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In New York City, a Toll Is Newly Felt as Asians Rise in the Police Ranks


Officer Peter Liang is the rookie who fatally shot an unarmed man, in what police officials said was an accident, in the stairwell of an East New York, Brooklyn, housing project.

警官彼得·梁(Peter Liang,音譯)在紐約東區(qū)布魯克林一幢居民樓樓梯上開槍打死一名手無寸鐵的男性時剛成為警察不久。警方說那是一次意外事故。

Lt. Philip Chan is the veteran officer who suffered a broken nose after being punched during a protest on the Brooklyn Bridge.

副警長菲利普·陳(Philip Chan,音譯)是位老警察,在一次布魯克林大橋上發(fā)生游行示威時,他被人打中鼻梁,鼻骨骨折。

And Officer Wenjian Liu was one of the two policemen who were gunned down in their patrol car in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

警官劉文健(Wenjian Liu,音譯)則是布魯克林貝爾福·司徒文森區(qū)襲警案兩名死難警察之一。

Within the last few weeks, Asian-American officers have been in the middle of a series of wrenching incidents involving the New York Police Department. Their front-line roles are more than just coincidence: They testify to a little-noticed but significant surge in their ranks.


Twenty-five years ago, there were just 200 Asian-American officers in New York City. Now there are more than 2,100 in uniform, or six percent of the total, police statistics show. The percentage of academy graduates, moreover, has jumped to 9 percent, from 4 percent, in the last decade.


Many arrived in the United States as children and grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan working alongside their parents in restaurants or garment factories. And a good number say they chose law enforcement because of the allure of a steady Civil Service job, a less-heralded career path than the legal, medical and engineering tracks that many immigrant families — especially those coming from wealthier and better-educated backgrounds — aspire to.


“Even though the elites get all the attention, this is the group that’s comparable to most other immigrants and migrants that have entered into the American workplace,” said John Kuo Wei Tchen, a New York University historian who is a co-founder of the Museum of Chinese in America. “This is the working man’s opportunity to move up the ladder.”

“社會精英得到了所有的關(guān)注,但這個群體比其他多數(shù)在美國找到工作的移民,都毫不遜色。這是勞動階級向上流動的一條途徑,”紐約大學(xué)歷史學(xué)家陳國維(John Kuo Wei Tchen)說。他是美國華人博物館的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人。

Asian-Americans are now assigned to all precincts, not just ethnic enclaves such as Chinatown; Flushing, Queens; and Sunset Park, Brooklyn. But with critical mass has come, invariably, more risk.


Officer Liu is believed to be the first Chinese-American to be killed in the line of duty in the city. Last year, Officer James Li survived after being shot in the legs on a bus in Brooklyn.

劉文健被認為是本市殉職的第一位華裔警官。去年,警官詹姆斯·李(James Li,音譯)在公車上被人開槍擊中雙腿,但未致命。

About half of the department’s Asian members are Chinese, reflecting the composition of the city’s overall Asian population. But even with their growth, Asians are still underrepresented in the department relative to the 15 percent of city residents who identify themselves as Asians, census figures show. By comparison, 10 percent of the Los Angeles Police Department’s officers and 13 percent of that city’s population are Asian.


But barriers abounded a generation ago. The department’s 5-foot-8 height requirement for men — overturned by litigation in the 1970s — disqualified an untold number of candidates, especially those who hailed from Hong Kong and southern China, where the men are typically shorter. And few immigrants had law enforcement or military roots; if anything, many, accustomed to repressive governments in China and Taiwan, were suspicious of authority.


One veteran officer in Chinatown, who moved to New York from Guangdong province when he was 10, said that while his parents were open-minded about his career choice, many of their friends disapproved. He remembered his parents’ friends alluding to a common axiom, which roughly translates as “Good sons don’t become public officials.”


“Few would become cops,” said the officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly. “But now more and more.”


Other skeptics included the New Yorkers the officers were trying to protect.


“Some people refused to be arrested by me, even when I showed them the badge,” said Thomas N. Ong, who retired in 1999 as a detective and is now a private investigator. “They’d say things like, ‘You’re a cop? There are Chinese cops? I didn’t know Chinese were cops.’ ”

“有人不讓我逮捕他們,即使我出示了警徽也不行,”1999年作為警方探員退役的托馬斯·N·王(Thomas N. Ong,音譯)說。“他們會說,你是警察?還有中國警察嗎?我不知道中國人也會當(dāng)警察。”托馬斯·N·王現(xiàn)在是私家偵探。

The police had all but adopted a laissez-faire attitude toward Asian-dominated neighborhoods, “thinking that the Asians had their own way of doing things,” said Peter Kwong, a Hunter College professor who has written several books about Chinatown.

紐約警察長期對亞洲人為主的社區(qū)采取放任的態(tài)度,“認為亞洲人有他們自己的做事方式,”亨特學(xué)院的彼得·鄺(Peter Kwong,音譯)說,他已出版多部著作介紹華埠。

“There’s a long history of frustration,” he said. “When you complained they would say we don’t know the community, we don’t know the language. And since Asians didn’t vote, there was no pressure on the police to be proactive.”


Even today, with the increased Asian presence on the force, language remains a barrier. Chinese officers, particularly older ones, tend to speak Cantonese or Mandarin, and not the Fuzhou dialect that has become more prevalent in working-class areas like Chinatown and Sunset Park. Tensions also persist over neighborhood issues like enforcement of street-vending rules and police vehicles taking up precious parking spaces in Chinatown, which abuts Police Headquarters and court buildings.


But the department has moved to integrate its ranks far more quickly than, say, the Fire Department, after aggressive recruiting and community-relations efforts. Protests in Chinatown alleging police brutality in the 1970s, as well as intensifying gang violence in the 1980s, accelerated that endeavor, Professor Kwong said.


Another breakthrough came in 1984, when Hugh H. Mo was appointed as deputy police commissioner of trials, and became the highest-ranking person of Asian descent in city government. He gladly posed for a recruiting poster.

另一個突破發(fā)生在1984年。當(dāng)時,莫虎(Hugh H. Mo)出任紐約警察總局副局長兼審判廳長,成為市政府部門官職最高的亞裔美國人。他還為警署的招聘海報欣然拍照。

Years after Mr. Mo, a former prosecutor, left office, he said, “I ran into these parents who came up to me and said, ‘Mr. Mo, my son is a cop, and they say it’s because of you.’ ”


The recruitment effort extended beyond the five boroughs. Robert May, a retired Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police officer who is president emeritus of the New Jersey Asian American Law Enforcement Officers Association, said that New York police officers would attend his group’s events, and try to convince members to take the city’s written test. Several did.

招聘的工作不止于紐約的五個區(qū)。曾在紐約與新澤西港務(wù)局轄區(qū)做警察的羅伯特·梅(Rober May,音譯)是新澤西亞裔美國人警官協(xié)會榮譽主席。他說,紐約警察有時會來參加他們的活動,希望說服協(xié)會成員參加紐約市的書面考試。有人真的參加了。

Detective Ong was one of about a dozen officers who founded the Asian Jade Society, a police fraternal group, in 1980. By 1994, when the group held its annual banquet, there were 300 members. A few years ago, the group exceeded 1,000 dues-paying members.


“We envisioned that it was going to grow, but to grow to 1,000 in my lifetime?” Detective Ong said.


The story of Officer Ben Hoo Wong, who works out of the 109th Precinct in Flushing, is typical.

法拉盛109分局的黃斌豪(Ben Hoo Wong,音譯)警官的經(jīng)歷很有代表性。

Mr. Wong, 42, emigrated from Taishan in 1991 with his parents and two older siblings. After working in a garment factory and spending a year at LaGuardia Community College, he became a Postal Service employee — another popular Civil Service option — because his parents wanted him to land a “good, stable government job,” he said. But he also volunteered to be an auxiliary officer, because “since I was a young child, my parents said I needed to help people.”


After some budget cuts at the post office, Mr. Wong said, he applied to the Police Department and graduated from the academy in 2010 as the oldest new officer, at 38, in his class. Since then, he has routinely handled situations requiring a Chinese-speaking officer. He says he is inspired by how many Asian-Americans have become department supervisors.


If Mr. Wong embodies the current generation, then Yishan Tu, a 23-year-old native of Pingtung, in southern Taiwan, may well represent the future.

如果說黃斌豪代表了當(dāng)前這代人,那么來自臺灣屏東的23歲的屠易珊(Yishan Tu,音譯)則可能代表著未來。

When Ms. Tu’s family moved to Queens eight years ago, her father, a schoolteacher, could find work only as an assistant to a real estate agent. But, she said, the family scraped by thanks to government and community help, and she attended public schools.



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