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New Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoon Stirs Muslim Anger in Mideast


BEIRUT — A cover illustration of Prophet Muhammad in the latest edition of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo ignited controversy in the Middle East on Wednesday, prompting Egypt and Turkey to issue or threaten restrictions on publication of the images and stirring wide debate over religion and free speech.

貝魯特——本周三,法國諷刺報(bào)紙《查理周報(bào)》(Charlie Hebdo)的最新一期以先知穆罕默德作為封面,在中東引發(fā)爭議,導(dǎo)致埃及和土耳其對這幅圖片發(fā)布或威脅發(fā)布限制令,掀起了人們對宗教和言論自由的廣泛討論。

Some were outraged, while others called for free speech in countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt that punish people for alleged blasphemy. Many expressed indifference, saying they were weary of debating cartoons that paled in significance beside the carnage taking place in wars in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere in the region.


In Egypt, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi issued a decree giving the prime minister authority to ban any foreign publications “offensive to religion,” the state-owned daily Al Ahram reported. Mr. Sisi has portrayed himself as a secular bulwark against Islamists.

在埃及,官方報(bào)紙《金字塔報(bào)》(Al Ahram)報(bào)道,總統(tǒng)阿卜杜勒-法塔赫·塞西(Abdel Fattah el-Sisi)發(fā)布了一個(gè)命令,賦予總理禁止發(fā)行任何“冒犯宗教”的外國刊物的權(quán)力。一直以來,塞西把自己塑造為“抵御伊斯蘭主義的世俗捍衛(wèi)者”。

Egypt’s official religious institutions have had mixed reactions to the new cartoon.


Dar al-Ifta, an organization of Sunni scholars, criticized the French publication on Tuesday for its decision to continue printing cartoons depicting the prophet, saying it would “cause a new wave of hatred in French and western societies” and declaring that the magazine “does not serve coexistence and the dialogue of civilizations that Muslims seek.”

本周二,埃及遜尼派學(xué)者組織“宗教法令院”(Dar al-Ifta)批評法國決定繼續(xù)出版描繪先知的漫畫,稱這將“在法國和西方社會掀起新的仇恨浪潮”,并宣布該周報(bào)“不利于穆斯林尋求的共存和文明的對話”。

But Al-Azhar University, the foremost institution of Sunni scholarship, on Wednesday called on people to “ignore” the cartoons. “Ignore this unpleasant trifle,” the statement advised, “because the Prophet of mercy and humanity (peace be upon him) is on too great and high a level to be affected by drawings that lack ethics.”

但是,遜尼派最主要的學(xué)術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)加沙愛資哈爾大學(xué)(Al-Azhar University)本周三呼吁人們“無視”這些漫畫。“無視這種不愉快的小事,”該聲明表示,“因?yàn)閷捜萑蚀鹊南戎?愿他安息)超凡脫俗,缺德的圖片對他毫無影響。”

The Egyptian Family House, an organization of the country’s main Muslim and Coptic Christian authorities, issued a statement decrying the cartoons because they “increase the gap between people and religions” and calling on media outlets not to “negatively target the prophets and the heavenly religions, and not to provoke the feelings of Muslims.”

埃及主要的穆斯林和科普特基督教組織“埃及之家”(Egyptian Family House)發(fā)表聲明,譴責(zé)這些漫畫“加大了不同人群和宗教之間的鴻溝”,并呼吁媒體不要“對先知和神圣的宗教進(jìn)行負(fù)面報(bào)道,不要傷害穆斯林的感情”。

Egyptian courts have recently sentenced a 21-year-old student to three years in jail for atheism and what were deemed blasphemous statements on his Facebook page, and a Christian man was sentenced last year to six years for “insulting Islam.”


In Turkey, like Egypt a large and influential Muslim country, a local court in the southern city of Diyarbakir ordered the blocking of sections of four websites that showed the new cartoon, the semiofficial Anadolu news agency reported.

像埃及一樣,土耳其也是個(gè)有影響力的穆斯林大國,據(jù)半官方的土耳其阿納多盧通訊社(Anadolu News Agency)報(bào)道,南部城市迪亞巴克爾的一所法院下令封禁轉(zhuǎn)載新漫畫的四家網(wǎng)站的部分頁面。

One Turkish website, T24, translated the entire new issue of Charlie Hebdo into Turkish and those pages were still accessible Wednesday evening.


In the early morning hours on Wednesday, the Turkish police halted trucks distributing Cumhuriyet, a left-wing newspaper that carried four pages from Charlie Hebdo’s new issue. Distribution resumed only after investigators checked the contents of the paper and concluded that none of the cartoons represented the prophet, Turkish news media reported.


The newspaper received numerous threats over the phone and the Internet. Near the Cumhuriyet headquarters in central Istanbul, the police detained a protester who carried an Islamic flag, shouting, “You will not attack my religion, my prophet,” according to CNN Turk.


Three more protesters were detained close to Cumhuriyet newspaper premises late Wednesday after they held signs carrying death threats against any one who insulted Islam and its prophet.


“If you have limitless freedom of speech, Muslim community has limitless right to protest,” one handwritten sign read, a photograph posted on Twitter showed.


Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite group whose leader, Hassan Nasrallah, last week criticized extremists who kill those they consider infidels in the name of Islam — without explicitly denouncing the Paris killings — released a statement Wednesday condemning the new cartoon.

上周,黎巴嫩什葉派組織真主黨(Hezbollah)領(lǐng)袖哈桑·納斯魯拉(Hassan Nasrallah)批評極端分子以伊斯蘭的名義,殺害那些他們眼中的異教徒,卻沒有明確譴責(zé)巴黎殺戮事件。他本周三發(fā)表了一份聲明,譴責(zé)新一期的漫畫。

“Such an action is absolutely rejected,” it said. He called cartoon “a big provocation to the feelings of more than one and a half billion Muslims in the world, all of them believers in heaven’s messages and keen for dialogue and common values. Such actions directly contribute to supporting terrorism, extremism and extremists.”


The Islamic State militant group – to which one of the Paris attackers swore allegiance — declared on its Internet radio channel: “In a very idiotic move, Charlie Hebdo published in new edition an offensive drawing of the greatest prophet, peace be upon him. The atheist journal is seeking to exploit the recent events to gain more money with today’s edition.”

武裝組織伊斯蘭國(Islamic State)——巴黎襲擊者之一宣誓效忠的組織——在其網(wǎng)絡(luò)電臺頻道上宣布:“《查理周報(bào)》在新的一期中刊登了針對最偉大先知(愿他安息)的挑釁性圖片,這是一個(gè)很白癡的舉動(dòng)。這家無神論雜志正在試圖利用最近發(fā)生的事件,從新的一期中賺到更多錢。”

Another Twitter account that often praises the group called on users to bombard a French Foreign Ministry account with condemnation of the cartoons, and sent its own message that read: “Stop insulting our sanctities. If you do not stop insulting the Messenger of God, the Islamic State will start slaughtering you in your streets.”


Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, said in comments published Wednesday in a Czech newspaper that the attacks in Paris were a result of Western support for “terrorism,” referring to Western backing of insurgents opposed to his rule.

敘利亞總統(tǒng)巴沙爾·阿薩德(Bashar al-Assad),本周三在一家捷克報(bào)紙上發(fā)表評論說,巴黎襲擊案是西方支持“恐怖主義”的結(jié)果,他指的是西方為那些反對他的武裝分子提供了支持。

“We are against the killing of innocent people anywhere in the world,” Mr. Assad said, drawing anger and ridicule from Syrians opposed to his rule, who noted that his government has killed countless Syrians in indiscriminate bombardments during four years of civil war that have left more than 200,000 dead.


But on Syrian Facebook groups and other social media sites used by both supporters and opponents of Mr. Assad, there was little discussion Wednesday of the new cartoon.


In Geneva, while waiting for a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry in a luxury hotel, the Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, was asked by reporters why his government had criticized the cover of the new issue.

伊朗外長穆罕默德·賈瓦德·扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif)在日內(nèi)瓦一家豪華酒店等待與美國國務(wù)卿約翰·克里(John Kerry)會晤的時(shí)候,記者問他,伊朗政府為何批評新一期周報(bào)的封面。


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