of skin.'
It isn't clear why the women who slept well didn't have younger-looking skin. But it may be thatthe question they were asked was too narrow and didn't take into account their long-term sleeppatterns.
A second study, also by Olay, suggested that low-level day to day exposure to the sun is moreageing that occasional, intense blasts.
Finally, DNA examination of tiny samples of the women's skin gave some insight into thedamage done by the sun.
A gene called CDKN2A was more active in facial skin that is exposed to the elements than onsamples taken from the buttocks.
This gene was also more active in women who said they loved the sun—and in those wholooked older.
Dr Kimball said CDKN2A activity is a sign that a cell is 'tired out' and urged women shouldprotect their skin year round and not just when on a beach holiday.
Dr Frauke Neuser, principal scientist at Olay, which has used the research to develop its latestface creams, said: 'This research gives us a detailed picture of the effect of sun exposure onskin ageing and illustrate the importance of protection on a daily basis.'