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‘American Sniper’ Moral


Things we can learn from “American Sniper”:

我們可以從《美國狙擊手》(American Sniper)中學(xué)到的東西:

You know the movie, right? It has not only been nominated for the Best Picture Oscar; it could wind up selling more tickets than the other seven nominees combined. Plus, it’s triggered a left-right controversy that makes the old dust-up over “Duck Dynasty” seem like a tiny cultural blip.

你知道這部電影,對吧?它不僅獲得了奧斯卡最佳影片提名,而且最終票房可能比其他七部提名影片加在一起都高。另外,它在左右兩派之間引發(fā)了很大爭議,令之前為《鴨子王朝》(Duck Dynasty)打的那一仗相形見拙。

“American Sniper” tells the story of Chris Kyle, a real-life Iraq war veteran and sharpshooter. The film is certainly powerful, and it celebrates our Iraq veterans. But it also eulogizes the killing of Iraq insurgents, including children, and critics feel it ought to be put in the context of an invasion that didn’t need to happen in the first place.

《美國狙擊手》講述了克里斯·凱爾(Chris Kyle)的故事。他是一位現(xiàn)實生活中的神槍手,曾參加過伊拉克戰(zhàn)爭。這部電影無疑令人震撼,它頌揚了我們的伊拉克老兵,但也贊美了對包括兒童在內(nèi)的伊拉克叛亂分子的殺戮。評論家認為,它應(yīng)該提供一個背景:這場入侵本來就是沒有必要發(fā)生的。

There’s been less conversation about the final scene in the movie, which shows the hero walking through his family home, where the kids are romping. He’s carrying a handgun, which he points at his wife Taya, playfully telling her to “drop them drawers.” Taya says she can see he’s finally getting over his war traumas and back to his old fun-loving self.


This is, by virtually any standard, insane behavior. Mike Huckabee, a big “American Sniper” fan, recently published a book called “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy,” which is so wildly opposed to any weapon regulation that Huckabee opens his chapter on modern education by complaining that public schools are anti-gun. Yet he also presents a list of universally accepted gun safety rules, many of which boil down to don’t point it at anybody as a joke.

以任何標準來看,這種行為都極其愚蠢。邁克·赫卡比(Mike Huckabee)是《美國狙擊手》的鐵桿粉絲,最近出了一本書,名叫《上帝、槍支、砂礫和橫財》(God, Guns, Grits and Gravy)。該書猛烈抨擊各種形式的武器管制,在“現(xiàn)代教育”一章的開始,他抱怨了公立學(xué)校的反槍立場。然而,他也列出了一些公認的槍支安全準則,其中很多條都可以歸納為:不能用槍指著任何人開玩笑。

“Yeah, but if you want to complain about the casual treatment of guns in movies, you don’t have to look very hard on any Friday night,” said Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Murphy hasn’t seen the movie, but he’s one of Congress’s leading advocates of gun-control regulation. It’s not the world’s most rewarding job. In recent years, his colleagues have not only refused to pass an extremely modest bill on background checks, they’ve failed to ban the sale of guns to people on the terrorism watch list.

“是啊,但如果你想抱怨電影里對槍支的草率處理,隨便哪個禮拜五晚上都可以輕易找到例子,”康涅狄格州參議員克里斯·墨菲(Chris Murphy)說。墨菲還沒看這部電影,但他是國會首屈一指的控槍法規(guī)倡導(dǎo)者。這可不是一份招人喜歡的工作。近年來,他的同僚們不但拒絕通過一個極其不起眼的背景調(diào)查法案,連禁止向恐怖主義監(jiān)控名單中的人出售槍支都做不到。

“American Sniper” is on one, supremely obvious level, a celebration of gun culture. But it’s also a cautionary tale. The real Chris Kyle was shot to death while the script was being written. He had volunteered to help a troubled veteran, Eddie Ray Routh, who had a history of violent behavior and was an apparent victim of post-traumatic stress. Kyle felt the best way to get him to relax was to take him to a shooting range. While they were there, Routh turned his gun on Kyle, and one of Kyle’s friends, killing them both.

一定程度上說,《美國狙擊手》在十分鮮明地歌頌槍支文化。但同時它又是個警世故事。真實世界里的克里斯·凱爾是在劇本寫作期間被槍殺的。他主動去幫助陷入困境的艾迪·雷·勞思(Eddie Ray Routh),一個有暴力行為前科的退伍軍人,而且似乎受到創(chuàng)傷后應(yīng)激障礙的困擾。凱爾認為讓他放松下來的最佳辦法是帶他去射擊場。勞思在那里將槍對準凱爾以及凱爾的一個朋友,殺死了二人。

“American Sniper” could actually be seen, at least in the final scene, as a good-gun, bad-gun message. The real Chris Kyle did enjoy walking around the house, twirling a pistol. His wife said that as the clouds lifted after his Iraq service, he would playfully point a gun at the television and pretend to shoot down the bad guys.


Jason Hall, who wrote the movie screenplay, said the scene was meant to both show Kyle in recovery and presage the violence that was about to occur off-screen.

影片編劇杰森·霍爾(Jason Hall)說,安排這樣一個場景是為了說明凱爾在復(fù)原中,同時也預(yù)示了即將在畫外發(fā)生的暴力。

“There’s a tension in the scene that builds toward the ending,” he said in a phone interview.


The American gun lobby has pushed its cause so far that it, too, may be falling off a cliff. Texas, where Chris Kyle’s alleged murderer is going on trial next week, has always had a gun-friendly culture, so much so that visitors can bring concealed handguns into the State Capitol. Some people definitely do not think this goes far enough, and, on opening day of the Legislature last month, they demanded new laws making it legal to carry handguns in the open, preferably without a license.


One particularly bouncy group, Open Carry Tarrant County, flooded the office of Representative Poncho Nevárez, a non-supportive Democrat. A video of the ensuing scene showed Nevárez, looking extremely wary, asking the demonstrators to leave his office, while one of them yelled back: “I’m asking you to leave my state.” When Nevárez tried to close his door, one of the protesters stuck his foot in it. This was all happening, remember, in a building where carrying concealed weapons is perfectly fine.

有個叫“塔蘭特縣公開攜槍”(Open Carry Tarrant County)的團體格外活躍,他們涌進了不支持該提案的眾議員龐喬·內(nèi)瓦雷茲(Poncho Nevárez)的辦公室。在隨后拍攝的一段視頻中可以看到,神色極為慌張的內(nèi)瓦雷茲要求抗議者離開他的辦公室,而其中一個人喊道:“我要求你離開我的州。”內(nèi)瓦雷茲試圖關(guān)門,卻被一名抗議者伸腳卡住。別忘了,這一切都發(fā)生在一個可以完全合法隱蔽攜帶武器的建筑物里。

When it was all over, some legislators in both parties wore “I’m Poncho” badges in solidarity with Nevárez, who was assigned a security detail after he and his family received threats.



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